For those who desire to take the communication via the internet seriously yet creatively in matters of the debates in science and philosophy. A place were alternative ideas may stand on their own without the illogical biases of those who think they have the only viable way to view the world, yet hope that in the metaphysics of it all we can find certain truths and facts that stand for the benefit of humanity and the solving of our world problems.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Footnote for Eide Physics:
Footnote for Eide Physics:
L. Edgar Otto Sunday, April 22, 2012
I add one direction related to this is the idea on a sphere that the base ball curve is said to represent minimum quantization. in a flat sense this is as if we took our two sets of parallel edges from a cube of twelve edges. In this sense we can imagine the oceans of the world as one ocean of which we can circumnavigate on the land shores. It is here, and meant Lagrange rather than Laplace- hey I am a poor speller and that is why God made spell checkers- or rather he made nerds who made spell checkers who hardly standardize English even as shared language. So after the spelling comes the use of words that is still far away from how they can be more or less pronounced. The meaning somewhere between the script and the sound.
Now it does seem to me important when we consider matrices whether they reach all of some space or time or not as to their magic like properties. To the extent this matrix formulation describes things it is not a pointless task of redoing or even extending the ideas of such matrices or the finite subdivisions within them. It is here that we see in the finite setting at the ground of a flat aether that the arrangement of such a minimal cube can when condensed lead to braiding as permutations or even to varieties of knots where at some wildcard we can regard a crossing over. So these extensions and explorations are not pointless either.
Is there a very abstract minimum or even a sort of finite double quantization in four space or is this innately a consequence of such structures only in three space that they as lines may not exist save perhaps as a loose general description to which at the remote functions and parameters of say particle structure these break apart as if a disc of metal suspended in a magnetic field. For those of us who had powerful magnets as children, observations with it suggested and I asked (of course the could not agree or answer) if the south pole could be weaker than a north pole. I imagine now this could be from some view- and certainly the remote view of what we ask about the monopoles or that at the ground level only the moving electric charge creates the magnetic. Then again the North Atlantic is not equal to the rest of the ocean although one could expect in these hidden dimensions the ratio over space and time will vary.
I add also for those creative who work with centered shapes of entities like black holes (Leo Vyuk for example) do sort of fit intelligible abstract shapes together, much like enzymes and catalysts of some ethereal principle or matter. This continuous group application to centering has its place in the scheme of physics. I mention also Penrose's father who tried with wooden pieces to construct and explore the DNA. From my view and perhaps a Platonic one neither strictly continuous or not this material approach to things- as if in lattices of deeper things- and as I said whole new concepts of operations in the higher space such as rotation, translation, and reflection thus not necessarily the same description is an intelligible approach as good as any choice between one operation an equivalent description of another, such as with fields or particles. If we are to view something like compactified manifolds say in six space let us make them dynamics and evolving not just spinning in some cave of spherical harmonic formalism- otherwise how can even the complex space understand coherence or the transfer of heat or momenta? This symmetry still outside the musings of string theory as thermodynamics, although they are focusing in on the problem- perhaps in the use of braids and knots and the sub-matrices of surreal and other higher systems of numbers such as explored and advocated by Pitkanen.
Can the universe be also our first ideas as one cosmic string in its totality as well- thus to break the symmetry in these early ideas of structures on empty forms? Then to be excited that these have a sort of superconductivity in theory?
Some ideas should be reconsidered from time to time.
It is not clear to me that such as a string, a monochord, tempered or natural, the twelfth root of two or nineteenth root of three so close not dissonant to the strength of waves or to the adjustment of our hearing- or for the equal but opposite effect of color we make distinctions of the hues which on finer examination are but a subtle change in spectra of fashion or our shades of skin and hair that default to no general view of what we percieve as a global ginger. All these are cues to our own ways to exchange our state of fitness or relation of what we are or appear as compatible in our similarities or differences, the physics such that we in theory can be aware of them or not.
So we understand in the lower perception of dimensions either way for their first blush interpretations that the Pascal triangular count of them, the ten or 15 (+ the minimum empty or filled vacuum quasic cell) Newtonian and flat can go beyond it to the steps and half steps and whole tones across the scale, 21 the next level of embedded group symmetries we sense as something in a natural five space as if a general unification in relativity even beyond that of the gravity and electromagnetism, We ask beyond the natural limitation of patterns in the field of integers what limits this as we ponder again the aggregates with few necessary connections and those in count to vary over hidden defaults.
Counting such things, so full of information there is little meaning or of meaning for our symbols there is little information - conjugate as Shannon observed, yet also a matter of scale and degree that no such information should be assumed as chaotic or not useful by virtue of repetition as in the dance of the DNA levels and the chromosomes.
Or perhaps, the string phenomenology is but a stepping stone to the ultimate and final description of the quantum cloud that for me is as limited as the world strictly drawn only in the Euclidean plane, these interchangeable dialects of which perhaps Coxeter is not strictly but leaning toward the Platonic in the extreme sense (Plato's ideals and his position were not as strict as the attempts to realize them in his followers as usually is the case of the young explorers who idolize and imagine things about a more noble general model. In which case if it is shown we have to accept the chaotic cave and there is no more than the quantum world where in the measure of ignorance it would follow there can be no string theory either save the accidents of chance, if we as thinking beings can life with such paradoxes or even contradictions that in some ideal end or purpose it will all come out right and prove it the system of final science- then in his heart on this general philosophic matter we would know that Lubos and Feynman and all were right :-)
But no theory of human centered causes (unless a direct and global intervention or something like a nuclear winter) without a philosophy of consciousness could withstand such quantum facts or expound upon them one way or the other for all is the appeal to chance, and on mere chance how can we balance our subjective world of its freedoms, we dreamers with shallow dreams or those of grandeur in the cave? In the game of snakes and ladders we try to work out the labyrinth of chances no path yet learned or the maze, one hand on its determined wall like nuns in silence and moral rectitude.
We can fear or challenge the imagined or real monster Minotaur in the center or we can take waxen wings, Icarus, and Daedalus to fly to some greater dimension, risk in our dreams to come too close to a central sun, even try to tunnel through the corn walls or hedgerows, worms that eat the piers and hulls of ships that make no reasonable ware of so many holes of genus along the way past one, two, and three then the long plateau until the face of some infinity. But let our toy trains collide together in the name of imperfect science in round or linear tracks even if the few who watch the show are pelted by bolts from the wreck as if hit by bullets.
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