Monday, April 9, 2012

The Philosophy of Inertia

The Philosophy of Inertia L. Edgar Otto 09 April 12

Lubos suggests that someone who does not understand the gauge theory which is a symmetry and invariance is someone we can say is not part of sound theory. It follows also that other ideas that are not quite explained even though we know there is need of explanation (why is the world almost symmetrical? asks Feynman) yet this is not so much a question as a state of a higher given where the concept as singularity is the same thing. Compactification and condensing is the same thing at some point or event of singularity. A superstring theory cannot be just the higher symmetries say of charge (and even there is not not clearly a holographic or Noether like symmetry principle anymore than its alternative interpretation) and explain mass without further abstractions.

A range of mass between the exact reduction to a point or a succession of point line and curves and that repeated up to 10 dimensions is a concept that reaches beyond mere quantum chemistry- just as charge symmetry has no classical analog these greater or super-duper symmetry considerations have no quantum analog and this more intuitively than what is exact or not mass measure. It does find the inertia of a certain sense of mass, and of gravity and electromagnetism on the qm level- but cannot go beyond the shared space in singularities as if the directions of cycles that might describe the symmetries and irrelevant directions if reversed of a solenoid (beginning at the quadrupole identity where that deeper than the coordinates returning to the same place is the general definition of symmetry. There are in a sense higher gravities.

Alas, to claim zero point sources of energy that does not interact with that external to the standard quantum description, is as limited in view as the standard idea of particles in qm. Such transfinite fields are but gateways when all there is is the gate. In the spacious now in a sense the universe, omnium, is balanced as it has different directions we may designate, existence seems conserved ultimately as it is said to persist. Gravity in a sense is a form of mass in a higher level of abstraction and invariance. A fifth thing to those laws of force of which in a sense mass is the fourth- as even these to higher abstractions of what we mean when things are absolute where curvature and angles are no different- nor the singularity as a point or as a complex- save the combinations as in Kea's take on things and the intelligible count of what is at least the grounding possibility of hidden things in this mirror space.

I note today Ulla has a comprehensive and interesting post on the nature of consciousness- I remarked what was on my mind today, that just as we have several new layers of reading the gene code that are a surprise to the researchers- perhaps in view of these quasifinite models that consciousness is still very much beyond our ability in theory and experiment to pin down- as if matter or other physics intuitions are not at the moment difficult enough.

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