Physics friends only. It occurs to me that in a 1+1 surface setting the Planck length might be thought of as a form of scalable Casimir style separation phenomena in quantum mechanics. If you remove the medium requirements of classical wave propagation you automatically have a two surface issue that could be coupled to a subPlanck <-> Casimir like separation phenomena. If the attractive strength scales high enough, the surfaces might osmose into a (1+1)+1 dual system analogous to Maxwell. by Joseph Marchione->
L. Edgar Otto I was just thinking this although hard to visualize (hard to simulate? ) This, like twisted light in a standard fiber optic cable is a consequence of Quasic (Compass) Harmonics. I just made shorthand notes I will post here for the arts sake. These are principles, some of which would existentally express Null thermodynamics (see Penrose on entropy at one narrow event of water in ice) Imagine two Casmir plates one can cause water to freeze or melt but not by radiation (lasers). D4 over min. QM is a QM tetrahedron over discrete and analog directionality. 00 01 10 11 tt self dual qubits of a double system. Also the boundaries of a quasic grid can after successive iterations can jumble time directions as if randomly resulting in ongoing depth of linear time as if the homogeneous color cosmic latte lattice infinite inflation thinks needed to explain backgrounds. Very good thinking, physics friend
For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Conversation Comments to Friends in the Social Gravity
Conversations reposted to Blogspot
... default state of attraction or repelling as with DNA at some scale. The chirality of a helix spin does not depend on heat or cold nor magnetic lag to reverse as if ahead or behind the constancy of light velocity.
There is a little more than that going on. Glycogen chemistry - ATP and so on. Oxygen used in the brain and to scan it in magnetic fields taking 20% of a body's energy (15 Watts) is constant as in experiments started long ago by Faraday.
It is the understanding of an unclear idea with a certain logic behind it. But it hardly can be said a modification of K-Klein . If anything KK would be a modification of that. This sort of symmetry is too narrow a basis for extending string theory or QM as a theory of everything. Consider Sudoku. What is the minimum hints needed for a solution? There are 3^4 squares or 9x9 which can be drawn on three cubes in three space representing a 4D hypercube. We can immediately see given one solution we can find others the same arranged sequences looking different in Flatland, but not hidden dimensions half going off to infinity of that primitive KK theory as 6 dimensions. So what more general theory in QM discrete terms is this amplituhedron a minimal jewel in the heart of? It takes 15 memorization's to build from there arithmetic. We forget potential infinity as looping cosmology or stringy for wiggle room can also be explained by superimposed null sets. We live in a indefinite scale large Sudoku Brane, at least where nature can be expressed Euclideanly.
Every once in awhile a string goes dead or snaps as we try to fine tune our theories.
God is like the Princess who could not sleep because through several mattresses stacked someone placed a small dried pea. Sensations too amplified. A small thought blossoms to fill the skies, it can be as much a subjective pain as physical one, or restless love and passion. Earth bound our treatises of dreams mentions tersely - And the stars also.
Odd, that I have been thinking about this too, even though pure thoughts may not be there nor shown there are connections where in the source of light we still need space even more than time.
I can imagine it closer (physically at least) to being right. Whatever a particular structural variations in a universe, the overall laws are uniformly Quasic, but on developmental (evolving) scales they are not necessarily so as regards wave mechanics, including that observable as radiation or that implied in dark space properties such as communication between regions by gravitational waves. Thus we redefine both the reflexive and intrinsic inertia as rest and motion giving trending time into superdeterminism. How then do we escape a charge of anthropo-centrism? We may not be able to because while a universe corresponds to our brain structures it is natural to ask if it is a thinking ensemble or that we are not,. The Quasic brain is at the frontier of what is our consciousness so the periodic waves beyond randomness (and QM chaos) depends in finer detail of time frequency's for what we perceive from light as its microscopic neutral entanglement span. This then allows a string of quasifinite entities (iotas) where the bulk of physical effects applies only in the extreme and low dimensions of generally different beginnings, directions, displacements , and ends to concentrate thought as matter beyond methods of complex analysis as an ideal separation of 2D transfer of heat. What this means is that physics in our day can not only be seen as a precipitation of biology but essentially Neurobiology in 3+1 formalism although some speculative authors are not aware of it in their physics and math models.
I find it a new feeling and wonder how universal it is within us - how can one intuitive mind hold ideas seemingly isolated from the mainstream yet feel no isolation at all in the reaching for what can be a shared vision in that it is correct or seems certain to become so after an individuals working through what can be shown uncertain in their confusion. Some borrow a deep concept in mathematics as if evidence of one partial vision can explain another. On the contrary, it is the mainstream that finds some thinkers blind and isolated, fragmented in the social gravity as if this blindness a good grounding as a measure of research and physics progressing to a certainty of truths. If you asked me tonight I would say there is no meaningful thing as pre publication and that eventually our intuition is sound enough that such individuals and our future for such failed souls no longer care, let alone see the point in leading them into some hidden or overt assumptions for nefarious purposes of rashly considered consequences of dogmatic conversion to some ideology. Souls or not, delusions heart felt in the spirit of it, each of us needs a fundamental opportunity to breathe.
Mainstream physics, especially as it denies review for some similar intuitive cases requiring intuitive proof as in arXiv is a rather dull number.
So I wonder if my DNA compass method works better. I suspect three similar structures of a unique folding can exist yet may make no difference. We need theory here more than experiment for quantum chaos algorithms where the cat exhausts 9 lives before a coherent adaptive mutation.
Quantum Billiards, random matrices and chaos, I was wondering if they solved that yet. No.
That works too, Ulla. But they are looking at it from only one corner. You have the ability to interview them and see what they are not telling or don't know. That is quite a magical power too
If we blew the whole universe up, if something could see it, where would all the parts go? Finite and infinite is a false distinction, but in any case is quasifinite and quasi- stable. Their 2D graphs are informative but less stable in interpretation than what abstract simulations seem able to tell us. What seems original and unique or what in our explanations are parallel. We can no longer wait for stale breadcrumbs. You have the magic, mate
Thanks, I am too crude yet advanced, out of practice. I first picked up a seven dollar guitar in Laredo, listening to Lupita y Rey.
Yes, relevant, but depending on the area of application and work of explanation - we can see there are no gaps nor symmetry breaking in the big picture and big show.
These Simons speculative papers come closer to having to deal with something new. (Which in terms the could understand better in their descriptive equations only, we may as well call QM tetrahedra.) You are too modest Joseph. I begin to wonder when, if ever, they will catch up with a few of us
C,athi, the answer to that question I believe goes a long way to particle descriptions (gluons are not necessarily spaced in linear increments trivially in asymptotic freedom. It points to higher physics and is implied discovery of it maybe not what we imagine as string or loopy unification. It is a most brilliant question if one thinks deeply about it
Sycamore balls, how you hanging?Will you fall come next fall will you spring come next spring seed gatherings in your banging?
