Tuesday, June 30, 2015

QD-viii Yaan-jin Jai-Baba Jayagens (Jgm)

Jayagens (Jgm)  It seems a major issue in our approaches to string theory or some other form of topological and arithmetic partitioning as to if symmetry can be broken outside of constructible space in two directions or more up and down to scaling or that in the center scale view symmetry is sustained where exponentially the top down and bottom up of structures balance out.  We do not need to show how crystals form by our sense of touch on the atomic scale when it can be done with interlocking tooth picks... other than some sense of observation in viewing such scales as physical and experimental evidence (which as the jayastrings may be opened or closed, certain and uncertain abstract objects or entities).

* * *

From whatever may be the underpinning of quantum theory concepts, be they algebra, some form of dimensioned geometry, or deeper properties of arithmetic,  Entropy and the message it contains is the personal joker in the deck.
While we have dramatic situations that seem limited in number they combine in many ways and it seems sooner or later we reach for the furthest variations in culture periods of late sensate art.  We have tried to break out of this limitation with little success.  But given enough time would any screen play as if an imagination of possible worlds appear so as to write itself or what will be written or what was not so written?  This thought a personalized form of time travel.
How then can an egg not in a sense come back together if from the foundations it can rise again?  Do things expand as pink noise or if that has a hidden mirror, ultragreen, do we not come back to the arrow of time again where the actors take on the roles and in real time ride on or fight against the linearity of it all, the white noise?

* * *

Yes... and can this image be reversed in time? Can it be unwound as if instead of cylinder or worm hole shape it describes things as if restricted to a single brane?  Globally, that is as a unified physical theory is there a dynamic difference in the fermion-boson conversion or viewing?  Do we ignore or think of entropy (time-like in description) as if this form of directed abstract movement to some end-beginning in effect  'memory' as in the case of the spine being part of the processing in learning (see sci daily today)?  Consider (mathematical) reconsideration of the Big Rip model... as Hoyle said of the Big Bang and the quasars - Not just one Big Rip but many Little Rips.  If for internal changes varying the earth's rotation so we need to add leap seconds does it really make sense to use quasars as a reference point as if they and not the earth's field does not vary?  What happens if this ideal linear information trace in  some higher sense loops on itself in some more general form of what we mean by gravity?  While Humpty Dumpty can be a surface in these interacting low dimensions of which a small part determines the form of the curvature of the whole, can the complexity be recovered over the quasifinite span where the egg shell is broken to the extent the information can be put together again?  If this is a question of divergent paths in space is it also capable of describing divergent time where convergence or unity of space and time are also one general unified primordial picture? Of course it would be much clearer if I could actually see the working equations and assumptions that generate the simulated pictures. :-)

A packet for Joseph Kover... the application as a metaphor to his simulation...

Monday, June 29, 2015

QDvii Xgen Praeternatural Group Cosmologies

QuasicDynamics 7 ;  Details later... consider intricate regions of different colors that do not necessarily connect save only abstractly in the cosmology...

QuasicDynamics 7b... Vorx probabilities and questions of virial real or abstract dimensional symmetry...

Quasic Dynamics vi : Further thoughts on its Implications


From the measure of distance in the quasic grid from the Surreal (Conway) view we can plot where certain levels of discrete games will emerge if we find an evolution at certain nodes to so plot the preternatural state of the abstract space into some direction...this is the greater rule beyond where in a quasic n-dimensional chessgame that in general may not distinguish the wins or draws with certainty we observe at least a duality as to what are systems and subsystems of the binary powers in unity. This post on fb contains some of the thoughts on this.

So, the good news is that this rule has its place in the totality of  concrete and abstract considerations - a sort of logic as issues of degrees of freedom, and that with a little tweaking our existing notations can be useful in describing the general state of things.  Are you asking me for further discussion?   The logical space, concrete or abstract at some level we see in the chaos of small changes in QM influencing great changes at some state will approach unity... this unity is like a conceptual lens where this rule may be expressed in different abstract dimensions without contradiction... and what we see thru it is after all the results and interpretations of what we actually see in the slit experiments regardless of if we or the apparatus chooses to observe the underlying primitive space so as to apply such a "mysterious" rule.  On a calculator a^n + b^n approaches 1 does it not? In a sense you are saying fundamental things, information theory like, which tends to agree with my simple statement that more than just the algebra is involved here but more like the arithmetic. Under the surface of truly balanced equations, at the in-variance of our zones of horizons information can be said to be equal  between dimension, say 2D into 3D mapping.  But if in the quantum sense we allow a still deeper grounding as a matter of widest uncertainty thus widest degrees of freedom we need more to explain general possibilities of theory.  There is nothing "mysterious" about  higher dimensions (Euclidean at least) but it seems to me that our minds are such a lens, perhaps partial also in its directions as to what is formal necessity, that observes and computes these things regardless if space is absolute, empty, or distance as remote measure, or that in effect or real such a Born like juxtaposition of mirrors we say some dimensions or values can be useful in the description a concrete rather than just methods of simplification of formulas otherwise very cumbersome or  if expanded almost impossible to reduce over all of time.

