For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Godhead as Yada Yada Yada Physics
Godhead as Yada Yada Yada Physics
While the alphanumeric age, the Platonic conception as a point of philosophy as well as issues of mind and matter; the One worked out as far as making sense of what said we cannot describe so describe, work out the sciences of dust as well as heart as if the great panoramic vision of St. Origen long ago reached the apex as he gazed with Plotinus eyes into some future beyond the poetic energy of light from the first moment set in a sea of scenes skipping stones and tangled history and bitter sweet the revelation and the emptiness divined the sense of self and souls.
Transparency, it is hard for me not to see our current golden age of cosmology in its outline the same design of the world and our thought as a metaphor to religious ideas and he various struggles of concepts through history between them. Energy before it was a poetic word was some aspect from the gods- and pair production was after all the yada, female aspect of even the first warrior single god in succession leaving some ark after the great initial flood in Pieces of the pagans... until reduced to earthly states from the great nothingness to that of the small, we cannot decide if our prophets are mortal or gods- if we are holy or merely speck of melting snow like the so called highest One we gazing upon ourselves.
How do you not know this? That you can see deeply into another heart, feel the wounds in progress as they bleed their stigmatic skin? Dance, follow and be free in your fates more than the mere shifting of time? Find your finite self capable of self sacrifice for it is not possible that the light in our hearts vanishes even if it must walk the earth again or return with longing to melt into some Skyfather or emptiness- my soul is your soul to that extent- and a million lives at once- and into this kingdom to find the gates of Heaven we suffer and overcome a million lies on which our lot has fallen and curbed the joy of childhood.
Alas we are mortal, shoveling snow in a snowstorm against the wind for now anyway. It is not clear the next age is the long abused term "new paradigm" for science for that is a vague and confused question in the here and now and real of physics- for we cannot be dethroned into mere vanished ecstasy nor such places otherworldly- the paradigm is rather the comprehensive contemplations of this variegated way we will see better the world- and not from our own age of exodus and wilderness, of the cost to keep the eternal flame when our temples and great cities are crumbled and vanished, left to the feral cats and vermin, and the rock breaking roots of jungle vines- We will not fall into becoming an idol, nor lose ourselves thereby, not in our house of reason turn the Godhead into a fossil.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Post Alphanumeric Age
The Post Alphanumeric Age
On thing that stands out in my recent reading on the nature of religion as a developing phenomenon of man is that connection world wide that seems to have happened rather rapidly in disconnected places- new inventions in mathematics and philosophy and written history via the alphabets. This so called Axial Age has many innovations that are with us still.
So what is the spherical harmonics of such a unified world view in the background of our fall into intellectualization and individuality? Did the stars beyond those made of hydrogen light up at once? What synchronizes the fireflies lighting? Are we to enter into a pagan vision again thru an evaporating monotheism or will we find a new synthesis beyond this alphanumeric age?
Where were you guys who criticize Penrose in the fanfare of the discovery of Bicentinuum, element 126, which proved a hoax (I was there btw on the radio standing alone and protesting the possibility on geometric grounds as if wrestling the epiphany of my God in disguise in all his glory as Scientific American and journals and newspapers- alas, all was retracted quietly in the back pages.) You see, it was an artifact of reflection in mica that made them think there was such an element.
Now, it has been since 1976 or so- now where are the elements beyond 120? What after all can we say looking thru the faraway pipe with narrow vision seeing the circles of waves in rings, in the cosmic background, or in the mica?
It is not clear, nor he expression clear in the notions, that what is out there beyond the so called big bang is strictly a different Axial Age - nor that there will come a new age beyond the measure- that these are otherworldly and not part of our reality (which is the wider thing search for by Penrose). But these are quasi-truths- not to say that any particular side is wrong on this issue, but that there is a more general view- and much more we can do as scientists in this world.
When there is a major change or disaster in our own psychological well being- and we survive it, then we pass through the "uncanny valley", the shadow of death and the black hole like precipice of the coherence of a living thing. Clearly, somewhere at the volcanic peak of some measurement of this uncanniness or its valley as if we desire a table of laws as an algebraic sum over a rather sheltered boundless and finite egg of this earth, we need to find ourselves again and accept limitations enough to transcend them- so it always is that as if the ancient gods were real and some of the prophets of physics truer to their insanities and legend- each seeks some form of idolatry, some symbol of promise, some staring into the bottomless pit of simplicities as if it were alive again and not mana as a comfort food our imaginations treat as real as if it were not sand and glass. Surely a new world and physics can be qualitatively better and different and more positive in what we may become.
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I posted further comments on the blog I joined yesterday:
There should be little doubt that the hypothesis is true. In fact others like Peter Rowlands has made a connection with this idea and he half values that come up in particle physics (and of course the inverse square laws).
But this is really the philosophic principle we are debating here as to how to see this possible evidence of concentric rings. Are we looking at a universe or perhaps one of many such of the things we see where that value covers all of the background space as does Lorentz phenomena? So what does it really prove? Can it tell us about things beyond the Big Bang as an ultimate or general concept or not?
Just Learning,
The monopole idea comes up and is of course interesting from several viewpoints and several ideas of inertia and so on with some rather radical and speculative but needed proposals. How does the momentum transfer from a black hole- it seems something to do with magnetism as the explanation left.
Of course these effects real or not involves some concept of a plane or at least quadratics. Perhaps somehow a linear inclusion of such information too. Absolute values can have points that move even in a picture without animation. Lines of flux may have limited values as curves exceed the enumeration of lines in a plane and these certainly can be more or less isolated points and equations in the non-linear sets of solution. A flowing and liquid plane is a great metaphor.
Thanks for the keen x-ray analysis and posting on this- it is about time we looked a little deeper into space, if I may use a metaphor of what Just Learning says mimics it- God's cyclotron.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Unity and Continuity of God
The Unity and Continuity of God
Early in the Christian era the philosophic paradoxes of the nature of the divinity of Christ were an open question that tried to resolve issues into a unity of diversity again for substance or being.
Through Newton we define continuity as consecutive, contiguous, and continuous- and in the crude metaphor of simplicity and a logic of a God who for some other issue feels a sadness and homesickness, not without pathos we find the cold reduction unto substance as a gas, a liquid, and a solid to model the metaphysics as physics.
For the three concepts to be resolved since Thales started the school and said the world began as water as to the nature of the Christ (hypostasis or personae of the godhead, prospons of what we can see of the unreachable by reason realm of the devine) The Christ is of the same substance as the One God, or is a similar substance, or is quite a perhaps polytheistic different substance than the Deity so a divine being of its own. All three views had their adherents, some calling the others heretics, resolved by the council of Nicaea eventually in struggles over time.
What then is the claim, to state it as asked so commonly, what came before the Big Bang or Is there an edge to the Universe? In the logic of negation, the idea of opaque matter that beyond some beginning we can deduce is there- so comes the evidence, nearly so, that what was before as the universe leaves traces in what we see in the total sky and time in retrograde in this one.
But that does not have to be the only interpretation of such a model- we could say for example, given perhaps a deeper understanding of topological structures in their ideas of dogma (orthodoxy) evolving and right action (orthopraxy) That we merely are organizing in general a fluid but directed concept of history. If we can see the previous states of the universe that may well be that we see rather as if this were a great atom that it contains a nucleus also. The state then as these metaphors of substance merely a reflection then of the quasic general structure of a universe which by the way seems to me intimately tied up to the first few Fermat numbers unto 256 squared.
There may even be another type of plane not discovered or of which I am not aware as the most general description of space- one that moreover involves congruences and stretches so to make mathematical laws between such planes intelligible in translation between descriptions. For such things to extend our quaint ideas of perfect spheres before the contingency's and imperfections into elliptical degrees of freedom in that vast mathematics and logic or the seeming random or accidental patterns of primes (including those of Gauss and so on) between the remote scales and regions of the multiverse (or universe as unity in such diversity). In a sense a science based on contingency alone can tell us little about the universe or its God. Such God, to quote the Koran, "there is nothing to compare with Him." be that an ongoing revelation or a statement of our limits of imagination- ultimate scriptures of math and logic, of wisdom closed save for perhaps man in awe for the love of woman- or any emptiness of which even with high intellect he desires to fill.
God, in this sense of more complexly evolved philosophy, is greater than dark matter.
But one problem, as even the plane as if a black plane of which it seems much the scandal and paradox it may contain black holes- the plane as will and creation, a sort of praxis of perpetual motion- is, as we realize in our more cloudy views of an atom as quantum motion, that in a deep and discrete sense we cannot say what is absolutely the inside or outside of something- for some moving entity may escape or go thru others invisibly, jet as Lincoln points out but beyond the continuity of such space that seems to find a unity again in the diversity as if a perfect fluid.
