For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
On the Transactional DreamSpace Universe (XdsU)
On the Transactional DreamSpace Universe (XdsU) L. Edgar Otto
The use of a plus sign with a circle around it as a form of positive addition that leads to cascades of weights by matrices of in graph theory while a consistent method that presents proofs should consider dark mirrors implied or in actuality as if for particle physics and the simplest laws of motion, quasic praeternatural motion, leads to a wider conception of what are the laws of physics. It is a question of what is the container as well as what is that contained in relation to directions a the question of the initial designation as if something comes into existence or vanishes as being more than the permutations over generations quasifinite and tachyonic like in expression of those laws that seem both acceleration and probabilistic degrees of arrow of time biases.
Interesting things can be concluded as to the accumulation of wisdom both in an individual and for society. Some things in this doubly synthetic theory as thought can remain unresolved that for civilization and of the role of science and scientists with a better explanation, the Big Science model of which we seem to have survived without consensus on such alternative possibilities. From this view there are no guarantees that individual thinkers, those who take a modest synthetic step hailed as Nobel Prize worthy, it truly original as if a theory of everything. Application of ideas of chain reaction is engineering for the environs of its day. Where there is anomalies that seem to violate existing laws at all is merely the artifact of our use of limited notation. Even if the effect is small if there is any at all it eventually leads toward exponential inflation, such as cosmic inflation ideas. Of which small changes can make great social ones that justifies expense for the industrial complex with a projects of its won as Big Science or rather rumors of it, Big Science Fiction to build on the directions at hand or in some sense to defeat them.
The transactional idea is the application of lesser initiator and terminator places in a coherent matrix of matrices that that of simple being. It can be considered supernatural as well or interpreted as people do not have any necessary reality of human rights save by power and the fortunes of war. But what I address here is not the confusions of ideology and politics nor the questions of what is the culture or ethics of the day. The essential question I will answer from this alternative view is “Of What does the Fetus Dream” when it spends so much time in REM sleep? Consider this an introduction to further thoughts and simulations when I have sufficient access to the virtual world and its logic as well as the question of what it means to access our dreams and there nature as if we each have so much endowment to reach our individual understanding of space as dreams itself that we can find more than these facts of space and time as one initial being of motion, one living in the the state of the moment, or one cascade of a razors edge or fraying tightrope are methods of analysis and forewarning for those awakened in the world that may prove to the wise ones among us we are just meaningless symbols in limited arrays.
Nevertheless, this alternative conception as disturbing as it may be to long standing issues of our era, what is toxic of race and culture as recurrent themes or simply where does the universe of indifference stand on what is good or evil, what of lives matter or beyond present conditions can be planned such that no life on earth is in the way of pointless awakened arbitrary progress. Dreams as such have their place but the duality seems elusive and full of self deception in our isolation or protections that we may commit and function to some style of living. I can write in the purity of dreams but not even a photo to record them directly as things stand as if only what is the even and not focused landscape is accessible. Yet, from the intuitive inspiration of such imagination I clearly present this a little more experienced than from the imagined purity of some degree of our childlike natures that this leap of synthesis and analysis is in fact presented to you from a being that on awakening presents it as awake.
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Monday, July 27, 2015
Romancing the Quasic Theory (some comments on social media)
fb comment activity for g+ blog posts?
JK Society if it is to transcend to the next level of our interconnectivity, the virtual internet if not the electric grid itself survives its vulnerability, now depends on how well we can navigate abstractly between what we can see or interpret what we cannot of our partial simulations.
Interesting links, Joseph. Treat the little arrows as binary coordinates of either the particles or the field box that contains them. These make a 2D quasic dimensional box that can be read in a specific order or sequence. The 0's and 1's can be interchanged the 'shadow ' as if in 3D natural dimensions. Four such (logically tetra boxes) can form a linear or the same sequence in 4D as a 2D lattice of boxes in boxes. 16 0D boxes. 64 cells 8x8. 2^q so 5D = 16 x 8 and 6D = 256 and so on... This the basis of my logical and playable 4D chessgame of 1963. Much has happened since then, much has not, and much seems to be finally happening now from these vague early independent recreational math beginnings. Sometimes,in the lonely frontier of new theory someone builds on it and even surpasses it as we go beyond original concept's. In a way this helps to confirm them. Now, what about the boundaries, the dark mirror physics of the lines between the cells of the quasic grid itself?
The 2D representations are easily extended into 3D or more. But the properties that aquire names as quasifinite facts by this method are not saved in reduction nD down to 2D. But this lattice property exists even if our widest generalization is not seen in a world of only 2D where all Lie groups seem enumerated. Even the Monsters. The laws of physics conserved without appeal to say holographic principles of supersymmetry distinctions as so called information lost or that such effects in time where the simulation meets the physical reality are imagined grounded in illusion. This could be the case but not in terms of being - but as philosophy of existents at least at the level we understand physics now including how some imagine the highest meaning of QM theory.
SH All these social experiments seem to me to take too long , is too little, and too late. My modest candle company in the early 70's did all this but not based on theory nor even ideas we were organized (but informally) as a commune or cooperative - but for common sense including better creative designs and production. But on the IRC chat in the late 90's I put women in position of power (there we none even if majored in philosophy.) And they were much more mean ti each other than the guys. Something I do not understand is going on here. After all, who rembers Elizabeth the First or Catherine the Great ?
