For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Generalizing the Central and Peripheral Transformations
Generalizing the Central and Peripheral Transformations
L. Edgar Otto 05 March, 2012
In many ways the quasic order is not the most efficient way to organize, store and retrieve patterns, the more linear sequence is. This is the main difference between machines and humans as to the expression of energy transfer of processes in the universe.
In such processes nature tends to default to the center of things rather than the orbiting and going around as we more easily observe as the case. This is something without a god's-view is hard to see as equivalent processes by interpretations or en actions of what sentient or what appears sentient on either side of this man and machine divide is the state of physicality, uniqueness and bias of an artistically accentuated or mechanical privileged state of action and its expected directions and purposes.
In a deep sense then, this is what defines the being of sentience in the first place as well the illusion of ignorance of a situation as part of the metaphysical principle of what is the unseen realm, that distinguished as scientific in the clock and clockwork physical sense or that in motion linearly of the subjective to which the issue globally and locally needs to find its balances while existing at least. These can be the general design of the universe where in the comparison to it not existing rather than does so for what defines uniqueness as a general purpose or process to which with effort or correct inputs of either nature or enquiry system we can ground a unified theory.
Thus, regardless of the state of facts as we rearrange so as to interpret history as fundamentally linear or otherwise, we are sensitive to and recognize the choices of grounding for these paradoxes and issues in a way the wider logic of it all is a grounding that can reach within and outside of existence.
In this sense the god'eye can be seen as the general and unique yet adaptable universal intelligence as well the embodiment of scientific processes of physicality. We can substitute the symbols such that these conflicts of grounding are the grounding that supports a unified theory in the placement of order, of mathematics and geometry as an intelligible discipline to the extent its own foundation can describe things, as we occasionally impose upon our general experience the generalization of our organizing universal and ultimate things.
Nor more can we successfully question the reality of such a reality of a being at such a transcendence that goes beyond our own independent and unique state of physicality and perceptions that we can escape the questioning of this paradox of choices and directions uniqueness within ourselves and whatever purposes of accessing our living and our enquiring systems. Events sometimes flow with themselves in the embodied and disembodied totality of the nothingness, be that the will of a God or acts of nature.
We seem wired to walk the tightrope of these choices and pass through the flow of change looping as if currents and eddy's on a quasifinite chaotic sea of no set boundaries under an imagined or real direction of Heaven. For in the unity that is tenuous the uniqueness evolves to which we may be quite ignorant of that beyond the moment in our clinging to the state of the moment, by thought or our stature as advanced technology or reasoning quasi-magical machines. It is reasonable that we as unique beings in these processes of space and time in a unified design react against the realization or changes that threaten what we can see of our survival and security of our uniqueness at the moment when part of this uniqueness does not change as a foundation or grounding for any unique and real experience of being in the world.
We know by now that is issue of what is the peripheral processes and those that can equally be represented by inversions applies not only to the macro scale of the cosmos but to the very duality that is behind our idea of particle and wave duality description and their interactive transformations.
But in knowing this can we anymore change our views and origins where these seem lacking in some individuals and social systems, desires to undertake and declare our finality and beginnings as new and justly recreated over other processes of recreated systems- can we in a word by naming a devil in the scale of the worm within is awaken and heal it that we in looping use the directions of take off or the return around a greater body our orbit that boosts our acceleration and escape velocity to which what we have put up will not fall down into either realm as we explore new worlds and dreams to which we may not be able yet to imagine or appreciate the value of what beauty there may be therein?
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