*The ability to perceive is not necessarily the same place or measure as the intellect.
*There are physical and evolutionary limits to constructable changing systems of hyperspace perception and understanding.
* Topology, geometry, conveys intelligibility in and is the design that can be interpreted as touching or a consciousness. Gravity is quasi-touching (touch and sight defines geometry see Singh).
* Three branes connected severally by strings are quasi-intelligible as if a three brane natural dimensional space.
* There is a main diagonal-like process of inversion across the whole of a give quasic (n x n) natural dimensional space. In particular 16 cubes may form (with four parities-chiralities) a Mahon hypercuble in a 10 x 10 matrix with only 4 axial colors.
* I image a set of gin cubes of eight colors arranged in various patterns of color by which we can classify such color applications to numbers and groups. If each color is in a corner of a 4-space situation we have xyz -x-y-z equal to afb gea fig mon jnl oed and * meaning black and white w axis, and four of the six planes make a plane of four colors (which is of course 1 by the sq root of 2 from a natural perspective where that value is not rational as surreal- hence the quasic term Surcontinuity as this post continues with yesterdays idea as well the one of the day before.

*Surcontinuity- a moving point between curves on a still graph is done by this mechanism of quasic color dimensions, fractals for example color coded may transfer to adjacent dimensions wherein in one space things have relational but are independent in functional directions... But in the transition as some supposed absolute bottom (but below the Planck scale may have no meaning in this context of a uniform color space different from the proposed susy models.) there can be simultaneous places of absolute probabilities- that is the functional directions may be shared between two such points. Thus we have "symmetry building". In a sense then given the quasic and natural dimensions any point may be quasi-simultaneous and thus relative to some space quasi-similiar even if all such points are independent (the queens problem in chess or the super labeling of multiple colors if not the not perceived fact of hypercolor.
* A Sundress for Tacey : I went with Tacey day before yesterday to fabric stores as I was looking for materials to make puzzles, cube ones. I found very shear but
hard to sew nearly translucent cloth of the three primary colors and a dress made of three of them (compare the shifting of branes with attached strings) would make varied colors! Yet in a way we can show the string is a brane on all scales.
* There, in analogy to black white and gray, colors of quasic flangelations of clear Xp translucent Xl , and opaque Xo .
* A monad has an abstract opening window in the doubly holographically described simulataneous place at a shared vacuum point. These melt the mystery and boredom and are a lot of work with rewarding new insight melting the blinders on the nature of light and dimension in which we explain intelligence and have made errors that we make on the foundations as we enquire beyond our thought on physicality and our physical and perceptive endowments.
* the three space requires 5 knight like motions, three requires seven which can be represented by the diatonic music notation as cubes to describe motion in that space and in four 9 and so on as thing are linked dually gin and bkd as if vertical and normal polyhedral duality.
* A plane (brane, quasic space, ...) in one dimension may be a string in another when we compare the information between say two and three space. What then is a parallelogram in one is a parallelepiped in the other. The orthogonality that planes or stings can be parallel is preserved between this holographic transformation which by the way goes both ways where the quasic ordering changes to the natural cyclic one.
* Thus, we have the idea at the bottom of a metrical non-euclidean space of the flatness of the Pythagorean theorem. (but this idea is certainly unclear, all non-euclidean and Euclidean geometries logically stand or fall together in the design issues of atoms and universes- and yet we can show the Euclidean case on all scales of dimensions as privileged especially when it comes to similarity (congruence, simultaneity, and quadrature of space in pure non-locality)
* Thus from a point (end of a orthogonal string) to a plane parallel the lines never meet- that is in a sense the parallel postulate is quasi-proven logically and is thus quasi-independent of the other (blind as natural dimensioned) Euclidean axioms.
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