For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Consolidation: Journal of Quasic Physics
Consolidation: Journal of Quasic Physics
L. Edgar Otto 01 March, 2012
We do not need the narrow view of parallel or baby universes unless we want to defend the idea of inflation theory and the big bang, insist this the theory of everything. This is not to say the concept lack an achievement of great speculation creatively answering some problems of the day and coming close to what the astronomers see.
Not that there could not be such things among the models of cosmology or for that matter reasons to join the consensus in the reasonable intuition that it is the last word and true. But to have something like dark flow suggest there are things beyond the limits of our horizon, great masses reaching into phenomena like mysterious patterns in the background that we sense must not be that different from physical laws in our own regions, it is not necessary these be in a radically different place.
Of course there can be such an abstract centering in the depths of quasi symmetry. There are such abstract centers such as in the quasar era when those creative objects lit up the sky with the birth of new elements and stars, in this sense if we go beyond the confined quasifinite bounds the centers of things exist but not necessarily pinpointed in any one level of symmetry and dimensions or linear chronological order. What then determines such centers when in the general span of things the centers are everywhere? What forbids the axes and centers that should not be there by the theory's but nevertheless are observed?
Around some center the chirality becomes invariant with neutral objects that are nevertheless distinguishable, of which we look for some process or decay of matter to explain why the difference in the amount of matter to anti-matter? In a sense too things are scaleless so as to be on many levels the same ultimate processes we observe with fundamental particles, the same general forms we now are discovering in the nano-world, "magnicity" in the sci magazines today could be seen in the discussion of spin ice analogs to monopoles as the same sort of phenomenon or proofs of such symmetries involved in deeper but unobserved phenomena. Also that these are somewhat confined to the strength and power of the context of the whole.
But it gives us little to merely postulate analogs for some existing physical laws, a fractal situation without bounds while only the breakdown of the conservation laws repeat in the patterns or even on our level of physical space what in that limit we reasonably know is conserved and everywhere can fit the Euclidean variety of planes, that contrary to our ideas of equations that ultimately breakdown some things in context seems centered so as to be individually or collectively conserved. In the main the general patterns, virtual and real, even if not connected is conserved. So to the differences over the unified theory represent this paradox that lead to the general physics beyond the quasic at least to the Omnium. The sum total yet miscellaneous collection. Levels can obey the same patterns independent of the hierarchy in which these patterns and laws are expressed.
It is March and I feel the need to consolidate, firm up what I have written, to type out what was presented only in photographs of pages, edit some simple mistakes to make the meanings clearer. To this end this blog will most likely sleep awhile while I get to the business of a glossary of the concepts and words of which I am generally careful not to coin beyond the need, save perhaps for a poetic point.
I encourage anyone to join me in this project, your experiences and concerns will not be dismissed off hand as we try to understand the depths an implications. I welcome any suggestions that will help this project, technically and of the usual resources that it takes to make it available to all.
Arise my child of Earth!, there is much to be done, and room enough for everyone who in this age makes much of breadcrumbs and consumes them before they follows and learn the way learned the way. Let us gather the data and the dreams and ponder the tales of seashells by the shore accepting no less than our reaching out to the stars... I never wanted to disturb anyone's continuum, but it works both ways.
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{The illustration in 16 bit color is of the minimum 80 by 80 grid as a quasic logo then varied in the span and depths of space.}
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This last one with four-fold symmetry tends to divide the quasic plane into rows or columns. Such logic is more fundamental than the light or objects described or the math and physics as different things.
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