Microwave Multi-Brane Vibration
So I sit awhile and doodle on my paper thinking of some ideas I had not filled out for the sake of completion and was surprised that things began to happen on my pages. I suppose it is hard to wind down and change gears- and I wonder if one should while the luck is running- does a poet owe it to anyone to continue poems while the muse strikes him. Yet, I know that like in the last spurt of a race the effort is rewarding, even if one is in some sort of euphoria or sense of well being when thoughts run effortlessly. I have found the second book of poems in a series usually outdoes the first- but many successive books may be too much beyond what is necessary for some project in our time. This simple idea promises to be a great generalization of what I think is M-theory.
It is concerned with the idea in mathematical physics (in the new light of recent theories) of vibrations and sign. It raised the question of the easy intelligibility of Arcadian theory applications. It comprehends the singularity of points, a wildcard idea really for apparently we only need five mirrors to describe an infinity of reflections and not the box of six. It suggests that at a spacious point singularity the value is intrinsically -1 as in the convention of naming the so called Null polytope. Just as an abstract diagonal motion is a linear positive one. While in mathematical physics even if the forces move in all directions this does not mean some object is at rest... for such is relative motion over fields of n-dimensions. Such objects at rest in a given dimension may move in higher ones and similar ones.
But this is an artifact of when we use wave equations we in addition discard the negative and emphasize the positive- while the same formulation as exponentials or multiplication can vary the sign. Both views are present in theory- in fact in the apparent monotonic influence of gravity we make a negative sign as an attractive force. The cosmological constant arises in a sea of singularity and in general it balances the gravitational by addition as if a repulsive force, conventionally.
One view of the hypercube is (we know its volume is computed as a torus)is two cubes adjacent when at their junction we have 8 points to consider in such symmetry reductions by topology, and four points at either end for 16. This same process can continue in the intelligible counting of points to the higher spaces with the assumption that the ground wildcard singularity is a series of them in any quasic region pixel of any dimension.
While we can imagine all dimensions together as a linear collection, the curves may not exist or decrease/increase over time, or everything on this level is like a non-linear spaghetti where the vacuum when virtual gives the unseen B=0 resistances which may as we determine the real and virtual differences as becoming physicality have a certain arrow of directions, at least in the complexity of systems in the short run. Moreover, these are abstract structures that show the general mechanism by which the history or uniqueness of a system even averaged over all interacting planes may convert mathematical physics of the vacuum into a record, memory or recording of the real states as multiverse becomes or converges on universe and then maybe states above in such ultimate perpendicularity, beyond.
One such wildcard singularity is the Fano plane. Here where I as what are the microwave vibrations of methane (that is 15) the sixth face or dimension is also implied as if a 5 phantom (fano) plane. If we insist that there are 16 such vibrations that one presumably is superimposed on another- we have to redefine what we mean by superposition. It is much better to understand in the shadows or reduction of vector directions to polyhedra that there are multiples of the 15 vectors of the triacontrahedron. Of course there are even greater phantos all as a matter of intelligible counting with geometrical and arithmetical analogs.
One question is that greater than nine dimensions does the curve space exceed such orthogonal lattices. One can imagine the quasic plane cells and lattices of any dimension. We begin to see here also the reason for thoughts that consider the graphene properties of things as if we imagine such quasic branes vibrating. We can also imagine the unfolding of such centered cubes of 5 colors and a wildcard as having a center configuration of which one face is hidden (in any dimension).
If we unfold from the plane (intrinsically warping or not) we may do so in an up or down direction or some combination. This is as if we go abstractly outside the quasic brane or where these are everywhere in timespace we can decide the directions of things to an internal center or away from such center for the usual difference in mass and energy or photon quanta numbers. Clearly, carbon chemistry would benefit from the idea that what we see in NH4 is a 4D simplex with nucleation and it is not enough to call it a tetrahedron.
If there are n-1 mirrors in a phantos sufficient to describe all finite lattices then adding one will suggest something more to the exhausted lattice description to which we may associate the proper idea of the sorts of numbers we are counting and perhaps bottle the zig zag or z code of rays of light into somewhat of a quantum flux or virtual chaos for that sort of freedom degree where probability applies. The z code here helps sort out the braids (the advantage of our own atom smashers is not so much we have control of the experiments, horizontal to the more powerful cosmic rays, but that either linearly or circularly what we are doing when we smash the atoms together is making loops into braids and measuring toroidal plasma leaks. It may be a good idea to study fusion by various laser lattice arrangements with this new understanding of the higher topology of things involved. While things like the mixing of the neutrino masses may tell us our sun will not explode- clearly in the new physics only in these matters of highly speculative generalization of the M theory can we say some such singularity reached in the collider will not cause a consuming of our neighborhood- it is not a matter of computation by probabilities. But in this general interplay of the opaque and real matter there is a lot more reassurance than what we have done with early nuclear reactor experiments.)
These mirror unfoldings with the wildcard the center of the a b * c d Z codes of balanced same direction rotations (of pi and 2pi) can be thought of as mirrors which internally or within an abstract dimensional universe suggest in a one brane scenario with no boundaries we can imagine two locally and an up and down outside the finite dimensions of the given brane regardless if within it are particle or waves or not still not directly observable.
The darkness or opaqueness of the universe is a vital process and place- both for our positive thinking and sources of energy and nutrition.
Some of the staggered lattices, like the crosses in the illustration above or some arrangement of seven cells in a hexagons in a staggered lattice, then in relation to ideas of mapping the zeta spaces and some fractal spaces in the up and down over the quasic brane is an underlying concept that reduces mathematical physics processes to its variations into what we take as very simple structures like squares and hexagons. But such processes and consideration may also show areas in the quasic plane as if it a description of multiverse wherein we can recover he 3+1 formalism of what is the real and imaginary senses of some given dimensions. But such multiverses behave or can be seen as either lines or point singularities- or perhaps in the spirit of the Omnium model, a combination of these as iota particles or systems of string like rings and things.
In the 18 face deltahdron (which does not exist and I think has applications to shell structure of atoms perhaps) we find the 11 points as if this a phantos when we reach the 12 dimensional wildcard. I explored this deltahedron from time to time. but the 18 dimensions of the 17 phantos seems more significant here- as if at some level of complexity and superposition a layer of things absorbs or emits something of the excesses or deficiencies in itself- this beyond the idea of jumping and non-local or local action.
Oddly, as this sort of resolution of my casual notions and gathering of stray thoughts makes progress- the highly speculative recent posts seem to me more concrete than they did at the time- that seems a pattern as we are better at internalizing into thoughts and applications such mathematical physics.
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