In reverse order more or less:
Facebook Dialog with Ari
L. Edgar Otto
The Western music notation turns out to be not so medieval after all- but it is far from perfect. Why does a chord tend to resolve into melodic directions? Shades of the 60 and 4 of the I Ching! Tonality of the Will and those 4 bluish notes of the ...seasons. As a lady caller said yesterday on PBS- "between the wick and the candle flame falls the silence." Not only atonal but 24 base music is important.
L. Edgar Otto
Damn, trying to write a Christmass song is so overdone. It came out Gothmass maybe cathartic for the dark side of the holiday. From Thanksgiving to Christmas day having to listen to the musak at work of the Little Drummer Boy a thousand times- maybe one begins to hope the Little Match Girl should freeze anyway. :-)
L. Edgar Otto
I am sure listening to Aaron Copeland on PBS had something to do with it. These chelons are the turtles in turtles that hold up the world, music of the internal spheres. But it does not resolve the mystery of consciousness nor with such limitations ...understood how far the analogy can go into the various higher dimensions.
L. Edgar Otto
Good thoughts, and what I thought made Animal Train a breakthrough and interesting song, written in a whisper. At singularity we cannot distinguish the ultimate from our own source of will and wisdom. Where so words and music come from creatively that we all drink of them? From each of us as well copied by some first awakening. But I have come again in theory to the mechanical isolation and the peaceful solitude. I know there is more beyond the science and the psychology.
Arian Otto
The most important component to music is silence. The breaths between words, break between songs. Most ignored aspect of music. Maybe the sister of dark matter (which is the most exciting potential for CERN I think)
Simon and Garfunkel got it right "hello darkness my old friend..."
L. Edgar Otto
I was thinking along these lines- when does new music become more than a mechanical exercise of composition. But we do not have to generate it all by math if we know how, we can intuitively improvise. Math is music, and again do we make the music or the music make us? Good comments my man- some spiritual things remarkably and magically are ... Read More reached by the rational and faith of mathematics and is only as trivial as we imagine we can make and apply it, But we are not sure of this deep question are we?
Arian Otto
the jump from organizational geometry to the mystery of how it works is usually expressed as the difference between the "flower of life" and the "merkaba"
the shapes building the flower are only combined in consciousness. otherwise it is a just a pile of circles.
I expect there are limits to mathematics potential compared to spirituality. The... Read More sum of all mathematics is trivial and simplistic compared to spiritual knowledge. Math is the Janitor of universe, it can clean up the mess of human knowledge but it is not responsible for the building itself, let alone the use of that building- say the universe is a university. Math is only the custodian.
L. Edgar Otto
For what its worth I found a new class of particles last night- I will style them CERNons or chillons or maybe Clingons. Based on my and Conway's matrix I would have been embarrassed having the separate concepts and notation if I had to explain... them after their discovery. 15 or so and not string theory and promising uses and new measures and concepts of decay in sub-symmetry spaces. I may discuss this on blogspot
L. Edgar Otto Let look head on at the secret symbols of conspiracy. Not that our souls are fragmented but how we deal with it. Jung and Casey saw the future past, but in matters of the mind we have to go beyond those concepts skipping a generation of sorrows. Better days, surely they shall come.
L. Edgar Otto
Hmmmm...hard to measure our two bit souls when gold is now over a thousand dollars an once.
Arian Otto
The obvious symbols are ignored more than the secret ones. Like "$"
our souls weigh 21.3 grams, about the same as 5 nickels.
L. Edgar Otto
Saw Jeoz in the coffee shop who sent me a pdf on consciousness and Nietzsche. Did not post on my blog short concept of Implied Spacious Dimensions. Heard some of Peter's music who loaned me a text, he will become a composer. Chords unique to Western music. Tomorrow is homecoming and I will avoid the mayhem on Water Street, coffee shop closed.
Hello. I like your blog, need some philosophy and creative thinking in my life.