Acorn worn bush brush against the hush,daughter of Gypsies, how can you not blush, romancing her lace belly dancing?
The physicists ideal spherical horse is as lame as glue made from its hooves. Without a way to find our monads have windows or black holes have hair it is just high grade horse hockey when in the ordinary world such entities seem better described as Velcro. This "Teleoscoping" principle over time distinguished 3 forces from gravity in the first place a which is rest or motion. A fifth ball is clear and is as precariously balanced as a cells mechanism response as its self referential choice of the same mechanism as balance of its life or death.
A cell for security assumes 1/4 th its members are security leaks so tries to adsorb them to pass false information to enemies. Or purge or convert them as in Japanese chess or expert hackers hired to learn weakness in a system as a plea bargain. The idea of the spy game is to make the other side paranoid. In a republic both a charismatic or imperial president can undermine its vigilant unbiased bureaucratic agents. If they think and for all practical purposes execute their office as if having Godlike power.
Chris, a possibility of which we can find rare exceptions where this higher understanding of physics as pure energy (opposed to pure mass) in frame relation to vacuum topology is not necessarily so.
Or it could be just an effect of a distant image as a negative index of refraction that is neither matter centered nor intelligent construction, but a natural physical effect as if a Dyson Hypersphere. Sort of like acoustic action over a finite action at a distance chaotically yet cyclically.
How odd that we can record and reverse the sound and feel the pressure yet not hear anything at all. We can use ultrasound to break up kidney stones without an operation then things painlessly clear up in a day. It is as if we entered a body's space from the fourth dimension, removed the appendix without passing through the skin at all.
I'll have what some of those tapeworms are having. But it should be labeled- Warning, the manufacturer is not responsible for any modified walk of shame side effects.
I wonder if it was sending us a message about not talking by texting ot if it was trying to send all the cats one through your phone?
I thought of this: a 16 foot parabolic mirror can focus sound to a boat on the lake as if the sound comes from just within the boat. "Fishermen, this is God, you take too much. Release those walleyes back into the water and go home."
John, I do not recall anyone explicitly saying we could control hot fusion with sound, but we do know there is a lot of structure on the surface of the sun thought hotter by acoustic sound or noise. A sort of controlled plasma leakage then? Good point and idea!
That is very philosophic, like Newton on his walks. I mix and melt, carve and color, cool and contain ingredients ; but I do not know when it becomes a candle; nor at what moment we talk in love; when some branch becomes a different tree. I just know that in thought on long walks from the place unknown where poems come from, always a surprise, I have imagined all the parameters to try to bake and time, store as recipes. Cupcakes opened once like a Xmas gift, or a galaxy of candles, all different, yet each predicted colors shifted and modified come out beautiful.
John, how do we reduce vibrations in a mechanical system of degrees of articulation freedom in robot arms without them getting out of sequence and falling apart? Is this your question?
Now this looks like progress in understanding such subtle differences of these material higher dimensional objects which like stars and planets their surface spherical tori can break into Firmion pairs.
Cottage cheese and fruit loops. Just a double shadow of a whole new class of Transterranium (Z>120) matter
Yanick, that could cause an earthquake on Titan or Jupiter to eject another small moon. Sort of like if our SUV's cause global warming or nuclear winter as well on Titan.
It comes and goes as any spinning ball of gas (sunspots?) Even layered turbulence in a laboratory. We could regard such spots as surface thin planets themselves or some sort of visible black holes. Pluto's orbit in higher rocky space dimensions is chaotically stable clearing its path of loose debris as was not predicted for sure before our space up close probe.
Vegetables like climate do not go extinct as do animals (since predator and prey support each other in phase and configuration space) Climate then is stable chaotically, sometimes hotter, sometimes colder while plant and animal species adapt, some going extinct doing do to fill the vacuum of some niche. Unless some alien event (asteroids? ) destabilize things. Or some internal belief changes the economics to redistribute wealth and change individual or species survival. The sparrows adapt to human population pressure but the songbirds are not aware their dwindling forests and wetlands are killing them.
We also can navigate the land mass as if one continent, thus find a projection of this cycle as if we only have one sea.
David, a form of information theory in that if we look hard enough we can find any pattern message in any other one. (Newton could have read JFK would be assassinated) Perhaps our generation of theorists are the ones programming beyond our time. Yet Leibniz had an alternative calculus and field background which launched our computer revolution at about the same
Give this some thought: the difference between consciousness and awareness is when global informational activity reaches the velocity of light. C as in your flip (inversion) mirrors this on the microscale. That is GR : QM:: iQM : iGR, i = imaginary. This admittedly a metaphysical principle. A small piece of wire fixed on one end then plucked will describe alternating vertical and horizontal ellipses, but two xy groves and a fixed length of pegs on both ends sliding in them describes a circle. The apparent relative distance may be for CC fixed different ratios (things reflected in a mirror may be closer than they appear. Now, if we have a rotating rod from a center point and each peg (foci) has a rod with one peg (say a light) free to spin from a circle center and the other peg empty, like a conventional drawing of an atom it describes two fixed ellipses.
It could all be a coincidence our solar and lunar calender's closely correspond. But there are Trinities in other faiths too. Newton is rather deep. He mainly revised Aristotle's ideas on inertia.
We forget Newton studied Bible codes and was our last greatest astrologer. Randomness moves the planets in the same direction. Yes, he measured the mass of Earth, but is it not said that as above so it is below is a mystical proposition?
Jord , Biblical or not we note the world is 3D. Some string theorist call 3 quark Trinity the age of Christian physics (or quark -antiquark) as good and evil. And what are 11 dimensions but the Tree of Life 11 dimensions of the one God's emanations?
I will think about it. Each receptor in the retnia is a 286 computer replaced every 7 days. Much of processing is in the optic nerve, a supercomputer. Then there is the brain. Now we find different parts of the brain can fall asleep or a small pea sized region can expand to a full blown migraine. Then there is the negative index of refraction-reflection. Superposition at a distance. You ask a lot! DNA?
Well, I still think much of it reduces to linear models or multiple ones (the formalism of inverse square laws) We explain little by calling that unknown uncertainty as non linear. Otherwise any star could explode any time or a small created BH could eat Europe. It would have been done in nature many times so it is stretched, slowed, and sort of evened out. I wondered why your little dots were doubled in some photos. But if you find a liquid crystal simulation where the screen with a defect grows and goes black, let us know. smile emoticon What happens digitally if two Turing machines of different 1's and 0's collide or merge? My toy model starts as static but even this cannot tell me if I am a child again facing a much wider multidimensional ocean. Some quantum laws may be universally limited yet not forbidden. But in your search your thinking is sound. The age of the universe is the same as light looping around takes from a center to leave the sun.
I have said all along we need a calculus of singularities (although as complex analysis it may make no observable difference or that method of math is severely limited to low dimensions) Sphere group K is at once the most interesting and least interesting continuous group. (Banach-Tarski wise).
