Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Thermodynamics of the Charged Higgs

The Thermodynamics of the Charged Higgs

L. Edgar Otto    31 October, 2012

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The general space described here is from analogies to organic systems.  But those systems explained from these physical principles could in terms of geometry explain some of life processes still in the frontier of mystery and vagueness such as the nature of cancer cells globally in an organism for this seems an independent coherence between surface and volume dimensions as well as unrestrained differentiation.  If such a link is made as with the hidden super-symmetry and mirrors that an organism recognizes what is in its sphere and what is alien- of course there are specific material pathways that fit into the unified picture in a quasi-finite universe of discourse- then no only can certain drugs within an organism induce changes in the hidden coherence but such considerations may suggest ways to modify the environs to favor remission.

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Thermodynamics on some level may be compared to an organic structure that underlies the persistence and conservation of complexes along the lines that particles of physicality or change the shadows drive it, specifically neutral Higgs and the source (in balance) of total or partial irreversible phenomena including charge as charged Higgs driving universe evolution in the shadows.  In this higher physics sense we may distinguish and define charge, perhaps gravity in the first idea of that UFT unification.

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The persistence (pixel scale resistance) of an organism pattern as entropy of surface pixel (nD) measure is that of stereonomic contiguities and unfolding by joining of surface boundary vectors merging or collapsing between various parts so differentiated as one entropic multi-pixel parallel states, yet integrating over a coherence of the quasi-totality of all germ states collectively and individuality as organism.

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In Rowland's foundationationalism based on chiral differences in the nilpotent system upon Dirac concepts the quantum formuli can have roots as negative or zero, a linear exclusion in the complex duplication principle field I imagine, but in the deeper symmetric case I imagine as physical as well as an artifact of the mathematics, the other part of the equation equals one in this deeper level of structural symmetry.  In this as well as the creation of the "everything but a muon vacuum that comes with a muon as his metaphysical principle, this becomes on this level of physics a quasi-physical or quasi-metaphysical principle.
The idea of charge as thirds and with no negative charge to ground the dark and light (that is hypercharge) of the firmament. The emptiness globally established.

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While this difference in chirality is compelling as a foundational idea, a measure of mass in its source or origin explained on the quantum level (opposed to the his hint that structural models such as where the standard so can be described might merge with the string-brane formalism.)
This in his conception of the E8 x E8 group of which 8 of the octonion mirror is usually interpreted as gravitational. But these "time like" dimensions are a frame too restricted as Euclidean in the consideration of 3^3rd or 4^4th in those dimensions.  The emptiness globally established even in the shadow (>4D) phoenix physics or concepts of generalized spin with such unification of the standard and string theories.

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I have excluded from the illustration of the original casual notes that part of them that concerns the psychology and sociology of being a theoretical enquirer around these principles.  But I tentatively add for the sake of holding words on an alternative side of theories mirrored or hidden the terms Continium (Cn) as if an element as a complex or super-hyper-complex potential of a singularity and the idea of it as a more particle state, the Continuon (cn) as the emphasis in model making in the resolution of change, the calculus, is on the Lie rather than Klein description of things to which to a great extent we make the Boson Fermion difference.

But vaguely what might charged Higgs mean in an analogy to the electricity age technically if we could so use it where it seems intermittent as phenomena not focused into scale?  It may mean that we can use these as carriers or mediators of information in the hidden symmetries as a sort of Higgselectromechanics, in theory and in the building of analogous devices, these as quasibits over the intrinsically conceived and probable housing of qubits.

This would open up a whole new level of communications.

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