Friday, April 13, 2012

Majorana Mysticism and Physical Structure

Majorana Mysticism and Physical Structure L. Edgar Otto 13 April, 2012

In my conceptual system it is clear that we have three physics as primary and between them three secondary physics of which asymmetry can be seen as one directional or that the ends of a string like pteron in its chirality parity and symmetry wise are symmetical- the analog at the pase of quantum computation nano technology that does in a sense extend the quantum principles to more general scales.

I am not sure how Majorana from the equations of qm theory showed by analytical methods such a particle which is an antiparticle of itself is so not in the way say a polyhedron has a structural dualism or a system while distinct quasically can be its own dual symmetrical universe, but the same intuitive principles I accept along the way of a string of them of which it may be improbable to arrive as such a path of sure conclusions, synthetically.

In the new studies, and how they assume this applies cosmically as a direct model of greater systems that would say such a discovery of the particle in analogy of the scale of the experiment is a discovery in fact of a more general particle- this is a realization of a possible general principle that if we think about it can have intuitive foundations. Only in this sense can we extend other such primary physics to the Megaricontinuum. Once understood and accepted these general principles do ground others in the higher symmetry level.

Can there be an isolated end as a majorana particle anymore than the human scale of cutting a bit of string that always results in two new ends- can there be isolated quarks. But in the quasic physics such numbers or identity of similar things is unclear as to the count. These in the qlassical (of which this includes general and special relativity considerations but not the quantum as we unify it QmQl as in effect a combination or unity of these physics.) would for example justify the extension of ideas of combinotorics and braids over some real or imagined path between these identical but dual things as if the mouths of wormholes as a type of more general definition of symmetry which in the Ql physics is the stretching out of the information of an event that in the Qm physics grounds that part of the paradox of what seems an action at a distance.

Beyond this we clearly give substance to subjective but controversial speculations that at the beginning of a lifespan the effects can resurface such as trauma toward the end which is the same majorana place with the perspective of a vector of ongoing ambiguous also viewed symmetrical arrows of time. Another example is that if we view the physics of a sequence of informational containing and fractally read DNA the ends and the systems between other sequences string ends could seem an elongated but globally unified polytope. This corresponds well in a finite compactified system in the complex analysis and plane to the jumps, given no zero or negative axes crossed in principle for such abstract looping between the wormhole mouths or event as ends in a rather finite way this is seen by Riemann and can appear as discrete jumps in the quantum world or in the qlassical cosmology as certain imaginary number effects such as slices or even relations between them as branes in an oscillating universe model. Yet the classical space of such reduced conception including the hidden discreteness at any natural point not zero or negative leads to compactification and symmetry breaking by that emphasis of a more unified physics.

We add to this that there can follow this general idea of the combinotorics into four space, of which as an extension into the unknown without a system of philosophic or physical continua or a discrete relation of frequencies and shifting colors I call the fourth physics Phoenix and all to do with energy and mass, and yes a sort of looping in the expressed events hidden or explicitly that we can distinguish as gravity in some views from what we similarly distinguish as mass. Now just as with the natural idea of dimensions this continues in the same vein for five and greater physics and that needed to resolve the concepts in the generalization of the mathematics to apply.

So we have the Qlassical-Quantum, the Quantum-Quasic, and the Quasic-Qlassical secondary physics views of which I tend to resolve or generally view from the Quasic-Quantum sub-physics as the primary expansion to general unification's but this is a preference of which we can imagine things intelligibly beyond any of the elusive as incomplete unification views. Certainly it takes time to reach, as in Penrose quantanglement event places that once established allows the instantaneous paths to occur or to operate on any finite topology containing a continuous thus complete system of numbers between the 0 and infinity of Riemann holographically- and this done by at least 8 bits of information to imply or see the whole of such infinite things and continuous things as if one singularity center where the ends of the events as if ghostly neutrino momentum is to be read at that ideal simplification and resolution of physical laws nearing a sort of universal and not directed flatness as if a majorana neutrino. Faster than light may apply here but it is clear that where things are within and event with one end that is not necessarily a simple loop or circle that the relative velocity certainly can appear so and seem but a default error similar to the deeper analysis of the idea and paradoxes of physical qm superposition.

It is clear, moreover, that it makes sense to imagine a Megaric continuum of the organic relations between these event places on the level of organic scales as if external to the context of the events on some scale level and observed intelligible finite appearances of frequencies of color where the system is modified by the combinotorics of the systems of codon sequence readings as in the codons- but it is not just a simple matter of the combinotorics applied to physics. The principles, as at least a two party game shows the plus and minus of particles in pairs as well the threesome quarks as a fundamental choice of this context of unification's of the primary physics. So reduced Feynman diagrams work and apply on their narrow level and do sort out the physicality of such partition symmetries of the string landscape as both an active extension and one of the default that privileges the resolution to a minimum zero or maximum space as finite for the QmQl unstable resolution of phoenix theory.

Of course the other sub-physics do ground by topology and arithmetic the extension into the remote scales of things to the analogy at the nano scale as in the Casmir cosmic considerations. That is to say we have to examine the foundations of the foundations to make intelligible unifications and more general theoretical models. The simple properties of numbers and topology of vectors in the appeal to apparent inversions and mirrors where QmQl is the diametrical opposite of Qs in the unified space (these still converging to issues of viriality of zeta half real axes and vectors in three space) as to our clear discerning of what is the zero or infinity as a view of a single trans-majorana entity of which the Higgs idea as a particle is a good canidate to be one along with a cosmic majorana entity as still elusive but more or less, as we can say there is no negative distance or it is filled or partially filled at some quasic pteron or spacious indefinite zero. Likewise in the higher space systems the velocities greater than some invariant by the Argand 5 space lampion wick model cancel out to establish a sort of absolute invariance while the Omnium can in a sense have a history over higher time. As with the geometry all the physics logically stand or fall together.

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