For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Rethinking Warps, Solenoid Soliton Thermals
Rethinking Warps, Solenoid Soliton Thermals
I will expand on this post later- but the general structure so to consider what is the spiral in 2 space as a transfer of energies and a helix in 3 space in the mechanism of say tornadoes, including what analogs are spiraling jets around say, certain stars, should be reconsidered as some of our foundational physics. A tornado in a sense is an electrical entity, yet it is most obviously and thus less obviously a thermodynamic entity. But in the unification of such ideas, it is first and foremost a topological entity. The method of direction to take for such an analysis is the representation of the tornado as upon a pseudo-sphere.
Why, for example, to fiercer and smaller vortexes form inside the greater spinning vortex?
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Related comment to today's posts on facebook:
L. Edgar Otto
Holding a small heavy object with both hands it is easy to imagine the situation upside down and you hanging up by holding on to it. We get disoriented sometimes as up is only relative to ourselves, and of course our view of the world and of others or theirs on ourselves can be quite backward and upside down.
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Expansion and Some Concluding Observations:
In the sense that a pseudo-sphere or like objects have a diameter but are open on one end as if it is a loxidrome of sorts exponential and asymmetopic to some real or relative value, but the principle is this... that if it contains something, say as if melting wax that turns solid, more or less I assert that: it will freeze as a flat disc and not have the usual idea of a depth or shrinkage or a bulge- much like the arguments of Newton and spinning buckets.
Moreover when we imagine something filled- the relation between powers of two or those of 5 in the distinct quasic (or arquasic) grids listing the holofractal order of the planes factors (in the arquasic case both numbers are used and in the usual Cartesian manner rather than some fixed or clear depth of such linearity as a consequence of quasic ordering within a linear one dimension down or square root sequence rather than such a linear sequence).
Importantly, we imagine the flat surface in a sense dissipating the idea of "heat", that is toward the asymptotic end of the pseudosphere we experience a sort of cooling or a state to which at least in the fractal scale limits we reach what seems to be an actual or limit reached as if an absolute zero and not necessarily absolutely deeper although in generality that is not forbidden in the cosmological depth (that is height in my previous terms). We also not that a pseudo-sphere can have two halves so we find all the speculation as descriptive in notational concepts of lines or rays or the twists in a warp as a handedness- this intimately related to our ideas of heat and its analogs in black holes or particles.
When we sort the 4+1 or 5+3 or 2+2 and so on formalisms such loxidromic spiral warps may observe the Fibonacci count as with a general spiral interaction of sunflowers and other natural shapes- but these in a sense are a consequence of a dynamic system of distinct virial systems where the standard idea of symmetry breaking applies. In a sense we also imagine things at rest to be cold, that is potential energy as hot.
So we have at least the concept of 2brane spirals, discs, and 3brane spirals as not just a continuum of tornadic formation. We can imagine gravitational lensing or something like it at some location of space- such as a planet or particle or even a black hole of some level of existing. Such hyper-lensing is evidently intimately related to our view of what is the density issues in thermodynamic symmetry and the nature of the exchange of information where what quasically defines differences as if it is a creation or lost as a physics process.
One example of equivalent formulations- and we do not mean to suggest at this point that the universe as a whole can be seen as such lensing- not the one and only case in any case of whatever its general structure- is that of the "cosmology of Rio Frio mentioned today in a link on Kea's post. I remark here that in the tornado formation the ideas of Leo and the variety of the named creative entities do seem to have its place as some explanation of at least the origins of our physics notions.
Frio's, especially the post today, is an interesting speculation- the black hole at the center of the earth responsible for some changes, say in the climate. This way of seeing things is after all creatively equivalent to other interpretations of views as if say some light velocity changes while the vacua or gauge fields change. But I want to make this note: We can just as well, in these climate oscillations, expect of such creative field entities to be totally hidden or be actually in the position of somewhere else in reality- say the sun and its principles of transfer at an assumed action at a distance of momenta and so on. This principle applies to the reading of magnetic resonance images too between molecular structures.
But this fresh view of seeing things suggests to me, especially if somewhere or somehow the universe is more of a steady state flat and infinite one- of which Hoyle makes a count as dynamically ongoing in his creative field of say Protons, or of which Eddington is given a prioi a count of them (on the average) in what is perhaps a more boundless but finite quantum relativity universe, that in what sense do we understand the structure of protons as "immortal matter". Do they decay?
In a sense they must relative to the the limits of a dynamic evolving universe or in the sense that these may arise (and so the count of their charges) in a creation field- and if somehow they arose even if only a change in the symmetry breaking of the vacuum or some supposed hidden or general fields based on things like randomness.
So I imagine that in the proton (which in the old parton three layer model it had a neutral layer and a neutron a negative or electron to be ejected layer) in a sense may decay but can do so only in theory far from some ultimate infinity, beginning or end, pure disorder or equilibrium, that it mirrors the decay of a neutron in a sense these hidden particle formulations are only remote possibilities of a proton's demise. These are structural or virtual things that may be there somewhere independently and suggest many processes and symmetries of particles. It seems right to at least in theory to extend the standard particle tables of them, if not as part of a sort of super-symmetry then at least these more general symmetries of particles as if they an intrinsic phenomenon. In which case the ideas are unified on even a higher level than that hoped for by the standard model as equivalent geometries more so than just the (yet valid) idea of all unified forces somewhere.
So the "cold" region in the proton internal "shell" is not to be just seen as zero.
But this is the usual philosophic stance as to the nature of "filled" or totally empty vacua, the idea of an absolute nothingness or not. In the usual sense of the idea such vacua may intrinsically be partially, even fractally filled and not filled in ways that the discreteness in topology does not result in the usual quantum concept of (anti-)particles- perhaps as a wave phenomenon only from a wider view. We have to distinguish these ideas of fractional dimensions from fractional mass and fractal ideas in general. How can the lack of a filled vacuum in a (Holye's) creation field lead to the very filling of a vacuum to so create a proton?
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Epilogue: The three illustrations are more or less related to recent blog posts- I represent three photos of light taken thru a shiny aluminum pipe with three effects of which tries to point out the flat vortex of what is really a length of one in relation to the light. One is the partial filling of the circular view of which the grid of the window screen is the central and deep structure, there only partially seen as if the wisps of gravitational lensing. The other shows dust in the pipe to suggest around some shell regions the galaxies rather random. The last and this post suggests something in general space itself and how all the twists and turns and reflections go when we decides what is seen or happening between square lattices as discrete relatively and a general expanding and seemingly directed outward (or here the inversion of a pipe inwardly photographed) as if part of at least a linear continuum.
In this illustration for this epilogue it seems to me I am somehow in the center of the eye of the light taking the picture- not sure how this happened, perhaps from the window reflection, I holding the camera down at the end of the pipe. Also I am not quite sure what I am seeing when I randomly took the background to test the light at night as video (now if I can figure out how to make the resolution better, maybe try the fireworks again on the 4th of July.) Somehow against a deep grid of a theoretical background when filtered part way with the complimentary nothingness we find the bilaterally symmetrical form that is a metaphor for humanity, poetry, soul.
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