PAX, SAX, XAP and the Compass of Cosmic Xtal Structures
L. Edgar Otto 30 April, 2012
Science tends toward the physical and natural and where the unity or reach of the concepts of the cosmos are matters of careful steps of speculation they are parsimonious in the drama of the vision. In this sense I style them auxiliary to the reality of the philosophic and physical continua and ask, as if in an artificial system of language the core relation of such visions within our psychology, the reasons behind it and the sense of crystal (Xtal) ordering of hidden visions, and reasons for the transcendent reductionism involved in emerging symmetric systems as a matter of emotional stances of synthesis and analysis that emphasizes or divided the scientific humanism on some level from that of systems of a more religious sensibility, that between the Preternatural (PAX) and the Supernatural (SAX) as a third part of this dynamics in terms of geometric and numerical intelligibility (XAP) to the extent the cosmos can be so characterized as general unified patterns of information and meaning.
These concepts of a more expanded awareness of possible have been with me for a long time and have been matters of philosophers in general and in my time have carefully evolved rapidly as concerns of speculative cosmology of which the application of the concepts are not clear or even the conceptual models are strict enough they are not always compatible within simple choices. We reach here a point of transcendence beyond all such systems as a dynamic one but at a stage of insufficient thought or information toward the awakening of the core intuitions. Thus I style these in the stage of the Transcontinuum (Xcm) as a careful and focused application of the dynamics for in these questions the usual next stage is a generalization of these as matters of irreversible or thermodynamic phenomena, questions on the nature of entropy and ends and beginnings, a sea of transcontinua as a wider totality, the Ultranscontinuum (Ucm) by which it is not clear in matters of Quasic crystal issues of similarity there are one or many such universes or some state that can permit a unified and perhaps further dynamical mixture of the concepts or transcend them as if the models of Quasicontinua (Qcm) are not just matters of neutral structures of which we cannot state its ultimate grounding.
This conceptual patterning seems to apply also to the idea of the philosophic continua starting with the Omnium (Om), our current level of debate as of total necessity in the Plutomnium (Plom), and he same concepts that are resolved into that between freedom and determinism, with non-necessity as a principle of the universal, existential, and mixed, and of the idea of vacua as vibrational filled or empty, into the solutions of the Teleomnium (Tlom). But here we find again the quasi-cyclic theme at hand in these processes of the imagined and the relation to the real.
Clearly, the source in terms of complex analysis as a mathematical tool and general plane applied to explicit or hidden structures in its applied principles, say in the matters of electronics or exotic analogs observed in things like unexpected phenomena on the middle nano scale such as superconductivity or codon base or graphene effects is also a matter of these issues of relaxed but focused speculation. As difficult as this post reads one can imagine how overly simplified and lacking in the depth of philosophy some ideas put forth by some of our best theoreticians read to me although along the way I can feel their sense of the drama of awakening to wider horizons. (see Lubos yesterday on a discussion of things like the breakthrough ideas on baby universes and so on). Of course the issue of the Casmir forces locally and between particles or at a distance also apply in the context of this possibility of abstract unification.
In particular for the complex plane we should question or generalize the idea of a source for the technical functioning or observation of circuits of amplification. It is not clear that cosmic patterns need a grounding of magical amplification or needs be seen as needed for the mechanism as amplified at all beyond the smaller changes in an analogy to the wider scales of smaller currents guiding the changes of a flow of the supplied energy source, a situation as in the chaos science nor that such systems cannot both be present depending on how we see what is zero and absolute or that there are differences before some origin or end state in the negative or complex visions of the vacuum.
A usual question in relativity is what is the nature of space and time outside the light cone, for example. I can understand why Hawking would think he solves the problem in the separation of imaginary are real time so as to unify in concept the finite and eternal aspects (Om) of the question of if the universe one or many so resolved, And from the philosophic perspective I understand how in our human psychology given such a neutral mechanism of string or even the quantum theory, that we do or almost conclude that string theory proves there is no God. We can almost prove there is God of some wider nature by the same reasoning. These are matters of science and philosophical creativity that may or may not have a grounding more than nothingness.
These issues I reserve the term Theotericontinuum (Thcm) as a vague or real physical or philosophic possibility that at least explains some of the speculation by man in the religious area of contemplations. But in that we put patterns on the cosmos and try to relate to it as analogies to philosophies of living things an idea like the organic evolution and replication of universes, or those with open or limited life spans or hidden sources of recording of widest events, the initial solving of questions by ideas like cyclic universes or inflationary models being within us as our own pattern, is suspect if these patterns are not of the maximum possible explanation and application of life forces to those of the more reductionist natural physics so to rise beyond our parochial values to at least a sense of literary universality. Where these philosophies hold sway in their day as if a relief from earlier trends of an old generation there is the sense of the dramatic and the reality of life and death in its actualization. But as completeness, not analyzed, these remain suspect and but a hint of preternatural science.
The state of the vision in our day seems to emphasize in our quest for wisdom and technical experiments that of the theme or total system of reasoning here discusses, the model of learing or awakening I style the Neotericontinuum (Ntcm) which seems our general experience subject to these paradoxes of the totality. In a sense all such enquiry is a sacred act as well as a moral human act to which other continuua may be worthy of the name or have these divisions or links to other views that color our thinking positions, the nature of thought in itself, and philosophic or psychological questions of dreams as sources of amplification of artistic freedom or the extreme of determinism leading to overly closed and just as mentally unsound universes. How else might voices in someones head or the creative sensitivity in general seem to be otherworldly and outside the self with the force of commands in the name of self healing or just a level of learning as chaotic confusion? In that psychology is about the hidden and esoteric it seems to me to become close to our ideas of a science, a physics.
Where we conclude there are twelve things in the count of solutions to equations as in Dirac and the five fold questions the equations simplified seems to tell us or to such numerology involving finite or continuous groups where they seem to meet or seem never to do so as an established fact worthy of defending as a tool for distinguishing a scientific truth and dramatically, emotionally, I give you in the illustration the metaphor of color and music- for in the organic realm as a model on the low levels of such dimension that we do not hear the higher dissonance we only see the five or ten of the folk scales or rock scales and struggle to name our chords without the two blue notes as all this shifts in key or is tempered, halved or doubled the tones in all the divisions of numbers as density in a circle of fifths- so too we imagine a difference in handedness that supplies the organic struggle, energy, of survival and yet defines and divides the species from some path of replication as if it the nature of things to have this ratio of the real and hidden where we discuss the apparent anomality of ideas of dark matter, fluid analogies, and energy anomalies.
Humans in their bicameral bilateral symmetry, sought or considered as beautiful in reversible or irreversible equations with higher hidden symmetrical mirrors or not between the dialectic of existence and non-existence can have more realistic visions of the world given both the creative and philosophic aspects of the meaning and information we find in the unity of the music.
That which came before and will so come does so now and never did in that edge of the world made all of edge. But this may not be all there is. When will we know?
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Lubos, just after my posting posted this interesting bit of the philosophy of science of which we shall let the readers judge it for itself. Let us try to seek a wide range of perspectives in the Liebnizian background of accepting all inputs for our enquiring system, and let us realize too Mach and Newton have backgrounds to compare things- and try for reasons or not of their validity or unification. Also, all this does seem to lead to a more general background, at least the pointing towards one as in the continued evolving of the string theories as Lubos suggests. Let us however see science as a matter of permanent passion if not revolution. Did not Planck say new ideas only come to be accepted when the old generation dies off? I suppose it was a good thing Stalin came along to prevent the contradictions in history of Marxist theory? That itself is indeed logically an enquiring system that puts emphasis on the idea of materiality.
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