So, Joseph, two sets of wave sequences meet to make liquid crystal animation?
Or Charlie, our lover.really is the whole universe and there are no real things nor others. As long as love and we live, then when we insignificant specks die the whole universe vanishes in but one of us.
There are two kinds of theorists in the world- those who ask Ethan and Lubos...
Monday, October 12, 2015
State of the Vision of Unified Theories
While we make progress in theory as to the general nature of the universe, clearly as in Sabine's cautious description of the possibility of a table top experiment that in principle could show if gravity is quantized the 'usual' description of the grounding term "Quantum Gravity" especially with the concepts of 'Looping' in terms of a vague quantum formalism applied to models described by information in context (is there a 0 or 1 or something in between conceptually) means that such cosmology is neither Quantum nor Loopy - just as she points out that there seems to be a contradiction rather than inconsistency or like an uncertainty principle we cannot know both things describing the slit experiment in the paradoxical but complimentary probabilistic observations involved on this deep level of scale of which the string camp has its own take on that thought in principle unknowable (another vague quantum formalism). This is a deep question of the nature of logic itself as matters of proof. As she pointed out Poincare even if given a strict proof may not be the case when we consider the topology when we consider local regions and deeper ideas crossing boundaries at neutral or highly compressed regions near or at singularity. This is not to say in the stance of Nonnecessity more general a foundation for physics as known partitioning (quasication) that we have to modify or abandon either the quantum theory or the relativities. Moreover, we need not revert to classical logic nor abandon other logics like quantum logic for have for what is physicality a practical theory. But we do need a wider interpretation of what is open or closed in a wider general theory of our arrangement of all such models. How is this different from the ideas of the abc conjecture? One cannot print a simulation of objects within objects within objects and so on in less that a finite number of steps unless we start with two facing mirrors to achieve this all at once. But this is not a contradiction. More like a contradiction superimposed on a tautology of which the tabletop phenomenology is both the mirror and the cyclic repetition as if one sided mirroring as seems the most general big picture of what is actual nature. In view of this I find so many promising ideas as essential to consider but will be looked back on as very learned but still embarrassingly incomplete. Just as in DNA it seems previous but abandoned theories can still have the influence of who is the father, which is to say we go beyond our wrong questions of things like diversity and a tree of natural selection as a general description of the genome. In this sense our brains are the consummate table top experiment.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Toward the Quasic Mind and Brain Structure
Toward the Quasic Mind and Brain Structure The crane in the river helping shore up the loose wall facing the river broke loose and went downstream only to stop on a sandbar then brought back with ropes from land. So too the metaphor of gray and white matter at the confluence at whatever the mechanics and mechanism that tries to build exact from the days of pyramids. For or against the holographic principles so interpreted? Even then the vast descent of consciousness and its super recursions builds deeper than all this. We have the power to make people whole again and to treat them with dignity where in the day today living we can find a balance of equifinality.
I interrupt my composition of Ghost Town IV (the Quasic Brain) because of two blogspot posts. One by Lubos Motl which after you take away the name calling has an interesting discussion, especially from the standpoint of how he approached string theory then went on to learn matrices. Sabine posted her objections to some new ideas concerning the nature of the holographic principle at about the same time. I find nothing new in either view which on this issue comes to a head probably to the limit of debate on this level. One can read this issue i discussed all along and even quite recently. The inspiration for this was the re-reading of Tom Wolfe's book Look Homeward Angel which had an influence on my thinking early on. But I find the general premise mostly inadequate to make definite claims as to the nature of the structure of our Quasic Mind. I agree with Sabine that this debate has deep consequences. A better understanding of human consciousness and its development is one of them. Wolfe describes the child Eugene as his mind awakens to the world such as the river (highway) from Altamont to St. Louis. This debate at the foundations as physics seems to me about one of crossing rivers and in this case it is a matter of taste if we see it as limitless or broken into oxbows as it descends to the ocean. But the loops involved may as well be like the Wisconsin myth of the Round River. It is not about such a holographic principle that is based on our crude ideas of nerve connections- which in connectionism does exhibit holographic pyramids in brain structure. There is no certain guarantee that if we do not get the nurturing at a certain critical time that the brain is smaller and less efficient for the calculations in the gray matter and the communication in the white matter. it is not that simple, and that seems to me a matter of politics needing deeper science for solutions. Oddly, if they have printed a brain it is not clear that it could be used as say a computer chip. Unless they have the right underlying architecture. We in the digital age should understand that there is a trade off and compensation between the calculating and the communicating part of the brain, Anyway, here are the two post links if anyone cares to relate it to the discussion at hand. You see, there is as Sabine points out a confusion on sides of such equations, but the equations are not a simple region with a river to cross. Stringly conservative an Loopy liberal thinking will not transcend the problems, and certainly not Lubos as a young man's hopeful speculation of imagining the background of quasireality as the same thing as a moebious strip flatland topology. But as social animals we over and underrate our ability to know or see a bigger picture. ***
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Linguistic Interlude
Fall and Winter Reading - I love it when I can buy bags of reference books cheap at the library book sale.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
New Principle of Super-Recursion fractal of the prime 13
New Principle of Super-Recursion fractal of the prime 13 distinguishing bosons and fermions on the main and quasic diagonals up to 8 natural dimensions.
I am not a fan of artificial chess programs. It is fun when it happens to make the program seem to become desperate and lose going haywire. Today, I found a powerful new physics concept which I never would have found had I not tried to analyze the game for an edge for our chess club. I found logically extended nD chess.
AK this is how it goes with parallel models, hauntingly close similarities. So we discover the fourth dimension and Kant enters again by similarity to computers through the back door that required Einstein to generalize further. Or we throw in thermodynamics at the modern physics frontier as if we are unaware our metabolism is measured as a fourth power compared to volume. 10 classical dimensions to the fourth power warp ten faster than light as an absolute value? What of five powers, that is what dodecahedra and four space is all about as we seem to feel comfortable at some level of residual continuity ignoring descending dimensional symmetry. Horgan's quantum tetrahedra reaching deeper as scientific should come to mind here too.
A flat honeycomb of one infinite plane (brane) is not a complete (Euclidean or curved) description that fills or divides into crystalline unit elements all of general space. A local point and its connections removed (edges) to other points does leave a finite polyhedron from a flat infinite polyhedron. You are asking why 136 (triangles) rather than 144. Think about this. It is rather abstract and we can have too many triangles left over as hidden ones by half again. I cannot say I understand the debate here other than any theoretician worth his salt makes progress after core models crumble. On the other hand I know of no one on earth who has yet answered Dirac's (or Eddington's) deep question, why 136?\
Think about this. It is rather abstract and we can have too many triangles left over as hidden ones by half again. I cannot say I understand the debate here other than any theoretician worth his salt makes progress after core models crumble.