There are in this sense of how we paint our pictures on the clouds and even how we sculpt them, literally, or think we do foreseeing the shapes, or know the remarkable coincidences beyond reason that brings home our choices and freedom over any will or fate that strives to map all paths of the whole. That circles and focus to some origin, or even the illusion that there are only three primes for very remote numbers as a sum and all beyond that so to make a more intuitionist value seem perfection of the trinity of space and time at the doorstep of God and nothingness.
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I will try to embed the walking video over footprints in the snow:
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facebook comment on sultans status:
Sultan Ratrout
The more I laugh, the more I paint my future with my sadness brush!
L. Edgar Otto I think this relates to the idea of sacrifice but with this hard to obey sense of compassion for other humans, it is not expected that we give so much we cannot afford to give any more ever. Mohamed was deeply aware of the practical world here and now also.
Then the poem:
Sadness <----> happiness
by Sultan Ratrout on Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 3:01pm
Natural for humans to laugh or get sad here or there.
yet there's a latent paradox haunting us everywhere.
That mystery has perplexed us for a long time now,
yet they have failed to solve it by even showing how.
When I am too happy, I feel dejection in my heart,
and my brush sadly starts painting my future part.
When too sad, I feel like giving up going frustrated,
with my brush giving unknown breakthrough fated.
Sadness could replace happiness with a role reverse,
At the time I feel upset, mute or unable to converse.
Mystery goes on with "the more happiness I reveal",
Reflecting the paradox, "the more sadness I conceal."
The more I make the other side happy at my expense,
The more I suffer from sadness inside and it's intense.
If I tell others I'm happy, they could envy me to death,
Then I prefer to say I am sad to enjoy my life breath.
Wondering, I roam the reality and imagination poles,
pondering on the truth of such those paradoxical roles.
I think using all my knowledge coming to my mind,
Religion, logic, philosophy, physics or of any kind.
I apply this or that theory and engage in thought,
hoping to reach a final answer for what I sought.
With the most mysterious oppositions ever known,
awaits are unexpected joys or disasters to be shown.
By Sultan Ratrout, 27/11/2010
comment on the chat to sultan: ... you know, Sultan, your sadness poem does not need much commentary or analysis
"I think using all my knowledge coming to my mind,"
Religion, logic, philosophy, physics or of any kind.
the age old question of science and reason too
* * * But I may come back to this. Not only do simple ideas inspire my poetic and philosophic moods- our intellectual dialog gets rather intense between Sultan and me- but a theory should not be simpler than necessary said the mystic and somewhat prankster and punner Einstein- I say, to see in greater depth we must look under the hood of even the most simplest of things.
Thing is like in the footprints in the snow all the history, all the myths and truths and what is original or individual or not, and what that leads too if we get past the idolatry and not lost in the compassion: Like time goes in both directions and in our season we find the same thing as others found as religion goes in cycles and so on in its struggle with philosophy and science... How can we mortals not be a little lost in all this? Yet, I think in the end our being and doing in life can be a progress and optimism and pursuit of happiness. Such things are of a deep value and comfort despite the embarrassment of our lacks of awareness or regret of our peak age of awakening, gazing into the cold mountain top or the seething volcano that was the beginning- but even that does not but hint so far beyond the veil and mystery of what the depths of creation- know this, I am not wise enough to imagine let alone feel, what must be the depth of your loss and sorrow. In that place that even the struggle can vanish, even the sadness into nothingness, we stand in a place that is our home again and first time to come- and feel no bitter sweet homesickness nor the inadequacy of words to express our hearts beyond our worldly loves and concerns- no matter what is at the end, the omega, the prophets known only truly by God, that which for even the least of us is the stuff of soul.
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Facebook status update- the idea that we can see a little further than we thought into and beyond our illusion or the reality of cosmic origins:
L. Edgar Otto
In my more reductionists times I looked upon a Christian fundamentalist's being so anti-science he won an argument saying- "It is God who holds the atom together". In our age such statements seem low class and are point of derision in science arguments like the red herring of evolution vs creationism. I would reply to him if asked today " It is the possibility of God that holds the nucleus together!"
And a shared comment for some who use the protestant flag:
L. Edgar Otto Not all who use the "Christian Flag" are worthy- so I post one of my own, the international signal flags XR for mutiny, with the liberty tree for Enlightenment!
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I end the day with a further comment to:
# Just Learning Says:
November 28, 2010 at 4:27 pm | Reply
Now to really up the ante
# L. Edgar Otto Says:
November 28, 2010 at 9:05 pm | Reply
Just Learning,
I am amazed how all the Phd’s take almost a religious stance on some of this cosmology to the point of calling each other hacks or saying they lost it when there is a disagreement. How much struggle there is before some empirical agreement that others should fall behind.
Yours is a good question on the density of fixed points- I would say they are not random nor to be seen only classically- rather more crystalline on the large scales and yes on fractal like properties of scales.
Now, in my analogy to such rings as if the (observable) universe an atom I like how you really upped the ante- for from one geometric viewpoint we should see evidence of the rings of a nucleus too- how else do we explain the recent results of a surprising liquid nuclear model? Are you not suggesting that fractional Hall effects go a little deeper into ideas of shell structures on any scale, in effect thinking along Penrose’s lines?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Quest for Simplicity
L. Edgar Otto
The mind of man is the brain of God. We seek the indescribable simplicity in the search for physical unity close to feeling it certainty. Footprints in snow season, all sizes, wheels, and paws going in both directions. My walk with the emanations everywhere, from nothing at some acorn fall, theophany as variable as thought, walking to the coffee shop, now only yet forever, my isolated soul in a sea of compassion.
Ed O'Brien Footprints in the Sand with Temps around 75-80 Degrees down here'ski. Please stay warm, & I'll see Ya'all in a week. Ed.
16 minutes ago ·
L. Edgar Otto Yes, I had that thought too- used to the snow it can seem like sand sitting on a beach by the river in winter. It takes considerable wisdom to know if one is too cold. As long as my Florida Orange Juice didn't freeze with the river I felt as snug as a polar bear. So, that is where the sunshine went this last couple of weeks, with you:-)
9 minutes ago .
Ed O'Brien It's been gorgeous, but I'm just now getting some alertness and awareness back to be able to enjoy and acknowledge the Warmth & Sun!!! Ain't Melatonin and other trace Hormones Wonderful little buggers??!!
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Footprints in the Sand:
Re: Early Universe Was a Liquid.
Post by Lincoln on November 26th, 2010, 7:45 am
The gist is following. Protons and neutrons are neutral objects as concerns the strong nuclear force. If a quark zoomed by one of them, it wouldn't see it. So if you collide lead nuclei together and knock a quark out of a pair of protons and/or neutrons, this quark would scoot out of the collision unmolested and form a jet of particles. However, if you melt the nuclei so that the quarks inside the protons and neutrons are free to wander around, then this same quark will bounce into many quarks and slow down. If the medium of free quarks is dense enough, deep enough, and energetic enough, the quark will bounce around enough to not escape at all. This is the effect that has been observed.
A little explanation can be found in:
(type "quenching" in the search box.)
Re: Early Universe Was a Liquid.
Postby Lincoln on November 27th, 2010, 8:27 am
There is usually both experimental and theoretical Nobels for a discovery. See, for example, the Nobel's thus far for electroweak unification, discovery of antimatter, to a lesser extent neutrinos, quantum, etc.
I'm not nearly as confident as you seem to be that SUSY will require a lepton collider. The ILC will be a 0.5 or 1.0 TeV machine. The LHC is already a 7 TeV machine, eventually going to 14 TeV. I predict that SUSY will (or won't) be discovered at the LHC. But it won't be discovered at the ILC.
Disentangling extra dimensions and supersymmetry isn't all that hard experimentally.
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Footprints in the Snow:
We leave our footprints in the snow, become trackers seeking evidence heads bowed of activity and being setting trap lines. I walked to the coffee shop today and almost took a low resolution of the footprints along the path.
Tired the prophets and philosophers cannot understand as once they knew the masses needed metaphor as much as the fundamentals. Who am I to unify the metaphors that lurk in creation and physics through the ages as if a metaphor of God? The same old struggles and conclusions, deductions that the parallel worlds for all the consequence of believing in them are not unintelligible.
The contemplation on God, personal and ever more distant- the philosophers and more humane of the Prophets, Holy Plotinus who dwelt briefly in epiphany rare, and the directions each generation sees in its era of the history, fate and will, theophany that go in so many directions, sometimes retrograde, sometimes slash and burn the known others on the way to crusade the snowmen insist on the slave trade to Byzantium before they who subdued the chosen feel in conquest the right to be the darlings of the Old tribal and nameless God. What am I that I can see my own paths of reason and that the maze and labyrinth has been tread then thousand times before and reached as if individual and original the same conclusions? What point then the dialog and divisiveness between us in such matters?
