For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Observable Zone of the Meso-Cosmos
The Observable Zone of the Meso-Cosmos L. Edgar Otto April 18, 2012
Today's theme is the consideration of an actual picture, an artistic view with false colors to make clearer the picture. Yet to look beyond the art with scientific eyes.
What an interesting idea say of Hawking to ask about the wave equation of the universe. We look and speculate at the COBE and WMAP data. Seek patterns or impose them from within our mind's eye. If there are things beyond the observable then why is the conceptual container like reported for the Higgs so "thin" ? Of course at first blush some ask what is the end of the universe, but I am not sure this simple thought, paradoxical thought, is outside the tools of imagination and unnatural to the reach of our mundane and profound intuition. If the universe has a wave equation then in this reduction why not reverse things as one might do with a Feynman diagram? Could this not be the source of our deep divisions of choice between say the Platonic and Heraclitus's view or its many analogs applied to our history?
Might the result of this argue for a sense of synthetic view as in the case of Einstein that remains intelligible by that approach even if what we observe comes before the extension not of our analytical axioms but a way to treat a postulate, that is we note the world expanding and lately an idea that the expansion accelerates which seems to go against this view- quantum mechanics can get along just as well without the sense of balance of Einstein for a static and finite view, or some imagined error or reason to balance things again, the lambda cosmological constant- or even toward the end some attempt to imagine an isolating universe that stands equal to our inflation ideas that divide time as if some expanding ether from some presumed origin.
My simple metaphors in the above illustration found by the reduction of colors first ignores what are the higher and hotter things as well the cooler lower as if to consider and name the lands and the seas. We concerned then with the beach between them which as the middle world the land can be but island or the seas but lakes, perhaps in this sense as the universe expands we can understand the relations we designate as visible and dark matter. or from that picture know that we should expect the expansion and a vague relation between them of which we should not expect a perfect pattern.
Despite the changes by a state of observation, we change that observed in the microworld or where we are determines what we see, or being in the middle scale the mind in its balance and steady state strives to see things both ways, the laws of physics, of quantum physics or even the underlying vector relations or the reality of quasic structures, may all be only there within the meso cosmos of which we are so talking about and beyond that only extend even our ideas of metalogic or type hierarchies if possible at all in ambiguous clouds. That which we can imagine as observable even if sight unseen within the mesocosmos is the business of evolving and experimental science in seeking first principles.
But for more down to earth considerations, imagine we here have a direct analogy in the geometry to the mapping of the surface of the spinning earth. It spins and few of us ask in depth or ignorance why they so spin, there are many reasons of the stated laws and facts. But the poles do not move at a point and yet the earth is spinning and perhaps we can return again to the synthetic view wherein of all possible principles vague or concrete the mesocosmos does resolve again to be the totality as the reality of all views. For clearly at the infinite spinning equator we can go forward or backward but in the process gain a day or keep the same days of a year as if the universe takes a direction or steps in the fact of its arrows of change or cause.
But the poles are drawn and mapped by Riemann as if the values of zero or infinity, the roles information ally interchanged or upon some twist or turn find some angle or some number of all numbers on the sphere between them. So on the plane can the equator not in a sense be the limit some observation of an expanding globe and the issue is not what spirals in or out to some pole but on what intrinsic direction it is given that the equator spins.
Beyond this horizon of observation, a spacious razor wherein the yin and yang is determined by the razor thin blade and not the nature of the sword and sheaf, we ask of what is possible in the closed world or open one of potential observation of which local or remote our styles of physics stand intelligibly as facts resolved or never so in the totality. So too the clock and clockwork may not just be an artificial counting disembodied from the atoms or the sun and moon but in a sense the old idea can have is reality in principle again.
We report some changes in the syzygy of pendulums when say the planets align, such effects taking time or instantaneous. But in this shifting of the poles of the zero point or potential infinity or of those explanations wherein we try to reach but cannot reach things following the loxidrome, in this child's question as one of which if considered may lead one to a life of such speculation and conservation and if lucky develops good observation eyes, or if not so questioned or pointed out to them may lead to a lesser station in life this too perhaps too late to achieve any goal but only part way and we say they made choices and are the masters of their fate- and this could also be- these failed stars.
Let us ask then of these two views of the harmonics and grids imposed on the earth that our clocks can synchronize on some level if not absolutely, what of the longitude? My compression of the ellipse in the illustration to a circle suggests, again artistically and metaphorically, that these tend to divide the imagined sphere such that the middle ground tends to lie on the longitudes. Do we not ask of such things there if we envision pockets of circles or regions that seem hotter than they should be or of statistical evidence of quadrapoles and octapoles and so on?
Once with an artist friend roommate I had bought a set of straws and joints that was a tool for teaching organic chemistry and I remarked to him one could not make a ball of just hexagons. He played with them a long time and finally said I was right and then made wonderful structures that did look very much like artful sculptures the principles making his minds eye more free not limiting him. On the other hand because of the flexibility of the straws we could put pentagons together even though the tetrahedral joint was not of the proper degree- yet, when the world was fresh of the wonders in my eyes before DNA mapped I came across Pauling's picture of carbons so arranged- this part of the uncertainty or relaxed view that nature too builds her structures. We dreamers adapt to and weigh all such catechism for fixed truth and beauty or its relative dream as well.
