Color Graphics as Operations on Patterns (the 30 Cubes) L. Edgar Otto 02-24-12
I find it remarkable that on a cube of 4 colors the 24 permutations inverted thru the center results in the same 24 permutations, just reorienting the cube itself. In the case of the symmetry of the dodecahedron, logic as multiplications and addition confined to the quasic brane, one simply cannot draw the dodecahedron to represent stacking face to face by inversion. The depth is a brick wall. I imagine then some such process may be possible if my graphics program was not so close to the logic- but this is a natural geometrical restriction in modeling physics itself from one view.
I find this level of color makes the possibilities of visualization ordinary combination theory an advanced yet clearer view of things and the parallel synaethasia of alphanumerics and rhymes (said on the news yesterday that women being more verbal have a better ability than men to do the computation due to verbal superiority in general) and logic to the extent depth mathematical concepts that apply in general as does a formula are interconnected and seem to apply to a theory of everything (if not show how and why and where this is not true!)
I note that Lubos denies the new age idea of everything connected to everything else, this is right, but it does not go deep enough into physics to show beyond the flat logic what may be happening in super-symmetric dimensions. I note also that in matters of the foundations of quantum theory and or of relativity- ultimately the alternative view of what is the disconnections in the discreteness of nature and the assumption of a limited or brick wall of energy conservation, that he does not regard modification of these theories as possible or worries that in doing so some of our cherished concepts as physics are threatened. This is not necessarily the case.
I see today on the blogs two interesting links:
Ulla here has a most interesting post and rather first rate in the level of reading.
A blogger I follow has this concerning numbers for undergraduate exercises which does seem to relate to what I am trying to do with numbers (and more to the point the permutations involving color) here.
I have so many experimental graphics not all of it will be posted for there is a level or a way of doing things easier yet I am not always aware my methods may be a little too loose and artistic for the eye or for the design of the program and machine- but I am getting there. It would be much easier to do this from scratch, then again it is easier to tear down a wall than to build it up.
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