If I had a theory of everything and could see it with a single unified eye I would say she has a knack for the multiple dualities involved with my quasic physics - not QM or string theory as fundamental. This drawing is classic. (assuming the two eyes in the center of a face are not meant to be a nose) Jung noted that children have a period where they draw faces with 4eyes. I have seen kids do this myself. But speculations aside it could be something simpler, a question of identity landscape - the fact in time and bonds or separation she is a twin. "Adam, you did not have to scribble all over your picture when I asked why you drew four eyes." " No. That is just Adam all tangled up. " he said. But I would like to believe she has the theoretical potential of Penrose who realizes it takes 8 bits and not 4 for an exchange of QM and gravity information. :-)
Ron T) So you can make a candle which is its own wick? Holy 20 mule team borax! Why doesn't it accelerate the fast neutrons? Note to.Iran : Hide your nuclear wastes in pools of water. Boom! Element 5 has new interesting chemistry. (Better living through chemistry,right? ) Well, if we do not know basic things how can we build complicated things safely?
nukes oz So you can make a candle which is its own wick? Holy 20 mule team borax! Why doesn't it accelerate the fast neutrons? Note to.Iran : Hide your nuclear wastes in pools of water. Boom! Element 5 has new interesting chemistry. (Better living through chemistry,right? ) Well, if we do not know basic things how can we build complicated things safely?
SH and JScott Neat bubble link, Jes. Once we get past the idea "mass is a knot of space." A hoot. Did they solve it? So if very rapid micro pulsars explain that analogous debate where do the missing spectra go in those fluid scales of "dark hydrogen bonding"? You must have overheard Feynman talking in his sleep :-)
I made a drawing but it lost in a power outage glitch. Basically 8 tetracibes in 32 cells then add 32 as a.mirror then isolate and interchange the 4 chiral ones. 64 - 8 = 56 = 9 x 6 plus 2 = 2 x (27 + 1)
Now 64 - 24 = 40 and 64 - 36 = 28. 5D - 4D close sphere packing. 28 codons implied as 4D. This assumed intuitively long ago while making variations on the SOMA cube puzzle SomaMore. Note 240 is the number of 8D spheres around a center one and is the number of SOMA solutions. 25 is the number as initiator. Jes.
Jes Scott replied I wonder if that child is still in all of us learned adults. I have some serious questions for Jr.
Ron, the Lord of the Dark Force, our skywalking father, must think we are peons instead of pions and that laser sword size matters to the landscape environment in this age where the masses are more sophisticated via science fiction. But man cannot live only to save the princess nor by Wonder Woman bread alone :-)
In a more unified physics the structure or design of the model makes sense for something, not necessarily a quantum or gravity concept can act as a binder or mediator between two such spaces real or implied as if a dark or neutral horizon of the symmetrical and at once asymmetrical as more fundamental physics. The hierarchy and parity of dimensional subcells between dimensions is obvious simple geometry of 4 'pion'-like objects where color and structure are exchanged by such probability condensed gravitational matter = condensed material gravitation. CMG can be put into strings as mediators in these quasifinitely described models as implied but not complete supersymmetry or time arrow directions. Such inevitible lesser speculations are logical and consistent , predictable. I use the term 'Quasic' as it is more fundamental than QM. But this came before quarks and quasars and string theories as TOEs. The counting in detail of low dimensions and partical generations is the key where CGM as the Higgs field is at once one object and many objects aabstractly. In three generations we assert Higgs can act as both a mediator and terminator as in the dynamic expression of DNA in all its representations over the quasic field. But this is not the last word on the Big Picture and Big Show.
The first being the last, rinse and repeat. Echo. I wonder how that looks as a mathematical model. JS said
L. Edgar Otto Why does 480 come up in the usual physics equations? After all these are integer numbers. But when I do some calculations it is in binary. Not geometric images. I think you are right, it could explain light in compressed fluids but so could tension kinks in a breaking knot. Either way a 3-space problem. (If I understand you were thinking about it this way smile emoticon )
Jes Scott Mass as a knot would incorporate Penrose's twistor work very very nicely...I hope he's on the right track, I love watching his ideas evolve. And I really like that complex analysis ought to be considered as physical properties of nature. I cant imagine it any other way and still have electromagnetism work the way it does. It depends on i. How could i then be reduced to an abstract concept I don't know. I may be too naïve still. My mind is not trained to go down one path yet so everything in my head interacts with itself still, strying to solve a very very very big jigsaw puzzle. I'm very curious if my creative inclination in physics goes away with longer, harder schooling, or gets more keen and inspired... Piano helps. Tons.
Rob Gerardi Interesting discussion you two.
Jes Scott Oh that's pretty. Very pretty.... Gödel did a mathematical model for nonlinear time in which he first supposed the universe to be a rotating superfluid. From this a ring in the center should transpire in which time would exist along the path of that ring. It would be hilarious if ever we decided the universe to be a rotating soccer ball. Nah....that's just silly. Unless it was a point...too? Where's Ron Hubbard when I need him.
In theory those visible if we could see everywhere beyond the perspective from incoming data by the speed of light, these tend to be a finite number on the average as are the protons. But how many of this as a universal cosmic model could exist beyond what we really cannot see or know something there is an open question.