 [ This posted  in comment to Neil Bates on the Born Rule that for some reason does not seem to show up there.  But it does relate to what I call Quasic Dynamics 6 posting notes pending inspired by Jaya's clay model as both concrete and abstract as was the case in predicting the near future models in my candle making designs-  In general designs are two years delayed before someone thinks of them and the most improbable design is thought of and bought by someone- yet the general principles can be taken and expanded on by someone. For me I took hints from structures of things like branching in nature of the flora around me for a starting point.  It seems the great problem in a start up or proposal of ideas is that in principle one has to compete with oneself for access of forces in the market place if our ideas make a difference and are not indirectly shared.]

As far as this limitation over the abstract directions and divisions in the representations where our sentience can be described as such a lens or useful physical device, The King is more limited in moves unlike the Queen or knight save in looping reflections in abstract x y z  3D directions so in 3D the board where the piece is he particle and the board the field the total cells regardless of boundary is reduced by 1/4 th an so on...

* * *

And the stars also...  How deeply am I seeing?  37 and 73

Saturday, June 27, 2015

QD 5 - The Vorx as Generalized Minimal Vortex Array

The 'Vorx' as Abstract Arithmetical Manifolds   Forgive the error: alernating should be alternating and in QD-5 photo page written in haste and ball points not my favorite writing instrument... the world love (interesting if a slip in rapid dim writing) should read (e-)volve. shorthand contractions and hidden mixing of things under a clear fixed formality like some dreams with hidden meaning are not necessarily apparent to the author.


So, the good news is that this rule has its place in the totality of  concrete and abstract considerations - a sort of logic as issues of degrees of freedom, and that with a little tweaking our existing notations can be useful in describing the general state of things.  Are you asking me for further discussion?   The logical space, concrete or abstract at some level we see in the chaos of small changes in QM influencing great changes at some state will approach unity... this unity is like a conceptual lens where this rule may be expressed in different abstract dimensions without contradiction... and what we see thru it is after all the results and interpretations of what we actually see in the slit experiments regardless of if we or the apparatus chooses to observe the underlying primitive space so as to apply such a "mysterious" rule.  On a calculator a^n + b^n approaches 1 does it not? In a sense you are saying fundamental things, information theory like, which tends to agree with my simple statement that more than just the algebra is involved here but more like the arithmetic. Under the surface of truly balanced equations, at the in-variance of our zones of horizons information can be said to be equal  between dimension, say 2D into 3D mapping.  But if in the quantum sense we allow a still deeper grounding as a matter of widest uncertainty thus widest degrees of freedom we need more to explain general possibilities of theory.  There is nothing "mysterious" about  higher dimensions (Euclidean at least) but it seems to me that our minds are such a lens, perhaps partial also in its directions as to what is formal necessity, that observes and computes these things regardless if space is absolute, empty, or distance as remote measure, or that in effect or real such a Born like juxtaposition of mirrors we say some dimensions or values can be useful in the description a concrete rather than just methods of simplification of formulas otherwise very cumbersome or  if expanded almost impossible to reduce over all of time.

 [ This posted  in comment to Neil Bates on the Born Rule that for some reason does not seem to show up there.  But it does relate to what I call Quasic Dynamics 6 posting notes pending inspired by Jaya's clay model as both concrete and abstract as was the case in predicting the near future models in my candle making designs-  In general designs are two years delayed before someone thinks of them and the most improbable design is thought of and bought by someone- yet the general principles can be taken and expanded on by someone. For me I took hints from structures of things like branching in nature of the flora around me for a starting point.  It seems the great problem in a start up or proposal of ideas is that in principle one has to compete with oneself for access of forces in the market place if our ideas make a difference and are not indirectly shared.]

