For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Where is the Chaos In Quantum Theory
Where is the Chaos In Quantum Theory L. Edgar Otto Jan. 16, 2012
How is the answer to this old question coming along? I am posting a video Here called quantumchaos redoing the childhood experiment- take it as a parable or metaphor- it was much easier to do more accurate experiments with the things around me then. But there are new ways to see things. For one thing the ink was rather concentrated, I expected the drop to become a torus then break along the ring to other Tori and so on. Recall where 8 figures into the chaoscience.
I had less luck with the oil drop in alcohol and water as their was not enough alcohol but it was good enough to shake into many little drops- then to add the ink. The idea was to contrast what happens with this contrast of states or levels of the system. Eventually it settled down into a stable pattern. Now that pattern could change slowly or if the temperature changes as in a lava lamp. I post a photo of the still state (why make a video if it does not change?) but from this with all the variables can one go back to say what the state of the universe was from the different dynamics of layers and oil and water involved if it is a steady state? What does that say about our initial conditions and states of entropy- or on a more formal level of gravity and energy as if density of aggregate matter? Can Alice run so fast she stays in place? Does the pattern among many of the stars in the universe have a general sense of motion when there are places the objects stay at rest as in in one sum of dimensions?
I also post a two dimensional version that forms circles- it reminds me loosely of the idea of kissing circles.
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I just now noticed this by Lubos
I will try to see how he can say this is an error - I mean on first blush it looks to me quite reasonable for number systems- I mean, we come up with these shifts between the decimals or even without shifts we have patterns of the same numbers over different say decimal places. I thought Lubos put some stock into the inclusion of permutation ideas (that is maybe not for simple integers? Of course again how do we select from alternative places if not a constraint and ordering in reaction to this mode of thinking? Is it only valid say in the continuous then as in the idea of zeta functions, e to the i pi and all that? After awhile the phi pattern repeats with so many zeros after it as does of course the factorials- what some do not see here as in my abstract motion page is the value in a closed and complimentary system (which such systems are most of physics or well loved by them) of the preceding zeros of coordinates to those containing unit places. Now, we shift the dimensions and space- so as to derive by as a theorem the axiom that two planes can intersect in a point. Also extend the abstract quasic motions to other ideas of unfilled vacua and unrecognized velocities by some particles and of course the ten dimensions (not the least a sort of proof given null and abstract higher motions we should be dealing with 8 dimensions where the yang manifolds think there is a closure and unity at six. No doubt combinations and specific counting numbers and sets of things are important here. We can limit the spectrum discretely by some integer or we can imagine what it is like to generalize the dimensions of the discreteness. Can string and brane theory get along without such ideas?
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