Arithmetical Implications of Iota Particle Theory
I delay the proposed post Exercises for Colour Matching Cubes (Some not found in the back of the book)
until after this one, due to Ulla's comment and links to ideas on number theory to which on 01-22-11 I begin to see as a breakthrough in understanding space- one I called supercolor, color taken literally as a dimension, for being almost an instantaneous conclusion I was only going to offer it a creative philosophy at this stage of the the uncertainty of the game. But the question arose from the enniad in informational terms- what does the abstract fn motion numbers mean. My answer goes beyond the slow progress of our current breakthrough stumbling- for in the color theory the notation looks remarkably like FF FF FF FF in computer color encoding. But these have answered the appearance of continuity but not the underlying discreteness of such colors nor the limits of pattern based on a first few mod numbers (Ramanujan and Fermat). The sum of the abstract quasic motion numbers I offered is 85 upon intelligible division in the sixteenth dimension but only from the idea it is on the 16 level of Pascal's triangle- thus 120 "colors" as such.
This difference, btw is at the heart of the fermion-boson differences on which we build some sort of theory or on some sort of metaphysical first principles.
Note 85=5x17... trying to sort out the linear case of these triads on a lower dimensional level (or trying to do so assuming they are part of everywhere interconnected simplexes of that sort of dimension on a null or low level) is to merely move meaningless objects around in beautiful symmetrical order if that can be found- in effect the quasic motions there can only be seen as independent and at rest even if their motion is possible in higher spaces.
I feel a little less hesitant to post these ideas (especially where they may appear on the blogs of other god for sure theoreticians) thanks to Ulla's link but it is getting ahead of the time taken to feel confident about a theory (a precognition thing?) Anyway, there are the snake handlers and the whales to add to the zodiac in which in my time my intuition is now a triple born again Virgo and not a scorpion with claws and sting in the belt of darkness. I mean, as I said, I choose to follow sports this year and when I do--- well, the favorite teams in this order Packers, Chicago, Steelers, Vikings--- but I cannot honestly know to tell who wins the Superbowl---I did not look, but it was a good year for me to follow football. My serious point is that there is a little more synchronicity around me than usual as the number of my posts seems to reflect.
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I would like to thank pointloop, galatomic, and Eyes_Only on the philosophychatform for in their perspective although rejected as alternative physics and thus part of the reason for this blog- for in thinking about their views they certainty had part of the more unified picture. There are others too in retrospect who were closer to hidden meanings in logic and number theory to which no good evaluation was reviewed.
Iota Particle Theory
* An iota has both point and line aspects and is a fundamental particle as and of the Omnium
*It is part of the dimensionless indefinite hierarchy of scales of unity, the Uranoid as the universe (of Eddington) a particle.
*0xInfinity = 1 is the inductive Law of Omnium but, at its own level as numbers the idea of 0 is rest and 1 as potential motion. By division by zero on the ground level I mean a dynamic abstract motion.
*The sum of motions at some quasic level of dimensions, especially where the natural idea of them are shadows or reduced , may in terms of abstract motions be vectors at rest.
*The ideas of vectors expanded into higher spaces of dimensions and symmetries are quasic motion hierarchies. (quasi-fractal like, actually)
*The sense of non-linear describing curves and intrinsic curvature needs not be considered perpendicular to the singularity centers.
*Things entering a transcendental curvature space can return by such division (omnic division, intelligibly) to unity, a point, or a line aspect.
*That within the curvature (transcendental) space acts as energy.
*Exchange of energy between quasic dimensions may be multiple integer discrete for constellations as all such iota particles are quasi-composite and quasi-zero points.
*Trig forms in matrices assume isolated and unitary aether like planes and levels.
*There can be a "quasically connected" space, quasi-crystalline, composed only of points...
*Also a quasic space of other forms, lines, curves, planes- that is totalities (branes, alephs and so on) exist.
*Different quasic and epsilon honeycomb grids can become discrete unto the quasic dimension of contained particles.
*The innate asymmetry of the informational coordinates in the fn and 6n(change) numbers form interesting rest and motion matrices in the enniads.
*Exxene (see Eyes_Only regulus space), a sort of generalization of special relativity and QED is supercolor higher thus as all such moving concepts of space motion such as ectocoms (as points, even as points as if conscious or willful - see galatomic) exceed the aleph 2 structure of curves in a plane- so too the dragging space around spinning black holes.