I do not understand, what I imagine is understandable- all my words simple and yet on the frontier at times- algebra... why does the divine proportion have a negative inverse so that and it has a product of minus one? Are such negations real and as real as fluid and spinning things as we play with the quadratic signs in simpler space? Have some decided the hypothesis is rather: the brain of man is the mind of God? Can it be this a matter of debate as to if we can have at some real point the fourth root of minus sixteen? What points of creativity if that means anything scientific at relativistic origins or ongoing perpetual quantum emanations are concentric rings we paint on today's maps made by microscopes and telescopes? But it is beyond genius to be aware of our errors no matter how we feel standing naked before the waged for Heaven so give up the quest by reason, or naked before the Terror some feel, alienated from some walking on their feet just to know they exist in the action, or in search of their heart's desire with purpose.
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On the Sidewalk the Snow Eventually Evaporates:
This afternoon just read Lubos posts and comments on this blog:
I posted on this website today reaching it through Lubos:
BTW Ulla posted there also (nice pics of your grand kids, I too will become a grandpa and I too had a break over the holidays from all this speculative cosmology, thanks)
I have mixed feeling about the depth of this initial data and our interpretations of it from a philosophic viewpoint.
For one thing I feel Penrose is very solid in his cosmology and research and no one can call themselves a theoretical physicist who has not at least tried to understand his unique views. This was a brave speculation and one that if I make an analogy does not see the universe as a simple atom, inflating or cyclic or otherwise- but more like an atom with shells.
On the other hand we can take say a map of Mars and I believe because of the pocks and craters imagine on even a global scale that we see faces there. Try it.
But would we say the gods spoke the world into existence as gibberish? That something creative like black holes or beginning states of entropy have a definite place of origin looking back or that itself an illusion of perspective- circular because we look from the outside? Or is it that in a more general universe the laws of physics reach further than we have imagined, emanations averaged over the multiverse that does not make us special in all of seen creation on this planet as some now think?
Whatever the underlying truths, Penrose has offered us another falsifiable candidate along with inflation and the brane cycling model for cosmology. Perhaps every center beyond singularity is such a model and it goes far with our reasoning power beyond simple inflation or big bang ex nihilo debate in metaphysics. There are no black holes in one sense only black planes as such models argue over what is linear and what is circular as we work our equations around the same insights.
The PeSla
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And from this blog a mention of Penrose today: (and our perceptions as animals)
Oh, these adults are so serious about their psychological medications, and antidotes that they appear to some as a very long scroll of garlic hung round the neck, to ward off the uncertainty of perception, that to them is a bedrock of reality, whereas in reality. it is simply...not.
Perhaps the individual in a strange sense of evolution in my own rather admittedly "different" sense of the paranormal comes from Gurdjieff as well as Krishnamurti, as well as David Bohmn and Rodger Penrose , all of these individuals as fractals of the dance of the self and non-self I have noted, and yet none, much like the limits of my perception, can take the measure of the whole, and when paranormalists attempt to do so, I think their personal exposure limits come to the fore, wherein they have seen or have investigated so many strange events, that their self critical facilities are worn away like a rock in a rushing stream, so much so that, to them they begin a strange underpinning that anything is possible, if it is in human terms.
Friday, November 26, 2010
2 Insei: The Meterology of Smoke Filled Rooms
2 Insei: The Meterology of Smoke Filled Rooms
Today, after the Thanksgiving Holiday, I turn again to some minor points of linguistics and our view of the physical world and its laws.
In an agglutinating language we cling to the reality of what seems by language planners useless flexions. This of course can be a matter of cherished beliefs as to how we were first introduced to language. But it is also a matter of how we try by language to describe certain fundamental truths or trends in reality.
When the language is isolating we can have forms that vary in the tense and endings of words which describes really the order of our reading- say the temporal order. We know that even in such languages the rules of tense are not stable despite the formal setting down of the grammar. But beyond the abstraction of physical nouns, the substansives- that give a sense of reality to some metaphors as if they were concrete objects when in fact they may not have objective substance, we tend to label things as if the subject and object in some order which actually gives a sense of reality to an underlying idea that the object is the cause of action in the sentence.
This is like Aristotle assuming rays of like go out from us to see, when that which we see is the agent or cause, or flow of time or heat. For we then give some value to this philosophic idea over the reality of things emmiting light that takes time to reach us over some past steps of action. Yet, the philosophic view, if we see it as true or not, has its place as a symmetry with the more scientific reductionist view. It is a matter too of some sort of balanced and intelligible logic. Yet it amounts to the essential enigmas of todays physics as either the protagonist of action as consciousness or as dynamic physical law.
If we are in two rooms with separate temperature controls and one is warmer than the other- of course the thermostats can be controlled by a collection of movable forces with awareness- the demon in us decides if the context is too warm or cold. He may do this without direct reference to that outside the rooms, his monad of totality as no windows. Why do we assume the heat can flow from the warm room to the colder one if in the first place we are not clear on what is the perception of or reality of the arrow of entropy or time in the details and on the average?
The smoke in the room, as if from inscence or tobacco and not in a still place where it may organize itself into smoky cloudy layers, my seem to flow the opposite direction. In general different regions of things which collect together to not mix and merge if there is a barrier differnce of temperature- rather like the insight of he who first understood the weather as hot and cold fronts- or that sound itself may not break some whisper barriers if say between the banks of a river there is a colder breeze that bounces back echos leaving to our ears only silence.
The conviction of our language deep down, one man's self centered faith the other side of the coin of compassion and interaction with others, sets the scheme deep down and from the pivot or fulcrum of the existential present it is not clear which is which- this true in our percieved ideas of autism in some context of consensus of what is the nature of our mental states, and of the context itself of which by the reality or belief in it of the underlying physics, the context itself causes those who would better understand the truth of their own position to impose his own version of sanity on others.
In this sense too a metaphysical proposition like- we gain by giving to others the benefits of heaven or take up the world by taking from others so lose our souls- makes a lot of sense and at best tells us our understanding of the real laws of physics are not resolved creatively that our incomplete control of our evolution is still wildly unstable.
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Uncanny Valley Walk of Shame L. Edgar Otto 11-25-10
I saw one morning your walk of shame
What's in it for you to play the game
You don't remember scratching your itch
Just a vague pain, dry mouth salty pink lipstick
Left Sunday morning, net hose, stilts for shoes
Zombie after Halloween, neck and knees tender bruised
You were good, by the way, your head hung down to look away
I'm only teasing, give you a lesson, but I know you'll never listen
So who's the baby daddy worth your drink and drama
Your child so young excuse, if you can keep your baby mama
What dreams are left from you to her but
Withdraws and shakes left of your liver?
Brag to me the night swell, bad ass of your bitches
Courageous badge in stitches, swear you'll never tell
Abandoned heart, awake enough to bleed
Priming up for the dog show to be the best of breed
Of course you are a dish, I wish to kiss your tattoo
Play cuddle fish lucid dream happy endings with you
Chase away your belfry bats and stalking wolves full moon
But the daddy in me thinks you've spent your love too soon.
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This poem from the linguistic viewpoint addresses the interaction of man and machine and to what extent we are facinated with vampires and other romantic notions that shift between fear or comfort with the ideas that mimic our sense of identity.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Reductionist Intuitionist Symmetry
Reductionist Intuitionist Symmetry
We should not dismiss the insights of Weyl who realized some of the intuitionist ideas had value even if affine ideas were dismissed or whatever the nature of the internal soco symmetries were involved in gauges over time.(By soco or so- I mean so-called to make that distinction less confusing for similar ideas and the disambiguation of terms) were involved in gauges over time. He mentioned in a thought that symmetric things like a fence with repeating posts or windows on a building aligned touched something deep in our organic selves- as if we responded to the shape or pattern of our spines. But is this not the bilateral plan since the crustaceans developed their Swiss knife appendages?
When asked, as a principle to be reminded from Christian Science that all is mind and evil or sickness only exists in the mind, my reply was "yes, but there is no universe!" That the great secret of physics from some view. In my religious metaphors I add that there are no black holes- closer to the Islamic view there are only black planes. These emerging dimensions are closer to the three in one Christian view, as the centered universe or countless centers of compact dimensions with the implication of creation from nothing, the Jewish view.
Weyl seems to me to have had a deeper understanding of certain symmetries and to have a picture- it is much better to have a picture or graph than to imagine there are so many variables and they have mixed, co-variant, and contra-variant vectors as if a ritual of mystical calculations we are not sure why they work, but that they do.
Now, does the universe end in heat death or like the flowers in the illustration turning brown it comes in some sort of cycles? For my poem for Heinz Pagels- A Scientist Dying Young I remarked something from the rescue emergency workers finding people drunk in the snow or falling thru the ice- the universe as they, that nothing cold can be declared dead. My vision of we slowing watching a vase of flowers die because our love had not seen it. Sometimes we as living things are insulated from the intoxication and terror of beholding the snow and countless stars, and we walk a tightrope where the wool is between us and both the searing sun and ice storms.
So what, in this essential division and divide of the even and odd dimensions if we start with one ambiguous line, the Qi, where 2 was the beginning. Where we can question the idea of one planet or universe or even one of those molecules that fill some space to be moved by Maxwell's demon, that we do not know if it is spinning or the universe so spinning? The Jewish view perhaps, our vision of Moses by Michael Angelo where we may confuse him if we are wise with the dress of the philosopher Plato- resolving if we will ideas of creation and science.
