For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
All the Cracked Pottery
All the Cracked Pottery
The Crack in the Liberty Bell comes to mind these days.
The Myth of the Vase and Broken Vase and it coming together again as a symbol for the Jews- and in general for stages of history and three-ness, thesis, antithesis, and synthesis; subject, verb, object... so goes the play since the days of the compression architecture of the great pyramids of black and red and white alabaster; the old red white and blue for the alter colors... all the color shadows of history.
But the occasion of this post is one of the same theme in the deep dreams that takes a look at the psychological differences between people. Of course what is concrete and what is psychological can be some sort of mirror image of beliefs.
Yet the deep metaphysics of how our minds are organized, certainly similar to and as complex as the string theory- what is the vague membrane of the 11th dimensions but the blood-brain barrier (as if there were no higher entropy outside the animal body) such that we are immersed in our beliefs and biased toward what we think is the reality of them. From any side, for this vague faith of our modern times, we may try to psychoanalyze the holders of other beliefs and behaviors. Psychology, not considered a deep science can nevertheless put the scientists on the couch and for some of them brainwash and hypnotize- isolate them from wider wisdom and beliefs.
But the philosopher in me must ask- how is it the theoreticians believe in such complex theories, impressively so-for each step was hard fought for and realized, and each claimed territoriality filled with castles, forts and foot soldiers. How is it the string theorists do not see how it may be part of the mechanism of thought, and so even with a material basis? How is it they cannot see an alternative by which we are not at some distance from the awareness of our consciousness? Are they so fascists and Herrenvolk as to say there shall be no other Gods before me? Especially the failed God of Marxian materialism?
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Lubos today has pretty well stated the party line when it comes to black holes- and from my view the theory is full of holes. It is a very incomplete theory with metaphysical assumptions I am sure the poster feels is truth and common sense and a reasonable stance against the crack pottery of some consciousnesses of others.
I don't know if to be thankful for the language lessons to communicate in a shared symbolism or be mad that these things are taught as if the god fer sure truth.
Not that I am suggesting, implying or feel the reader should infer that Lubos can adjust the theory to show what was in his lineage of ideas (hey, as far as the classical physics goes were there not concepts of black holes before Einstein?) but his system cannot keep being tweaked- that would be like no new source code version that would never need not to be totally revised!- before it fades away or crashes. I do hope otherwise for our new generation of young Einsteins.
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In the dream there are three things (much like particle generations and the all important idea of the center one and no preferred color designation until after the fact- and that we do not sacrifice things one way or the other as classical or relativistic)- Is not the red shift a matter of Newtonian physics? Can there be something beyond the obvious viriality of Rowland in the general formulas that involve doubling and inverse squares of potential and kinetic energy? Surely the isomorphism of E8xE8 and complex space 4x4 is a fact- and from my viewpoint we can go beyond that- just as Rowlands suggests such doubling may be infinite in dimensions.
So there were two sets of people- each with three related propositions. It did not make sense to say one or the other wrong, nor for that matter which group were more educated or further along the evolution tree. But was hard to see save from a higher view- the generations of the instinctive, intellectual, and intuitive animals, Joe Blow work-a-day, and real and virtual angels.
It is quite amazing really, even when we have to assert ideas like Pauli Exclusion and renormalization, and limit the holographic principle to one biased direction- that we can debate the fine points of the value of the so called Higg's particle- one that in reality, omnipresent in its absurdity, not the ultimate God particle. It can exist only in a great and fragile scaffolding of premises assumed truth. Not even the idea of chirality- the three things of CPT that logically relate- to show for example that if we say there is a sense of "super" gravity that in some state of the real, perhaps the psychotic real, that some get caught up in loops of lies, these can be temporal and inelegant loops- quantum gravity loops, wherein they do not even realize they are repeating again an obsolete event or system. Gravity as omnipresent also aims to assert perfection, the Good, in any lineage of which we really cannot claim more than a few generations of similarity. Instinctive innocent angels really idol statues who feel alive in their own black hole hearts as well the tragic angelic intuitive gods who walk a tightrope between fiery hell and dry ascetic endless desert isolation and self flagellation.
What is gravity then but an analog to a wider consciousness and awareness, and outside our cracks of intellect perhaps the realization that just as the concept of energy to the mind is the Libido- so to the fertility and desire to know and to learn what we and the world are? But such love is less than that of an Ultimate God.
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I found this an interesting article- Now consider it as mental development:
The molecular matches the overall morphogenesis like topology? And in embryo development is there not a direction to the fifth power of 2 in the algebra? Maybe at some point in the organization of learning in a mind-brain, we have some options that in reality makes us different species of knowing things- maybe there are only so many directions and preferences for the colors of preferred fulcrums of grounding as if there is a center of time- one moreover that sets the date from our center of the now and asks the substance of our avatars and prophets. The hourglass idea as perhaps the light cones and diamonds. But really, in such a fulcrum as if a black hole in black hole or wormhole or whatever does the information holographically go one way? Is there no multidimensionality in linear harmonics? Which is the inside and which the outside of such a diffuse and not defined well thermal surface? Can I ask if there is a structure in such a center of say layers (Pitkanen) or membranes or are these ultimately more diffuse in the possible structures of the bi-lateral, n-lateral symmetries?
Note in chat to Sultan_Ratrout just now:
it took awhile to see the importance of this article today
there is a point, as if an hourglass, when we cannot distinguish between species embryos
so you see
at what point do we reach it, and find something different, between youth and wisdom?
It would be most interesting if you and I could talk at any given same age.
In some things we can.
aim 36 and u 65 now can we be equal technically speaking :):)
I dont think so
If I were the last chimp and you the first human I would walk sooner than you
but one day you would build space ships
[Sultan Ratrout]
There was an aegyptian who learned a lot as a child and questioned everything and wrote without beliefs- only in old age to write again with deep belief in the koran. (egyptian friend told me in the coffee shop but I could not catch his name)
[Sultan Ratrout]
i head abotu simliar stories as well :):)
Could be tradition
[Sultan Ratrout]
Still, it rings true in a way- but it is very hard to debate things, and to look back at former beliefs. What is the ground of our beliefs
we seek perfection in a sense but it is hopeless in the near future
[Sultan Ratrout]
Did I sculpt clouds or think I did or many thought I did in the first color picture in the small town newspaper
Was the storm really the finger of Allah?
[Sultan Ratrout]
metaphorically speaking could be yeah :):)
These things are more than our awarness and beliefs but of what I dont know
[Sultan Ratrout]
yeah more than we could imagine
if Lubos does not believe in anthrocentric global warming and I can sculpt clouds- could we not collectively influence the weather?
[Sultan Ratrout]
could be though the final word is for allah
happy people think better, newscientist says
we shuld have the wisdom to at least know we are far from perfection
[Sultan Ratrout]
yeah that the key point
we try to be prefect but we cant
maybe I am wrong and they right to call each other crack pots hehe
[Sultan Ratrout]
my post today status
goes back to Platonic churchmen
[Sultan Ratrout]
great status
for the angels are perfect and have no redemption st Anselm
to the perfection of the Good
but humans have families
thus obligated to the creator
thus sharing the original sin of Adam
thus capable of redemption
(this is very old ideas still debated in philosophy)
Beware of any culture that would intervene to destroy family.
Though Santayana was not that religious really, he understood the meaning in this world of natures master work of the idea of family
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