For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Telavivirial Topologies
I bought some books yesterday- the oxford one on philosophy in particular so as to resume my thoughts when I saw it in the late 90's and on the dalnet philosophy chat. It is the first time I have really bought something for myself in a while just for the sake of learning. Anyway I have thoughts (due to some comments yesterday from my son who thinks he understands but will not because of the loss of some much of my poetic writings addressing it) that in my own childhood, and that my kids did not fare well as victims of divorce- there should be a law forbidding marriage for those who do not understand the consequences of being unstable parents- and with few exceptions words like step-mom or stepfather are a scandal to the health of individuals, family and language. Again, we feel wounded and like strangers and the anxiety if we survive it can get us thru the idolatry or the feeling we have a nice dinner with Christ in our dreams rather than supplicate in hard times to fear to face the divine, for in that world too, lost of the garden or myth of one, we feel like intruders or strangers- alienated far away from self compassion and for our fellow man and above all for the children.
Facebook Status today: The way the finances work for us, well it just does not seem very logical nor well thought out when one reaches a pointless ripe old age so in effect are disabled- what is the point of school now? or a business to create jobs? I called to find out if I can op out of this social security that keeps things at a certain level that prevents new abundance and growth for the general climate. There was a Veterans Administration for me in name only not only full of false promises but having those set me back compared with others, even the disabled- my own land war in Asia. I have mixed feelings about the release of classified state department documents- because I see it as political and determined by the power that is who has in the past as an administration not protected its agents. I note, in documents now stolen and lost from my storage worked for as my own retirement as business and intellectual property, the diplomatic exchanges look a lot like the inter office and agency memos in my records that really confirmed and told the truth of my ill treatment- and thus for all veterans who had not the decency to die.
L. Edgar Otto facebook status:
A Southern accent can be confusing to you Yankees. When I say I'm retard people think I am saying I'm retired. It is a very fine linguistic line.
Telavivirial Topologies
Here I take the term virial from Rowlands and try to generalize the concept when it come to a quasic space view of dimensions. Having accepted an n-dimensional aspect of our reality as concrete space I agree (with Lubos) this is not about the question of multiverse or universe. Yet it could be about a lot of seemingly mysterious aspects on the frontier of physics. His question of anthropocentric reasoning applied to things like global warming is more an open question of philosophy that what some should strive to understand as hard science.
But the issue is where is the center of something to which things may descend or be attracted to in some smooth space over a skeleton of string like objects? Can the center be moving? Can it be a general center in these diaspora questions which seem to have an analog in religious history?
Does sociobiology exist in a closed system? Do we survive as a system or empire a little longer by become part of the culture and adapting our language to it? Yet with all the struggles of issues for adapting and culture carried with us in some order not fixed for our traditions it is universally clear that our spirit over its own candles and tent fires makes us feel but guests in the world- and often our landlords turn against us. There is anxiety over such things as deep as the subjugation of ten of the tribes of Israel and soul searching. I understand that in these matters of philosophy maybe one does not really want it widely understood, nor understood too soon, for the young are developing minds and we in cold scientific technology are not always aware of the impact it may have on them. Let us pray our children are strong enough to face these issues head on and survive them, be they matters of the heart or cosmology.
Philosophy itself is like an atom, principia theoria (gee, gobbledygook does at time include Latin derived words or Latin itself to which the grammarians justly criticized as inhibiting art can be used as guard dogs to sic upon the arrogant if the issues are understood as well the responsibility and consequences of implementation. In Judaism and to quote the Christ- "wherever two or more are gathered there I will be also". Let us praise small cells of learning and its dialog regardless of some great center of teaching for dialog, even if it goes underground.
Or the various peripheral philosophies- the philosophy of (-science, -mathematics, linguistics, -mind...) jump in and out and mirror flip to the core of metaphysics, epistemology and logic as if a virial holy trinity that denigrated is claimed by the young physicists for their expertise in world view. Let us gaze then into the atom of philosophy be it concrete and practical or abstract as if the universe of light or much wider beyond the nematodes and cosmic strings, matter opaque and dark.
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Comment to Lubos as he synchronously posted close to today's topic:
Now there is something deep, new and interesting to which I agree with your statements and your careful consideration of this concept. Last night I thought I would have to generalize the concept roughly your position on the 3+1 formalism.
Of course there is no formal philosophy of mathematics even when it is generally now thought mathematics stands higher than it presumed grounding in logic. Tunneling seems to bring up the issues again that perhaps the spaces of such stringy frames are not totally smooth.
Nor is it clear that Popper is in the end a rationalist. Anyway, I thought you might be interested to know that the generalization the poet in me coined the term Teleavivirial logic from (springtime hill) the region in Babylon and now a capital. Should a faith be dispersed and part of a greater and shifiting region or a temple that is a target of conquest?
Of course I am speaking recently from a more intuitionist view of math as creative art- but it seems to me all the philosophic stances apply. Geometry is after all a mathematics.
The PeSla
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Telavirial Logic
Basically we ask a question not so much of the 3+1 division of forces and planes in a rather holonic vision of dividing space but ask of this as to the quasic plane of so many dimensions as if a brane where the values of the totality are cubes.
