Physical Topology of Organisms
It is clear that we can use position codes to send hidden messages but this is not always obvious to people. At some place on a line, some distance, we may say represent the letter A or a word or number. In a deep sense my quasic grid is a position code that does much of the calculations for us. After all, it seems to place in position the compliments of binary numbers and simple matrices (but in definition of what is the order of these complimentary elements of matrices I read things from the upper left hand corner as zero, so too any representation of the I ching hexagrams I read top down. These conventions should be clearly stated for there is great ambiguity and confusion in the visualization of higher space.
Some of the ways, to the ameuteur mind at least reading the popular literature, the term "dimension" is certainly not a clear one. If there is a casual doubling said legitimate for a dimension in consideration by appealing to it from considerations on complex numbers as a general principle asserted- I have not seen it. (Can any reader possibly enlighten us? Rowlands applies this idea too.) The doubling itself is a principle (Rowlands virial principle) so why not it apply to any collection of objects? Can this doubling exceed the limits and exhausting of algebraic properties in higher space group structures (Freduential Matrix?). Can we really assert that a chessboard for example is 64 dimensional yet not treat it as each of its cells connected as if a simplex?
But my post today is rather like a sociobiology interlude. Clearly an organism like bees in a beehive can exist with a doubling of chromosomes. The issue here is one of how living things, sentient things, treat magic, numbers, and "magic numbers" as used in the stability of atomic configurations. How these interact, albeit in broken sequences jumped or endured over variable abstract motions in relation to the physicality of space- of real position.
The 9 men morris game in the illustration above was a favored game of the Vikings played to pass the time while on their long ships. What sort of effects on their perception was the underlying logic teaching them in this game of counters? Does the 24 points here (with 32 edges) give a coherent intuition of higher space? In particular (as in recent science mag articles on these Vikings and bees) did they as if my magic or ritual use the crystals and understand thru a foggy sky they could navitgate finding the sun as if a scientific theory about its polarized light?
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I notice also the concern with 56 dimensions but am not quite sure how or why this is ultimately important. In the illustration I list the four space cubes as labeled such that four of them form color pairs of the 8 cubes or faces of the hypercube. This combinatorial problem is obvious one of 56 possibilities considering colors.
Our intuitive and learned language of the physics and new physics seems to me one of a certain disconnect in the naming or labeling of things and what is considered the grounding position. In a direct translation or decoding many of the ideas are saying pretty much the same thing and the differences could be understood better from a more general view of the terrain. The most interesting link today on Kea's blog I downloaded and waded thru the French before I saw it translated later. Now this did not seem to matter that much when one has some very clear colored diagrams and we share a lot of the same conventions with our mathematical formulas. I can imagine though, the language of math, especially graphs and topology, as making french spelling conventions seem a much easier thing to learn de novo. The question now is how, if I am only partially relating to the ideas of this paper (and of the three unresolved problems listed there I do not understand enough to know how to even begin to address them.
Now, six colors I have seen computed this way: you have six colors so color one face of a cube and there are 5 colors left- so 1 x 5 x there are four colors left that can be arranged in 6 ways thus 30 cubes of six color faces.
So, consider what numbers you get when you use this same sort of method considering the 8 color faces of the hypercube. (I leave this as an exercise or something one can recognize from somewhere in the body of learning.)
A general consideration may be where we label the ones and zeros in various base matrices- again, a question of unique reduction of vectors and basic matrices and the unification of the ideas of what we have distinguished as cooeficient and variables such that our differences are resolved with proper labeling.
For example, there are four ways to color the cubes in the hypercube- it may seem like we can regard the diagonals of the four quadrants as a valid description of what cube is parallel or encompasses an other cube- but this is an illusion of labeling. Now, we can say there are such restrictions logically, declare such models as pseudo or they forbid certain changes in models of particle decay. We can conclude from the lack of experimental evidence some general things about physics and topology as the fundamental theory of matter (within certain parameters or levels of energy applied) to virtually rule out some situations.) But what of the general ideas of quark and other forms of particle decay we do see in the LHC? A good topological theory, or a good more standard particle theory, should be able to explain this- in fact they could predict new paths and could have predicted some of these paths before verified beforehand.
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Well, I thought about it a little more and feel I can say this a little better. From my view I do not see much difference between the string theorists and those here of a more topological variety. From this stance it makes less sense save for the development of an evolving theory to merely defend or insist on certain limits for a wider theory. We desire to better understand things on the frontiers and hope for some resolution when we explore there and return to internalize and better understand things. Particular paths to such understanding can get rather intricate and complicated- something in itself praiseworthy of the powers of human creativity.
Certainly we cannot say for example there are no useful effects of higher space until we understand such space on its proper level of complex thinking- in many ways our state of knowing is still rather primitive and stumbling, even superstitious.
I suspect that we have to go even beyond ideas of triality (as I understand it here) And do so because in such diagrams of position and the things labeled and contained in such a grid- even the grids that way out in the looping return of things like braids we find coherent explanations for our evolving visions. That, as in the simple logic of paint programs- there is still a level of things, a skeleton of grids of grays for example that is not seen in the final result of the program that suggest we cannot simply find a position by epsilon-delta grids over an abstract two dimensional plane (projective or of the moebious stance). Is such a deeper grid needed or can unified theory with differences bootstrap into themselves? This seems a desire and perplexity to question.