*Supercolor[A to O of the 15] combines or expands into supercolor [0-120] as the 15 squared, but we can leave analogously to the Conway matrix the other space beyond the immendiate degenerate reduction to the given quasic (here 8 natural dim. state).
*The power set dimensions are equal to the natural dimensions int the fractal like hierarchy )intelligibly divisible in the factorial) quasic space.
* rv is red and violet at rest, or red and violet contiguous thus boson, or rv fermion, rather alternatively exxonio as the dominate weak interaction idea.
*As such my quasic motion notation and its uncertainty of multiplication or addition operations is dimensionally justified. Abstract quasic motion is the n also in 2^n. That 2^n is thus a continuity where alph1? as a continuum can be discrete as these anticommunitative roles can be imagined reversed.
*As breathtaking as the new metaphysics is, this new physics as unity and Omnium at least and at first seems to me more so.
*The iota theory shows: string like, topology like, information like, algebra like and quasicity like theories.
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Note: In the following illustration, a dark photo in the middle of the night, the spice gumdrops had six colors but the blue was white. In cutting these apart and reassembling them there is something to be said for having the right number to begin with (that and not eating them, I had only one blue one left for this photo). That is to say given 8 x 15 one might consider how many jacks to paint the edges if you knew the z axis to be considered before hand to the number of jacks- we get 45 or 90 of 4 of the 6 colors- a number that comes up in the construction when we are so limited to the concepts of a ground of but three dimensions.
Exercises: Color Matching Cubes (Some Answers not in the Back of the Book)
*Ex1 Just as we can make a larger cube from 8 cubes of a set of the thirty, find a meaningfully symmetric pattern of 6 of them as points of an octahedron.
*Ex2 Abstractly, the number of distinct directions of the faces of a polyhedron can be considered vectors, arrange 15 cubes (or 30) such that each pair of colors is represented in the six directions in normal three space, arrange alphabetically then take the triad of cube labels (LHC*)+ or -, and shift to find the six alphabetic arrangements.
*Ex3 Arrange the cubes in a Conway matrix alphabetically with the proper sign of a cube in the right side of the diagonal- observe if these color match.
*Ex4 Map the 30 cubes on the edges of a dodecahedron such that all 12 faces represent the row and column pentads [with a composite polyhedron that will support small cubes arrange these to make the Triaconway puzzle] Hint: consider the central singularity but one of the six colors.
*Ex 5 Find the pentagram in the pentagons to show the 120 group with inversions
*Ex 2b Show how the alphabetizing one cube triad notation at a time without duplication of any color label face into the same axis depends on the enniad 9 and six symmetry.
*Ex6 Construct a cube of 8 cubes showing 3 colors each but the totality 6 colors.
*Ex7 Given 6 cubes of 54 faces and 9 colors (or the four color quilt patterns) find any four of them with faces on the outside matching in proper orientation (calyptic cube puzzle)
*Ex8 Color the 24 faces of the 8 cubes of a tesseract in black and white quasic validity patterns based on the sixteen coordinate binary points for unfolding the tesseract into three space shape matching.
*Ex9 Find a way to generate the Soma Cube map of Conway from consideration of central inversions rather than patterns from the surface. Show the soma cube that requires an exchange of three of the tetracubes to reach it (Conway's hint)
*Ex10 Find three pentacubes that can be (edge) articulated to generate the other 29 (excluding one in four space). [Hint: use your p's and q's]
*Ex11 Count the triads possible give 56 cubes in six space of eight colors one axis hidden. Count the tetrads.
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Wow, some ideas again- and yes I did look at Sudoko in higher spaces.
In looking at this article I find many parallels to some of the methods I used (but there are other methods with interesting results I must go back to find how they apply to a more general theory). It would seem that this game and the link Ulla supplied me, begins to explain how my "counting" has reached as far as it has. I am particularly interested in how the author excludes all but the inner shapes. For in the case of 16 x 16 the outer ring of the geomagic square has special significance as well the one missing corner square example. For that would be composed of 4 x 15 supercolors, rather (and I wonder about the 14 points of this in the associahedron) if we exclude the four corners of the 16 x 16 eight dimensional quasic grid. This too is the beginning, Ulla, of the partition and related numbers. Note that the outer ring in the 8x8 case is 28 which is half of 56. In a sense Eddington was right on to try to imagine 120 + the diagonal = 136 as something to do with the dimensionless constants.