The natural dimensions can be thought of as recursive lattices. 5n for 2D, 7n for 3D, 9n for 4D, 11n for the dynamic animation where the natural and hidden dimension foundation difference is calculating by arithmetic at null points of a precession space wherein Fabonacci ratios apply as the product of such dimensional differences in a finite group theory and implied superpositing up to the quasic dimension where the visualization by algorithm super reflections is a natural coherent Kover simulation. (See lesson 2 in progress) but this hypothesis to test may have other restraints to our percieved generalities as analog continuous groups. It may be we have reached the limits of experimental theory then theory itself as so limited as well. - or not, as Sabine says of publication "just do it" in all its profound conceptual simplicity (which Lubos does not get in his long artical lashing out incoherently even for string theory in that bizarre interval where we should not publish anything after 1929 quantum relativity up to the last 40 years at the beginning of string theory if we accept what pseudoscience and what is not.
In reply to our fine new thinkers and Lubos not worth reading anymore.
Dear Jes,
Of course there is a conductor for this symphony of the universe. Director for the dawn chorus on he moors and other wild places left across the world where the songbirds greet the morning sun . Or come the evening this winged cloud with finer eyes and ears than we have yet known, sing as loud again at the evening twilight. The in the silence of the day there are surprises, great events, an eclipse that disturbs the cycles of their continuum and they make such a fuss of their territory and warnings. But in the silence thru the night as much a part of the song that we see it in relief, those like you and I, mockingbirds, the peer review of all songs and with a song ourselves, sing all through the night.
May you hear them as much as dream you have dreamed of hearing them one day,
Young Nietzsche looking for his contact lenses or bifocal Franklin glasses on his hands and knees searching randomly in the grass below the lamplight.
The contradiction in the article is the statement on law that the declaration of independence is the law of the land. Do they understand what they write in a general or even assumed historical context? The most narrow minded position is when militant materialist science and militant religious fanatics is imposed as progress and said not an impediment to civil transcending beyond morality and freedom of inquiry to pursue security as sustainable wealth beyond equal opportunity in what amounts to a starcrossed but meaningless Marriage. Krauss does a service in popular communication promoting science even among those who disagree in their tragic first and true love in the balance. That two not even wrongs may make a right is more an issue of honesty in both camps of this debate. As such it addresses within our concerns of the people and those of expertise with the responsibility of leadership as a frontier scientific question. Krauss says 'should ' and not 'must ' as the article's title baits us, evidently in a world of no necessary realities where we strive to find sane exceptions. In reply to Don Lincoln on NY Times article.
Jaya Redefine 'curl', shift colors in sequence including hidden ones in simply connected irrotational centers, add other general and local escape angles that set measure for entropy as information, and take a more skeptical view of the limited fundamental theorem of calculus applied with quasifinite super-reflections.
I just read but cannot find to reply to an article titled: Will quantum decoherence be the downfall of American democracy? This analogy cannot hold for any state. The partitioning of a state is more predictable than QM formalism. Given 34 states they will split or become one higher union. What is the determinism that dispassionately drives a people to civil war? Empires rise and empires fall periodically. Unity could be achieved by a confederation if it seeks to expand its frontiers. The declaration of independence was not the law of the land but imposed from a leader who had the advantage of rapid communication yet even that has limitations for how many messages can be sent and received at the same time. The only perfect 'democracy' is when in industrial trench warfare there is no one left to play the game. We know also that in the case of religious sects the diversity of their dividing actually promotes the general trend of that religion's hegemony. Electrification although a quantum leap has failed to solve this modern mysticism as well.
I can imagine that could be done and many have tried to do it. (a string assumed physical could be defined by an angle up to minimum quantization not just its spin - if I now ask myself what you are asking me. The angle from an imagined particle center.) But we can see this as a measure of quality as well, more of a loop theory approach. But can we measure either on the level we are one with a measure? There is a third way as the difference in these invisible thereby views time or cause animated or not, teleology. I call 'quasicity', but there are more 3&4D such angles involved.) All these stances are in development with new assumptions and principles as well as rather complex systems that depend on denial of some assumptions or principles that hides development. That the universe at default like a quantum cat exists or not yet persists is not necessarily a question of quantity or quality such as the role of conscious in logic design systems models.
Does God create nothing? Beyond timeless space and spaceless time He is the final frontier. But only half of either universe can be measurable or rationally infinitely indivisible. The universe (or the abstract God) exists and not exists thus persist at some horizon where the center (singularity) and circumference (time and space) are both everywhere and nowhere.
Marni deserves a lot more than this. She is one of the greats of our age. We have not understood the full cost of our marginalizing such physicists... the issues is priceless.
If prejudice is the child of ignorance can conviction be the child of wisdom?You said "I don't know". That point mentioned in Sabine's paper
There is a much deeper issue here thinking about this that influences my thinking because of the lucid advice of which this essay is the perfect example. It is the Wagner in the background of some Hawking slowly evaporating desiring to run yet deep into the contemplation of problems of our existing, lost useful thought to which we now regret what was a time for effort. In this post-alphanumeric age whom is to blame? Academia? Those who set themselves up as judges of another's work? Perhaps the drive on the surface to turn last century's light into renewable but ever expensive text books for the sake of industry? Some of us, if not all of us are outside the bell curve like said by Jung of a few prophets. Or the whole process that extracts tribute by a token salute to a long list of names implied in a conspiracy research, Fermi escaped, and Einstein slipped through. In refuge some are wounded looking back at the evil miasma tied quite irrationally to some patch of soil its existence in world consensus so are driven to imagine some evil that would diminish their perfect pearls, shells or walls in walls that they focus the light within the light to achieve some ultimate fusion that save for such a fear science as we know it would not now exist. Maybe what Nietzsche said in Zarathustra, in his down-going, eternal return, trial by fire of etheral spirits against the indignity of the empty sky and its murder of carrion crows - we petition the prophet who responds one should not ask him lest he takes from them what little they already know. I do not exist myself as beyond a few friends it made a difference for that I am not part of a university. It does not matter because I as human have seen something of an original truth - but I regret the volumes of work so vanished or the time spent that such a wound in festering will undermine the positive awakening of our shared and private lives. If we were worthy and could confirm it then the ideal should be free to do inquiry or at least our scientists exempt from war. How little of great work may not have gotten through. Let us find a new way to teach, to acknowledge our youthful and ancient contributions of what may be the best of illustrations of those lost in the margins. But friend, I am not telling you something your own sensitivity to the human condition is not aware of on some level, of what you already know of that, don't you?