Quasic Dynamics IV : On Abstract Arithmetic Representations


In terms of the combinotoric approach and the null algebra of a quasifinite view where the abstract geometry  meets over group concept interaction of adjacent dimensions the 20 and 24 as sub-abstractions contain many multiply dynamic logical notions which is a rather total picture.  But this by such non-necessity of reasoning or speculation does not preclude explicitly that there is not a still bigger picture to explore.  Yet, this seems to ground the occurrence of quantum theory and does solve the case where we divide Tarski paradox like entities with a new interpretation while we can find from the world view useful technology in the immediate future.  But short of some idea of Heaven will we ever concretely rest with such abstractions of the preternatural?  There is work to be done.

Friday, June 26, 2015

May the Gods Bless All our Homelands

Contrary to the latest NOVA on other forms of life that have a sense of the past and the future so can solve novel problems it is not all about culture - it is about our genetics history over a species too which can pass at a distance over generations of time. But deeper than this is also about simple geometry and arithmetic how people and collectives unify or interact in conflicts. So Happy Fourth of July from the next place North America has as part of the world's future. Revolutions and Revolts come and go, and so do empires in cycles. Count the rows, think the movement of things in time and space of wheat and light and our candle wicks made of sand. God Bless all our Homelands.

Geometrical Representational Simulations of Physics as Number Theory. The case of the 144 star union (120 + 24)...the minimal vortex array of halved and doubled orthogonal angles in redoubled convergence triple fractal back reaction.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Asphodel and My Ordinary Soul

Asphodel Notes on Physics as a Poetry Project       Here I will eventually paste all the comments that were delayed or failed to post elsewhere but not in chronological order but recently.

By me,  L. Edgar Otto (the PeSla) whose domain is informal and manuscripts off line until I can become a better citizen of Google again with better access.


Post 1 (pending)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Quasic Dynamics and Suggestions for New Technology Experiments

So here are things I did not mention at the frontier of my speculation for experiments.  Perhaps a simpler and more focused title would be Quasic Dynamics. It at least shows some existing speculations as ill put as a questions or absurd in what we expect of the concepts.  The raw notes are terse (I was tired).  But if there is something to these thoughts it would seem clear to me that there could be some very advanced technologies that could come from basic theory and answer what we think we want from things like faster than light travel, instant sub space communications, deeper lens to view and interpret things; some limited time travel in new senses;  Better understand of our organic systems and what happens if we modify them; Neutrino telescope?; portals with ability to calculate by the devices (some existing ones modified and made smaller but looking for something else entirely:  Controlled fusion?  This ends my experiments 'not mentioned' in postings.  The influence of and problems with an interacting internet would have been very confusing had I not dreamed of such a thing and held what seemed a human conversation half a century earlier.  It is that elementary my dear Watson although the use and cultural understanding will take us much longer- if there is such a thing now that the ideas and links between us see all the more real.


QD Window planes that variably compute the Casmir force... 06-22-15

If in a sense mathematics is a faith that unlike other faiths can prove it is based on faith, then is it the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen?     ......... In the case where a self designing computer chip has been shown to operate without a clock and essential isolated transistors it was remarked that no human would have thought of such a thing.  From a more general view this is simply not true.  Well, necessarily true.  This human element would have eventually come up with the circuits.  In our time between the ontology and phenomenology this general question of where the quantum realm meets something a little higher (such as beyond color and theories of esp as in any isolated or insulated system) in a philosophy of non-necessity not only are the concepts of the logical but not observable issues of a more general uncertainty-certainty paradox a fatal contradiction that psychic phenomena are only intermittently reproducible but on this level we now find it true of some observations and hard experiments (let alone the theories).  Science itself is not harmed but becomes a new awakening or understanding.  Shannon's useful concept that information and meaning are conjugate (the more of one the less of the other) is a powerful reassurance- and yet, in the current context it is not an either or necessary truth- but one of viable alternatives. And where does the information go? The problem with skepticism of the public is that they come to know better than to trust a dogmatic stance after changing models of confusing reports.  Both from a religious stance and a totality as scientific objectivity.  So we have a philosophic problem to solve as well.  The standard model is not the bottleneck of progress some imagine it to be, but is part of the Big Picture and is sound - as well as our ideas on time differences in general relativity.  Consider exactly what the Pope said on the issue of global warming. Some things have already happened long ago and perhaps one day we have a device, a machine in front of us in a future technology which takes us long to reach if seen in real time where the design of the apparatus could say simulate all the variables and models that would say result from a more general theory of what we mean by the Casmir forces in relation to QM and within a particular local pathway and chosen scale.of things not seen?                                                               https://www.facebook.com/sabine.hossenfelder/posts/10153546794109574:70