This explains why most people live on the surface between the dark and light of day. Somewhere in between, the dawn and twilight, thus like birds or fish that is when we sing. But the inquisitive seek more of the night for sound travels further in the deeps and the swooping owls with their expert talons to build their nests with single strands of your black hole hair are thought evil demons or highly intelligent when it may be just a matter of an anomaly of devoting so much of their brain matter to their eyes. If there are no gray groups there is not balance living on the surface of processes without mystery and passion for a stable life social yet in its own right the forces gray. Can science sustain its imagination?
Jes DM
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Epiphany, Ecstasy, and Experts for Our Eureka Moments
Ecstasy, and Experts for Our Eureka Moments L. Edgar Otto
There is
a phenomenon in our species I have seen over and over again, one of
how we evaluate our own or others work, overreaching and
overestimating it at times or underestimating it, established in the
safety of the elite crowd by irony as in the know.
A leap
of understanding deduced or stumbled upon that fills us with a vague
but intense moment of ecstasy which some take as cracking a great
hidden secret of the universe that stand out by the cautious science
minded as a deep and preciously rare mystical experience.
then accepted and built upon as if a logic that can be applied. One
that may be a bottleneck of visions and counting as well, where such
thought processes meet. But is secret again, a protection of our new
state of being in privacy that the epiphany can be protected from
mundane lesser profane thinkers in the world.
That or
we with less self doubt with more doubt for the experts sometimes
surrender to them or our leaders as if they are gods to find mental
again, given social voice and opportunity by circumstance, like most
anyone, entangled games with others have no hidden motives in our own
or their exchanges in conversation. For me Conway comes to mind. We
all deal with such concepts of psychology as if degrees of all of the
above traits of personality.
you gaze through a window at the falling snow from the warm
artificial sunlight of your hearth? Or go outside, brave the cold to
capture a snowflake a short while to observe its pattern before it
melts in in your hand?
and life tries to delay the decay, parameters controlled to observe
the symmetry a little longer, a drive to know despite life's burdens
and sacrifices.
It seems
to me rather Biblical, the fact nets of 153 fish – truths of the
influences of Greek philosophy and number theory where in its day at
the dawn of music of the spheres, we pass on patterns and store
golden ages if we can keep or recall them through generations. That
passage foresaw for ideas ideas in our day, and for our own particle
generation limits what like the dust we stand on is contained as a
concept of asymptotic freedom.
* * * * * *
Some Poetic comments to science articles posted on facebook:
This explains why most people live on the surface between the dark and light of day. Somewhere in between, the dawn and twilight, thus like birds or fish that is when we sing. But the inquisitive seek more of the night for sound travels further in the deeps and the swooping owls with their expert talons to build their nests with single strands of your black hole hair are thought evil demons or highly intelligent when it may be just a matter of an anomaly of devoting so much of their brain matter to their eyes. If there are no gray groups there is not balance living on the surface of processes without mystery and passion for a stable life social yet in its own right the forces gray. Can science sustain its imagination?
Will humans take on the role of corals? Free floating larva that responds to the changes in the environment - climate, sea level and so on a barrier reef against the dark attracting and sustaining other life forms - if we find a place to be established but fixed awhile before we spend our light and leave great castles in the depths and sky?
On the illustration above there I added on the photo a caption "Building bridges across the confluence of our dreams" but I hope also to post one from the same perspective when and if we really build the bridge."
* * *
Some Poetic comments to science articles posted on facebook:
This explains why most people live on the surface between the dark and light of day. Somewhere in between, the dawn and twilight, thus like birds or fish that is when we sing. But the inquisitive seek more of the night for sound travels further in the deeps and the swooping owls with their expert talons to build their nests with single strands of your black hole hair are thought evil demons or highly intelligent when it may be just a matter of an anomaly of devoting so much of their brain matter to their eyes. If there are no gray groups there is not balance living on the surface of processes without mystery and passion for a stable life social yet in its own right the forces gray. Can science sustain its imagination?
Will humans take on the role of corals? Free floating larva that responds to the changes in the environment - climate, sea level and so on a barrier reef against the dark attracting and sustaining other life forms - if we find a place to be established but fixed awhile before we spend our light and leave great castles in the depths and sky?
On the illustration above there I added on the photo a caption "Building bridges across the confluence of our dreams" but I hope also to post one from the same perspective when and if we really build the bridge."
