Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Quasic Navigation Structures L. Edgar Otto 11 April, 2012

Early in the development of html I organized navigation between pages on a website partly based on these general ideas of how abstract space is structured.

Things have changed a lot where older terms are devalued or obsolete for the internet as if I went through a wormhole or quantum jump in time and came out on the other side with a lot to unlearn. Things have also evolved to deeper realization of the role of such a view of spaces in physics. Part of this is that still the vision is far from implementing in the programs and technology of processes I sense but was not aware that in fact was the reality of these ideas evolving.

So my illustrations today reach back to very old terms and models... what for example is zoom or next and previous or back as we go from page to page. Clearly the zoom is a statement of a region or continuous abstract page. We could have a discontinuous situation and these may or may not be in some sort of lattice ordering, a collection of points of which the distance say as tunneling between the origin or end as an event or symmetry, or even as an underlying grid, can be implied.

To all this we have representations into higher dimensions and beginning at the fourth there can be products, factors, and reductions between these modes of navigation or in the theoretical world abstract fields and motions. As far as the issues of consciousness, this seems to me to add a dimension to the overall discussion were for example we can treat a sentience singularity complex as a reduced point in an explosion and multiple explosion of influenced and organized information or energy transfer.

The simple model on the level of how we search and find efficiently some object or page, the design of web pages itself was inspired in the how of it by my emphasis on photos so as to store images between file levels (back then the utility and ease of access was my desire for all browser systems in a hierarchy that gives choices to adjust views by those in any system on any level of technology. This is an ideal slowly implemented but resisted by those who as individuals wage cyber war or those who by mandate make the general system more costly and dumbed down as if all have a common level of age appropriate entertainment content as we sometimes see in old reruns with canned cues of laughter in the background or but the cartoon effects of a child's voice by professional advertisers. Many compete for shelf space and most people do not think of the system that brings things to the market in this age of physical packing within packages.

Nevertheless, this arose as quasic for the breaking down into individual photos of our IRC and forum chatters into arbitrary groups of fours in fours or such that as an absolute size on a screen one could see the hierarchy of groups of them. This more of a contiguous grouping than just a collection or assembly of points or a defining continuity and reduction of vectors into a virtual and arbitrary content management system.

Perhaps the imagined intelligence or general appearances of it in multiple connections and systems on the internet is in transition to the ideals as we integrate better the various physics systems integrating the visual and the text in terms of vector differences in contiguity and time insofar as ordering of things go, as nature herself so is operating engaged with our human view of the mathematics.

So the question of how this actually relates not just bundled up in something like Fourier regions or loops and colors and frequency for the extra dimensions of the subjective is an open question or one of a highly intelligible design to integrate into real and virtual processes if we really have hopes of extending the compass of a total theory of design or at least one of intuitive comprehension in the general freedom of living while aware of some enquirey.

These considerations on the frontier of theory is what makes the debate as to what is the privileged and real system so confusing in the simplicity to see the significance long after what seems irreducible complexity and coincidences for all practical purposes have vanished in influence or significance. Such blindness takes effort to see the subtleties or to predict the nuances if we indeed can answer the general question- the asking of which betrays hidden intuitions or appeal to our states of ignorance and blindness, as to what in the world and theory is mentally sound or real.

The occasion of this post is a new look at what tools, given the state of the cloud today, can be reworked, updated without the loss or burden on memory or general utility and place in the virtual space. The luster of something like the inclusion of the navigation into shifting combinations based on the Fibonacci ratios of frame like regions is not as strong a lure for the users in the face of higher space awareness save perhaps for the awakening young. But these exercises are not useless while the learning. In particular, with the alphanumeric skeleton of text entrenched in our structural development, the organizing of things as lists, the virtual planes or viewing regions expand to the preceptor in the horizontal direction but never the vertical. This should be fixed as it keeps us grounded in but lower dimensional spaces.

Or from the alternatives views (of physics) the arbitrary and similar languages stretch the meaning of connections and hieraracyies as to what levels in our virtual imaginations we can quasically link to partially understood higher and analogous systems treated as designated metalanguages with little consideration for actual influences of contiguity of these abstract vectors. But clearly in the use of these virtual environs even in the independence of our artist content and some with real or pretensions as the origin of designs, we find the engagement in these media present to us what is hidden still in the worldview as a physics as we learn from a distance or within it again the reduction of our wisdom as well our general ignorance as simple structural analogies to our virtual technology also seems to have the promise to awaken us.

It is hard to understand the inside jokes that seemed so important that others were quite excited about at the time as a common social language and fitting in if one has not been part of the shows on the television for example. Each generation or culture has its own references. The best paid finders of wealth are not those who rarely stumble on a vein of gold but he who sells to the prospectors, buys and sells for their basic needs, and plays the margin of our dreams regardless of the social consequences of inventions that controls the medium. This as all virtual wealth and law cannot remain stable without a wiser view of foundational physics.

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Soon I may post on this higher vision of space as a sort of super subjectivity on the principles and level of things I will call Overworld until the vision becomes clearer. Note that these considerations are suggested by contemplations on consciousness and the soul- that something is there to probe in a still higher theory of everything generalization. In this sense I am not talking about those levels of things like biology that require a physical level and skeleton, cables at least sometime before the vague paradox of disembodied and complex systems of existence not characterized and unrestrained in our being.

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