What is a postulate but the preaching of some trained individual usually with self limited imagination or the institutions of learning or some bits or rumors heard or some meme, even some misinformation interpreted wrong but somehow proves to be right, who in effect react with a negative counter of which its truth can be state of the art- that is we do not fight such people nor think them the enemy for the truth needs no army as such for defense- or alternatively our example can reap rewards that one day someone recalls your position, says I now think you were right. Such patterns recur although I make no claims for some process other than it is essential we awaken and think for ourselves- learn that in a shared way there is no isolated dialog in the span of this process of shared intelligibility.
We can convert the spheres to discs pole to pole and discs to sphere back and forth again, make the integral lunes and imagine perhaps over all time and slices of the world such a multiplicity of angles as would be suggested by the beauty of the higher theory of strings or that too grounded and contained in the thin multidimensional and only supersymmetric multibrane or these too in the paradox said once of the dreams of Einstein or of the role of geometry in general leaving the future and way open to artists like Coxeter that any project toward unity in physics shows he was loosing it a bit in his old age.
I doubt the work of theoreticians or dreamers who at least once have seen their total models crumble, perhaps nature too has this direction and force on which can pass clock time or with the flow gain a day, a stalemate or win, never really lose where the game is intelligible. I see it as evidence of progress and learning and it has occurred more frequently in the colors changes in our paint by number dreams and I guess I am surprised I have had so much to say.
I know it important too to present at least once to someone a simple step or model as much as for us to be trained in the tools of our time that we can trust each others expertise- only we have not reached a unity among us where our languages and methods free enquirey from its inevitable fossilization. Forgive me if I must just let the world spin for awhile if it comes to that- a new rest before we are caught in another storm- but is this not always as it is, seeking the company of others or hiding away from them, ready to leave the same old shelter or place, or longing for your own space to lay your head? I am not sure I could have done better- but I am fairly sure we as thinking human beings should be much further along than we are now. I hope this personal statement is of use, but great authors seem to have gone beyond their local color and identity to things universal to all of us.
Only now there are bridges between us where we can touch at a mysterious distance and share parts of our dreams in each others mind somewhere between togetherness and loneliness or needed solitude. That we can so see into an others heart our writings are not just about ourselves nor are the bonds of such love. For ill or good that will change everything. May it not be a rude awakening for those still among us who cannot see or sense this for it is a boundless optimism that I have perhaps cursed you with.
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Some things in the exhaustive posts, in matters of patterns and interpretations as if we relate that way to our dreams, are even too speculative and intuitive for me until there is some real distance again from the ongoing moment. So I did not include at the discussion of Majorana aspects of information and of the neutrinos that simple count of such particles outside some band of the meso range dynamics and some desire to realize or see a would be unity.
This is a highly intuitive method if themes persist in the writing of a poem, between the pages cascading at our return to the underlying themes of dreams presented to the minds eye in different forms. It is still a little vague and unclear but as it relates to the general topic I now state it but perhaps only as a hint awaiting the eyes who share at least the spirit of the dream or perhaps the grounding of this world and our languages into the shadow ether of our illusions. Yet I do not think, given this much of a climb before some leap as not a landlocked tortoise that stops before some precipice but a terrapin diving into water, An interpretation that consciousness here influences the observations on steroids for such particles or analogs we could imagine we create and arrange in our minds.
We risk the key on the kite in the electric storms, debate if lightning rods attract the lightning or are a cone of safety as our frog legs attached to wires jump, wandering feet in the changes at our shift of awake or dream. How romantic our broken parts coming back again, the mad scientist giving it some life of unity, an ages dreams of love and sonnets so overdone, the hardest universal topic and word form of 14 lines and the ten that makes us dance to a field of rhythm if he drama is new but the song that moves our limbs for an age is mature as all returns to Pieces before the horns of Mars that oft brings a new spring as well as destruction and midnight suns
For in the general count of the little ghostly shadow neutrinos our mind in effect can so create or respond within us as we do to the light in dreams, even of the rainbows and the sun, we make a table of the 15 of them between the systems interrelated of the low dimensions. For the particles and their natural mirrors, right and left, matter and antimatter like, both ways along the ethereal equator add to 5 or ten and yet the self anti ones in a directed spin at another 5, all in the general vector possibilities of four space. But what of the other cell to make the 16? The missing part where in the intelligible count we need no carrier away of some momentum to make light? What of that cell that is the technical part and ground for color mixing as a concept or in the lowly soma cube an empty cell left stacked in a tower of three tetracubes and the tricube strait or angled?
We come back again to the same place where theoreticians are not enemies of styles in a greater generalization but part of the same family of enquirers who desire to praise those who find such truths after the struggle or race to reach it. For the synthetic and the analytic both have their place in the mind of thinker-dreamers who often can draw, and that reasonable as we find such lopsided things that flow one way so have but half a view of what is rest or moving, what is he gravity we imagine from cells of our table that too half way even as we justify to ourselves their doubling in some mirror. Lorentz and the detractors of Einstein each have their claims and each, at least in their true believers intersect or miss each others points as if the mind itself grounded in visible and dark matters to explain the would be unity of our cosmos. But is this as a dream any more bazaar than what some do going even further than our meso cosmos into generalization or will they too be found in their new day to come for awhile the accepted science and were right?
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