Thursday, September 10, 2015
The Crane or Mandala & Mantle
Crane or Mandala & Mantle September 10, 2015
the road outside my apartment, a cave of solitude where time is lost
in the count and my leaky normal dreams finds the end of summer and
company moved to their own time that I come to the last of my
resources well planed welcoming the solitude of my cave, a ghost town
with no planning in relief against the depth of night against dangers
outside the flatland nor of reliving the day in depth to sort or pick
and choose that there is learning.
the holiday, movable but periodic, that of Labor, some celebration
leaving behind little meaning as if the passengers and the rail are
but ghostly echoes of the age of trains. I step out of my doorway,
not the cracks in the sidewalks, the denizens of the undergrowth
trying to break through my thick glass windows and screens in search
of warmth, not that it was cold but that it foreshadowed in them the
tilting of the sky toward what in their hearts the once or all too
familiar rocking vessels inside them between the dark and light.
the fog going downward from the hillside I see the great water tower
in the distance a little blurred and only a few souls about as the
buses start to come to life, the sway of the bright legged gal's pony
tail, typical, running toward me as I move to my side of the narrow
path thru the park, she nods good morning per functionally as do I a
soft morning offered not noticing how worn her face that stored so
much sunlight. I may as well have stood in place while the city
itself moved around me, no barriers encountered for it was just a
greater ghost town. Only the fog seemed to remain constant, the
distant torrential rains, its rapids a mind of its own.
the East the crescent moon and star, Venus perhaps creeping down and
glowing brighter until the rainbow of her belt explodes rapidly into
its rainbow of red and blue before sunrise. Just fast or slow enough
that like my wind up watch in steps I register the expected surprise.
cut through the large parking lot empty of cars and see the tall
crane start to do its robot arm thing as the hard hats are donned and
it spins another day to deliver some beam of metal. I recall the
progress of construction, note that the wall holds against the record
anger of the river as once it looked like the bank would wash away. I
am like the drone they use to view the progress from above, a
fleeting moment of energy, an overview as if in my dreams.
feel so small on the wide parking lot and the crane so tall, I wonder
if it feel would it reach me. The means and the extremes my Dad
taught me that I could measure by sight the angle of a smaller
triangle to the unknown height if I measured as well walking to it.
Yet here halfway to the North pole the North Star seems to forever
fall weightless down and all around if I were to climb toward it
holding tightly on the fixed shadow hour caster as if the day. My
clock face stood on edge against the flat Druid circle in the sky
then turned North East. I understood then that I would not need to
walk toward it to measure its height, that all I needed was the
angle, forty five degrees it would reach me, greater than that it
would miss me. I seemed taller than the distant North Star save if I
looked to the zenith through a whirlwind.
If prejudice is the child of ignorance can conviction be the child of wisdom?You said "I don't know". That point mentioned in Sabine's paper
There is a much deeper issue here thinking about this that influences my thinking because of the lucid advice of which this essay is the perfect example. It is the Wagner in the background of some Hawking slowly evaporating desiring to run yet deep into the contemplation of problems of our existing, lost useful thought to which we now regret what was a time for effort. In this post-alphanumeric age whom is to blame? Academia? Those who set themselves up as judges of another's work? Perhaps the drive on the surface to turn last century's light into renewable but ever expensive text books for the sake of industry? Some of us, if not all of us are outside the bell curve like said by Jung of a few prophets. Or the whole process that extracts tribute by a token salute to a long list of names implied in a conspiracy research, Fermi escaped, and Einstein slipped through. In refuge some are wounded looking back at the evil miasma tied quite irrationally to some patch of soil its existence in world consensus so are driven to imagine some evil that would diminish their perfect pearls, shells or walls in walls that they focus the light within the light to achieve some ultimate fusion that save for such a fear science as we know it would not now exist. Maybe what Nietzsche said in Zarathustra, in his down-going, eternal return, trial by fire of ethereal spirits against the indignity of the empty sky and its murder of carrion crows - we petition the prophet who responds one should not ask him lest he takes from them what little they already know. I do not exist myself as beyond a few friends it made a difference for that I am not part of a university. It does not matter because I as human have seen something of an original truth - but I regret the volumes of work so vanished or the time spent that such a wound in festering will undermine the positive awakening of our shared and private lives. If we were worthy and could confirm it then the ideal should be free to do inquiry or at least our scientists exempt from war. How little of great work may not have gotten through. Let us find a new way to teach, to acknowledge our youthful and ancient contributions of what may be the best of illustrations of those lost in the margins. But friend, I am not telling you something your own sensitivity to the human condition is not aware of on some level, of what you already know of that, don't you?
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Oscillating Ekpyrotic Universe within Quasic Physics
From this view the Big Bang inflation models and the Ekpyrotic Cyclic models are part of the same general picture rather than necessarily ruling each other out. I invite some discussion here to get down to the core primal (preaternatural) concepts, and will be adding some photos and other bits of relevant conversation here.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Love is Quasifinite
Love is Quasifinite comes from a girl when discussing relationships in a bar and her work at the university (Photography, but she had lost an eye upset in a winter auto wreck over some guy. The was an avid reader of my lost poems and gave me honest feedback.) She insisted that she could sense another human as the DNA inside them gave off information for such things as how well they would fit together. She laughed when I tried to understand how she meant this. She said that if she was not married by 30 she would marry me. But she never made to 30. We laughed as I had talked a few years with her in the coffee shop from when she first hopefully started school.
Well, Rajasekaran Rajagopalan posted an link on facebook (so many I could not find on my slow phone and the quite well written reply was lost as the connections faded) concerning these issues along he lines of Penrose, and my friend Pitkanen. It concerned a Russian researcher whose articles and experiments in this (considered new age concepts by established science) seemed to me to have great merit when seen it depth that applies to our time. But his conclusions were still imperfect. Rajaeskaran, as we are well ahead in the technology had also posted on ortho- and para- states of water in a previous article. These two things linked rather well vaguely by quantum principles. When I was ten or so we did not know how photosynthesis worked, nor the role of ATP, nor for that matter the structure of DNA. Basically the Russian researcher felt that we are made of light, are beings of light. Considering some cosmic observations, especially the comet and Pluto and this idea of Hawking recently as another almost theory, one that considers dark and neutral information as to in the extremes if for all practical purposes the information is not lost but mangled in things like black holes and the entropy of surfaces, There is something to be said for this alternative view. I will be returning to this discussion as my connections get more stable.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Back-reactions to Hawkings Supertranslation Paper
Back-reactions to Hawkings Supertranslation Paper
What do you think? I find it certainly disappointing and pretty much agree with Sabine's evaluation and frustrations. Rather impatience with the only two games in town, loopy and stringy. The smart phone market share like these camps seem fixed. Return to ideas of superdeterminism and minimum distance by her was a legitimate third opinion in an era where the utility of premises is at frontiers electic. (The simple shift from a 2D to 3D minimum quantized loop is continuous as well discrete 4 6 8 as to abstract intervals if classically Euclidean as a unitary foundation compromise.) What an entangled web we weave! As for me I have evolved beyond caring for things like publication. (From WTF to who gives a F. There is a limit to defining ourselves by debates with others including on the blogs) A pox then on both their houses! But climbing out of the gray goo of speculation there is a freedom found and new clarity where so many future optimistic things in day to day useful applications and yet not imagined future technologies are seen clearly. If civilized communication is possible it is only slowed down if thought to be useful as an instrument of resentment and revenge.. we finite lives should not be rendered empty by imperfect soft gravitron earthly forgiveness either. Are we scientists or social engineers? Sometimes, unfortunately, good fences make good neighbors.
