For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Monday, April 23, 2012
General Majorana Particles and the Filled Vacuum of the Dihedron (Eide Physics Continued...)
General Majorana Particles and the Filled Vacuum of the Dihedron (Eide Physics Continued...)
L. Edgar Otto 23 April, 2012
The quasic physics of abstract rest and motion in its algebraic like notation already contains the insights of alternative views of dimensions and symmetry. Of course there are variations on but one view in different formulations,
By 'insight' I mean what was said the key insight of Riemann which concerned a relation between adjacent dimensions and that taken a little further than the conventional Euclidean treatment of abstract concepts like a plane. It discusses a middle ground between the view of groups as continuous or discrete. The filled aether as a vacuum is such a middle ground wherein one can develop things like string and brane theory, with cues taken from experimental observation or theoretical conclusions that assumes some vague and general principle like the Pauli exclusion or Filled vacuum, also the assumption that Majorana particles are to be taken as neutral with respect to charge,
Some of these principles beginning with the quasic and a more unified view by geometry can be put on firmer ground.
A dihedron, a point on the graph of the dualism and restraints of convex polyhedra as to the count of faces to a point or the total number of points and faces is a flat object that has two sides but contains no volume. It has a point, rather like a fixed point in that it is movable as in the crinkling of an array of numbers that the balled up mass tossed on the array will find at least one point corresponds cell to cell. Today's theme will distinguish such points as geometric objects and in a sense extends in to the depths what we see as relatively negative and apparently alternating if an extension of Pascal's triangle, that is minus one to the nth in succession, as first considered by Newton- which can lead to fundamental variations on the calculus in style including the middle ground of motions and rest of an algebraic grounding of numbers. We extend the concept into the vacuum.
By such nilpotency of dimensional insights we can quite imagine new principles, for example in the Riemann insight we establish by such a point vertically in a plane of which its circumference being composed of infinite polygons as a group, this can lead to discs in particular, or square or round things in the abstract or any vague shape in between. A principle then could be stated like this: if the disc containing a point vertically from one side of the dihedron to the other (regardless of the need for one higher dimension should we choose to flip it or to do so if that would distinguish the parity, we observed and instantaneous jump quantum like from area to area of the double surface. Again the count of such points as to what dimension they are end should be generalized in the inter dimensional relationships as well the ideas of groups and symmetry and their interrelations not necessarily to be generalized beyond our compass of lower dimensions, the concrete ones.
Another principle is that the jump by Riemann at the completion of a cycle of complex space, like slices of bread over time or the possible concept of a series of branes that have connections of changing distance between them including certain angles askew of such slices, that from the filled vacuum view (and not the resultant manifold of gauges of which by compactification they are in a sense places in coordinates as distinguished hidden dimensions as discrete) this a ground for the oscillating Ekpyrotic universe model as wells as the then equivalent ideas of Inflation cosmology in this question of the continuous and discrete, that such jumps over he interval of a cycle as in string theory these can be multiple as well in the complex number analysis, that in the ...
Aether upon such multi discs rotations we can see the multi density as a linear reentry of such factors in a polyhedron and the polytopes albeit unclear in the higher dimensions beginning at four, that Riemann's insightful jumps and leaps of wisdom and reduction to zero and eventually a Cartesian one quadrant of his grid the three ignored as not relevant to the theory of his plane, a positive space only (the diagram of such a path to exclude the zero and negative axis and this method in its present metaphor can be questioned as it too need a grounding in the foundations) that between such abstract jumps such Riemann density, as to it also taking observable time can be seen at least as continuous.
On which side of the Lie and Klein views does such a point decide what in dimensions or the inversions or the continuity of powers ultimately of duality as defining a given continuum where as if there is a choice in the Majorana the choices as in the origin of chirality of matter and antimatter are equal at the neutral vacuum level? We can regard the ideas of Clifford where the power is the dimension integer as part of the Lie considerations wherein there is a sense of discreteness in the gauge realized as some sort of quantization question of objects or entities of hidden continuity.