* * *
Friday, July 24, 2015
Patrix - Quasifinite Color Matching of Deltahedral Symmetry
More on the long standing theme of this blog, a dark fluid concept toward matter, wet or dry it seems a waterdrop or oil drop charge model on higher dimensional steroids. This I call XcSn, Transitive Chromatic Space Notation. I considered the kite arrangements too as in the background of Danilo's photo. Danilo Zammattio I was just moving some color cubes in my minds eye. My vision must have jumped briefly into your drawing and grounded better came back again. Lately, your series feels to me still another conceptual breakthrough.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Sometimes we find little truths on the way to more general theories, so there is wiggle room for our imaginations in the dark and this can be seen as evidence as we try to find the pattern as if something happened (like Uranus pushed out of the usual spin by some catastrophe) At least this is seen as a mystery still in how our solars systems are formed... So as we go beyond Neptune and contemplate wider dimensions I give you another alternate theory- Lisanardo the enigmatic smile that questions issues of gender (of numbers that is) and the question if Leonardo made a second painting or it was just a clone of his apprentice if not his Ganymede that once filled the constellation Aquarius in the sky. It was a joint enterprise of craftsmen after all back then. Why did the Neanderthal's vanish? Perhaps because they did not divide the labor of their genders (even if they were smarter the sexy cromags surpassed them. There is no intrinsic man woman war nor wish to live vs death wish, necessarily. But the problem or bottleneck here is that we can go too far in the dominance of one gender... and their codes of inheritance. For one extreme replicates the male code itself subduing the women and the other extreme is a mirror, really a sociobiology, were all is one gender save the queen and her double chromosomes and a few worthless drones for a single colony of infertile female workers.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Pluto-Charon Doubling Dice on 24 Pips and Bar of Backgammon
We can artistically focus on reduced but integrated false colors...from the unified double planet nature (symbolically) divides into bosonic Mordor and its fermionic pair to which the original link between surfaces have materialized so as if to quasi vanish. Pluto has cleared its orbit at a scale of minor debris, via chaotic stability. Is not Jupiter in a sense a moon of the sun, and the asteroids its ring? So by that definition Pluto is a planet doubling and halving its scale - and we could have predicted no debris hazard as New Horizon approached, Ralph and Alice... one of these days to the moon, Alice... and all that. The realized local principle of the 24 pips and the bar in doubled dice backgammon of actual and virtual and virial backreaction.
There is of course more than these three, at least one or two preaternatural more quasic branes but this status on fb I posted from a dream where I wrote a summary paper: July 18th 2015
We can read information from simulations once we understand Weyl points and the boundaries... If we see these as planes (branes) there are at least three types that can be superimposed 1. a slice thru a Natural dimension, N... a sequence shift thru the Quasic Dimension Q... and a generational loopy at the foundations of neutral open or closed quasi parity probability of recursive n-ality G... for a start and from my dream as I slept late through the storms... seems odd not posting for 17 hrs, connections slow... oh, I recall, a key point: BBC radio on in the background, everything else electronic unplugged... a study of different cells in rats that base their sense of navigation from processes that adjust to time and orientations not from the outside changes but from within. Think about it for general structures of physical things.
Metaphysics of Clay IV : Tautopal 13th Sphere Close Packing Quasi Parity
For Lubos and other stringers over the last 50 years or so too: There is no guarantee that someone will be read correctly or that we will understand the depths of what is written. What seems trivial in a sort of exclusion principle to what seems significant from the alternative view is a threat to what principles are face saving to what one thinks as a sensible model. Are you saying we need theories of a hologram or renormalization that is not the same trivial statement that some form of string theories are necessarily coupled? The duality between our dream states (a little wider than even M like theories may or may not have implied or necessary connections to our sober awakened models. But out mechanism tends to find reasons to keep us in the dream so not as to awaken if the body needs more sleep. Perhaps the LQG shares this problem of models where the cosmology may try to exclude singularities. (Where is the application in nature to the Weyl gauge and just how far have we trivially observed his more or less fixed monopole singularity points? Have we really seen evidence of these directly anymore than trying to see gravitrons directly? And i these were more fundamental than a neutrino that has some mass so they are not that, then what of more general sequences of possible things or states where information can be Majorana like regardless if gravity can be explained as open or closed loops or strings?
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Trinity Day and Weyl Ideal Singularity Points Directly Detected
Happy Trinity Day ... we also have become the creator of worlds... 16 years before the test said to knock alien craft out of the sky (hey it feels like it to my life and then it seems a generation or so were getting slower again) Weyl and these things like near monopoles... they are a little more - so let us praise Weyl for his cool evaluation of intuitionist ideas. But isn't it great to be working with concepts all along then to find that someone eventually brings them into the mainstream and experiments and some idea of new technologies?
Jung, his idea of man and his symbols, suggested we are the projections of the "aliens" rather than they projected from us. So we take what we want from ideas of thinkers in the past, into our own perspective, declare some dreams too mystical. From his focus from the universe's multiple perspective ideal points at infinity... is it not reasonable to imagine that in some sense atoms evolve as other physical things and issues of cause and memory? Was his idea really to bizarre to be true Dr. mass converted into energy equations that led to our power over little suns?
* * *
Abstractly, in the recursive (table cloth like) fractal aspects of the general quasic grid... we have to take such a centered singularity idea to finer definition that combines the general string-like landscape of the Weyl gauge grid to the Majorana concepts of particles and "transitive" over the universe of discourse ideas of such information. Without the Bigger Picture some model concepts are developed as abstract ideas which only exist to ground the model but do not necessarily connect what is lost in our trivial description of reality or remains only accessible within the hierarchy of our dreams. Much of our debates is this general duality as a principle of exclusion by which to go deeper in the understanding to to seem or be a real threat to what progress our models have made.