PS seeing the paper on the PC (with perhaps there is something to be said for the internet as a medium to fade in its usefulness of the ever hopeful role of new media as well as say the state of Academia) I see nothing really new. It is not very translatable as straightforward, that is find its hidden agendas or assumptions once we translate the method of formulas or the sainted names. In fact it should be obvious that many have put forward these things on a foundational level even within those named in concepts and formulas. Either as a formal abstract structure or or vague field concept (they did not touch upon symmetric neutrality of the gauge itself... that is an entirely new area of inquiry). For example Nilpotent hypotheses of Dirac as reviewed by some modern authors excluded from the usual forms of publication but published elsewhere. What is their plus and minus J infinity but my consideration of spacious singularity? I note that in his usual way even Lubos has a strong if vague uneasiness or reaction to this paper. Is it the darling topic of the day? Is it true that new blood in the mix of invaders to a new place taking over a discipline or country and extending their own sense of universal laws must be coming from the dregs of groups fleeing tyranny? We either accept all people can so rise or we do not. But when they do the first thing seems historically the do not pass on their power to others and usually take their turn suppressing them in turn. Not that we do not need competent people to teach, raise up others - even the first Russian armies could not get along without officers effectively. We for some reason finally acknowledge there may be more than 4 dimensions but debate in the continuity of things as dualities if ideally or of a cruel thermodynamic indifference the value 2 means as in the paper we can insulate ourselves against the cold night by dividing space like a shirt without given in sacrifice the shirt to another off our backs. Some truths out there somewhere is all around us but we have not learned to see them in front of our face. It is not that there are alternative voices, nor a matter of intelligence, but a few people in our time try to speak with us in common sense genius once seen a little higher light- and bless them, bless the peace makers who hope they can bring us a better world where all may so hear them as they try to speak while dealing with their down-going to the hungry people of our small village. Such work is that of the gods and their struggle also. If Love finds us worthy.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Forbidden Logic and the Theotericontinuum (Thcm)
Forbidden Logic and the Theotericontinuum (Thcm)
These ideas were extensively developed and extended in my 1500 lost poems "Pipe Songs of the Sea Horse." Alas, the poems are needed to directly explain in metaphors some of the physics.
Lubos has an interesting post today on current exploration of the cosmic background as if a super collider from a higher salvation of the string theory view. It is one of his more mystical or subjective posts. In these matters of theology here is how it is done:
The filaments can only make knots in three space, so there can be a force difference to expanding or hidden other dimensions. Inflation or not the abstract source of such motional energy grounding inertia and symmetry breaking is more fundamental than the clever speculation the article proposes which makes the persistence of such knots possible in the first place. Otherwise these knots would become less tangled in vacuum expansion from bottom up mass considerations.
Thing is that a further step into this issue of "communities " of causal cones still allows for things like loops that preserve on a still higher level day Lorentz not broken. Thus the paradox yet no paradox in a more general view. The hint of a still deeper general theory. Certainly suggests it underscores current hot issues at the frontiers of today's physics & perhaps new physics or ways to see it as open inquirey that may come. The viewpoint of this article casually in its scope is evidence of a sorts for a new approach to speculation itself after a series of long periods of stalemate in unification hopes.
Eventually they will stumble on my quasic theory of 1964.
Forbidden Non-necessary Dark Information Logic
It only appears to suggest physics beyond the standard model or Lorentz GR as if obsolete. The LHC is evidence also of dark information.
If it helps you sleep to endure suffering that your reward will be greater in heaven (which is the same concept as God) OK, but if you make others suffer you will not survive. God is not mere physics as equifinality. Beyond that don't you think? Each of us begins and ends the whole universe - it is arrogance and blasphemy to presume to equate this creative and eternal attribute we share from said God so to limit Him. If you knew God you could ask Him anything about the Creation so know this truth. But as merciful as God is knowing your heart it is up to you to choose if you want to write yourself out of the play. Is there not a verse where hell is defined as the abscence from the Father? Such anxiety induced will only reap destruction and demean those prophets whose vision once commanded the whirlwind.
Imagine limitless resolution and a snapshot of a cell then projecting states and pathiways and possibilities before and after. This can be done. The applications would make 3D printing look like a quaint old technology- not to say we will not raise the bar on more interesting problem in both medicine and material science. Ironically the best future field turns out to be graphic design. Innovation always needs to make a better crystal ball then everyone will replicate and want one. Good career move if the powers that be can recognize the power of your vision, Joseph.
Don, but when it comes to weather prediction every day is groundhog day. Maybe that is the best model of a universe if we remember enough to learn to say, play the piano or become a doctor.
Reply to David B. : The terms are so widespread now, not very clear terms even as a metaphor, I've stopped always qualifying them as opaque or dark- like concepts. But there are more so called dark fluid metaphors. But all the equations have a core of (scientific humanist) logic in one form or other. Power in motion or implied as transfers is take something away, lose something, give something away, or find something. Four forces where some combination of them are said unphysical. This is a healthy skepticism if all things reduce to nothingness or plausibility itself decreaces along the way to a point singularity. But we can simulate two naked point singularities like the ends of a spinning USA football. I am very skeptical of the promised mechanisms from Hawking's new conference. It better be damn good, original, and floor me. I never much cared for dark matter speculations. If they come up with generalized amplituhedra generalized from its vague logical argument that includes chiral and parity effects for the ongoing or evolving dynamics I will be half convinced. Until the next level of physics if there is one. Yet it is only superficially string theory. Memory exits in the abstract., structure of the pure vacuum that stands on real matter. Hologram quasi finite could do it as a metaphor but aren't we tired of news that promises the news more than the fact of the news if we ever get to the story ...? That binds our attention but not for everyone. Have they really banished the metaphysics by these ideas of consciousness and logic? I change the channel wondering why they think they have convinced anyone by such methods. I expected more from our leaders in the town and gown than for a couple of generations to be so Merkeled (I cannot spell when the letters change and one is aware of it) You know, that QM physicist lady German leader the kids have turned into a slang verb. The terms are so widespread now, not very clear terms even as a metaphor, I've stopped always qualifying them as opaque or dark- like concepts. But there are more so called dark fluid metaphors. But all the equations have a core of (scientific humanist) logic in one form or other. Power in motion or implied as transfers is take something away, lose something, give something away, or find something. Four forces where some combination of them are said unphysical. This is a healthy skepticism if all things reduce to nothingness or plausibility itself decreaces along the way to a point singularity. But we can simulate two naked point singularities like the ends of a spinning USA football. I am very skeptical of the promised mechanisms from Hawking's new conference. It better be damn good, original, and floor me. I never much cared for dark matter speculations. If they come up with generalized amplituhedra generalized from its vague logical argument that includes chiral and parity effects for the ongoing or evolving dynamics I will be half convinced. Until the next level of physics if there is one. Yet it is only superficially string theory. Memory exits in the abstract., structure of the pure vacuum that stands on real matter. Hologram quasi finite could do it as a metaphor but aren't we tired of news that promises the news more than the fact of the news if we ever get to the story ...? That binds our attention but not for everyone. Have they really banished the metaphysics by these ideas of consciousness and logic? I change the channel wondering why they think they have convinced anyone by such methods. I expected more from our leaders in the town and gown than for a couple of generations to be so Merkeled (I cannot spell when the letters change and one is aware of it) You know, that QM physicist lady German leader the kids have turned into a slang verb.
