[Note from 12-23-10 added: in the illustration more a symbolic representation of the symmetry possibilities- It did not escape me that the two center rubiks can have inversion of images- but then again so can the normal inversions in higher space- thus let us consider this when we talk about such vague super symmetries and the application to substance in the various dimensions]
I find it hard to imagine why the average villager would be so deep into abstract philosophy- in this case take time to go to some sacred temple. But the average person seems to rate these core concerns very highly and thirst for knowledge very much like the gurus and their leadership and disputes. Perhaps, we thinking beings are very much concerned with what it means to have a mind. Perhaps, it is just a survival thing quite outside our nature. Passion- well, I did not know it also means suffering as well a state of love. The term has no direct translation unless it means something like compassion. If to love is to suffer it may be reduced to the idea that, as in the quantum world as a principle, for something to come into existence new the old must perish- there is no duplication in say beam me up Scotty transference. It is both a question of decay and decoherence and the how of causality. In any case I present the tenets of a compromise between all is mind and all is matter- as with that whole school of Buddhist as a vehicle. I hope that in the current wisdom of our science that on these philosophic issues I can add new views on this matter of whole and part and the popular ideas of interconnectedness. Still, the so called middle way, topologically and structurally, seems to me the very interval or region in which that which we can experience while we live, is the life force far from the extremes of what may be external or internal and so on...
Odd, that these thoughts are new to me- and not common knowledge by the theoretical physicists- at least not talked about as some sort of grounding for science. On the other hand I find even the explanations of the translations in the book hard to read and just like the first raw contemplations of any art- open to diverse interpretations.
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Citytamatra (Philosopher of the Mahayana System) His the proponents of Mind Only school and close to him the proponents of cognition by Vijnaptivadins.
The book is called Buddhist Philosophy (root text on tenets) by Daniel Cozort and Craig Preston ISBN 1-55939-198-7. I refer to page 189 on the Establishing Selflessness and the section Refutation of External Objects.
I quote:
"When a tiny particle is encircled [by other particles], if the eastern side does not face the western direction, it is seen to have parts,[but if it does] face [west] there is not gross [form].
When one tiny particle is encircled by four tiny particles in the four directions, if that part of the central particle that is touching the [particle on the] eastern side does not face or touch the particle on the western side, [***] that central particle would have parts; if it does face or touch [both the eastern and western particles] that eastern particle would have to touch the western particle, whereby those tiney particles would be in one place, whereby gross form would be impossible."
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Lampion source concepts 12-21-10X :
Now, let us consider that the four directions are those of the quasic or any other two dimensional plane. This can be translated into higher dimensions and so the questions here are about indivisible atoms and the space between them.
Clearly, one counter to this tenet (and some hold that Buddha gave lessons as a master teacher which involved many contradictions on purpose) is that things may have no space between them and yet not touch! I am thinking in particular of the idea of a particle as generally spherical and how we try to imagine (and that is a key word to make a distinction with in the science of mind view of what is innate or external or a real or dream like object. Imagination can be used to suggest a proof or not as to what in reality may have such parts- or as in the trinity concept just what can be the nature of substance as one or independent in the persons.) So we are in modern terms discussing the idea of quarks in a trinity of sorts- of three space dimensions ultimately, and do our imagined Preons exist for example.
So, in my terms, parts can be contiguous without space between them and not touch. And they can be separated by emptiness of space, non-contiguously, yet touch- that is be of one continuity of substance. There can be a concept in between with or without intervening space or vacuum.
In the idea of the lampion or law of Omnium we should imagine the potential infinity as the cause and intrinsic existence of unitary motion as if the zero element is moving along the infinite element- particles that exchange the pointness or lineness from various interchanges of continuity and discreteness.
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Lampion 12-20-10Z:
What may seem the perfect inversion (thru the center) of a divided atom (with parts) or for that matter some level of particle structure (such as the idea of preons)-especially considering complexification of a topological "field" - may become complicated in structure on a higher quasic or at a natural dimensional level with which from that level appears a perfect symmetry that on a lower level seems irregular.
Although information on the surface of a Soma Cube contains the enumeration of its arrangement of the tetracubes in its volume - such quasic reduction does not always give a wider view of structures on the higher level- namely the convention in crystallography does not generally use three space inversion.
In particlular, if Rowlands seems to accept the relation of 2/3 and 1/3 charges of Rubik's cube corners as applying to quarks (this idea mentioned in other with a caveat it was controversal) In space inverse of a Rubiks cube is not simply the six color sides inverted but what seems an irregular but patterned mix of colors. This I derived by consideration of the various grounds of DNA encoding systems but will have to refer to my papers as to how I did it at a time I was considering the way certain values of matter seem to be in levels with fine adjustments. I did submit to Journal of Recreational Mathematics (around 1980?) but had not idea as to what was expected in the presentation which looking back seems much more difficult than in these more modern times to swallow the ideas. Yet, several of the ideas published there later in other areas were some things I had derived early on- and some things I saw as significant in the future which even the authors told me they could not see how it was anything more that a mathematical recreation.
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Speaking of Math Recreations I find this fun video on facebook today:

As in these videos oddly enough I saw looking for ledgarotto music, I did imagine if I could make the bubbles large enough and somehow connect the ends a torus might exist for awhile.
So in a way we have surfaces in surfaces and something between them which we can imagine as a dream space, so the Buddhists suggest as a real thing but not part of mind nor of matter. Even our ideas of what is Platonic for a mathematical notion can have centered or diffuse concepts of structure. Nature seems to be a physicality of sorts in this complex manner to reflect what is natural in our notions or our notions reflect what the natural does- keep this in mind when we assert new directions or restrictions on the possibilities of particle geometry. For example:
Sometimes ideas like the limit to fifth degree equations and beyond for general formulas apply to certain aspects to consider in what is reduced or not into say the 3+1 formalism be it an idea like Wilbur's holons or the matrices of quantum theory and geometry of higher dimensions.
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Two related articles on science daily:
As to the first I conceived what I called the mhosister of a moebius strip but Sandia corporation experimented with its use as a capacitor.
As to the second I doubt this will explain crumpling of materials very well, but the general idea is useful- for I once took a long thin hat band and went thru the twist numbers to let it balance out in three space form and found many interesting global three space symmetries.
We now realize, as the article suggests, a physical application of these essential ideas of topology!
* * * Holiday poster:

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From the television news this morning a suggestion that the nearer to the interstate the more the incidence of autism in children (400 yards?) and it was suggested it related to toxins and the response to it- toxins, they said increase the blood flow at first. Now considering tons of cadmium come from tires, and there was a neighborhood here in Eau Claire at the height of the Uniroyal Tire Factory- is there data that might reflect this. I did note when we first got here and the factory was working awhile that it had an effect on the range and speed of my thinking. In the news the experts cautioned it could be from general stress and so on. Interestingly enough Cadmium is carcinogenic.
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