N-ality Arithmetical Topology & Access to Dreamscan Preternatural Social Gravity
I think we are all getting there in the Big Picture and the ongoing Big Show. As far as this unusual method using axioms of simple counting, both preternatural in combinations and transitivity of properties of perception and physical space... The axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis are not necessarily independent axioms. But the gender of numbers is not always symmetrical when we transition back and forth between duality of bases and so mix them. So two ideas here merge in my speculations, that of dark symmetries of the metaphysics of clay as a reference for a neutral duality and that in these constructive emphases the quasic grid and what it contains in terms of our ideas of boundary limits is also a sort of inversion (which nature is open to any side of our interpretations) that we can in a sense turn the face saving epsilon-delta argument to the gauge as well as thinking of it as a simple inversion mirror. This then is the idea of a scan of interdisciplinary theory as well as the general scan to higher thoughts in our undestanding of the state of minds and access to dreams as they shift a little more generally beyond simple Lie and Clifford like algebras or some idea of emptiness self referential or not.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Teleoscoping Metamaterials as Quasic Dimensional Information
Mentioned as breaking news today on science daily the physical concept of metamaterials demonstrated... in this sense by teleoscoping I mean the (quasic) information contained in an orthogonal (folding cubes where they share an edge that somewhere the holographic information and the relative unit length can be seen as equal between natural dimensions so defined. This is the topological sense of what is touch (substance or delay) and the spectrum of sight over its universe of discourse as constants, dimensionless or otherwise. That place where the Plutomnium meets the Teleomnium that time while it is fixed it is also asymmetric as dimensions seem to unfold.
I have said before that the science news magazines sometimes have a flood of articles with connected links. Well, in the Tsunami of today's links on science daily reading them after the post with thoughts that take a lifetime before the facts - the stated 'new' problems are conservative that as with CERN and pentaquarks it may not be time to break out the champagne... who wants to drink alone or in an anonymous crowd although the excitement and distance of long data arrival delay is welcome to many of us. In times of doubt and drought articles can be a contradiction in their links - such as if we can see nano changes in color why can we not see minor changes in women's faces at the peak of fertility? Anyway, I have called this area of ideas " Last Face " as matters of physical craft construction. At the moment when all things considered there is little difference in the hands on (taking time, energy, and resources) artistic approach and that of virtual simulations, the latter seems the best use of my efforts - but if in a better way to organize our time and efforts we need to know where these ideas meet that we can attempt a better organization. We need better exercise for the brain-mind and if a new level of physics awaits us (there are so many hinted at new ways to interpret things) it should begin early on that for our species we do physics the old fashioned way where a PhD means original and fundamental new ideas - at least once where we then make it easier that others can rapidly share. I tried early on to visualize four space and to do so first from a simpler model that I could think about things spatially as if pictures in my mind I tried a 3x3x3 cube of bright points on clear surfaces like a 3D tic tac toe game... it worked but proved a hard exercise and not as simple as I thought on the way to higher space visualization. This seems to be the case in matters of three space group theory. I was deep into working with physical prototypes so just sketched these notes to myself not intended to post as is. I came to post it and to check the news on Pluto and mention the result on science daily of this layer in our outer brain for such visualization. So I have not read today's articles there yet... not easy to find the ones to give you the link of yesterday... interestingly the image of the hand if I read only the title of chimps if it takes up brain space like in humans is physically - that is hands on- more complex than human hands This sort of four fold and five fold simulation, that subtle distinction of permutations and combinations as well and that between the Feynman quarter rotations, Joseph Kover's visualizable results or the role of such negative or empty regions where imaginary vectors merge, that which is clay as well as dream in the deeper determination of our more or less fixed constants is the beginning of a new level of understanding... even the idea of that barrier between mother and fetus as a new test for cancer or not passed on to the child if the mother is so... seems to me expression of such n-fold representations. This is an exciting time for a little better physics... a rather Big Show. So Lubos, is it really 4 quarks and an antiquark? It is a little more general Big Picture but as to how well our primate brains work in these theoretical matters it is a really Big Show. I know you who have related views whom I know on facebook will know where their own concepts apply in the emerging wider physics. I do not mean to leave you out of any essential documentation.
Analog Duality and Coherent Pentaquark Cube Unfolding
This simple sketch I was not intending to post or do so later with better drawings or models. The underlying concept is that of abstract modeling by spatial visualization as we as algebraic principle on the foundational level to make constructible physical models of physical particles along the lines of an Analog Duality of Sabine Hossenfelder's conception as a compliment to the current digital and quantum like methods of approach. A fifth face of a cube is more than is necessary to describe the space of reflection (as if we say for example the equator of a planet or galaxy has special properties over some form of Lorentz invariant. Thus we can think of pentaquarks (or mirrors of them in the empty or negative space direction) as atomic as well as a molecular analogy. This mixing of the Feynman rotation at right angle continues further in to 3 and 4 space, 7 and presumably 9 "orthogon boundaries" and 11 for 5D and so on... Is this evidence of the string theories or loop quantum theories? Perhaps, evidence or discovery in a particle form of something more fundamental.
Science Daily discusses today again the pentaquarks, the unusual equatorial formation around Pluto (of which in a sense planets do vary a little the overall ocean and land mass duality of rational vs transcendental division into hemispheres) and in the outer layers of our brain the higher functions of spatial visualization that by different representations of space we can navigate in the dark- not just one simple representation.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Metaphysics of Clay II-n
Much of this post is more along the lines of personal notes that I feel eventually contains a core of sensible and meaningful encoding. Planets contend with the mixing of solids and liquid views, the centers of land and sea mass, as well the great explosions and paths possible from equators. I tell or share for what is our shared experience could have been pieced together from these 'peslaese' principles hinted at in previous notes already if those decoded.