We can insist that no matter how thin or far we go into this path as if divergent there is always some small bit of continuity that does not vanish even in a world emptied of its light and matter and the last mini black hole will vanish. For an empty space, without even the quantum vibrations so as to fill it crudely or in the gross observations above the aether vacuum empty level is replete with abstract structure. Perhaps this will vanish but it is a question of what goes beyond this analogy to reduction from the next super space of symmetries into a quantum form and form and from that back down to the classical form of our ideas of ergonomic potentials and kinetics of differentiation as the key expression of physical laws.
Of what sort of geometric objects would a null polytope of which the subscript by convention is minus one, less than the zero of a point, composed? And if we go further it is clear that (as I suggest tentatively in the illustration) that we can distinguish say the nil point and the null point as if double nullification. This also grounds the idea of different geometrical objects, say a point and face, or a point and a ten dimensional volume as a complex of higher singularities of which it remains responsive to the context and flow of the universe in the observable structures and information of how we view singularities as if the null point or a complex of them most likely Euclidean in the simplicity of connected convex surface or volume, fractal or holographic truths and illusions of force and information.
This is too simple to see even right before our eyes as it cannot be hidden in plane sight, nor under the rug of the Aether. We generalize the enquiry of knowing things by the awakening of science as an extension of this philosophy that began in Ernest with the Greeks.
* * * * * *
Idea left out to point out something: In the nilhedron in the illustration we have a fundamental definition of the concept of a string both in the latter and former idea of them- in a sense they are certainly not strings with no area or volume a the ground of being, nor in the consideration of other dihedron like structures must we postulate ad hoc some natural added dimension for them to vibrate within. From my geometric view, these point like vacua objects as symmetrical and Platonic like have hidden depth and span after all and from it we can see of three objects which one of them is in the center of a flat string? Which of three quarks for example is to be considered relativistic? And ultimately in some formulation is it not clear there are five quarks the sixth, presumably the top, being slightly different on a reduced level. Of course if all this is true and was the picture of handed things I was trying to understand and express then the table of fundamental particles has to be widened but not in the sense of super-symmetric partners as a general addition of things but things more interrelated and fundamental, perhaps more things than we now imagine even in Rowlands formulation over the Dirac nilpotency and exceptional groups of which I understand the royal road to unified string theory. It may be we can regard such things as Majorana neutrinos as somewhere an addition to a table of such particles in their own right in addition to those which are not of that form of n-bit iota information contexts and expression. It is perhaps unfair of me to not know that I can make my arguments and pages easier to read in the internet posting- I did not know- such alternate views do cloud the usual order of marching to the theories of the time- and there is no way to see right away that this beat is the better and sounder one. Yet I have striven in the metaphors as a poet for clear meaning no matter what is required of language to invent to convey in a concise form some symbol- one of which in this rather geometric way of interpreting structures such as the soma the general analogy to the nilhedral string idea is the jokers and the grand joker of all such things centered, that is that do have a definite center among the triality of quarks or any lepton that has such an intricate way to oscillate between flavors or some that do not, and so on.
The technicality of a missing piece of such a collection of regions or pixels in a quasic plane- as I said is the answer to say Pitkanen on the nature of the Riemann hypothesis as a half value that acts like a grounding or limit of some unit measure of one- but this speaks of higher things- but the thing is, I welcome these confluences of views as a simpler and more beautiful theory to which we must also feel sorrow for the loss of our familiar systems we work so hard to find. Not that things are not beautiful unto the evolution of the day but that they are so much the more so now that those who enter a new territory even humbled on the checky shores are more expert than those still crawling up from the sea. I may laugh to myself when I see some point of overestimation or stance that thinks it is not one of ignorance- but I laugh with joy as to what we do and can do, surprised as a species- even the cleaver scorpions and insects that come first to tame the land and who inherit the earth because they endure. I should formally develop this as it is not evident even with the pictures (wow, I can draw with vectors that was designed for a math program it seems, another leap close to the logic, another night of sore fingers and blurry eyes when I was used to it.) - I leave this long footnote as it is.
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