I remark also that it also (these ideas of certain rest abstract motions in some dimensional quasic grid) justifies the intuition of Pitkanen's sheets of topological structures (in a way not just the idea of slices of bread in Riemann's concept of crossing or not some singularity of connectivity. Perhaps, also Witten in his recognition of the need for substructures to consider in the topology of branes. But for all these ideas of braiding and notations we observe that taken to some intelligible level with intelligible restrictions on the division of prime numbers that they have to have a global way to reconnect sometimes- otherwise they are but one side of the picture to which indeed a preon may be considered vaguely as a composite of two vague entities as in a link from Kea.
[On further looking at the several examples of the geomagic squares I note the similarities to the enniad color space puzzles- in particular the impossible figures in three space- but after all it goes to show in the abstract consideration of the turns and twists of things that a six dimensional space, flattened down into a quasic plane much like an Escher drawing, can appear to divide the six space of 8 x 8 that is 2^6 or 4^3 into two three spaces. Is this an optical illusion or a fact for Rowlands suggests such division of a broken higher dimensional space (I believe of 5 natural dimensions and maybe of complex considerations) such that the 64 describes the standard theory and the other 64 are presumably gravity.
Clearly, Eddington's Uranoid has the 24 and 64 patterns of vectors of which each of the 64 has 4 coordinate values for his quantum relativity in his Fundamental Theory where for him the be all and number of protons in the universe is the "monomark" so his is as of 1929 really a 256 dimensional system.
In this (what Ulla is impressed as the fractal property of numbers) we have to keep in mind even at the level of say a cube of 2x2x2 or even 2x2 objects, that the 8 of which we are considering may be 8 as a three dimensional constellation or four, or eight or sixteen dimensions- note the author counted up to 17...
I note also that pointloop (and he retired from the fray to enjoy his golden years a better way) is a theory that explains some ideas of motion- as if but one side of a picture (the structure of the grid or epsilon honeycomb of continuous lepton motion explained and not seen or thought then irrelevant. He asked how I could understand him and the others could not. But I have made mistakes in accessing the work on philosophychatforum for some others whom deeper understanding of certain patterns in numbers were thought pointlessly trivial to be saying something new. Yet, here at the coffee shop we did have fun with his notations. (Dorian I think).
Despite this there is a sea of false directions and quasi-scientific assertions that are somewhere between the physics and metaphysics. Most who do such puzzles rarely suspect they have a closer relevance to physis than just for the sake of the game. One case in mind is the enumeration of the unfolding of the hypercube by that Toronto mathematician who told me he could not see it as very profound.
It is remarkable that a high school student would find vast multidimensional magic squares based on the binary- even Ben Franklin found deep patterns in such games including the knight's tours and so on... our founding fathers adept at the maths.
In a sense the nimbers only relate to certain zero reductions in a binary or 2^n system for the rest of the numbers- the next step beyond the still developing surreal calculus would include such zero reductions (nilpotency?) of the field of other number divisions also- in which case, the yet unclear role of primes as prime, we no longer rely to go into great dualistic spaces at infinity by binary information alone to help solve and factor groups and large numbers.
There are other numbers, lost perhaps in the margin or errors of counting, simple ones to which amazingly they are derived also from more complicated methods in the study of higher dimensions- to which my touching or manuscript clings to the ground of some reality and mental adaptations in the dark light of creative speculative vertigo. The science journals comment on this today in relation to things like our distance even good at computer games- or its affect on the behavior in autism.
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I am not quite sure what to make of this - but far be it for me to be put off by the style and enthusiasm of the author (unless you count Hofstadter- fun to read only as a popular science Alice in Wonderland type of children's book to me)
But my question would be- back in the 90's it was said that if we could extend the digits of pi a few billion we might see a pattern there- is there a pattern there?
I don't recall where I read this- nor of this delightful saying:
"Good news, we have found the purpose of the universe- bad news, it turns out that God is a nerd computing pi to the zillionth digit."
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