Internal subprotonic quasentangled micro wormholes.
Adds to the Qx-bit informational count on different generational levels.
Jaya, Whitehead generalized Euclidean geometry in terms of congruence. He worked with Russel. Minimum distance into c can be a theory of types. Of logic, epistemology, and metaphysics as core philosophy do you mean pure physics is logic?
Some of us do know such foundations, but it arose in the middle 20th century. (not in the 21st or 22nd Giotis Mth.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Toward a Journal of Quasic Physics
Physics in its foundational debates will not be superfied as a generalization where the relation of stringy or loopy camps as now formulated reach a compromise. Can it be so from my Edot view verses the Gordian knot of Lumo's. (Lubos Motl's) physics is constipated view. Lubos has written a masterpiece as a work of art that demeans Sabine Hossenfelder etc al as if his model in a super Nova flux exploded out over the whole universe everywhere. What is left is a pee brain just awake enough to know where to hedge his bets. It ends with his use of 'she' pointing out he is being respectifully politically correct. But begins with a paragraph of a single sentence, a brilliant put down within a put down really of Dr. Bee dancing with Nude Scientists. But if one reads his post carefully and sorts out what concepts he connects or denies, while he cannot see the implications, we find he does not understand QM theory, string theory, the application of the hologram ideas, how laws relate explicitly on the micro scale, how he could count beyond the slicing of K-Klein incomplete manifolds, or Sabine's advanced comment on the question of at least analog duality in regard to QM doubling of information as maybe not a violation of cloning ad much as one that should be raised in the light of new evidence of Bell inequalities and limitations of what is reality in spooky action at a distance. This is why I gave Lubos the Turkey Prize (that as an abstract American mythical symbol can go either way. ) but he certainly deserves it for at least originality (finally) beyond a BS degree. But really Lubos, this BS is getting old.
* * *
Reply to Hawking and Don Lincoln: Sooner or later Hawking is going to realize this is barely a general description of the universe. To interpret it as multiverse does not solve general evolving structure of say the unified view of quasars and their era as central to it all, a ring of evil much like the so-called axis of evil. The error or dead end of speculation for higher laws of matter and spacetime was not to give equal weight to Fred Hoyle F.R.A.S. and other cyclic models. Unless of course such a description goes to somewhere else entirely such as the mechanism that would make quasars a sort of chariot to a barely imaginable Heaven.
Neil Haverstick replied: "...the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine." Sir James Jeans
* * *
in reply to Horgan's update: The polyhedra in spacetime article is hardly new. But it is correct as far as it goes. Spin as such, locally Euclidean, can recover QM effects by a minimum quantization over a convex surface defining directions (and no magnitude vectors) real or imaginary. Moreover, on a generational level what the author suggests as time-like can be a looping within the 4th or Gravitional level of quasifinite chiral freedom effects some not distinguished in asymmetry but equivalent representations.. QM and GR needs not be generalized separately. This is also the "where does the (QM) information go problem" where neutral entities can be interpreted as either ellyptical or hyperbolic or together a spacious null singularity at each spherical rotocenter with eutactic face defined vectors.
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Reply to Joy Christian & Sabine:
Very interesting and kudos to you. I can see that it can lead to more secure communications but think this is meeting fundamental than QM theory it can contain. Assuming a more general loophole and deeper definition of ratios of dimensions and distance and the background structurally at a distance, intimate to 4 & 5 space chirality as spin... how might such quasi real and quasi local phenomena apply to Hawking's loophole escape of such information from a black hole?. Three spheres (I cannot picture this from the computer code link) certainly is part of the picture - that most likely defines certain measures to clarify the generation problem. This can be seen as double information reduced again to one picture (a half). By reflection alone and two chambers the stereonometry of this picture would give us this experimental result half independent of random inputs.
* * *
On the other hand Hawking has found a way out where it takes forever to enter a black hole or hardly any time at all depending on what is seen inside or outside the view. Thus instead of dying from a disease that should have killed him in two years, like a QM cat with 8+1 lives he slowly evaporates over decades. :-)
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In reply to Jaya: Jaya, interesting speculations which not need some assumptions either to explain things. All these are an art form really and should be cherished like civilization held alive in dark ages by the Viking vulnerable monks or the great literature of nuns safe in their creativity from the inevitable dark ages. Here again I need more to explain some unclear term like information. Dimensions! How can space expand faster than the speed of light? Tell Mr more. What is the difference in appealing to an idea of multiverse and that of light in a few higher dimensions? Does science need independent backgrounds or is determinism and free will an issue which may meet or not in some local reality? Or in the surface thermodynamics of a spherical region will Nepal allow a new Western Provence?
* * * *
Friday, August 21, 2015
Metaphorce & Creativity (Cosmic Stereonometry, Cosmometry)
2D + 3D = 5D ; 3D + 5D = 8D and so on. Think of the arithmetic as 2^3D if you doubly square things as in the periodic table of elements. This is an old problem. Light and heat as originally conceived as fire rather than air (oxygen) despite the abstract asymmetry and dimensionless levels of motion can be seen as elements. Sign and chirality as absolute. Where does the twin paradox go? There is more than this concept of continuity dividing space as if quasi- finite.
We cannot make the microcosm symmetrical and continuous without destroying quantum theory as well.
Is an integer in itself a discrete or continuous concept?
Phi + 1 = Phi^2
Lubos has a blogspot on this yesterday in which he states the concept is not understood as an established fact by even some of our best theoreticians. If rigid discs are not possible in nature how can string theory describe the universe by using the concept as a part of a total theory that does not transcend Lie or continuous groups? It from bits or bits from its? Is he right or two not even rights make a trivial not even right? Could his phenomenology not be uncertain as to if such a solution is subjective or objective applied with the same paradox of reasoning, biased effectively? Does not our experimental data now give us different fundamental results? A theory that pushes the analogy of sub particles can have no reachable end. Matter had a property that goes beyond radiation and its pressure condensates that on our modern level is creativity (no good word here, perhaps "Metaphorce") Why can't supersymmetry be oscillating and periodic in Nature's fundamental expression as something from nothing cosmometry?
