For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Megaricontinuum (Mgcm) formal term for Overworld
Megaricontinuum (Mgcm) formal term for Overworld L. Edgar Otto 13 April, 2012
I my poetry of terminology, I choose a more formal term for the ideas of the Overworld, at least in Peslaese as a formal language. I also realize I need a word for the relatively minimum quasic pixel- that too ambiguous and I have been trying to capture the idea in roundabout phrases- as it is at least four dimensional in the sense of a brane, a sort of square I reach back to the Greeks also for the Pteron in the architecture of things like some of the wonders of the world as a square or rectangular stage- still it may have more specific meaning, but it seems to me a good word to recycle.
Megara is of course where Plato went for a score of years after the death of Socrates a city where he spent time with Euclid and his school and most likely visited Italy for the Pythagorean wisdom in Archytas.
Also the direction as forward leaning or looking, an asymmetry of sorts, the Heraclitus view of change over the Parmendesian ideal sphere, the "python(ism)" for possible use of the Odatum concept. For the wormhole like paths in such megaric realms (and these being like Plato not simply a division into the element of emotional sensationalism as writing or in speech, nor of an opposition to Realism or Materialism necessarily but a search for a balance or truth of wisdom.) I choose the Aragand wick for the Argand Lampion which was a cylinder where the air could flow around the flame both on the inside and outside.
Also, in the illustration for this post I take the integer count of things as if in a totality- after all I have made advanced claims on what is a forgotten exercise in teaching arithmetic in grade school. That is in the square or quasic grid the global Euclidean or ordered and arranged symmetry forms a magic square the sum of the rows and columns and two diagonals add to 15... but in the simplex, a triangular magic square it adds to 9 of which there is one such diagonal also as well the edges of the triangle add to 9. Let us note also that to learn addition there are 45 combinations to be familiar with and this of course come from our ten digit notation- even in the lower integers such counting seems to show a difference in three or four space discretely, or if you will between our half vague concepts of what is in our familiar space a grounding seen in 3 + 1 or 2 + 2 four dimensional formalism. Of course that we can divide a square into two triangles is as trivially obvious as it is dimensionally profound. This continues in the three types of polytopes that have analogs even beyond four space for intelligible counts and ideas of diagonal matrices in change of structural grounding between the various polyhedral groups.
I note also an interesting link from science daily where they use similar binary grounds to simulate the history and interrelation as if a spacious view of even the minor variations in the WMAP from the Big Bang to the present. This evidently and intelligibly is as if a chess game (as any dimension has its two player or brane like board and does not have to bed a development of the idea of tri chess of which the concept is difficult apparently if it takes a group of professors to describe it- again to me last early century methods. But theirs is a desire to simulate in a 2048 cubed array with the hidden assumption in my view as the symmetry system being finite and only circular in its surface regions. I note in the Odo256 three space illustration of yesterday of the queens move and one of the knights as a sort of toroidal but flat tiling that in the logic of a two player game the pteron array is 8 by 8 in the x and y but four as if hidden in all but the number of cells as half the colors if these are colored each unique in the z direction. In the array this is not an obvious situation of such laws of abstract motion to particles if it is conceived more like a flat honeycomb.
Moreover we have not yet reached what we can say is ultimately nonlinear if in the relative shifting of the surface branes where the quasic order is fixed the expanded space within such a binary structure is vastly richer in its multiplications- but I wonder if the number of particles so simulated are enough and the digital yet Fourier system be indefinitely expanded or are there n-play general differences in the vector directions and count there too? In what sense at a singularity complex such as the mouth ends or event of a wormhole said to be flanged or crimped (to use simple words) where this raises the duality of the wave equation and the matrix model?
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Through Science Daily yesterday I linked to this site: The Simulated Universe.
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