Kea, as we all seem to do, encounter simple numbers that are hauntingly interesting- ahhh 288 for example somewhere in the algebra- especially if we find the absolute red for example (not the slightly lesser shade given as red in the 24 bit program.) This number comes up curiously many times in the coefficients of Pascal analogs. Of course these idea of 12 are apart of the Dirac algebra of five fold things. And clearly we have to consider what sort of arrays of numbers resolve the odd and evenness of things as well as those in topological arrays of real dimensions.
She saw the hint of something to do with 216. I have found that one especially interesting in the fact that a cube of 6x6x6 cubes can be resolved into 27 cubes that contain 8 cubes or 8 cubes that contain 27 cubes for a hint of useful counting mystery. One thing for sure, the possibilities in these ideas of numbers proves even more interesting to explore than I had assumed more than busywork- and in the end it seems that our ideas of geometry, of higher dimensions, is an inspiring steppingstone.
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Kea, those with insight enough at the frontiers do indeed have a golden age of wider opportunities. If I were rich enough I would found an institution of research and learning all of our own.
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Such a long winter, my last couple of dreams rather normal, some interesting themes or sense of things- some term for something we feed horses, then some idea of a nest of sorts where we understand living on familiar ground.
The following strange poem of a mix of such ideas came before the thoughts for this post- perhaps in our imperfections only do we find our poetic creativity- then again after the major mysteries are solved that is what remains of our personality to which no mechanical theory alone can banish or limit from our reality and experience of being. It is part of my Weather series that seem to pop out lately from time to time but is in a sense an example of encoding issues of science and poetry. I dedicate this one to Sheppeard and Frio:
No Strings for My Weather Baloons (While Still Dreaming of Past Springtimes) L. Edgar Otto 02-04-11
Our legend, urban, claims to know
those who live in houses made solid by the ice
Have ten thousand words, all their show for snow
no two stars the same in all seasons, not made twice
Just their tribes, eighty and one bare ozone afterglow
Bare as Google mapped Mars and the Moon
or stark branches, fractal trees against the fog
Startling us with will and motion, windchill and monsoon
asks not what moved the gusts, turned away or trusts the sled dogs
The tundra melts past the dew line, jet stream icy roads in June
Now that the cold war has indian summer, Urals, Altaic,
the herring fishing thrives again in Riga throughout the Baltic
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The Vikings and the bees see crystals, polarized the cloudy sky
to navigate the sun dog rings in the WMAP
They play nine men Morris, their compass twenty-four
Follow the sign of the Fish and Dragon to Greenland
The icy wind, will of its own, no dancing middle class in Egypt
Only large enough do the geodesic domes mimic spheres
the pentagrams, pentagons and Penroses match the hexagonal
Diamonds of the honeycombs that starts the capsules, contains
larva and food for their metropolis out of pollen and propolis
No leaves to hide my camp, only gray white fur snow cover for my soul.
I soar, one wing toward the icy river underground, one to electric plasma skies.
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I came back a little later, wow, Kea's post since earlier is rather beautiful. I tried to take, to reach for an even more comprehensive overview- assume there was something very basic- a problem in philosophy really. Reading sections again in the new book Eternal Universe understanding better the issues of that debate and the six proofs concerning the Eternal Inflation and the Ekpyrotic Cyclic clashing Brane model debate- the last being some idea of gravity waves. The concerns and presentation of both models- especially how they saw the term multi-verse and made conclusion on it possibly changing the philosophy of science if we despair and sink into a more anthropocentric view of things and what we may never be able to answer. I write this as perhaps a sweet nothing, better left for now to metaphysical poetry, a word in our ears that perhaps our childhood in us has not yet the genius to understand- well, we are standing upright and taken baby steps. Part of this also comes from the search today in the letter D in the Arabic for possible fresh science terms and getting a glimpse of a system, a cultural variation really, of these nuances that try to put a name to of what we see and think. Thus, without escape from Solipsism (Sartre)we must keep in mind how inadequate our understanding may be and question the vision.
I know too the references in the sacred books, rhea God Spoke the world into existence, and logos - Judaeo Greek strains of our ideas really - But I am not intending this for a reference in this poem- The idea of God still potentially a much greater continuum.
The author made a point in counting even and odd numbers, we might conclude if we grouped them into three there were twice as one over the other. How is it then the paradoxes of series of ones and minus ones, extends to our field of higher numbers?
The Cosmos as Word L. Edgar Otto 02-04-11
Some word, fleeting in its span of relevance, its lifetime,
a minor constellation of vague connections, nuances
Lonely in the context of its symbol for this day, its meaning.
I know some thought or term, no word for it really,
transcends the ground and frontier problems of our time
Fails the quantum theory to show from nothing flux, creation.
How minuscule our notions of multiverse
how pointless the constancy, yet distant births of inflation
So distant no addressing, even spoken, know if and of beginnings
Neither theories M, Ekpryotic classing branes nor
eternal inflation can twist or see the waves of gravity
No regions of variable laws, most words flat and empty
No averaging over time dimensionless and measureless, scaleless constants
That life fills space arising everywhere, slow the tightrope of time
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We are not the center, even in our dreams, because
we would not be here otherwise to know light, to dream
The word then, mine but your shadow, you the unique center, multiverse
We thought at last we could count, understand the infinite
name and number the beasts and mounds of Mars, share the
News, for ill or good, our certain steps called history
The rabble full of wisdom reading stars as much as babble
the message but the bare minimum, a dot to say hello from far away
On this to build, conjure our myths, or follow the bouncing ball.
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