Beyond Relevance
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L. Edgar Otto If we have too rigid a conception for the physics of a theory of everything, that all parts of the intelligibility has to have relevance between the premises and conclusions, the model will be consistent and complete but it cannot explain the universe as we experience it, for that is the impossible which cannot entail universe where even faith is a barrier relevant or not to our vision.
L. Edgar Otto I suppose if I had only one thought for today this was not a bad one- but I wish I could have said it better and clearer. The truth of our vision of universe can limit the possibilities of our reaching and understanding reality beyond relevance.
There are models of the universe that seem to make deep sense and we may assume that there are explanations, rationally, for any gaps yet to be explored or explained. The paradox of what is extraordinary in evidence (the the most ordinary would be thus extraordinary). To hold then in our awareness a complete model and yet in the back of our minds have a vague sense of something beyond- not just the disambiguation of our terms and notion, the question of the romantic, the distinction of understanding, the higher value of intuition over intellect, yet to hold the universe and concretely absurd is the feeling I am trying to express here, one that when we know what there is in physics it is not that the mystery of our existence would vanish with the deeper explanation of questions not only not necessary to assume but understood how of the pointlessness so to ask, but that what is left- as the universe continues on despite our descriptions of it- that the absurdity remains. No amount of linguistics in itself even as a meta-language can be used to reason or talk ourselves out of these remote concepts with paradoxes, for if there is God he is the Infinite of Infinity and yet the Nothing of Nothing- and the same said for universe or being- relevance has to look deeper than these remote concepts of number and space and matter, and beyond beginnings, eternities, and soul.
What are we that there has to be intelligible laws deeper than the simplest laws and some idea of a God that seeks a greater unity beyond our highest laws and concerns?
We may begin to see the next level of metaphysics and stereonometry of things in it as if to find an Omnium of it all- but it is far away from the concept beyond the true and breathing certainty of what is that such a unity may speak to us non necessity as to its relevance- Rowlands meant this from the quantum view I imagine when he said physics is not characterized- but some do, even in the name of what is unknown, perhaps unknowable, and with reasonable uncertainty as the grounding.
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You Were No Angel 5
What then of relevance between each other, over time and in a wider sense of time, and in a subjective time, and time that perhaps flows in the eddy's faster or slower in onward but no certain direction? Each of us like a lotus flower somewhere in the koi pond of time in a moment of eternal spring, we try to be or feel what it was like and is like to be others who come before or after us, parallel to us and even hauntingly like us. And what distinguishes which the real or the shadow of the formerly real or real to come? What in our private worlds with its idealism defends against its practical, pragmatism- or accepts only the story of the moment so entertained our thoughts by others, the complex in the military-industrial complex where the experts claim not only the agenda for learning of time, but whole eras of the evolution of thought? Each soul in perspective a constellation to some center as if the galaxies in galaxies expand away from each other seemingly to recede from any one place- but that analogy not good enough to explain the higher dilation's and expansions of the multiverse.
Looking skyward half blind to time toward some hemisphere, the flowers, still born and in still life, and still fresh at the grave of my own grave, I see the brighter stars in the Northern Sky or in some forgotten place of time long burned out near by and bright. How bright the lotus of little Buddy- brighter than my own back when, and only the incarnation I am and erudite stands out- stands out just in front of my eyes- but so would I in the snow on wine asleep from all realities so hibernate, exist with peaceful oblivion bar some accident of storms, but in the absurdity exist, and know this tattered page as my soul will persist awhile as the reality and as the dream.
You Were No Angel 6 ( Match Scratch )
Jimmy was a tall man and not very bright. He was the last of George's children and was not born with all of the graces of wisdom. He was back living with her in the old apartment on thirteenth street. When Eugene would stay with his grandma, usually over most of the summer vacation, it was always difficult to deal with Jimmy. If someone needed to move something heavy like a washing machine, Jimmy would just lift it on his back like a sack of potatoes and not think much of it. Home from the state mental institution Jimmy had all the stories of how his job was, as a trustee, to deliver lunch to the ward of all the naked ladies.
"Thanks for moving that washing machine for us, Jimmy. Surely you will let me give you a pack of Chesterfields or something.?"
"I don't mind, Sleepy. You are the sanest and nicest guy I know. People say I'm crazy, but I am not stupid.'
When Eugene came back from the service he decided to look up George in the old neighborhood. He felt so guilty doing it because even talking to this side of the broken family brought up ill feelings and accusations of how he was just like Jimmy, rather backward even for the lower class of the crass fisher folk.
George, when he had found her asking in a bar near where she lived, on seeing him jumped up and down for an old lady. She had dreamed of this day, she told him. "You can stay awhile and sleep in room with your uncle Jimmy. I will try to find Eve and let her know you are in town."
Eugene and Jimmy spent the rest of the day savouring what George cooked up for them. Her tea tasted like it did from the summers he spent with her and all the smells came to life again with his memories. It was difficult playing rummy with Jimmy because if you won or lost he would get most upset, he just wanted to keep the game going and everything even out.
"George, you know Eugene is more like Sleepy than Sleepy." He told her at the table.
" When Eve comes today, you guys have to tell her Eugene is her brother." Her sheriff husband she met serving time for driving the getaway car when her boyfriend robbed the liquor store with a church key, does not know she had a child so old. You hear that Jimmy? "Yeah, mam" he says.I'm sorry to have to say that, Eugene."
"That's OK Grand, no one knew I was coming and we have not been in contact for years, I do not want to mess up whatever my mom has going for her."
The rest of the evening Jimmy admired a small magnifying glass Eugene had picked up in the dime store and used it for various things like lighting cigarettes when out of matches hitchhiking.Jimmy seemed amazed with it. Obviously he wanted to keep it very badly. "What do you want it for?" Eugene asked out of curiosity- for as Jimmy would speak to him he would repeat under his breath some things he had just said. Jimmy had lit a few matches and was looking at the soot trail they made on the table cloth. "Match Scratch, match scratch," he said and repeated it a few time "Don't you think that funny? he asks as Eugene tried to figure it out. A simple poem maybe which for him is a serious achievement. Eugene thought he should fake a laugh.
" I can see if there are any gol-dern lice or bedbugs." Jimmy replied then, "match scratch, scratch."
Whereupon Jimmy went to the corner by the big picture window and opened his zipper and seemed to be looking with the glass.
"What are you doing, Jimmy?"
"I gotta see if I have the crabs." then he held out the glass to Eugene
"That's OK, Jimmy, I want you to have it. Match Scratch." he said as he laughed loudly.
The old neighborhood was very run down now and it was not safe to walk the streets at night. But George was not afraid to shop when Jimmy was with her. He walked in a suit and with his hat looked like Humphrey Bogart from an old 40s movie and no one would dare bother him and tried not to look at him.
Years later, Eugene asked about what happened to Jimmy after the old lady died. Did they put him back into the institution?
"It was in the papers eventually" a cousin Eugene finally found and called, " He put on his suit and walked out into the streets saying nothing to anyone- and no one knows where he is or where he went."
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Looks like the scientist have their lavalamp too: this seems sort of reverse to me to the lava lamp where the toroidal turbulence instead of the mystery of "gravity as bouency" is a fractal falling.
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Well, as the article says- this deep question may not be considered science exactly- glad they are asking my question about the vacuum (and sense it beyond Dirac). When I mentioned to Sultan that we may one day make planets- perhaps that was an understatement- in any case we cannot see the limitations nor admit the dangers of things on this level- but application to fusion containment? Well, that most likely can be done on a simpler level than what is suggested here- more of a topological approach. see the related speculative link after this one also:
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