The Technology Within
L. Edgar Otto 05 April, 2012
The question occurs to the creative artist at one time or the other as to if technology will influence or change the direction of his raw creativity, perhaps the intellect putting a chain around the intuitive heart.
It seems in the promotion of his music and his struggle to find his place for his content in the structures of the management on the web- in contrast to his friend who could conjure a whole song from a few words on a matchbook cover- one who avoided the copying and influence of other styles for the sake of originality.
Yet is it not a matter of our ability to organize, after the hard work and steep gleaning from experience and preparation that the content of creativity is free from the medium- close to the best copy if from our minds and hearts there can be more than a lesser copy as is the case from those who apply some formula that works, no title unique for any song as something not in the commons of titles- that the music and the lyrics usually are a second rate imitation of that closer to the original gifts found in the heart.
For beyond a certain point it is easier to write spontaneously despite the circumstances and resistance, doubts in the medium and of the sense or lack of sense of self in relation to it- past the usual how to tools. So too to reach the masses and the average soul on the path to learning and entertainment, emulation of creations if not of the ability as an artist in themselves but astute the viewer, part of the greater unity and purposes of art if any- does my friend not have to stay close to the formulas for some tradition? Yet he strives for his own influences and originality in several styles of music- I note he organizes in his head as if some master title of which such dreams can be recalled fully formed.
I tell him he would benefit from the art of making titles and he even had just read a quote by a famous author suggesting the same thing. I say in the virtual world of art it seems to me you are also dealing with the technology within and that is why your heart is not as free as you want it to be as you distrust others you need to share the work with you so to take their toll from the data stream of your dreams. In the end we cling to the solid ground but do not forget that also we can stand and fly, for whatever reason we aspired to reach for the stars.
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