Lubos Motl in his reference frame blogspot just does not get the more general idea that an abstract coordinate, viewed as local or not,  mathematically is a non necessary concept (which can be not forbidden as an instance of necessity.)  Anti-quantum zealots? I suppose one can see a higher form of uncertainty (where it may meet with certainty but not necessarily so) If our stance is to so define them strictly outside our own narrow box of concepts.  Why make a false division in order to show that there is an exclusion or syntheses again?  Why erect a sign saying, " take this intellectual leap which is common sense that there in the highest wisdom no such intellectual leaps."

Raw notes 10 hrs later on the same day....  Zenith and Nadir refers to a dream when very young that to awhile to understand... back when there was only electrons, neutrons, protons and empty space as far as we were taught in middle school at the time...  The figure between a cone pointing up and down said zenith then nadir and it proved to be a forerunner to the concept of the quarks.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Loop String Gravity over Iota Points and Indefinite Unitary Length

There are many intermediate theories of gravity.  Point and length segments as if a ray for example:  Loop String Gravity (LSG) or Loop String Dark Gravity (LSD)G .  In this figurate graph I imagine it as a pyramid constructed in 3D and can be imagined further as these placed on a cube then curved outward.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Exxene Relativity and Absolute Spacetime up to the OMNIUM

By Omnium I mean the sum total or miscellaneous collection (a term Penrose also coined for the idea of a sum total as a description of the Physics.

The Exxene (doubly extra dimensionless-dimensioned) Plane...  In this model we cannot just multiply matrices as if a measure of hyperbolic rotation.  So the physical universe in these topological and algebraic issues are not necessarily background dependent for the mathematics or physics. Is there in this twilight zone between the deterministic and indeterminate expression of a sequence (generalized the events and space coordinates at the  level of Ottonian observations as sequence over the OMNIUM... the first philosophic continuum.  Lorentz in this higher exxene relativity should hold and have a teleological measure of both the gravity and mass- so there is a lot to explore if there is this much and possibly more than this.  Conceptually we simply have to account for views like similarities and differences of dark matter or any dark models we use as metaphors in our speculations. In a sense the nature of such a path of interacting beginnings and endings can be seen as  Existing, existence...in the questions of at least a quasifinite praeternatural (primordial) state both on the macro and micro or middle scales to which it seems such a description of our would is naturally the case where we find it familiar on a human scale.  To the extent we may regard this as the next theory of unification as if a unique description we can imagine in this simpletic conception as part of the Big Picture is inversions and mirrors where the grid is at least logical, thus more or less rational, wherein we imagine Eddington like spaces in a relation, quasi- superimposed or not over null (singularity) algebras embedded in the other backgound of Dirac as if a quasi-reality as simple arithmetic that can exchange power laws to which our present math does not yet have good notation.

The Autisicontinuum and its Quasifinite Spectrum

In the extremely trivial and replete profound act of counting the Quasic grid view for our preternatural ontological phenomenology does seem logical.  The 24-ness of things may each be a center or the totality of them have no center of simple topological connections.  The sympletic view moreover can be extended to higher null faults in interconnected dimensions where the 24-ness or ultimately the 384-ness in 4D is also a sympletic view so as to extend relative and absolute physics.  I note the simple doubling of triads, trichords are 24 and 24 as if a shadow but over the DNA compass for any given tone center we see the 3+1 formalism between the two sets as to which is the grounding major chord and its variations.  For now I call this version of the quasic plane the Autisticontinnum as our conceptual and constructible entities as physics. (Atcm) as regarded positive and concrete.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tetrahelix Neutral Chiral Triality-Duality Genome Generalization

"Man's achievement in architecture was the taking of the Euclidean plane, as if looking out over a pond, and standing it on end."    Santayana

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Maxims and Bare Principles

My mood has generated a series of terse, pithy but profound maxims lately...Pe Sla, old baldy, a vanished Nova in the Lakota badlands earth map... concentrated spaces wearing a feathered helmet iconic and exaggerated.  Perhaps I should reconsider using twitter for the arts sake... this photo perhaps a format for my blog or something.