But for applications in our time, say in medicine and computer aided surgery, strikes me as the end of what we now know that is rumors of better health, of survival as well the need to grow, of what ends in but promises as if unnecessary suffering if we make it to some sort of equifinality. Yet I suppose we can argue there is some residual element of the ideological and arbitrary idealistic age that lingers into our futures. In the extremes what is a flag as a symbol of our chance arrival like sea oats by the shores of wisdom falling on the dunes- needing as much to explore as to survive? In a world safe for such inquiry we must first have a world, then we can see better what in the universe and ourselves holds for us as surprises.
Sure Lubos, Let the Geeks Undermine the Greeks as the Cradle of Science
in the mathematics and physics in that it is an historical process
really adds small differences not that far from a first breakthrough
idea such as that of the Pythagorean Theorem applied to processes and
forms in topology.
some concepts are suggested by our quantum theory as to if a certain
path of history could in theory be changed in the past or future or
are forbidden in the states of our probabilistic interpretation in
the spacious present, both modern physics we seek to be unified as
grounding our reality lack this Quasic principle of “similitude
and differences” wherein from that view by human attributes or
machines (the modern conversation with computers in particular), we
should ask what past or future do we change if that landscape is
richer than any one particular path we interpret as evolving in all
possible ones of pasts and presents so changed?
some concepts are suggested by our quantum theory as to if a certain
path of history could in theory be changed in the past or future or
are forbidden in the states of our probabilistic interpretation in
the spacious present, both modern physics we seek to be unified as
grounding our reality lack this Quasic principle of “similitude
and differences” wherein from that view by human attributes or
machines (the modern conversation with computers in particular), we
should ask what past or future do we change if that landscape is
richer than any one particular path we interpret as evolving in all
possible ones of pasts and presents so changed? (So it seems to me
that such ultimate grounding for such cosmological questions in that
our understanding and perceptions have reasonable limits of our
individual states of sentience that there is little point in not
sharing our wisdom where it is possible. To withhold such wisdom has
consequences for society and intrinsically cannot be sustained in a
moving historical landscape where as things stand history in a sense
repeats itself so issues like wages, the assembly path and equally
arising but also decaying consumerism is not sustained other than as
a general truth as an apparent totality that also intrinsically
stands. Yet, if we come to use this world view as a scientific
approach beyond the age of war and ideology and where it may fit into
something as quasi-real as a post-economic and even post-alphanumeric
era, there are wider consequences as to just how far we can guide our
own evolution or what we need to do to imagine what seems now at best
debatable forms of speculative philosophy as physics. There is no
'never again' for any state of history given itself more than a sort
of miraculous illusion if as thinking creatures we bury our heads in
the sand or come close to breakthroughs where in some cases of
ignorance we only take the necessary stop signs on faith but not in
the depth of our measures and evaluations regardless of what or who
in nature and on what scale are 'observers'.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
VelaChrome Metaphysics of Clay Photos
Vela (as in the metaphor of the constellation) Physical Construction and Virtual Simulation Project for ongoing miscellaneous photos as a conversation between the Stringy Jayaverse and Ottonian Scientific R&D . Lower than the shale compressed layers over geological time we find intermediate layers and look to traces in them with finer eyes... that zircons more than diamonds are forever.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Dream Space and Bessel Vectors
Lenz's law and surface phenomena notwithstanding from the Quasic view I suspended a pattern of magnets against the gravity and surrounded them by other rather strong magnets. The result much like a large magnet and a small piece of metal on a tether from any direction appears as if it is suspended in flight like a kite. I did not take a video of this but like our more than linear description of the Bessel functions and its meaning as to where other solutions exist, at least one, allowed the vibration once set in motion that took over a half hour before it began to be imperceptible. There is the question of outside energy say from electromagnetic fields but the idea is that what may be in the microscale can in a sense move things linearly adding spin and radiation pressure structurally as the primary or preternatural meaning of the conventionally described physics (calculus) approach. Can the magnets eventually bring their force to a neutral balance? If so how fast and does the speed of this change where it is more or less an isolated system?
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Distinguishing Infinite Convex and Finite Concave Polytopes
I wish to distinguish the golden ratio symbols tau (European) and phi (United States) for the kinds of these hyper deltatope symmetries. As in Sabine's intuition of Analog Duality and general proof that Poincare in reduction to a final approached abstract point in a manifold is not the last and most general word. Taudeltatopes are analogs to Kepler's 14 solids where the cubic rhombihedron can have the square and triangular faces across the diagonal rotated 90 degress (or not as there are two twisted or torsion and parallel analog varieties. This is the last face problem in construction of polyhedra, Tau as in tauon as if the sixth quark or 6th face exists as necessary over the 5 in these issues between infinite reflections between adjacent (even and odd) dimensions transitive globally over any particular node point but only realized at one point expressed linearly.
In this cube construction we have 4 hexagons ( directions Pitkanen-like xy parallels looped or stacked as one representation) 4 pentagons, and 4 rhomboids (diamond of four edges) all of which can be abstractly subdivided triangularly.
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If a Tree Falls in a Forest and We There...?
If a tree falls in a forest and we there, collectively or individually, would we hear it anyway. I posted this comment to Sabine's timely and timeless question:
Genius is bounded like large extra dimensions. So if we are experts and strive for fairness and scientific honesty in the data at least, who can determine even over distant times and societies, what is genius that with healthy skepticism may not know what they are talking about nor if it is without the fullness of time incalculable? There are so many names of some theorem or mathematical symbol,some experimental result, some simple ideas overlooked or forgotten. This topic on my mind lately, and presumably it is on our collective minds. Hard to read a paper or an abstract that uses some name so I have to look it up in the hypertext and search engines... We need a hypertext of the hypertext if it can be done where things are put into some pattern - one as a reference that itself may be questioned. In a sort of periodic table of engineers and theoreticians things could be more easily communicated if we choose to follow down a certain path... but in general the clarity would allow us to make better social and individual decisions as to where an how we may further evolve, evaluate, and discover truly new ideas.
