For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Some Miscellaneous Thoughts
Some Miscellaneous Thoughts
I found an interesting way to explore with color coding, a sort of pink noise or seeing a spectrum as if a log scale. But it too was not clear or worked out enough for a more formal posting. But it suggests that some matrices viewed in color codes may be of use for some descriptions not easily seen or expanded from black and white.
Now, yes, we can imagine the application of points and such for a wider physics that incorporates the number theory - but clearly we should keep in mind that question if there are points as such in the first place, rational or not at the end of lengths. I see a footnote like this on TGD diary blog but I find it pointing to an idea but not very clearly worked out- and not as clear when you reach some ideas which to my mind are more obvious than metaphysical- still, the CPT breakdown and the basis of reality that seems so convincing as a preferred spin is itself not fundamentally creative so it is but a holding idea- not matter what colliders think they can find about antimatter by the observation of the halo or perfect sphere shape of protons and electrons.. BTW the color coding as composite representations goes far in a vague general description of such endpoints as singularities or complexes of them to so describe any such concept of a concrete particle.
I am still not clear as to how things spin one way in a preferred direction as the tornado thoughts of yesterday... but it seems fundamentally amazing to me that a pendulum reverses its direction- I mean, I had never seen and questioned such a thing before to which our explanations do not seem intuitive or innate such as the vision of or Euclidean universal grounding in the two articles today in :
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surprisingly spherical electrons:
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"And, in a spherical universe, it turns out that the Amazonian Indians gave better answers than the French or North American participants who, by virtue of learning geometry at school, acquire greater familiarity with planar geometry than with spherical geometry. Another interesting finding was that young North American children between 5 and 6 years old (who had not yet been taught geometry at school) had mixed test results, which could signify that a grasp of geometric notions is acquired from the age of 6-7 years."
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This photo struck me today- a cone which is really a pyramid of planes that is topped by a sphere rather than the usual cone topped by more linear and curvy varieties of lightning rods. Is there an advantage in the children before the brain matures or is it a primitive way to see things reduced to spheres? this one too, reminding me of Alice and questions of scale and size- again, perhaps not as a matter of perception but as what can be from some perspective as the physical facts of how nature can be if we emphasize some aspects of how we relate the finite and infinite, the discrete and continuous. Philosophy itself seems to divide at the initial maturity of our brains (the five year old a full development in the sense that if he were as large as the parents one wonders if he could learn anything higher and more civilized). There are only circular motions says Aristotle. Yet I have come to appreciate more such an emphasis as if to relearn more classical forms in new light.
I keep thinking, Einstein walking his child in a pram by the Zurich Zee and watching the lamposts grow smaller in the distance- could they shrink in reality and expand only up close to some limit? Or for me, the lamposts should not vibrate when our eyes are tired of waiting in time and imaginations saturate- the solid ground in which our dipoles and all can be seen a phantasy- and yet, where does it come from but gazing at the lamposts reflected in the water, choppy, disconnected, a fun house mirror that we if we do not grow seasick with theory stand amazed as if what we are or see in the mirror over time and our size and shadows cast in the world, that somehow it holds together. Nothing today, existed says Sarte. But there is more then the passion of creation, and more in the great literature than things lost in the translation or some edifice buildt up of myths that so define the boundaries of the state and faith and race.
We may walk or run with the wild wolves, our spirit animals and imaginary childhood friends, our interplay with them as we learn from each other, or it may be that in the cycle for the taste for blood we grow fangs in the stealth of night under the full moon. But such dreams may not have power save in the perfectly spherical moment for such colors of ghostly souls in the passion of creation (and that Nietzsche once we learn the Biblical and the Twilight Helmet rituals of the Thunder Gods is greater than the passion found in moments of creativity and is convincing influences of greatness and madness) for in the dreams we behold such perfect sphere in isotype- the primitive colors black and white, or black and red of yin and yang before they break into the yarrow sticks, binary.
And we run dimensionless in size and without regard to it, nor of the direction and scope of time, nor if the path is a loop or endless, or at some place where we can persist as if a spirit world together one to one and unique, both are one thing and yet that one thing is not the place where we so see an run, halos we are in the halo of what is, and of what it is made.
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Now, if some can follow me here:
What an excellent and novel way to explore some of the things (to me anyway) - surely this is what we are talking about and imagining geometric or metaphysical models to try to explain thing like "asymptotic deconfinement" or new states of matter with degrees of freedom in these depths of higher symmetries and so on.
But the suppression imagined is just a natural result of the topology and arithmetic and the expected application of ideas of the group theory where fundamental as say the finite roots of equations of the fifth degree. We are relating to the generations of things rather than suppressing them beyond the first generation states.
How might this relate to the decay and birth of stars? Or in general in the widest sense of dimensions that part of substance, as if particles and atoms evolve?
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Leo points out this concept today (just another one which relates and we all have considered in one form or another- relates specifically to all these dark energy issues- "but Lincoln said there was no connection on the sciencechatforum and I sent a apod link on it- among the reasons I was banned from that part of the forum- my last argument ahead of the experts was simply deleted. But who cares even if there are 93 gigs of that forum in existence now?)
Yet, I disagree with the abstract as a matter of general principle which claims that space is full of virtual particles by the quantum theory- well, we can see it that way and a spinning mirror can give us intelligible results, but this does not have to be the case at all in a wider view of generations, dimensions, and new physics. These may just as well arise from nowhere, creatively. The quantum theory, even with relativity and dark energy ideas, needs a lot of work over the various interpretations which are perhaps our highest mysticism. The experiment did not need the social introduction of any such interpretation of what is happening in the unknown- and if the structures or principles were known then one would not need the quantum theory as such. What is weird about QM is not the theory but how it is seen in the mind of its researchers who in our time do a sort of alchemy that happens to get results- even if they do not know why. But part of it is part of the bigger picture.
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This one to is relevant to my miscellaneous thoughts also and the issues here today in what is happening in the so called "virtual" freedoms of the halo physics. So many of the general bloggers seem to me not so much full of cognitive dissonance or contradictions (not this blogger btw) but more like mad scientists who have put together a Frankenstein monster from a few parts and shook a frog leg of it or two with voltage. from
whom I follow and he always seems to have interesting things to say and research but among our usual grouping here I do not see him linked- still, this man strikes me as what we should admire as an honest and easy yet formal scientist.
But I do not see this paper as new or deeper than usual- a conclusion waiting to fulfill its engineering suggestions use of the mathematical methods- Fourier and Spherical harmonics- but is this not today's theme, at least one halo of DM around a galaxy that considers the gamma ray "point sources"? And the matter of distributions statistically? Even the idea of pink noise color encoding in the shield charges of virtual particle space as things spin at light speed relative to somewhere.
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For abiotic life and carbon genesis buffs: (and perhaps global warming)
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It occurs to me today, an old idea, where we may avoid the problems of language translation by the conveying of theories through photos alone. I wonder if the html here can be used with click maps?
OMNIYM project:
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