Friday, April 6, 2012

False Certainty In Reductionist Stances Including the Grounding of a Faith

False Certainty In Reductionist Stances Including the Grounding of a Faith L. Edgar Otto 06 April, 2012

Can a mere mortal understand and think like Ramanujan if the distance from his intuition is but a hint or echo of his dreams or the dreams of his goddess? Maybe God can set the pattern where a Stradivarius can be made without Stradivarius, as we think with certainty the general levels of infinity reduce into the flatness, the linear, the velocities and constant zero place of derivatives that only make sense by its methods and makes no sense accelerating acceleration and so on. Do the special and general theories of relativity really meet somewhere anymore than any idea of the finite discrete and infinite continuous ground one theory of physics defying unification all these years? Can we insist that such scales and measure be the only view in what is abstraction after all and on the erect false geometric analogies?

There are millions of pages of information out there to which we make it easier for the disabled to read, to think for them as if they are children so set to grow as they develop tall and strait, reaching high and not gnarled and ingrown their own tangles. I will not treat you as such children, dumb down the potential of wisdom that alone is your birthright and not that which you have a right to share before it is rationed out from you or discovered by those truly closer to the gods. This does you no favors, no one should steal your prayers and dreams. Physics as in region can be seen as the bringers of the good to the world as well the source of conflicts and evils.

If there is greater freedom in the flatland's to which we can imagine a physical reality so wide things curve barely perceptible this is an error of how real the idea was that hints of things more real, that easily sensed in our hearts that makes us think we know, that knowing finds a greater containment that seems sane and logical as philosophy and science, as if the robotic mind thinks it is sound and rational. I speak to you to your inner poetry as well and that the gift that can uplift you higher than if I spoke to you as children you will remain a child, the general state of us in the way thus some will retreat inward thinking in the simplicity their world is complete. I do not need to give you what comes to our minds fully formed nor impede you in the awakening, I can only suggests there are better ways to cultivate higher mind and faith, and civilization.

In this sense, when it comes to the imposing on the rest of the world then unsafe for enquiry- a pox on all you houses and your eternal conflicts for you are subjects of the same errors unjustified your actions in the name of your God and souls- and without the responsibility for your freedom and hearts you blaming those that seem to have theory one lights and idols of wisdom no conflict solves your riddles nor is it but evidence that for some cause your own soul will recieve rewards or punishments thereby so it does not matter.

Where in the spirit of it what you say makes sense then I find you guilty of taking from the world your gifts that might have been should you have dared to step into your better selves. You are like the small fly that annoys a great beast to the point the beast is awakened and all his effort as absurd as it seems, as pointless your machine mind holding pattern, it resolves to find you, seek you out, and smash you giving you in return your lack of respect for all things living.

As the unforeseen dreams awaken in us, so to yours will vanish even unto your selves the uncertainty for you have always assumed you can see the mind of God without the real God of your making, so too that all can hear on that lyre what for you passes as all the song their is or some higher music. Thus it has ever been where there is no redemption.

There is worse than the may as well have never been for in the general depths and wider span of vision, if they be intelligible in design, these cannot be part of the unity of history and destiny to ever even ask what could have been for your mind unlike the world has not measured nor explored even in your own cubits, where the world exceeds its cardinality.

A pox then on your own soul, two faces of the same coin no matter if on its rim all is smooth or full of grids and groves as the face in relief wares out fact and all is lumpy foggy again. How could you do this to what we know deep down is Love?

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