But the photo, like the evergreens in the background, is full of browning leaves and hollow pith of fallen flowers- they themselves a deeper reach into reductionism as they struggle against it with new design. But what is left, other than the amazement that our dreams are still here and awake, but the iron fence with its harmonics of vertebrae and in the distance the old insulators doing a rather exponential thing- those used to hold down the pots of flowers since this spring?
So we may or may not decide we need spin to explain some things, as the recent articles on the science mags suggested finally someone sees a non-necessary connection independence of such notions. So too, the gathering of the imaginary parts of numbers which works on a warm and living level to describe heat and waves.
How do we reconcile the idea that a conscious creator omniscient can in theory cause the maximum disorder of the universe with the notion that perhaps a star does not exist unless there is one sentient being to see it, eventually, even from its single photon? Alas, are there not such photons, as if the whisper of stars, deep in our own dreams?
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Of course if we break 13 down into 9 and 4 and have 6 primes to fit into a squaring the combination's are unique so the duplication of numbers in the table are not obvious to find. I have done this sort of chart with colored face cubes to find some interesting ways to order them into certain abstract game sets. When we deal with primes like those of Gauss other interesting higher principles occur- but just like the Ancient Greeks and their configurations with pebbles (their primes called linear numbers) we explore by picturing of these intelligible connections of units of counting. Of what are we insulated from while within it- a sense perhaps of the illusion also of electricity on some higher level of our symbols of mathematics?
One of the ancient things to explore by picture or formulae if I were to continue this theme of a simple model to suggest wider notions, finite and continuous of the idea of groups, is the sequence 1; 3 5; 7 9 11; 13 15 17 19; ... where each row in turn is a cube of a natural number and cubes with differences are part of our picture puzzle being space 3 and 4 dimensional top down and bottom up in the cosmology. How far down do we find he squares of odd numbers in such a list and why are these shifted up to 169 at least from the center?
Moreover, if we map groups of such numbers on the nodes of a hypercube the 4cubed numbers are split between what is more or less than 16 points- but did not Ramanujan seem to have a sense of integers as Hardy remarked 1728 not an interesting number for a taxi and Ramanujan immediately remarked otherwise? On the other hand I never had much luck mapping prime sequences into such hypercubes or quasic grid spaces. Now I see the mapping part of a much wider problem- and yes, choosing from an infinite set of primes is an open question even when it seems necessarily that for every finite group there is a corresponding infinite one- that 2 or 1/2 for Riemann is significant for fundamental physics (see Rowlands) seems to me an open and thus non-necessary relation where in fact we weigh these philosophical and even metaphysical points of view of space. We take a notion and invent a god into some vague image then crystallize him into a form or idea, but do we describe the same god although if the models are intelligible we may claim the gods are equivalent or have a lineage or not of discontinuous distinctions or similarity?
Yet is it also clear that we can move thru three integer dimensions of space and subtract a fourth coordinate that in a sense we find a distance- one which may seem subjective and a measure of time as so many units of space, two feet of time philosophically as the square root of four. But the pebbles for counting the sheep one to one or the calculi of calculus need a wider view to describe the world as physics- even if we know the dynamics behind skipping stones.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Phoebe Snow Primes & Third Psychology Revolution
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Phoebe Snow Primes & Third Psychology Revolution
After reading the two links above I decided to post some really simple ideas of which I was not going to as I did not consider them very deep. I rather thought I would take a day off- but then decided to post one on the current state of psychology in view of wide speculations and counter claims by competing physicists.
Maxwell's Demon and (what was that great Jewish author's name with his engine derived from that idea?) I mean if the case is that the demon would add to the entropy by his intelligence, his knowing and placing the molecule in the right box, then obviously we should accept the proof that such people in their thinking cannot do useful work!
On the pseudomonad blogspot post from the link above I am out of my league in understanding the significance of it. I mean, what work I did last night I may have well have doodles for some sort of art therapy- yet, as beautiful as the page was and as pointless the simple concepts that could be zillions of others- I find the pseudomonad post or links to it really as fanciful, limited, and of questionable work and interpretation.
I wrote on the paper in the spirit of a new sense of my own and human psychology- that I intended to write about, informally, today if I did anything, that we should consider this a simple game and I do not know what I am doing yet but I will! A sort of precognition time travel foresight. But I did see I made an assumption very early on in my physics hobby career- there there was something greater than instantaneous (let alone action at a distance)- the light can be received as place B before it leaves place A! How do we resolve this without some sort of teleology or tachyons and it make scientific sense?
The third revolution in psychology had not come, first psycho-dynamics, then behaviorism, and now the vague use of drug therapy- a sort of interim for advancement. We could say, if the science were more exact- that the drug revolution was a third psychology one- or we could make a synthesis as some do to make a combination of talk and drug therapy and that the third or fourth one. So by my vague teleological symbolism of 0 1 2 3 4 and 5 vertical bars I am really talking about the problems of unifying physics, a fifth revolution in psychology if we look at it that way. But such a unification is way beyond the questions raises by any of the old physics- should we have a 3+1 or a 2+2 formalism or both? String or space centered topological- quantum or general relativistic? Indeed, it takes no work at the origins if they do not exist thermodynamically, nor need for some one god general conservation of such energy- one consciousness can change their world and all the world such that they are near or in such a world where their theories will seem if not totally become true. We live the song we sing. Moreover, our soul in the mind of God or not outside the "centers around some big bang on the WMAP"! if it vanishes then the whole universe does.
Why would we insist on health care, the problems of lack of faith in faith healing aside or the vagueness if not impossibility of healing at a distance, if in what will seem a more awake and sane person who is damn sure of some future state he can choose to be that he knows he will not be sick anytime soon- for him the idea of a statistical world view of insurance is a little less that true and honest. Now this is especially true in the development of language as recent science daily com articles say about mapping the brain (of which it would really help us to have such maps as best we could from the material and neurological view, still a great frontier to explore regardless of the so called nature of the mind itself) for the article shows extensive connections of brain regions far apart and all involved in things like spatial orientations and the aspects of language. This mapping will of course prove to be more grounded as we understand better the mechanism of such a survey- much as that of the genome.
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Phoebe Snow Algebra:
There exists five prime natural dimensions 7 13 17 29 31 but this linear measure on each dimension can collectively be squared into a p-blend (and this theory is not more p-brained than what the fancy other one says but her I am making simple integer substitutions to test the algebraic formula with specific cases.
Now the order of multiplication is important for the counting (and he general idea is that the exceptions to some formula that fail at some place to generate primes is an advantage for it defines certain focused topological structures).
Of course where we have squares on these finite things we can erect ideas of the inverse square laws. We can in fact write a paper that as if the post modern generator sounds like it says something when it says nothing- and worse we may have a paper that appears to be such a paper but it says something true yet trivial or little at all so to make a big hullabaloo over such a simple grounding of ideas.
Nevertheless, the factoring as the difference of squares or squaring and so on, that is Pascals triangle seems the highest yet the simple grounding for all general physics.
Here when I use standard terms some of which we almost define clearly, like dimension, do not read them as such (otherwise I would have to label them like pseudo-dimension or something. I mean will I make an analogy here to super-symmetry upon the structures or some sort of other symmetry, even dark symmetry as geometrical?)
*1 - there exists eleven dimensions where each dimension has a value in some complex of prime numbers that when squared exhausts a four space of the 11 or 12 dimensions(twelve is possible because 13 x 13 combines with itself as its own inverse, so we can use it 4 times compared to 2 times in the 11 space of the other primes.
*2 - In the first particle the axes are 7 13 29 31 of these 13^2 + 29^2 = 7^2 + 31^2. In this particle we exclude the 17
*3- In the second particle we have 13^2 + 17^2 = 29^2 + 31^2. In this mirror particle whose sums are "heavier" than the first one we exclude the 7
*4- In the third particle we have 13^2 + 13^2 = 7^2 + 17^2 a sort of particle that may be thought of as a mediator to the others excluding 29 and 31 which are both included in the particle and mirror particle.
*5 - again, we are talking raw algebra of the difference of squares or in the factoring the + or - 2xy .
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There is no global warming- it comes in cycles- announced this morning on the shepherds chapel from Gravette Arkansas- (tele was on when I was making coffee on this cold morning) Because: he believes in the Word of God and in Genesis after the flood the rainbow is a promise that God will not destroy the world again!
Can it be this the God's truth in his world as well as mind? Maybe his is a theory of nearly everything (after all independent values of a circuit can read individually greater that the computed values as the source seems complex numbers much easier to show than the old cosines and so on.)? If not then just as the time and space in general relativity is constant but each may vary in rotation or velocity and so on- how does a mind engaged with the world discern truths in the schizophrenic and half evolved theories of our physics? Even the consensus as if prayer changed the world and caused earthquakes and so on... it is hard for each of us to know ourselves and true faiths and philosophy of science if indeed each of our votes are really counted and not some sort of spin or trend projections. Free will is in many ways harder to deal with than absolute determinism.
