Hypostasis Color Principle, Quasi-observables
So the illustration includes thoughts on these informational and higher level language ideas.
If there are two chirally distinguishable directions beyond the mainstream vector of the spectral scale *(8 then our mathematics should be able to logical distinguish them as if they part of the complex analysis for duplication of intelligible dimensions and points. Such shifts can be subject to energy materialization of particles, conservation principles of breaking and building symmetry depending on the actual levels of creative source and fields. The field source intelligibility is also quasi-violated as in the concept of multiple black holes in black holes as if a fractal rather than holographic concept (when the actual measure of time, rather quasi-measure, is the fractal-holographic difference, that is time as entropy just as gravity is in a sense a quasi-illusion. Thus in this wider sense of principles of design (that is the intelligibility of design) other values such as time even as finite may seem such an illusion including charge, mass, and so on. In as sense there are only quasi-dimensionless constants if we look at the philosophy beneath these paradoxical terms. Such terms linguistically explain a lot of the quasi-certainty of our subjective states for interpretation of foundational physics.
When and how far can we imagine the universes in universes idea begin (even if these are quasi-observable with the surprising emphasis on observable (including intelligible notions with intelligible logic and math?) Such legitimately subjective probabilistic models (in the grayness) as anthropocentric global warming, is an example of this quasi uncertainty which as science may be only a political and cultural truth as science. The averaging or stochastic models also involve the informational aspects of what is local and non-local.
These generally metaphysical speculations today also respects the anomaly of the idea of dark matter and as such seem to apply to it on this level as conflicts of science and philosophy. Especially the conventional ideas unseen but used to possibly explain it or even to dismiss it at some level of explanations. How we feel about this speculation philosophically may set the environs of what we think we observe physically. Was it Sagan who said to have an apple pie we must first start with a universe? There are ways to look at things that is not the cleaver case the saying makes about the obvious.
In a sense we reach the paradoxes of Faith in the Intelligible of Design (thus mathematics) as it applies to that concrete or what is unreal and never possible to become real or even conceivably so possible as a quasi-denial of quasi-concrete quasi-subjectivity. That is, faith can have a solid ground without a clear object, and we can have unclear objects that are only objects because the notions of them, the science of them, has to be taken on an element of faith.
One experiment thought as in a previous post of mirrors is to record from a point all that is seen of the reflections in reflections and use it for a source (say a "baby multiverse") and project that back into such a mirror box. We note the discreteness of the regions as either a given possible space or one that takes time to become a structure. Can we have in intelligible design that exceeds the concrete in material physicality? When? and in what temporal direction if such a "future" is accessible? But that sort of "science" is a level up beyond our fairly familiar metaphysical foundations for now and perhaps forever.
We should begin with at least a TRANSOCTONION description of things but in the exploration of such math and philosophy not fall into the usual metaphysical paradoxes of what is the general result of certain ideas of space and methods of physics or our own state of control of our speculative understanding so influenced by such limitations of physics and mathematical properties.
As the expanded Conway shifting part of the quasic grid (cyclic or not) resembles the set of five crosses in the naval dispatch flag or of the city of Jerusalem, this sort of subjectivity in some poetic Byzantium I call the Jerusalem interpretation, subjectively.
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