For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Eide Physics
L. Edgar Otto 22 April, 2012
In the map of the sky, its hot and cold regions, its light and dark mass, the physicist has reduced the vision to a sphere, a cave finite in its boundlessness, on which we discuss shadows. Although it is best to read in the original I have rarely done so, making my way through shadows of what came before or after silouettes of authors and their objects in a sea of abstracts of abstracts all properly cited from originals.
What is our complaint in our peaceful contemplations beyond the glare when we face God the Good, a distant cave and the Sun that sent the Pharoah deep into the desert to rule to ease the water in his brain? That we seek rewards for the interpretations of mere shadows and call the others speaking of the rise to the light of reason mad? How it seems the ancient ones had it right and are still relavant if not more so than today when we think such points of enlightenment stands higher in our age as we become as Homer quoted in the Republic- yes the same issues of the reality of the state and some golden age and justification unto some Deity and to each other- that in our academies compared to a golden age if we are to believe alagories, we are servants of a poor master.
As Spinoza observed for those who are confused but not perhaps the philosopher no longer weary of the depth and span of truths and concepts in the world, we resist change or insist as if as wise as the gods not to look upon these things or to look only into the work of the world, we the sentient observers, that our choices then for the lesser of two evils is but the source of our chains of fear or rumors that touch us as the real in the dialog between us of this world.
It was not much as it was all there is, but Plato had a sub-atomic theory, the elements their chemistry of triangles. The man did seek the concerns of Pythagoras and to that ultimate cave and shadow the blimishes and the cracks to perfection of which the dialog leads to Euclid's hymn to the dodecahedron we find that even deeper Plato heard the music of the aether stripped bare beneath things subatom.
Yet we do not want to admit such visions into the sky or deep into the dust a sound thing in general, the remote view is always shaky and we need pristine characters to emmulate so as to pass thru is the healing powers of what we do not know how to do ourselves. Of Apollo and other great wonders of the world, a Colossus until it falls and its metals sold again in auction to what is left recycled in trade of the tinkerers of human wants and uncertain electrum in the constanty of our wealth as metal. Some think the civilization will fall if we do not reach other stars in the belt where it is found so far from the core of our galaxy for we cannot even dig up more and with what instruments? Did not the Easter islanders become land bound when they used the last of wood or spent it on war and the toppling of statues?
I recall a photo in the newsprint- ah the news, does it monitor or just report, or does it change us in ideals, how long can any current event be newsworthy as we gaze into the macabre falling of others, perhaps with some deep idea of comic relief or that still not analyzed philosophy of humor? A little girl was whispering into the fallen statue's mind supplied a caption: 'All glory is fleeting, My Vladimir.' In the wars of stealth and scenarios that look into unknown fears we philosophers despite the light know that the news is not always what is really happening in this world- I mean not to grow jaded or hardened but is this telling us anything new we should not already know under the sun. Perhaps, as there is all there is we need the drama to be entertained.
We need the music and the naked games of us each the best, geometry concerned with our shadows of uniqueness, the highest mountain, largest ocean, highest tower, richest nation, for a little while the rest or escape from the knowing or lack of it- perhaps only for a month of Sundays let the Oxford don preach of higher things an awe the congregation that walls itself into some sect or gated community, a mirage or mote to defend a target tempting to others that hack and steal and scam and storm.
We escape or long to, follow others in the gamble, a minuscule point of hope. Are relived when the lightning strikes someone, or that it did not strike us. We long for wisdom somewhere beyond and yet know no guarantees- the writer just as this generation that records in the clouds each moment, each frame of their photo stream wants to speak to others. The philosopher too longs for conversation with the cosmos and will tend to write it down and that no different really from anyone save like the poet he does stop to write it down hopefully not at the cost of being rooted in his dream, his life.
He like the prophets and the Buddhas do not disdain going back to try to enlightenen the souls still in a cave- Oh wait was that not said in the Republic concerning the allegory of the cave? But for all the wisdom where so much of math arises in the masses engaged in economics we still spawn the priesthood that keeps the power of its secrets and hide the threats to their systems so not to betray their Achilles heels of anomalies. Each in defending his lot in life for all that seems real up to some point life and death control directly or at a distance from others is virtually the real but fleeting power yet the philosopher may hardly think it matters who rules, what empire guards the routes and trade winds or that some particular people matters as to whom lives or dies or is remembered or forgotten. If we are to be stronger than the dreams of philosophy it is as simple as building up others that we build up ourselves. Rarely does the instruments of states deny some higher dream or law when its believers reach such higher dawning so are outside arbitrary laws.
Thus, one individual can aspire still in this world to be the author and discoverer of new things- they are spiritual beings or outside the bell curve and equal in a sense to the begging town drunk who could not survive without those who share his addictions in sympathy or turn their faces to hide away those outside the norm. Hate in this world can be lonely also. All too often we charge with crime those who by law do not know right from wrong so it is not a state that no longer knows. Do we hold the state responsible if we are always blind to that it can define us? Is the clock a circle only between slavery and freedom all founded on the numbers in charge or the masses in their beliefs somewhere in the hours? We focus toward the opposite of ideologies closer to what is the direct challenge of our own, to the philosopher what information so inquisitively asked of our souls betrays rather than collects such secrets in the main. Yet in general is not a question asked a step closer containing an answer?
Resources are important but as much if we are to make sense of the flow of dreams and wealth in a society is the inherent order and the timing in the acquisition of ideas for with our cave we should not forget arises new things and innovations, mutations and intruders, truths that reach some independence if they survive a fall. Such is found at the foundations, the empty ground or ethereal gazing if it is to be found and known significant or made so if we respond.