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here are some science daily links for reference for sultan's and my linguistic dialog:
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OK, so we have two boxes and one molecule and it fills the box in Maxwell's Demon problem (interesting to know Lord Kelvin called it that). But what happens beyond 8 dimensions when the orthogonal space is full of the spherical space?
OK, in the matrices presented, again the image of a pair of rooms or spaces that relates to whatever is the surrounding spaces or pairs in say four space, that in the 3 x 3 times 2 (much as I double the 256 units to 512) how do we take into account that such Latin squares may be shown in some matrices impossible?
OK, if there is an Intelligent Designer who is omniscience does He by knowing everything add infinite disorder to the universe, a sort of inversion of Maxwell's demon? Would an intelligible design in the universe not be subject to the same question if the intelligibility is a matter of thermodynamic randomness?
Emergent properties may only exist (in the sense time said to be an illusion) only on a slightly higher level on the skeleton of simple ideas of arithmetic. Certainly Weyl had a good sense of what was of value or not in intuitionist theory. But this idea does not resolve things by this difference if over time it persists on all scales and all senses of time direction. What, at any point of beginning initially in the universe determines really a unique ordering of successive dimensions as if they actually evolve? It only solves locally the arrows of time paradoxes and so the thermodynamic explanation of the arrow of time is certainly not a complete theory nor the Penrose ideas of twistors done only from the quantum viewpoint deep enough to show how things are done or perceived- as if the materialization of the emergence as if gravity as a pervasive force without at least a deeper explanation of what it means in such orientations as a twister formalism in terms of topological principles- as in one of the sciencedaily com links above we have evidence that how our brain organizes color and space in distinctions suggests perhaps in our brain development with the proper frequency underlying our perceptions we make the world intelligible if not we adjust to theory of which in lesser awareness we adjust to it and color it- even in the fifth psychology make it real and our gray matter arranged so as to do so- or again in these world we choose to make find them intelligible and as convincing as our natural environs of our DNA expressed. Why then do not those with less than stable minds- or who hear disconnects and confabulations of voices who are not aware, make things more disorderly for the rest of us? But this perhaps is a multiverse of multiverse question to which we see a unity of the resolution of this paradox again.
Monday, November 22, 2010
A Teleology Of Numbers as Precognition
A Teleology Of Numbers as Precognition
Sometimes the structure of arithmetic, of integers, can obscure patterns or place false ones from the very smallest or highest reaches of counting them. Or such natural patterns may have meaning of which we are not sure and so cannot see that.
I did not have much luck yesterday in the search for patterns that came so close as the sum of two squares mapped on the quasic field- after all a squaring across the field beyond the diagonal obviously more or less in different binary levels has to follow the natural into the quasic dimensions- loosely the ever present triangular numbers of which so much higher mathematics and physics is built.
I did find one interesting thing, maybe a minor thing, that is if we make so much of a perfect square notation as to applies to physics- as if we really need magic squares in magic squares for a transcending stability of our differential equations.
Simply those duplications of some values which detract from say a perfect generation of primes a minor case in point: 13 squared = 338 but so does 17 squared + 7 squared, or 7 squared and 31 squared = 13 squared + 29 squared = 1010. Or, beyond the 32 squared binary quasic state level, 1130 = 29 squared + 17 squared = 13 squared + 31 squared.
Imagine then five vectors of 7 13 17 29 31, what sort of picture do we have as if the a squared + b squared = c squared of the Pythagorean theorem? For one thing when 7 squared and 17 squared sum we get 13x the square root of 2, which means those two perfect squares can be reduced to 2 13x13 perfect squares. Anyway, some of the pictures of these simple squaring are more the recreational than the frustrations of number and geometry games. A step off perhaps in to an undertow of oversimplification and yet one can float on the surface of a sea of greater dreams at one with the cycles of the world- or perhaps see beyond that.
I think maybe I was tired also, hard to see the calculator, a little lazy with my notation and mental addition. So, I wrote Leiha a song for her birthday and played it at the Mousetrap...those songs need not be perfect and I do not mind the best copy we can post rather than nothing- but errors of physics or arithmetic seems to me they cannot be but embarrassing- for there is something in our smooth jumps to our new or finding our new being and the burying of our old frail selves who could not listen to the song and the voice of theory within of he universe transcendental and moreover, beyond even that.
Let us not be surprised therefore when by our fires or by our hearts we follow and yet make the path to a new healing of our future selves and at the bottom also the old self. We do this together as if the impersonal state is only a mental consensus of meaning- a democracy that appears as science but it vigilant toward its future and resistant to its hidden voice of wariness for its frail vulnerabilities.
In the imagined super expansion of space, in the averaging of a region of indefinite reality both for the micro and macro and for the meso on which we debate if our conscious is the primary thing or if some reflection of our emergent mirror dreams, That perhaps why something like the idea of gravity seems real and constant and everywhere... or its reach or stretch a question at its remote description as if some interval or distance of time- a canvass in the past or future on which we can apply and even paint a picture of our imaginations, make radical or creeping jumps, foresee and forecast, predict, divine, as if truth in the hidden precognition of time travel of what is real to one certainly is supernatural to the other. Tt, time travel then and the question of loss of meaning or information- not just its mangling or dissolving, decohering, nor looping in the span and depth to interconnectedness or in isolation. On this confusion of flux more in the middle than a grounding or fiat from above- a constancy, conservation of the real upon which all such dust and dreams are conserved in the stillness and without motion.
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Concepts concerning recent posts on the 4 color 24 surface squares of the rotation group for a cube and its S4 identical inversion geometry:
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Illustration for a possible future posting: My point on this blog post today is the emphasis on the properties of small numbers and dimensions that seems to be repeated beyond natural movement and evolution in the universe, loops of not, of matter or consciousness or not, of real or imagined ideas of time as illusion or not in its symmetry and arrow, such that in some averaged region as if computed here and now over eternity and again its stable patterns as ground for a unified theory, that on this level we finally grasp the sense of what it means we live primarily in three and four space of which there can be local deviations in the flux and constancy in nature. What is the source of intelligibility in number and why in possible worlds do we find exceptions which through the eyes of a more learned and advanced time and species we may see the deep and over all, truly creative unity?
But this is not to suggest all things are resolved clearly in an idea of five natural dimensions although it is most explainable that some will try to solve things making such connections. Rather I number the primary world views I have vaguely classified as mostly emphasized if not totally of the various creative bloggers and others- including this lapse of reductionism into the seemingly supernatural aspects of our consciousness. In any case the issue- hopefully with programming aids to relieve the tedium of pen and paper calculations in the search for patterns- in this essentially complete level of my blogging, that I do intuitively feel there is more magic around the corner which welcomes and needs all of us to explore- our visions need not be only doom and gloom darkness although we clearly seem at times on the aphelion of new dark ages. As on the coast of Ireland in enclaves some learning was preserved to survive those ages. But it is not always in our illuminated manuscripts we know that we have indeed made a difference!
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Some of these Tt ideas as I posted them I thought rather philosophic more than the science of it all- but I encountered an article from:
from newscientist today which may just have me thinking maybe this will prove to be more science than philosophy? Oh, well, just the usual synchronicity of similar but distant links- that too a part of it - not just the quantum view.
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Now quasically what is the next level of entanglement in the formalism? I mean since the 8D informationally contains the 4D? That a form of quasic "flangelation or compactification". To some extent we can apply ordinary obvious patterns for our experiment- but what does it mean considering the article above if we delay or shift in time or pattern through these different degrees of dimensional freedom? Perhaps even a more general theory in the unification needed for general relativistic and quantum ideas of "tanglement".
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Partition and Pattern
Partition and Pattern (Thar's Gold in Dem Thar's Bach) Further intuitionist twists on dreams of theories of everything and the dreamers...
I start by a comment to the blogger on intangible materiality and his struggle with the idea of the supernatural, his More Leaves to Count:
"The millions are awake enough for physical labor; but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion, only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life. To be awake is to be alive."
Henry David Thoreau Walden
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Would a Creator count each and every leaf every fall? As we descend into some spiral staircase of doubt will we slip on one fallen on the steps? In the chilly November wind they crawl along and spin like turtles- but is the wind or they awake?
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There's gold in them there hills- Gold in Bach (that is fractal like patterns of his music). Somewhere in the furthest reaches of computation and structure, in the unknowns perhaps beyond our species ability for now or the shear size of proofs, things may just return again to simple counting and low dimensions. What is the grounding in a blurry sea of Goldbach's Comet of hints of unlimited shells or layers of what is the roundness of the primes- Some things we know that do not require the assumption of other assumptions but stand independently- not to say Rowlands is wrong in our assessment of where the non-trivial zeros are in zeta function, the one half of the real- and its relation to physical design and laws. The hills in the distance beyond the flat prairie and its slow rising Colorado slope is after all that long Plateau we encounter between the early math and remote string theory.