The old tree fell in a storm but I slept through it... it seems to have landed in the right place- not the building or knocking down the electrical wires with it... This at a time of increasing sensibility to new ideas, spring gardens, falling dreams.
and posted comment to Matti Pitkanen:
So, Matti, What then is magnetism other than anyone who has played with magnets and can see and feel what is really sort of invisible? We can see the magnetic lines form say from powdered iron filings. But is this the magnetism itself no matter how we make hierarchies or expand our flux tubes in the imagined dark and negative spaces? I could agree that such tubes are real and material in effect and yes something limits this process if seen as quantum or relativistic in the space. The representation of a series of sheets is one form of a few models but the deep calculation still escapes us. Some things seem as much fixed as critical. With a more general theory it seems reasonable to say light itself may work rather well in redesigning or healing our biological systems, as well as where there can be an observation and unique diagnosis. These are important thoughts, mainstream or not, and have a role in the Bigger is not even sufficient to say we cannot exceed N unless we understand better the prime calculation and environs from one of our perspectives we assume a necessity.
Then in Reply to Jaya on my fb cover photo Butterfly Garden:
A garden in a garden... the lone scientist and the working together to learn (Sabine's blogspot topic today). We four winged things bring our perspective both individually and socially, yet even numbers defy calculation as well the symbols toward a common origin of ideas or future ones as we try to see the totality and the best in all our perspectives. Sometimes it is good that our gardens are a constant and that if the old tree has to fall past winter as it grows hollow and moldy...that things are inspiring as if reborn. Let it fall where it does the least damage whether we can hear it over the storms or not.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Of Stars and Butterflies - Overview from Relaxed Methods
I think it is the strength of Hogg in his research in astronomy that he takes the overview and thinks about more relaxed methods to contemplate the cosmos and the formal mathematics. It seems many in our time are sensing something in the winds of change in the physics. It is a great new era.
Quasic Dynamics XIV
From a general view of philosophic distinctions our generation seems of the world but not in the world. If you asked me today I would say the benefits to us for basic research and the promises of technology even as we approach it informally with fears and errors is hardly imaginable if we get past a few things. For example efforts to make a wider implementation of smart phone technology and any higher concepts we stumble on or jump ahead in our projects such as quantum computation is not our primitive superstitions of our bearing the 'number of the beast.' But it does evoke in us such primitive ideas of a reality as a sense of superstition. Our longing and emerging in this world. Can we spontaneously go from a place to another, although rare, as if instantaneously? What of the argument for a fire wall? Perhaps for some who sense the sulphorus netherworld of it. Perhaps nothing noticed at all , and who knows maybe some other port of call in the wide scope of the winds time. But to find the new era of science will take a lot more work and common sense to see that the design of things tends to balance out as we begin to imagine beyond the reality of what we project into our futures.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Ottonian Scientific Logo
Since Telstar was my anthem and I decided geometry was my area of study, when I first picked up my Daddy's guitar, when I made the Otto Symbol and its ratios since then its dozens of variation... a new one surprising (well, it was meant for an electronic company one day - but that seems to be still a vague dream in the actuality and other than for the art's sake what good is just a dream?) Few people know what they will want to do before 30, some already know. In this symbol of the old O.T.T.O. the recent theories apply too... I may just be able to make such a project, comes the idea for a new start up project and comes its logo. Now a practical question considering warm oceans (thus flesh eating bacteria and all the shark attacks off the coast of Carolina) Why if the rare earths repel the sharks by messing up their electrical system do we not include them in our surf boards? [ Much of QuasicDyanamics XIV post will concern this internal geometry of the plankton and the global climate variations and migrations]
Stringy Loop or Loopy Strings or something a little more general in the Big Picture? In any case we can imagine three of these in the Super-Duality Back Reactions (Sabine) for Foundational Physics.
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Sunday, July 5, 2015
QsDynamics XII Semi-classical Computation and Chiral Gravity
QsDynamics XII
Comment to Joseph M. The topological insulator is simply the topology. There is a human element to our semi-classical notions and computations. What this amounts to in our era is to ask ourselves, including what may be hidden in the mix, what do we really mean by solutions to equations, especially when we consider things like the holographic principle as our methods of the calculus which on the constructible face of it seems to be a total solution. But this is not my idea yet one of those at the frontier of our research. I will say that the E8 exceptional group involved, at least Euclidean, was my choice from the beginning as to how early string ideas seemed to focus from solutions of the whole.
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Many over the years have taken the simple paper clip in their office and made long chains of them. It occurred to me there were a lot more things one can do with the symmetry of this simple shape. I include in this photo the magnetic wooden stamps for my prototype acrylic game board supports. In this I also put the ratio of chiral loops (as say internal frequencies) to which the half alphabet or the transparent one (without the spaghetti) when spin seem to reverse direction - and yet if we reverse the loop it has no difference in the alphabetic shapes as if these asymmetric. So there is a place where the backreaction is at once both symmetric and asymmetric intrinsically. We see here that also we can regard the internal connections as parallels or a sort of square wave themselves accentuating the perpendicular axes with respect to the whole as preternaturally both continuous or discrete.
