INSEI VIII : A Poem in Insei and Math Thoughts
q-adic density L. Edgar Otto carved these runes...
Kakok kalil kamem kanan
Kekok kelil kemem kenan
Kikok kilil kimem kinan
Kokok kolil komen konan
13 26 39 52
77 90 193 116
141 154 167 180
205 218 231 244
Kakok komem kolil kanan
Kinan kelil kemem kikok
Kenan kilil kimem kekok
Kokok kamem kalil konan
13 231 218 52
180 90 103 141
116 154 167 77
205 39 26 244
* * *
While studying the numbers and sounds cvcvc on the quasic grid, a matter of computation really, I had some notions that applied to physics (especially some of the recent considerations and debates of bloggers I follow) which this morning seems to be worth posting and explains for me some principles linguistic and of physics.
For example, this is a very efficient and dense idea of sounds for aiding the visualisation of such spaces. But as sounds, in this cvcvc system I find the actual language a vaster larger array of possibilities and entomological history. The tendency to add suffixes, internal changes say of vowel structures, prefixes and declensions as if to add different systems- while stable in some idea of a matrix is also linearly unstable with the possibility of extending at some place in the grid or coordinates, affixing sounds or notions, as a natural result of asking where the coordinates begin or end and on what level for a given word.
Just as Santayana said "Man's achievement in architecture was the taking of the Euclidean plane (as if the surface of a pond) and standing it on end." applies to this quasical arrangement of elements in a plane. After all, we can view the normal Cartesian plane on end as if it responded to up and down such that the curves resemble the slopes of mountains and so on- and this too applies to consideration of the complex plane in some respects.
Thus, and quasi-finitely, we can have in the "q for quasic q-adic" concept (this train of thought started with a search for a double shifting of prime numbers that such that some numbers, like 52, were left off from the logic of crossing out the files and columns. Thus in the vertical direction with adjacent numbers we have a doubling of the horizontal direction with every other number.
Of course there are many patterns possible and in this efficient number theory counting device we can turn numbers at a certain relation such as a square of four of them (here 16) into a magic square.
So we essentially have a question of order and shifts of order in the counting as if a time like dimension, and that of matrix properties. A magic square means what is more stable in differentials, here as a space like property.
But in the pondering of these computational things better done with the aid of a computer I also got a feel for some more general principles- some that seem to justify ideas of our bloggers.
For one thing the graph of course can have depth or span, but just as we can set the reading in ordering in two directions we can read the depth as ascending or descending- in some cases the mere reversal of the coordinates- yet there is a sort of quasic density which treats some abstract things on a higher level- say an electron or the monopole. That these magic squares with intelligible patterns are possible suggest to me more general laws of density in the expanding or contracting of general space- thus energies involved, and the idea from a more absolute Leibniz's relativity background that in a sense the orientation (that is if we treat the orientation of some object concretely to sense gravity as in twistors initially in concept) yet the orientations in the plane with respect to some concrete object such as ourselves viewing some object as up or down and so on, are after all the matrix as ordered or as magic square, radial electric or magnetically in circles. Gravity then might be explained and not a force but a geometry similar to Einstein's equivalence principle but as a super-equivalence principle for it is that which without a need for a mediating particle description touches all matter as a scaleless (in the quasic sense) fall.
So in the quasic plane of multiple dimensions and variable grids in definitions in the idea of "Dark Fluid" it is not a question of what evidence may be left over from say other "universes" or previous ones- But the dark fluid is an intrinsic concept of the totality here and now in this universe as well if not only so. Here we reach the paradoxical thoughts again and hopefully not confuse the notions of the abstract with the concrete in our explanations- the whole and part, one and many, heeding expansion and mandate of belief or closure and exclusion, level of voices in the complexity for all practical purposes real as in the depth words evolve and transcend their mundane simple meanings into higher powers of metaphor. Maybe I should use Sultans word formed in English as a question: multiuniverse and with that my reply also unimultiverse- where the words share the paradox of the notions.
by q-adic I mean that there can be intelligible quasic like patterns over the quasic patterns (epiquasic in rough analogy to epigenome?) But such concepts are really those of density in an actual and relative way to discern measure, that is to virtually apply some idea of mass or force in at least the nearby context of space. We cannot reduce it all to the ideas of infinitesimal shift calculus as useful as that tool is for at this sort of flatland of space Pythagoras rules and does so with the ideas of symmetry breaking, building as a property of number theory even at the lower primes, the density considered on number lines,- thus a measure of energy as well as gravity and doorway to a more general thermodynamics (and yes, in these concepts speaking of so many natural dimensions as 5 reduced from 8 or even 12 as a matter of mathematics we observe that Riemann was wrong to say quintics added no more to the general concepts of the theory).
* * *
Dialog with Sultan Ratrout appended for more explanation:
So, anything new happening with you?
[Sultan Ratrout]
No but thinking of a poem to write
Good, what subject?
[Sultan Ratrout]
It is basically a philosophical poem
[Sultan Ratrout]
about time
ahhh that is part of it all
[Sultan Ratrout]
downloaded the 2010 encyclopedia of language?
anyway, I should not disturb you- and I have nothing new yet- maybe some lighter stuff like a video song
[Sultan Ratrout]
wait plz
[Sultan Ratrout]
whats that poem lol :):)
math poem
attracted my attention
what are you asking?
[Sultan Ratrout]
the pic u tagged me in
an experiment in cvcvc roots for parallels but it is so simple it only describes arithmetic
[Sultan Ratrout]
ahaahah great attempt :):) I liked it in roots
yet is very hard to read
of course Arabic has no o but logically we have A E I O all some none and so on
but I posted on blogspot full explanation of the idea of it to easier see ways out of the debates there by the physicist bloggers I follow
and that is very much hard to read and hard to write
So now I am wondering where one could find a list of roots
there are short and long vowels- it will take more than 4 spots to map them
[Sultan Ratrout]
It makes it easier to see binary assembly code relationships in our head as if a language
and the structure of some strange spaces
some of the basic ideas of Islam as opposed to earlier forms make sense in the metaphysics
using religion of course as just a metaphor
[Sultan Ratrout]
my (forgive me there is no other word) "quasic plane" is different than the usual planes
If we take the surface of a pond and stand it on end that is what Santayana said is mans achievement in architecture- taking the Euclidean plane
Now, in Islam I have read a description of Heaven
and like the plane, a Newtonian infinite plane, that super plane is stood on edge
such a heaven said perpendicular to the world
but this description was in very old books
Does this explanation help some?
[Sultan Ratrout]
r u referring to Alburaq , the pony or horse that took Mohammad up above the sky?
I do not know that reference- but it sounds right
Interesting, searching, Adam=Paradise
I do not see anything about perpendicular plane but fortunately I have that old book in storage
It still could be there and most likely in the scriptures
in revelations New Jerusalem is described as a cube- similar images in the links to link above
too much references to various traditions like the Zohar to consider for now. 7th heaven the idea of Dante too.
(before I go and you can write if this helped some I will append it to my poem peslablog?)
in quran its said the more u know abotu science, the more God paves the way for u to konw more about God himself
I certainly agree with that
2:28pmSultan is offline.
but under heaven we perhaps can only know so much of science. (send as a message)
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All the poem and numbers are doing at this point is to find deeper foundations for our notion and languages- not necessarily the foundation of the faith of it- just science of it. (send as a message)
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