My key reference here is the re-reading with understanding of The book Mathematical Mysteries by Calvin C. Clawson from which I quoted the quote from Walden- thinking of course of Ramanujan and other unsung genius we for some reason think we can waste in a world were it would take an act of the gods to outsource our Brahmans for any regions brain drain that it remains moral. In an earlier post I paraphrased the word awake as aware- my own philosophic distinction- for we can learn wisdom also from the structure and design of our dreams.
PARTITION AND PATTERN: 11-20-10 L. Edgar Otto
Does it make sense of a unified awake or aware biological organism by analogy to the inorganic world of physics to as that question: Where does the information go?
In a language or metalanguage for an organism at least as complex as consciousness can we really decide a measure for a grounding (after all we stand on shifting sands of theory- but we stand on something) by least action as some minimal model for the equivalence of some string-like theory and the Planck scale and that in turn be a measure and grounding for a theory of everything? When referred back to cosmology- especially if physicists as reductionist regard organisms as just physics- even quantum physics as the chemistry at its foundations, is that a settled question?
I saw no patterns in partition theory presuming in number theory Ramanujan had a sense of the Quasic world view. I did get a hint of how one might find these number patterns and exact numbers (although current formulas in Ramanujan stretch and reach come close to it by one digit). These partition numbers being important for string theory among other things, namely the question of what binary power in quasic grid notation these may appear logarithmically in "quasic series ordering". Could Ramanujan see what was not there- can any of us so do as if we insist there is no untruth to proving a negative space (or not acknowledging the reality adeptly as he in the mirror inversions of numbers integral and transcendental, of the negative aspects and oscillations like the great Newton, or Hamilton, or any of these seemingly mysterious geniuses- far from the positive equilibrium of Pascal?)
Was Ramanujan aware of his view of numbe4rs as a distinct insight which by wanting proofs others felt such higher but magical genius? The Gods or sense of them may let genius have exceptions to their fate and faith- that awareness may grow. But such exceptions are not granted to justify actions intrinsically evil.
The validity of position in the qs grid of partition numbers most likely requires an expanded logical space for a quasi-continuous pattern- otherwise, beyond 2 ,3 and 5, beyond even the transcendentals, we need a wide field to first narrow down the discontinuity of primes in their role- if indeed that can be done.
Because Ramanujan found what I did, the periodic mod=0 of 5, 7 and 11, for me as patterns in the quasic field, I suspect he was somehow aware of quasicity, or at least was awake to similar thought mechanisms one could identify with the physics as differentiation and so on..., especially of symmetries of inverse and negative numbers( including the complex ).
But the real world, not our expert trained dogs and monkeys who are not necessarily free to succeed for some clear breakthroughs or even necessary new and simple steps - is close to our frames of mind we being organisms, perhaps independent of the measure of genius. It seems that some of us can be too smart for our own good if we are in the more narrow count of years and millions.
For in my small circle of people so many, young and old, physically and mentally,and what should be a higher quality of life as short as it is, our expectations endure over minor ups and downs while awake, their cancers, arthritic hands, cataracts and hearing aids, broken backs and hips, society in general returning to once vanished vermin and disease, not just of natural error accumulation or aging.
Our organisms cannot build a permanent wall around us to hold off the world, not even by wealth, nor what is cherry picked for silver sovereigns melted into bullion.
Let us recall this as we squander so much energy recovering and defending false history and memory made virtually real; remind those who use the term "In the real world" for what they simply mean they dislike or disbelieve, that they too are an organism in and out of sleep and short of the experiences, irreversible to fix, theirs is not the real world. Math for the holy men or the millions is our birthright if we are awake enough to write our equations in the shifting sand as we so climb out of the water, having grown spines, then legs, then wings.
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The conjectures beyond some great number settle down again as at the small beginnings by which we ground things in the mystery of the three and four dimensions.
We perhaps do this intuitively if indeed monotheism (as an metaphor for creative physics and philosophy) is considered a great achievement and the only great one over the Eastern ways and primitive was of seeing God. That we have the same gods or not is a notoriously slippery slope of Machiavellian disunity on one hand or distrust and enforced but fake world connection on the other hand- both unstable- both appealing to God with Us. But religion itself is a two edged sword not the enemy of science and philosophy per se. Our look for the one God certainly seems the ideal of the search for theories of everything. Or the Buddhism as a scientific reply to Hindu polytheism a search for the indefinite and diffuse uncertainty as the unifying grounding- and to some degree we can approach these number theory conjectures as matters of probability- we see the sense in why one might suspect that for it is part of the real picture of things. For the smallest things that are the grains of sand we stand upon, so too the grandest ones must share the limitations of the design and wisdom in the universe's structure.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
Expreso: Forbidden Planets and Fatal Errors
Expreso: Forbidden Planets and Fatal Errors
This post reflects from rather ordinary dreams and is a change of topic to address some of the more linguistic issues especially relating to the internet and its effects on us. What will be the next influential medium and what will the idea of virtual property mean in a world of growing limited resources, unsustainable perhaps? Sultan has been influential in the linguistic study of our social networks as a language- forbidden sites and fatal errors such dramatic terms that on the face of it at first blush buzz the heart. Expreso, or expresso I poetically use here as the theme of some sort of language real and artificial. Sometimes we need to keep the old habits of dead or contrived symbols and language- unlike descendants of the Vulcans the Federation is allied with the Clingons who speak Esperanto with all its Orcish checks and balances to social and scientific evolution of more gentle tongues.
Well, somewhere in the artist rendition of alien architecture I dreamed I built a new building with a somewhat Japanese influence- and for some dream reason it was in Arkansas. (Most likely the contemplation of Uncle Bob dying around 30 and the documentary last night by Prince Charles called Harmony- Bob had Inuit blood so the question from the film was- are Polar Bears really obese? Bob in the last part of his life homesteaded in Arkansas.) It was some sort of manufacturing as well as soft ware- I mean, Industrialism as the Nietzschean meaning of God-is-Dead is something that cannot be sustained like the rain forest and the world's resources squandered for bits of pulp wood and paper. But must we have Harmony as the Indian physicist lady who wanted the earth seen a spiritual place as well the sacred cows and rivers?
I suppose when you reach a point of speculation after some solid breakthroughs you make strange associations not clear they are in the cloud of useful meaning and information of one's dreams. The harmonic series a case in point after yesterdays applying some number theory to string theory- Harmonic and Harmony? hmmmm. So the sum of fractions of successive cubes- goes to 10 minus pi-squared. But each step of the way, k(k+1) cubed, of course the doubling of the triangle numbers, 2 6 12 20 ...but that is obvious in the search for some meaningful literal view of cubes in the arithmetic- or how it is plotted in a balanced square, pi and square root of ten- all this trying to count on my fingers the surds and transcendentals.
The more our ideas connect in the cloud- even if the idea is that such a thing can never become aware and an intellect of sorts on its own- it certainly appears so. In that sense our internet experience is as if a God returned and we the prophets. How the machine seems alive and watching us just recording the history of what sites we visited and what was typed. This mirror as interactive seems as real as those from the other side of such mirrors cannot be but assumed real and authentic behind the print and photographs. We interact in some higher cloud and in real life too in order to measure and share, discern as close as we can our own and another's heart.
So, on one hand I can imagine great value in technology and the pixel like fixing of some land not rented or shared by the masses- not even fenced in by any generation of the natives (the Noble Savage idea- one Pinker suggests is myth) or if in the idea of harmony- (do not get me wrong, I love the Prince, in my cloudy eyes that cannot read the true and higher spirituality beyond my poetic soul I am thankful for his tasting the organic soil and for giving my lantern at Ely stain glassed windows so we can still read in the pictures.)
But my virtual dream of the building (consciously I would have made a more five fold design but we have to deal with real construction, resources, and know-how) if we go back to nature as a guide (heck I did this in candle design- told my workers to go into the forest and garden and find in nature her deep design- one was in the stalks of weeds of candles dipped and cut the eyes where light shown through had tipple irises). So nature has a hive for its larval borer denizens- thus my illustration above of the dead wood- perhaps the corpse of the dead but still growing god- now replaced by the decay of Dionysian dreams, the byproduct alcohol that became in the end the creator of the madman after all to consume him, Nietzsche in worship of his Laughing God. Is it not said that he whom the gods would destroy they first make mad? Guess it OK to relax and go mad once in awhile- did not feel much like celebrating in the bars for one of my son's birthday last night.
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Facebook Status and commentary explaining it to Ed O'Brien:
L. Edgar Otto
We saw the equations in the sand between the tides and felt justly proud we were human.
