Multi-Anthropocentric Global Warming
L. Edgar Otto 01 May, 2012
(This theme in response, although I could not leave a comment there, inspired yet a coincidental issue already in my consideration, by the blog of Plato, dialogs of Eide. I found the illustration there very much overly simplistic and tried to do one a little better. It applies to all such quasic ideas that underlie such concepts in theory like there are endless copies of us under the same pattern. It also comes from the constant assertions by Lubos on the reliability of global warming issues as science. I deliberately aimed for this long and involved Faulknerian style)
I did not have the time to view the lecture as my computer access depends on other people's schedules- but I answer the question there, relating to Venn diagrams which is intrinsic to the logic of these general fields, I would personally express it as the quasic field, to the extent we can trust the design and scope of the logic my models do meet that condition of intelligibility.
Within a totality we can have different local points or singularities of perspective, yet the totality moving, growing, expanding, or not is also a question of if there can be a collection of such totalities.
Within the Quasic universe over the Omnium what we regard as a principle of the Continuum, the mirrors of a Metacontinuum, a separation of similar or identical copies of things or the patterns of things in some finite but not necessarily commensurable connections of the finite, the Discontinuum, all in a sense of a directionality of existence that is the given irreversible in nature, a Transcontinuum, the perspective said favorable to existence among all such entities extended in a greater span of existence where we would not be aware of such questions if we are not in such a universe not favorable for something to observe it intelligibly- or some idea of consciousness as intimate with the design and pattern of intelligence that can be intimate with all such space designs but not necessarily so, or that it may be influenced by sentience itself in the existential actions or at what seems a distance globally as if the reality as a given in a generalization of a philosophic nature of the totality, the Omnium; in that there is also a measure of time and the depth of time over unique and dynamic points of perspective within it that marks personal and universal events of a lifetime in the context of experience and contemplation so as measured to some degree from the sense of crystallizing visions of supposed ends or beginnings or imagined limitless extensions, or cycles to some degree of significant scale that may or may not so describe the limits of the very small approaching the very large to some convergent physics of absolute or ideal positions or a precipitation of such singularities coming together to reduce or increase the entropy which is an abstract principle equivalent to that of our abstract idea gravity and on even higher levels of all these the concepts of dark phenomena, these are part of the processes to describe which exist in the most generalized physics as an undivided and uncreated conception, a statement of illusion wherein these things are one with what does not exist in the sense that non favorable universes are part of the objective view from even the presence of that given even in favorable or not indifferent universes. The reductionist concept of space vacuum structure cannot be separated from what we view or sense as gravity and decay and time as we can imagine while we evovle and integrate or theorys of cosmology even to assert our pride of cosmogony or a degree of it by proxy at a distance, or aim toward some ideal we so imagine as the most favorable of worlds and outcomes of which in the non necessity are imagined possible and are so intelligibly even if these actually exist or not.
If such is the ground of reality that it is at least this complicated then our existing physics, as well our cherished principles and analysis of economics, although preternatural, then we are justified in intuitively concluding there is on our small level of this earthly sphere a direct or indirect condition that we as sentient are the cause of global warming of which our existing mathematics cannot describe as the truth of things one way or the other, not without better use of the math and logic, or data that does not reach points of expected global limits of crowded scarcity of resources not analyzable save by some appeal to philosophy where it is still the senior science anymore than theory on this level of abstraction can prove or disprove hints of the intermittent effects of the supernatural where we, if nature does not so balance and compensate itself, that we make a less favorable place of our world, and sometimes as in the taxing of things speed up the imbalance rather than spend time and money on correct cures and diagnoses. The anthropic principle which tells us little is not just a cop out that may explain nothing when we consider such a generalization of its place in the questions of a theory of everything. It is the sense that there is something more to be understood. It is to some degree intelligible on a higher level as the hints of the question within a quasifinite and closed universe such as that of the fractal, holographic, and Nash conformal torus generalizations working together all balances and imbalances being in a sense in the singularity of the present, intelligible that we do not wonder or ask why the force is 120 times greater or that there seems to be at the minimum abstract distances of motion and creation a positive small value. In a single grouping of these tablecloth like fractals if there is space between them the description as if the fourfold symmetry of a torus of color is there in the fact they are as if and are within empty isolated regions or that toward the outside of a boundary that cannot be conserved as it in theory is not passed, nor is there a cosmic censor to avoid the problem other than by assertion and self limiting restrictions not imposed with honest certainty in this world, at that fuzzy rim of the general multiverse we may not find our torus paths even wrinkled exactly match but express a tendency of such laws in nature.
Can we then build a device that describes in a small region, like a star or a quasar where the general laws of physics as if in any region over possible spaces apply which are not necessarily isolated in their reduction or evolving from general laws, or in a machine that describes the torus rings in three space as if a supercollider or hot fusion container that it does not separate into distinct partial directions to cause plasma leakage that the field cannot be contained. That is without such theory how far must we move the threshold of effects of such conformality that requires possible energies beyond or technology's reach or the accuracy of our distance scales and clocks without this look again at the first philosophy save by some lucky accident or threshold of shared awareness that connects ideas between people as such torus like entities as surely as there are deep connections between the areas of mathematics. If we develop such a theory would we not have known the "bubbles" in such fields are part of the problem of plasma leakage and predictions of breakdown and reasonable control of the phenomenon on all scales? Would we understand the role of possible other approaches to fusion, some not forbidden but not amplifying and reliable in the effects such as cold fusion? Is it not a very obvious thing that someone should work out the hard physics that shows such fields to be wrinkled Nash like tori, and yes this but a stepping stone to other creative dimensions of wisdom and generalization? While a simple idea like an electron is imagined as a doughnut is not tenable and even the mass of particles can be seen and tend to have differences as if the bounded asymptotic freedom is a broken plasma of intelligible axes and directions, perhaps and intuitively an electric field as if such a wrinkled fractal and fractal like Nash torus is tenable in the slightly more complicated resolution of creative theories.
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Penroses quasichrystals.
ReplyDeleteYes, the diamonds inside a decagon can be arranged many ways independently of the rest of the lattice. This carries over to three space dividing the polyhedron into its diamond faced parallelepipeds. Interestingly, when these planes of such flat maps stack up in layers in space, say of real molecules, we observe the height ratios as well as the tiles to express the golden ratio, as if we were small enough to climb such cliffs.