But my petty politics is beginning to bore me and the spirit of deep philosophy wears thin, like the centurion who slayed Archimedes despite orders not to he could not wait for the mathematician to finish a diagram in the sand when asked to do so and that taken as an affront to the uniform. I wanted to state again my view of the nearly Platonic world inside the particles and atoms as well the map or the real terrain of the distant sky. I do not know how accurate this vision but it is intelligible and consistent and connects other ideas and mysteries of geometry and math- of which it seems to me the same sort of questions standing out. It also concerns counting (I recall Kea's comment remarking how I came so far with just counting...perhaps now I can answer her insightful question.)
The mystery of Platonic objects and of the unusual symmetries of the deltahedra is where is the 18 faced one of 11 points and why? Think of an integer as a bit of information that even while so general contains the meaning we ascribe to a dimension number or that plus one in some convex structural entity. Think also of being and nothing as somewhere interchanged and confused where even nature knows no better as if it could be wise, at some wild card. Think that these ultimate cosmic like particles, the "iotas" or perhaps like more distant and abstract things like the zigs and zags of Penrose these are as real as any idea of a particle. In terms of natural dimensions the count of iotas especially to the handedness of what we imagine as leptons and their spin we have so many iotas (here the analogy to the universe in general, the Omnium, can be exact) that connect between them such abstract lines and planes. This is indeed a question of in such a system what can be said truly invariant and conserved in a relative sea of symmetries. Such as a unique cave can be maximally symmetric yet zero conserved and so on.
I am not sure I understand the math involved in the mapping of the COBE or WMAP globe but I was drawn to it as one of our greatest pictures- certainly worth a Nobel prize for such an abstract undertaking. Why do theoreticians conclude there is the axis of evil perhaps explained outside this boundless cave that moves through time? In a sense it is flowing in some general direction if we reverse that outside the mesocosmic colors between the lowest seas and highest sands. I put the nicks on the philosophy dalnet chat as they changed in rank and power and vanishing, called it the Nous. I placed my land close to the highest peak but did not know it I just liked the shape of the kangaroo being also impressed with the Aussies, that the future in a sense could belong to Australia and sometimes I used the name Skippy_Roo. Thus toward the lower depths of the seas- but the image not reversed along the axis more or less is a sea in the shape of the kangaroo. This struck me as but a coincidence at the time. Now I have my doubts as to why any system as the solar system tends to move and spin in orbits together.
off as creative philosophy. The point is that what we are looking at is a sphere and objects in this map on the left connect to those on the right at the rim. One can compress it to a circle or expand it to an ellipse again vertically. I will post that drawing here as well. Perhaps that is why I found it hard to write the html seeing a different system when all it takes apparently is but to label things, save them as such to see how the machine will see them- not something in between and I already know just the labeling of things can solve some problems otherwise seeming without information to solve them as in weights and balances- what seems identical and not distinguished as individuals, the quasic concerns.
So the kangaroos are really close to each other and vertical not at the end of some n-pole in this view. But as I said the universe is moving as well as spinning in some views that perhaps cancel out in the Majorana like inverses of the aether. For those of you who enjoy phase space calculations could this not be that they in a absolute sense are related to the spinning equator as if 45 degrees from each other? Some cone perhaps for those of a more continuity group approach for light and causality? Now on top of this do not forget to generalize in and between all dimensions and transfinite spaces. Does it not seem odd that the math here matches the finite number of such Euclidean objects, I mean beyond what our math systems tell us? Is algebra and geometry really as unified as things like Tissots law can tell us, or some drag by interacting magnets by the law of Lenz?
Anyway think of all this as but a metaphor, like the lost prologues to most books these days left out of the e-books as if someone can ask if all is but past or future or present and no abstract of abstract can tell us more than what was in some ideal original as we look into the past that was the stars. But for this general method or thoughts on such spaces I will call it E-physics inspired by the blogger of that name where there is a mood or peace in the quest for reason and some earthly concerns. Thus we begin the reliving of the reinventing of the wheel of news from another view by that name unto the gentiles- and it is the Good news as well as the clock of civilization breaks and comes together again until we go strait thrown off the spinning universe to find new stars.
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ThePeSla:-) no reply from no reply is necessary
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, everything has it's place. The timing is for me, as if ever there is a response, the timing was then right:)
"Let E be a finite-dimensional Euclidean space."
(e)ide relates to "an idea" it represents the possibility of discussion about. It also represents what and where one places them self for what can come to them. All human knowledge is to me, the vast pool of where ideas are. We may say creativity has to have an outlet and for me the idea is a connection with that resourcefulness.
and their most general instances are not the regular solids, but crystallographic reflection groups.See: The Kaleidoscope
I presented, as an example, of what resides behind us, in the sun, as to show that when we come in touch with the sun inside ourselves(life outside as shadows expressed become can become the object of things?) We become in touch with where all knowledge resides. So in essence to connect with what is out there, you have to be able to connect inside too?
"When is a pipe a pipe," by Magritte
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ReplyDeleteWhat is False Vacuum
There is information there that will help you understand the Wmap.
Cymatics as well, is quite interesting. If one holds a view of the universe as their Aether then what constitutes this seeing but to in analogy say it is like sound? Or Lagrangian?
Plato Hegel,
ReplyDeleteSound, yes and such vibrations are most interesting for it is thought that it is the reason the surface of the sun is so much hotter... and if sound is that between molecules than the lowest note in the star clouds was thought to be a B flat.
Anyhow, I am adding a footnote to the e-physics which in the Pythagorean tradition concerns some aspect of music with light a cyclic tempered color scale and other considerations of how we hear the music. Then maybe a break to say play the guitar.
I will try to spend more time with the wealth of what you have on your blog.
The PeSla