L. Edgar Otto
This was for physicists friends outside academia with years of study and books on the blogs, unrecognized, dedicating their short lives, love letters in the sand as the grunions mate a rare day of clarity and epiphany. All vanished with t...he tides. All awareness a shared vision that returns. Think not dear poets and spirit filled souls more aware than work-a-day or rhythm of life in the body-says Thoreau- You at least saw the equation in a blink of season- the Sky Father is proud of you and so should you be- your human achievement is not lost.
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Well, There must be some truth in these issues of global warming and some figuring out who is on the right and left with their agendas so confusing and wrong colors to the nature of philosophies of science- surely time is a mystery in the sense that we have half-lives at least in the measure- but carbon dating does not go back far enough it seems. Not our short lives as much as our half-lives, uncle Bob that can only be measured after the living although felt intensely while in life.
Once around only, the half life of Gaea, mother earth, she who knows the balance and is long suffering in wounds for her children, healing them and herself. Her's in her human light scriptures closed and never aging. Or the suckling foal in the heard of stolen horses recognizes his unique mother and she him. The winter will be long. Somewhere in her dreams that do not make sense for she cannot be aware of her future would be species- at one with the primate rider of greater awareness and wisdom - but oh, he was shot when her colt was stolen. She recalls and snorts and kicks her hooves- and for a brief and forgotten moment finds a sugar cube and loco weed and thinks the vanquished god of steam and electricity will come again from the clouds of dark far away on the prairie while there is still hope and escape.
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Nothing to comment on from the other blogs. Ulla's is interesting again. Lubos seems to have given us some historical perspective on hidden dimensions and strings but I find nothing new- of course there are more dimensions and the rumor these a theory of everything exaggerated. I have shown there is more than the compactifiaction as presented and more fundamental ideas that some sort of measure of Planck length, and less to be daunted by in the number of formulation of spaces and strings ideas (of course other areas are worth looking at by string theorists). Even before my time the canonical distance in space with three negative directions has creative implications even if not convertible into positive values as some show can be the case. No new mystery there. But know this in the theme of my post today as to what is the nature of a future paradigm of global states and individual part of some system (what is their mode of access and place, and compatification?) I was into the application of such dimensions and geometric structures long before the recent ideas of 1985 that seem to me not as significant as the blog says- I in turn amazed at the ideas before 1900 and way before Einstein adopted them. Then again he was not shy about creative speculation to break from the ghosts of past and dying physicists- for whatever reason once given the tools and hands on experience and curiosity- he thought for himself.
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Friday, November 19, 2010
OMNIUM Prime An Intuitionist Theory of Everything?
Well, asking myself a child-like question I think I have a child-like answer of which we are all looking, sometimes childishly about what is happening somewhere on the frontiers of the strings and dimensions. I call this an intuitionist view if I understand the term correctly because it deals only with the integers.
It turns out that I may not need to have a model of say octonians as rotations in my hand to understand such. My first attempts did indeed seem a putting together of inversions of objects which reminds me of the 3+1 formalism of Rowland which combines complex numbers labeled distinctly- Dirac and all.
In this "intelligible" low prime discontinuities our Platonic and discovered notions always encounter haunting similarities, neither way alone close to true realization of our intuitions.
(But what nation or people can afford to waste genius and leave them homeless and starving? If merit and competence are not to be interpreted liberally then the idea of efficiency as a fascist word arises to keep the order as the pendulum swings and leaves civilization wondering how it can happen- a question asked by both sides as the authors of provocation.)
In the above illustration is an example of the quasic grid (a way of ordering the plane elements that clearly shows some logical relations) of the 24 units of the algebra. These can be embedded in 64 or 256 or as here even 1024 space. If 24 is the valid ones and that is the rigid rotations of cube, the where do we set up the 192 valid ones in the next quasic level of space? How do we rotate things back to some identity element?
The answer to this was inspired by Ulla's perpendicularity applied to her recent posts- not sure if these are her ideas alone- but the idea of a shadow of elements in the periodic table. Recent work seems to suggest these as a few atoms of anti-matter (and Lubos it is not clear to me antimatter needs be attractive and not repulsive- like so many ideas of handedness that seems confused and arbitrary.)
So let us start with some simple representations (making perhaps an arbitrary choice of labels):
*1 Imagine a cube with four colors dividing each face into 4 for the 24 orientations of the faces for rigid rotation. In effect three colors of the edges are at right angles to each other.
*2 Label these with the operations of the 24 group, i rho tau alpha.
*3 Note that an inversion across all dimensions still results in 24 squares of four (the surface) colors.
*4 Two such cubes can be twisted and compared such as to be equivalent to a table of the operations as if to make the computations of the permutations in the group.
*5 We note that similar dice can do this job if we use the dodecahedron of 120 operations- that is ten times the edges.
*6 Presumably in a square we have 4 surface colors, in a cube have to deal with six, and in a gamma-4 or hypercuble there are 8.
*7 This amounts to a doubling (as well we can imagine imaginary duplication of elements or operations) of the quasic grid- in this case 512 and 512 pixels the aim of which is to combine 48 or 24 such valid pixel vectors into an integrated overview to reach the 192 (or double this for all the 384 of the hypercube rotations. And with considerations of information as binary content find the appropriate quasic dimensions to so fit the description. How far can this go into the dimensions? What do we mean by this question?
*8 I distinguish now between the Unified Field and the Unitary Field, the terms formerly interchangeable.
*9 I can imagine now that in topological structures there may not be a distinct Platonic arrangement of elements that distinguish the nucleus from the electron configuration of atoms- at least this seems to be the case where all forces are thought to be of one common origin. But experimentally this is apparently not the whole picture.
*10 We now extend the idea of a labeled and colored orthogon on a four base system to call the material atoms K L M N and ultimately in 4space matter the shadow or mirror atoms (see Ulla's post) O P Q R each with the two bit code 00=K=mirrorK=O.
*11 A system of prime numbers in an even quasized dimension if only one way an even number can be factored into primes (and as far as we know only integers 4 6 8 and 12 are unique this way) the discontinuity is contained.
*12 But as in the case of 10 there are two ways to represent it as primes- that is 3 and 7 or 5 and 5. Thus the 3+1 formalism or the 2+2 formalism are both possibilities that may apply to a designed theory.
*13 The question of unity, or 1 (unified or unitary) defined as a prime may open up a whole can of wormholes or stings. In fact they seem to state the rules of symmetry breaking in the idea of compactification of dimensions in string theory.
*14 Clearly 2 cubed represent the pair of cubes (plinth theory) in surface space of the four dimensions. A plinth for technical reasons (as say with the gluon matrix) is a left over 1 or unity. We can add two things in the formalism as they may be real or imaginary in applied interpretations. Two significant numbers the occur:
23 = 2^3 + 2^3 + 1^3 + 1^3 + 1^3 + 1^3 + 1^3 + 1^3 + 1^3 which we can regard as 7 unity dimensions and three or four space- that is 9 or a triplication of 3 dimensional units.
*15 Now the other number that can be represented in this 9 quasi-quasic dimensionality is 239 = 5^3 + 3^3 + 3^3 + 3^3 + 2^3 + 2^3 + 2^3 + 2^3 + 1^3.
*16 These two integers, 24 and 240 (when we add 1) represent real structures, the 240 being the close packing number of 8 dimensional spheres around a central one.
*17 12 is part of 16 in the 3+1 formalism, just as 48 part of 64...
*18 Again, in dealing with the rotations of a 5D cube we have 3840 a factor of ten and also that factor of ten fold symmetry that determines periodic Fibonacci number ending digits beginning with every 11.
*19 Ten structures inscribed in a icosadodecahedron reduced and divided (actually beyond the natural integers as a metalanguage of the prime continuum- a uniqueness and division arithmetic) have shadows around some presumed center or shifting center. The permutations over any quasic state level preserve the shifting between the actual or perceived "generations".
*20 We note that the space representation of the 24 elements and 24 mirror elements of this intuitionist arrayed grid form topologically Lord Kelvin's solid which seems the surface on which the electrons or charge flows in a wire. Not also that for a honeycomb of such solids as space filling- this truncated octahedron to serve such function is not a perfect shadow as it may need to deviate faces slightly from flat.
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Today I touched base with Kris: before I posted these thoughts. Because of his keen intuitive insights I asked to make sense of this:
Exchange on Facebook msgs:
Kristoffer J Martin
I'm getting strange outcomes for an equation I'm working on to determine the amount of energy to travel at C in a warp field of 7 dimensional space based on my Regulus space.
base equation.
where WE=Warp Energy
a=area of effect
Q=quantum limit
f(d)=frequency of dimensions
Cp=normalized C (speed of light)
Cm=Quantized C
Mp=normalized mass
Mm=quantized mass
treating Q as ((ħ = h/2π))
Base calculation is then described for 1 cubic meter of space effected to move 1 kg of mass.
Its giving me 1.35400246*10^-18 m^7 kg^2/s^3
does this make any sense to you?
