For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
The Foundations of Subspace (SUSP)
The Foundations of Subspace (SUSP)
L. Edgar Otto 14 October, 2012
The quasic grid as an aid for comprehension of the landscape of mathematical physics can be thought to exceed the existing methods in that a general principle for enquiry addresses the problem as one of new interpretations. What the Subspace phenomenology does is to show in these higher or lower extremes of space from our local scale representations of order and cycles that transcend the scales in our interrelations of dimensions even if the cycles not known as linear or looped and closed from a particular place in perception, experience.
In my use of color here as a notation, the spectral order needs not correspond but we should be aware of the ambiguities in the use and range of limited symbols, to what we imagine the definition of a particular pixel of color so defined, and logically so it in a close parallel to what we have developed in the computer programming methods involving color spaces.
The conceptual advantage of this quasic method for color is to give us a leap to the next conceptual level if we may have not better defined from within the structure the nature of what we feel is consciousness in unity experiencing as possible the span and depths within one self. Thus to ask, as we would of physical observations where we can generally rely on principles that ground prediction and at least reasonable effects, the boundaries of a sentient or physical system as complete, the higher mechanism explains the differences between two such isolated systems such as the bonds between people, mentally and physically, in the intensity, in that invisible, and the sensitivity with the saturation principles of co-experience. But this is a property existing the higher interpretative dimensions extended in the span of notations, the representations for example as diphoton paths resolved into a focus and range of values of material and subjective experience.
Once we have codified and made a reasonably coherent and logical system on this level of abstraction we can readily see a vast new area of applications and methods. The great advantage beyond this is the realization of the hierarchy of such dimensional notations considered as a whole to which the small part of one may be echoed in different natural and quasic scales as if lower or higher or parallel properties of the natural numbers in quasifinite recursions to which we intuit partially in our use of the idea of dimensions applied to our various models of symmetry and physics. The physical world as a principle can be seen as a reflection of our insistence that no two objects can exist in the same place and time of which we can also imagine exceptions. But it is a good question to say if this idea of Greater Duality (N-duality), for example, has the subjective as primary or the objective so when it is not the exception. Thus we become familiar eventually to the ideas of quantum mechanics as well when the description as entropy may or may not saturate to some boundary of neutral space, fixed space and function, and vanishing, all cosmic philosophies where the general flow of the totality seems to resolve.
In the illustration with the six colors roygbv so representing the order from 1 to 7 in the quasic grid these fit into the natural dimensions of a hypercube and these six colors may be a notation any particular color in a wide quasized dimensional system- the six hypercubes merge into one with the six numbers.
Let us debate also what the idea of prime means of 1 or unity and its roots- clearly it is self referential, itself and one, yet multiple and of a distinct class of unity more foundational than the usual definition of primes. Is zero even in a sense? Of what do we make of the number 2 as the only even prime? Can there be a positive root of unity not equal to one from some dualistic or complimentary view that goes beyond our models of complex space hypernumbers?.
In the next higher representation of the quasic grid we can represent three colors as three 8 dimensional orthogons and merge them. The count, as the powers of two can be further reduced to two 64x64 quasic field cell grid elements so as to use say red and green for a duality order- beyond this we can, as with the usual idea of a wider space field of many dimensions to reduce things to one color or a point at least 24 or 48 quasic dimensions as one color or point (and we should further explore the #FFFFFFXX where XX contains the room for ideas imposed or natural to color transparency at least within 24 bit color as a neutral idea of the count in matrix contexts where the field or point-color is the variable in the programming.
Thus, we can imagine worlds of 24 dimensions, but more than that the interrelation of such numbers and group theory counting behind the screen of N-duality of which the color dimensions and notations in a sense loop as well as recur of which we have a certain freedom or chance in the resolutions expeiences and observed. How far does the depth and connectivity of such subspaces go? What would or seems to restrict them in our familiar physicality of spacetime, and matter? What in the physical or implied detail of such quasic and hierarchy of quasic structures allows a simple structure to contain developmental possibilities and integrative directions in a quasically boundless quasifinite higher quasifinite continuum? Is that ground, while ambiguous and paradoxical philosophically indicative of still higher principles for a clear picture of our world? Is the idea of subspace or superspace all that can be said of the possibilities of physics as symmetry?
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This general interpretation of systems can be useful in sociology and the understanding of levels of conflicts and fundamental beliefs that grounds the tendency and expression as war...
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