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It is not the gambling itself that as part of the picture risks the totality of interpretations, but the idea of what in a theory is guaranteed on some level... pre-existing conditions or not... but the insurance for the models and their building. Things can get confusing when the total state is vanishing, when our servicing the debt to old ideas can no longer afford the co-payments and yet we remain here, even if bankrupt.
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The light green and red stars can be interchanged as 24 + 1 = 25 as if on the roads a surface squared, thus the strength of the standard model...the grey and dark yellow are the same, and the background is much wider in conception than this minimal symbolic universe. The Hampton Yacht club pennant is a tapering red triangle on dark or navy blue - can be almost black. There are other considerations of the colors like the major background could be cosmic latte.or its inverse. Some colors off spectrum, cyan and magenta, become white with the four point stars. Also when there are 36 radial things these can be an additional three or six in the count... note that here also we detect a 90 degree spin of the cube where it passes thru the center point.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Quasic Dynamic Systems XI
I am amazed how hard for most people the simple geometric visualizations are hard to understand. Not enough is taught early on of the fundamentals. Or we have forgotten how to read and have to relearn to communicate thru stained glass windows. But if, evidently, I have not been successful in my communication so could be deeply wrong - nevertheless, as a human I am proud that at least one of us understood some things of our simple equations written on the shifting beaches and tides in the sand.
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to jaya : I have tried but never had much luck trying to find unique prime numbers by any of my geometric methods... it seems like this should be the case somehow. My last thoughts were that if a number is a class of things then primes are a class of things arranged dynamically in hierarchies, perhaps. 7 and 8... 7x8 = 56. much about Iron...and hard to see as much as any geometric intuition... harder because it is so familiar in our human scale than say a prime number can be thought of as just an uncertain quantum entity. Three Fano planes = 21 a triangular number but in a wider sense of such number theory formulas this number has special properties not just as a triangular number just like in counting half the points on a dodecahedron we subtract 2 from the totality in 3D... and the equator of these points is like a flat 2D disc. Of course this generalizes back reaction of Newton in the sense we recognize the case from the linear and inverse square law dualities... I wonder which concept Newton saw first?
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Quasic Dynamics 10 Icosahedral Symmerty and Quasifinite Global Numerology
Quasic Dynamics 10 Icosahedral Symmerty and Quasifinite Global Numerology
In the first photo we see the faces of the die opposite each other add to 21. The die on the right is a test sample of 3D printing (contains a honeycomb) and the numbers also in Braille. This was a friends idea and I will suggest to him a better arrangement. The touch and sight aspects of physics, what in particular is not a clear die that floats in salty water is an important concept if they are to be fair dice... on the other hand we can program the insides not seen to bias the accumulation of plastic nodes.
In the second photo I am sure that many of my theory friends can see parts of their own work in the general theory. Quasic boundaries are a simple gauge that tell me so much and what dualites are on this difference of inside and outside and more that these are also an ideal preternatural mirror, at least in our idea of what matter or gravity is... My friends 3D printing shows me how difficult the visualization of the space structures are... the 1 face was flat but as always with a last face to close the nature of it is implied. The delta epsilon is a deeper symmetry to the epsilon delta and so on...
Consider the numbering of icosahedral and dodecahedral dice used by the gamers.
QsDyn IX General Stereonometry
Physics, Metaphysics, and Stereonometry (intuiting the lost book of Aristotle) Here in the 9th post on the quasic view I offer thoughts on our notions of complex organic and physical systems to the extent we understand what is needed for our digital and analog deeply mirrored encoding systems.
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July 2... I have to admit that Lubos got my attention early on by his method of calling other physicists crackpots or worse... many I encountered on line. Surely this is no way to do real science or for that matter a non-biased objective way to develop a unified mathematics as fundamental physics. But I do not mean to put the guest scientist down as I do not know him, respect his era of training, and mind open to the problems at hand I presume. Besides, I do not know what they teach in school anyway... So Lubos, here is a memo for you my humble correspondent from someone worse you said than a crackpot... But I do this with the probably false need to defend my on-line thinkers. But it is not that I or anyone will take your bait much longer... Nor wait for something original and new that may add to our wisdom from him. Olaf Hohm of MIT is Lubos "guest blog speaker." First of all the theory presented does not cover all the "super- symmetries" involved via the geometry of the tori. While it is not aware of its narrow view is claims another view is recently and excitingly popular in the last five years that came just after string theory - but it is those alternatives that are said the narrow view. This is like Lubos to sense something possibly exciting as a breakthrough then claim the past history of its development arising from string theory. I am sure the universe does not care about the propaganda of such revisionism as much as say MIT does...Olaf, Motl has used you for his purposes! In the openning paragraph you are wrong anyway...some of this is old and some new (Sabine has a bold new take on this of which sharks rapidly go for the chub of their sinking ship) But as old this came well before string theory and is not even grounded on the ideas of six dimensional spaces from over a hundred years ago. The age of such physics is over... but will Lubos ever get over it? Does science not come together in praise when the evidence comes forth after great debate or are we forever in a loop of our grandfather's ideological preoccupations? PS, you cannot claim you are heirs to the quantum theory either.
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