L. Edgar Otto
Wow, I am not usually into measurement- hard to read my and other standard stuff of bloggers on my peslablogspot. But today's post does say regulus space make sense in the counting of things- I will have to try to work on this, glad you are. Not sure how you mean 7 dimensions. that is a good one like 8 as a sort of limit Octonians and is sort of loop qm gravity stuff if I read it right. We could continue this on the pesblogspot. Certainly density of some sort applies- and our ideas of dark matter-energy.
Kristoffer J Martin Well 7 dimensions: 4 physical, 1 standard time, 1 super time, 1 exo (ie the final pov to observe the 6 dimensions)~ relatively speaking reference to the need of 7 points of reference to find any point exactly in space. Its the same number of base dimensions decompressed in Regulus Space.
Also we need to look at Spacial Tension and Energy Transference. I think I've figured out the problem with Warp Drives as currently viewed. Warp Drives don't force an object forward through thrust or a push force, it pulls it forward like wind moving from high pressure to low pressure.
L. Edgar Otto
not much thought on it yet but clearly there are two times, at least the real and the complex- but I am still trying to understand what I am reading on this. I tried a little in my peslablogspot today. Dimension and time are hard concepts. But your space is still part of my greater understanding of the universe.
you there?
[Kristoffer J Martin]
yep wassup
just getting more ideas and some seem to relate to you recent msg on dimensions and so on- but it is a strange and simple view
what do you mean by what happens as 7D?
[Kristoffer J Martin]
I'm working on the premise that there are 7 dimensions
which is what I reduced String Theory dimension down to in Regulus space
you have some sound intuitions- lately the highest academic guys are leaning to new areas
[Kristoffer J Martin]
I suppose if I calculate with super relative dimension it'd be 21 dimensions
7 hidden 3 or 4 overt but 11 or 12 euclidean for the 4 or 5 relativistic, as I understand it
[Kristoffer J Martin]
far more simple than that
I think you are encountering deep number ideas of which they do not fully understand in the string theories
[Kristoffer J Martin]
4 physical dimensions, 1 macro relative dimension of time, 1 super relative dimension of time and one exodimension
Einstein said never make a theory more simple than needed- I feel that is what they did
there are certainly more than one sort of time because there is more than one sort of unity or number 1
[Kristoffer J Martin]
well I'm presuming all numbers are universal
-1 +1 and lateral one or i
[Kristoffer J Martin]
based off of set theory
good philosophic and mathematically grounded thoughts
[Kristoffer J Martin]
ie: []:i/[]:i
but I am caught between the limitations of integers and of set theory- so are they
[Kristoffer J Martin]
I'm not
don't see why any one would be
ie: []:i/[]:i
[Kristoffer J Martin]
but thats not just one
true but no one can understand you and many think they have the theory of everything in their own private ideas
[Kristoffer J Martin]
well no one ever does understand me
guess I just wanted you to know that there is still substance in our contemplations
set theory contains its own self referential uncertainty
[Kristoffer J Martin]
well the problem is is that at 7 dimensions I'm getting an amount of energy that is minute
the only uncertainty in set theory is the type of infinite
damn, I wish I could follow more exactly
yes the problem is between the finite and infinite
[Kristoffer J Martin]
there's no difference between finite and infinite
when compared to nothing
philosophic statement- but then it is all founded on definitions and some metaphysics like what is = muon what is not -everything else
[Kristoffer J Martin]
otherwise 0 and potential infinityOo are the same
[Kristoffer J Martin]
I'm being far more literal than philosophical here
and who says they're not
I understand that- they will not
[Kristoffer J Martin]
still I'm getting odd numbers
all their group theory is infinite continuos groups some of mine is the finite quasicontinuous or discontinuous groups
[Kristoffer J Martin]
I was predicting something of the order of maybe 1/10 the amount of energy that special relativity predicts for an object of mass to move at the speed of light
prime numbers are the halmark of discontinuity
[Kristoffer J Martin]
but instead I'm getting less than 1/100000000
theory and observation: inside quasars light travels at warp ten
[Kristoffer J Martin]
oi...well i've got to get back to writing
what is energy density?
[Kristoffer J Martin]
how does gravity fit into this
ahhh fordce
[Kristoffer J Martin]
i'm treating gravity and time as the same thing
at the quantum level
ok well, one day it is worth we still looking at this occasionally what are you writing?
[Kristoffer J Martin]
and I'll leave it at that
time-gravity yes sounds good
hey last harry potter movie!
she is hot in the interviews
[Kristoffer J Martin]
last two harry potter movies
ok but back to homework thanks and hail regulus!
* * *
Note: in an earlier chat I recall mentioning Rime of the Ancient Mariner where the wind opens from in front and closes from behind- somewhat suggestive of the ways one might exceed light velocity by some sort of compression of space a few scientists speculate upon.
Kris is an avid fan of Dr. Who. On philosophychatforum we in a long time collaboration developed his Regulus space (which is a sort of exxene as I called it super relativity and is also an intuitive duplication in the abstract of points and other geometric constructs. He has an interesting to draw some of which the methods got the right picture for some of my more obscure questions. Creativity indeed from this Creative writer in school now in Wales. (rim and flange ideas compared)
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Ulla and the natural numbers beyond the mystical and mechanistic oddness and evenness (that is the line without either perpendicular or parallel)... and at these foundations there may be a fifth accounting on the tally sticks of physics, that the omnium as a more human theory of everything, yes with its warts and all.
The natural numbers on the face of it, the aleph 0 of points transfinite- on these we then turn our analysis to the questions on the nature of prime numbers- thus the idea of them as Godel's metalanguage goes beyond really our intuitive counting regardless of the relative negativity or complex lateral direction of the roots of unity. Arithmetic, number theory, even the mysticism for patterns and of numbers as to their reasons why someone imagined it that way- makes more sense. I do not assert an ultimate theory of everything, Ulla; but certainly consciousness is a sufficiently enough complex system to bring a bit of unity to it all. Our topological stance as primary for me starts with the dimensionful totality of things like E8 you mention in comment to one of my previous posts- not just an accumulation of materialized dust as in the core of crystal stars or in the LHC that may house a few of the simple anti-atoms- how is it so many cannot see the beauty in these pictures all around us? The color of your soul adds a dimension beyond this to all given in our experience and life. And in God's synaethesia He hears our songs as we were so privileged to hear in this era the first of dawning light reaches us- the likes of our dedicated and unsung theoreticians.
I took in a vet today- and the television had the service officer, a historian, of the so called "greatest generation" of dying off old WW2 vets who wants videos and other memorabilia the congressman Kind started ten years ago. They listen better when we defend others- but what do they want of any generation and the greatest is yet to come I believe? I suppose, and Matti commented on his retirement- what is the point now- that the veterans who freely serve and hold peace greater than war for the services of science- lost paperwork, on the streets to be forgotten- a fake sense of history- memorials not jobs, meaning of carved names in granite crumbling? They know not what they do, philosophers. Nor how our dreams are made such that the dice of wisdom are such a gamble in the hearts of all who pass by and leave in their vanishing to this great enterprise and sacrifices for personal gain and all too precious our family- vanished all the silent desperation. May we one day climb up from the sea and find the starlight! And all rejoice beholding it and feeling it and being it echos of lightning bolts around the earth's stratosphere know what best we need to share is that we shared it. We saw the equations in the sand between the tides and felt justly proud we were human.
* * *
Perhaps this I just posted on facebook conveys some of the idea of our identities and roles in the world- maybe out there in some five space or beyond, the geshalt after the music or near its end that addresses the absurdity in life and consciousness and how we achieve or are thwarted in the smaller view of our hearts desire. Each soul in some totality of everything, our individual consciousness a discontinuity, is a number as a multiverse. Also I address sultan on the nature of how statuses are read on fb, you always an ambiguous word these days- and of the idea of Abraham and sacrifice in this season of family and holiday.
L. Edgar Otto
Sometimes I think of your mom as your step mom. In the real world, apparently, we are all orphans. But was it not said we are in the world but not of the world? A great adventure it can be to be a stranger in a strange land- Only God can load he dice and walk away, I did not do that- after trials and sacrifice the Lord does not return to Job some strangers- willing ones still young enough to see true faith.
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Before I leave I would like to comment (but not on his page) Lubos last article on what grand unification can and cannot do. Not a bad summary really, but his conclusions which should certainly disturb him if he reads my postings as coming out so close - how did I do this? Certainly not by saying that anyone who makes claims for grand unification say be E8xE8 (and because of no complex spinors?) is a HACK who does not understand how the groups work nor the need for the vague idea of supersymmetry of which after reading the summary we arrive at only speculation as to what this grand unification may be.
From my view, considering the aspects of a finite and workable positive group theory, I suggest that the young theoretician (who may one day make a great one or if he applies such a stance to discipline a fine engineer) does not understand arithmetic! How can someone know such complicated language and equations and miss the simple picture? One day we need to surpass our long line of mentors with their own agenda on how physics should or should not evolve- high praise hyped but the fading into what will be shown an error with aspects even die hard crackpots will still cling to as a faith- passes away quietly in the back pages in the history of struggle in enquiry.
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