In a cube we can have pairs of squares, the total being 6n^2, Likewise in a hypercube we can have pairs of cubes 8n^3. In the transparent matter (Opposed to hidden or dark, opaque) we only see and orient these based on the pairs be they a center or not. Thus the "virial" consequence of n-dimensions in this case is 7 + 1 formalism. (Although 2 + 2 or in general any wider dimensional space can be imagined to work as a formalism just as well).
Thus we can imagine the logic of syllogism or the possibilities of Eddington like space fundamentals as 64x64x64 or 1024 represented as two cube in 4D each 512 or 8^3 but one of these is as if a mirror. However it is also true that 1024 can be a brane like square 32^2 as a quasic plane representation. This is further worked out even in a 3+1 formalism where 64^2 - 1024 is equal to 2^10x3. Clearly, these simple integral (and quasi-finite) arithmetic of space sets up what is rational or not between all these n-virial dimensions by simple intuitionist intelligible geometry.
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Sultan (in our discussions on poetry and linguistic analysis): In the uses of English in your poetry even in the translation I get the sense of what is in the language of Arabic itself- that it is steeped in tradition wherein it uses words from time to time which are archaic. I too appeal to such words only it is unlikely they come thru in the translation. (Indeed, being in the language certain phrases I take fore-granted are idiomatic- as if I had to learn a phrase that is in effect a whole new agglutination of words of which to be fluent in English it is an very large vocabulary to burden a new learner.) The dislike of the grammarians (that detracts from the vague art sense) does come from strict and personal interpretation of strictness to some rule or tradition, some dogma without recognition of heart out of the context and imposing of that context and order of the dialectics not to deviate from them beyond moderation.
On the other hand, I am not convinced there is not a quasi-intelligible parallel of nuances between the meaning or even use of words and word-phrases of which some modern philosophers maintain a radical view that a word can be so fluid as to be a unique unit that makes such language comparisons a very relative enterprise. After all the quasic space pixel or unit in a sense is a singularity beyond a certain range and as with all the unclear and unresolved problems of Zeno these can be infinite regresses resolved and useful in a world of abstract scale and fractal like groundings for models of space and counting.
Again, the continuity of laws and dimensionless values does not depend on a centered space and history alone- nor the virtual averaging of past histories alone, nor randomness and teleology- we have to try to reach a little higher beyond Zeno's defense of the Paramendesian Sphere and what level of its symmetry laws conservation in a world of Cartesian extension defining matter atomically, or Heraclitean cones only to defend as a grounding for an absolute physics of change. In effect we still have to come to grips with the core issues of creation from the Euclidean eternal or ex nihillo be these real or virtual. Ultimately a change of Paradigm (Kuhn's term) is always a step beyond what was once magically viewed then seen as science that then is resolved into the intelligible view that it does not amount to a new paradigm as it is quasi-real in the existing resolving frontier of physics and thought.
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My poem of yesterday:
Smitten by the Acoustic Band L. Edgar Otto 11-30-10
They where three virtues whose songs were lighter than a feather
yet the notes fell as fast as my stone heart in the vacuum of my soul.
One strummed the guitar and the other the accordion while in the
background the third keep time with her snare drum
Gitbox and Squeezbox with Tambourine three virtues or fates
took me to the shores of ancient inland seas, their gig, my dates
Unsigned their harmonies, simple plain their songs, one so distant she
seemed a moving marble statue made of whispering stars and moonlight
The other reflected her as if earth shine, obscuring Venus behind
what stood out against the starry night beckoning, cradling me with her crescent
Cymbols was just another Ringo one of us whisks and rims and drum head
my body felt within the echos of the rhythm breaking the membrane of my brain
Which one shall I love, or each in turn, will they turn upon each other
I the wind for her sea shell song, or drunk dancing to her sisters?
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This idea comes from the three movements concerning the nature of Christ that was eventually resolved by the council of Nicea (or conflicts). I chose three ladys here for the question of what is the substance that is similar or different or shared with the One God.
* * * what's new on newscientist today:
This is right on topic of seeing a little deeper- a bizarro world the article says
and I posted recently some such ideas on the entropy thinking it borderline bizarre- maybe the thermodynamics of synchronicity- did I read this article in advance? Did I create it in my sphere of perceptions of the universe? How dare I question the direction of heat flow in a lava-verse? Or maybe it is a wishful bizarre article after all. :-) Perhaps, to go a little mystical observing that sensed remotely but unexplained- we all are closer to a small shift as if the myth of a great quickening or weak pre-echos from it of a paradigm change worldwide in the post-economic post alphanumeric age. In any case for all practical purposes the relationships around me and the things encountered in this time of research may as well have been engineered or willed somehow- I mean, its Omnilogical in the existential present to find the path in possible places- like I told Marcus it would be this way last month when we discussed the deep points of star types right on and he I Ching. Would the negative index of refraction go good with this bizarro entropy to make some rather interesting animation vids? Of course not all words are isolated in their meanings and even at a distance they are only quasi-free. The veil of anxiety lifted, and free exchange unto progress is optimism really on the other side of the uncanny valley- at least in this dreamed or conjured neighborhood. Now what? Perhaps I should think to have new and bigger dreams!
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