The gist of this is that we can say just as well of GR what we say of QM when we say it is incomplete. But one soul's reality can be argued as another soul's fantasy or delusion. What I find remarkable is that as the speculation grows more complicated - if the world makes sense - this impasse goes in cycles where we as historical know the names of scientists whose deeper assumptions perpetuate this partisan paradox. The PBS series on matter was most informative for me as an overview. But we have made fundamental progress - the SM and GR do not exclude each other. Marie Curie made her breakthroughs without a PhD but she could not have done it without her tech school husband whose study of crystals gave them a superior instrument. But the chemists of the day wanted something they could weigh, spectrum was not enough. So where are the weights in string theory today? And how much of mass is determined by friction of motion of little motes of dust as if a crude analogy to the exclusion of caloric? Humans evidently need this concept of dust very deeply to stand on. We need more than a total theory, we need something whole - perhaps sacred. (Kailo in Sanskrit) perhaps Kailo-omnium. After all Noether said light has a purpose, and that purpose was to seek the path of least action.
Thanks, you brought out thoughts and perplexity I have had lately as if hitting a brick wall. I did not mean to express them all on you as if a lecture. :-) good friend.
Paul Hr:
I started my quasic theory as a dynamic order of error correction with recursion. DNA the model. For awhile I thought the term common knowledge, a sort of mathematical induction that guarentees things like long computer simulations. It seems to me more now than my casual assumptions I used for my simple recreational games and puzzles and candle design and processes coloring in space - rediscovered how I thought it was done. This afternoon in the cool weather I fell asleep waking up at the boy yelling for his father at the old show The Rifleman. I was annoyed my dream of collecting old lenses and vacuum tubes and other interesting things I wad allowed to keep from the landfill. Then after becoming wide awake a possibility occurred to me based on my comments on the creative force to Marcus on fb. Kailomnium or Metaphorce (whole+sum total" Such intuition must be a deeper process as error correction codes. Cosmic Stereonomeyry would be the more general physical ( recursively awake case). Cosmometry to use and old word) I took a photo to illustrate those comments intending to post on my blogspot and this comment to you instead of intended post to my status just now: Holy Crapola! If this theory is not a dream in the dark, then we have become the creator and consumer of stars! Think stellar models as if chain reaction of this physics transcending mere radioactivity as a source of vaster energy in the hierarchy of this new property of matter and physics classifying black holes. Ut oh, I thought genie is out of the bottle. But maybe I should have classified myself! Guess our intuitions that raise the usual moral issues of science comes after the facts.
Jes, you had me at quantanglement. :-)
Then why is this interpretation presented as set in stone? Already the technology promised is here and ahead of that level of QM theory if we can orient entangled objects on dimensionfree scales as if only the linear bi-directionality of time.
Jes, I wrote almost the same thing as you have on the need for more general interpretation when I was closer to your age. I agree that when determinism enters in as the author suggests, some things are paradoxically set in stone. Nature is not necessarily mystical claptrap, she does the same interpretative conceptual reductions as Feynman diagrams then does a better job generalizing this.
If by transactional they mean the generational problem then as simple transactional analysis it likely involves psychology. But I have no doubts that biology and physics are to be interpreted as the same thing. But this too generalizes QM theory which only recently is taken seriously on brain scales. Now, the heart of this recent paper after all this time tells us QM theory (or GM) is in serious need of new interpretations? I may read this paper too, or maybe it was the same enduring mysticism we read long ago?
David, I suspect we agree on this level or that we are using the same assumptions to actually miss each others point. Does knowing the unknown if we knew of everything, as science, preclude the mystery? Not for me. As things stand now it is not clear at all that all things are necessarily connected to everything else. Is Einstein's first quote here a vague statement that all things are relative or that our methods remain in a sense an quantum idea of reality vaguely as well? In the second quote is he saying that we may as well forget interpretation of the logic of it all- Is the moon there when not seen, he suspects so as a personal interpretation... what gods, the God of Spinoza? Plato? One star that does not exist unless from the past a sentient being sees a single photon of it? The universe as god that guarantees the existing of everything as a sentient being? We put to much into what Einstein may be saying in his humility, yet we hold and experiments show we feel some certainty in his concepts as truth. But Satan's laughter (a technical term) is a message sent as on a phone cable into deep space and no one is there to hear it, where does the message go? Look, everyone can see color as sound or sound as color... there may be individual rights but the mechanical devices of a cyborg if rights at all are for the mechanical men.
David Barkin replied: As we make exchanges back and forth, let me pause and mention what today has become a fetish with Physicists...
Dark Matter and Dark energy.
Their existence is accepted as if they were proven facts. What in FACT is the only evidence for their existence?
Here is our only data. There is more matter in the universe then we have been able to detect.
From that one piece of evidence, it is hypothesized that a completely unknown form of matter and energy exist. Which if true, makes a mockery of ALL existing models of Physics. What kind of foolish arrogance is this?
Could it be that our primitive tools are not capable of seeing all the existing forms of normal matter? Could this be the case? Whenever I even suggest this as a possibility, I am met with patronizing laughter. Ridicule from people who have absolutely no evidence at all.
Sorry, your remarks leave me with Einsteins quote.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge in the field of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."
L. Edgar Otto From that one piece of evidence, it is hypothesized that a completely unknown form of matter and energy exist. Which if true, makes a mockery of ALL existing models of Physics. What kind of foolish arrogance is this? " Well, I have just posted that this is the case- a further property of matter. I am not sure but it is a possibility and will not make a mockery of all existing modes of physics but unify them... yet there may be a surplus of earlier narrow speculators... common sense and our brains seem to be quite a tool would you not say? Do we ridicule the thinker or the thought as if that would prove anything? Well, as Einstein said once I have read "economics is harder than physics" So let us look closer at a child's game... given three wishes what would you wish for? Perhaps a thousand more wishes? Does the debate as to the multiverse or universe make any sense at all in our future? How can we go through life and not have at least the curiosity to try to know? I do not believe that God would have given us a mind if he did not want us to use it. Would we have a god think for us? If he is a Maxwell's demon surely that the world works is evidence that such an all knowing being would immediately send it into disorder so He or the universe, if this is a true fact, seems a lot smarter than us monkeys to get around this design problem. Anyway, it is not clear at all if we can read each others mind or not. Scientific arrogance is the concepts that come up from time to time that declare since x, say string theory or dark matter, God does not exist or perhaps the conclusion a God exists. "The price the gods extract from us for making a song is that we become the song we sing" How odd of God to load the dice and then walk away." Hey, I am just deep into the fun of it playing the glass bead game.
David Barkin replied: Thanks, no one has made my case better then you.
L. Edgar Otto Who am I to deny rights to all the hallucinating mechanical men? Whatever turns you on... whatever the interpretation of a fetish that you need to do that. But its a damn shame Paris Hilton did not run for president and win... her stimulus would have worked given everyone one Gucci bags and shoes. ;-)