* * Lubos posted a comment following this one that suggests the
article on variable light speed is "Pure Crackpottery!" but the two
articles on science daily com does seem to synchronously support my
slightly delayed post, the third part which explains, along with some
recent comments to Gibb's blog the wider sense of things- but let us
recall Lubos put me in a level beyond or of higher crackpottery. LOL
his remark to Pitkanen on the axiom of choice is vintage old school
physics as of on a level of that sort of biased ideology. Anyway I hope
his brilliant mind will eventually come around to contribute rather
than just report. The debate here is clearly foundational as to all of
our alternative approaches to the new physics. the two articles are one
on (higher level) variations in light speed and one on the internal lasing leaving so called hollow atoms.
If you look closely at my drawings in the metaglossa series you will
see both of these effects explained (for example a wider horizon or
grounding of lightning ball Vuykian conceptions) which I have not posted
but shown the relation between such unfolding and infolding of the
abstract structural count of these empty vacuum ideas (although I had no
considerations that there could be an actual experiment here or perhaps
a source of some sort of energy- but egad! perhaps in a sense we can
access or see into our heads on the dream level on such horizons
afterall tho would that leave empty the data?
* * * * *
Have you perused the works of "A Babe In the Universe," the blog linked to on viXra? She's a Nasa scientist who writes on the slowing speed of light . . .
ReplyDeleteDid you mean her at http://riofriospacetime.blogspot.com/ I made some commentary when I first looked at the work of M. Sheppard (Kea) a blog still sleeping...
ReplyDeleteWes, it seems lately that in the science magizine and from my blog joins which I just looked at after a long while seem to be closer to our ideas of new physics all around and synchronicously... it is uncanny... I too realize I have been work too much alone to see the advance in others as my complaint they discuss what I did already (for some things). I mean many finally take a look at the icosahedron and catch it applies on many levels (as Klein developed the idea along with Lie for the continuous stuff long ago. Ulla does not want a book- I understand... anyway thanks for talking with me... of course in this cloud we have not shared much of our personal lives and dreams if that matters- keep in touch.