The Great Speculation (Otto-Motl Stastics)
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L. Edgar Otto In this era of uncertainty in the search for a Theory of Everything, all of us are writers of philosophical novels arranging things advocating some point of view, as each of is in the living works a great speculation.
[I may include excerpts from today's linguistic dialog with Sultan_Ratrout due to discussions synchronously before posting today's blogspot.]
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YWNA - a second scene offering for the novel:
Eugene looked outside the big picture window of George, his grandma, and saw for the first time silver dollar sized flakes of snow.
George's apartment was Eugene's whole world, and was as warm and inviting as a womb where his brother and sister, Bungle and Cagey, and all the Crickmans came together at dinner and crack the crab legs and picked the bones carefully from the Mullets. After all, these were simple fisher-folk who took their boats out into the Hampton Roads in a time of pure rain and teeming life of the Tidewaters.
"I want to go out and get one, Grand."
"Oh, that is why you are trying to put on your jacket. Well, alright, but take it off until I put mine on or you will not feel the goodness of it when we go out."
When Eugene went out into the wonderland of soft snow he realized that he was very cold and that was not a pleasant place to be. He was surprised at this- yet held his ground, did not complain for he wanted to see the snowflakes up close. But when one finally fell into his hand and for some brief seconds he saw its crystal form and feathers- he was sad that it melted so fast- and he did not like that it left his hand cold.
"Let's go back in, Grandma."
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The Great Speculation
*1om In the abstract design of space we can imagine quasi-discrete "proto-atoms" or "proto-particles" on which the concrete material may arrange in the skeleton of some sort of physical topology and ergonomic ordering.
*2om The complex of this electron (charge) configuration as a context I fancifully call a SONNET with the title and last two logical lines opaque and quasi-opaque for purposes of counting.
*3om What it counts is the wide change in degrees of freedom over remote ranges of averaged out functions and histories- and the underlying numbers that make the almost integer explanations for the relevant dimensionless constant.
*4om A quasi-physical and thus relatively and symmetrically quasi-conserved general region of space over spacetime and vacua is a skewed bell curve that corresponds (by virtue of quasication of real and abstract motions) to an analysis of Penrose's concentric rings on the WMAP analyzed from the statistical view of Lubos Motl. (BTW I do not mean to put words in his mouth- it is just that I want an analogy to Bose-Einstein for example and usually I name ideas after others and rarely myself, but as this is informal for now I offer the name of the statistics as a paradox.)
*5om Even in a static view the universe moves in an asymmetrical direction (as the data on the bell curve shows regardless of what we interpret is beyond the field or not) Things in a sense do evolve and progress, at least in our era. It does so intrinsically and ultimately, thermodynamically as if decoherence where things have evolved to some state. There are regions where the states exceed balances especially in remote regions not necessarily reached by the statistical theory.
*6om Black Hole and other quasic objects may evaporate in steps and general tunneling.
*7om A concrete word or event in isolation is like a chess piece (words or sentences are perfect fluids by this standard linguistic and quasic analogy, and that also is for groupings and ordering of sentences.) From this view only the abstract structure and relavancy between more than one piece or material particle is the meaning of mass or words. One complete unit in isolation as a universe may not disclose these higher principles of physics, at least directly. But globally these may be inferred in many ways- just as we infer the reality of higher dimensions.
*8om Grounding design is not just fractal or holographic in topological differences and similitude- but also the quasi-fractal quasi-holographic Otto-Motl statistical and quasic space organization.
*9om Such statistics (really all such of innate controversy as to a measure as if grounded on uncertainty or a higher sense of uncertainty in remote chaos for want of a better term) implies a restrained (jet quenching?) mechanism and within a certain range of measurable signal relativity and Cartesean extension of proto-particles over flatland (in observable degrees of actions at a distance) the effect is also as if a teleological description of the data.
Further Speculation on the Number of Natural Elements:
I boldly speculate here that if there can be 121 elements that perhaps between two of the idea abstract possible atoms we can have a sort of connective ones that may indeed extend the periodic table a little further. What I expect then, which suggests a general mechanism to explain or compare ideas of the fermions and leptons and fusion and fission and so on in those theories- that there may be as many as 18 new elements that are, like the neutrinos more or less, self dual. The formalism in a sense 3+1 here, is like the theory of gluons (exogluons). Thus with these shadow elements (see Ulla on this concept also for her sense of perpendicularity as a model) Z= 120 but with the *Z=18 we have 138 atoms- and so we hover around the isolate uranoid (Eddington) of 136 and yes +1 for 137 and then +1 for 138 of which in a given era of progress and opaque evolution there is a dimensionless averged value somewhere. (we also with these extra dimension have to count situations where the 8 time-like dimensions add to make the values of 128 in the subatomic physics.)
But I am not that clear on if two such 120 abstract structures are superimposed that we can actually contain say more nucleons- in any case I do not see, as a matter of physical space as we know it, the normal and indefinite extension to shells of 18 or more shells of particles as suggested by Seaborg with exotic chemistry.
In a sense we are suggesting that we can see so far into actual structures as if a negative plasma or fluid near the grounding as if a state of matter proto topology and statistically obtained.
The resolution of the mechanism and physics here is also a matter of the 100 year old discussion as to the relation of logic and mathematics. Lubos concerns himself with consistency (see Russel and Godel and matters of recursion and proofs)as I the term intelligibility. Let us not forget that Irrationalism depends on its proof of the otherworldly and its independence on rationally intelligible thought. But what may vanish into otherworldly certainly can vanish regardless of an other world- in the hear and now, and that is a matter of a dimensionless thermodynamics and measurable statistics.
Physics then, as we appeal to a theory of everything, perhaps a science fiction or a philosophical fiction- wants to determine its speculations and truth- hopefully not a futile philosophy of science. It is this understanding of human reasoning and insight into the philosophic bias in human nature and inheritance, language and culture, that we can and should question anthropocentric caused issues such as global warming as Lubos does.
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[chat with Sultan_Ratrout just before posting:
[Sultan Ratrout]
The liar's cassette 4/12/2010
Open: - The target lie file is about to uttered.
Play: - A representative sample of tons of lies is to be uttered.
Pause: - The liar will pause his lying process. Probably he has lied too much, but will resume it to make sure of something.
Stop: - The liar will stop lying once he is discovered or when listeners tell him to stop.
Previous: - The liar goes back to repeat the lie once he finds his listeners poor.
Next: - The liar goes forward to provide a new lie once the previous lie has been believed.
Interesting. Is this the translation or new stuff this morning?
[Sultan Ratrout]
hhhh no translation direclty wirtten in english :):)
iam sure u r upset because many of the funny stuff isnt in english :):)
on the contrary... but I could not find that word fatwah in the dictionary you used yesterday
[Sultan Ratrout]
so I discover that in yahoo mail going way back to the philosophy chat on dalnet that all the pictures show up- a new feature.
[Sultan Ratrout]
So, I find old ones of people I did not know I had a copy. And speaking of lies, I found a very ugly sex one I did not know what it was there or I opened sent or something.
[Sultan Ratrout]
So, evenually some lies become transparent (send as a message)
Your chat message wasn't sent because Sultan is offline.
As the technology advances it is harder not to have an open world of information
10:22amSultan is online.
[Sultan Ratrout]
Rewind:- The liar goes back to the beginning of the lie to fool the same people or probably new ones.
a very nice word- maybe in the details as technology progresses there are new ways to see what is binding or not legally. But we have to see the background on why a certain item is in the download- perhaps I saved it as evidence for kicking some party from the channel. But if we cannot legally download some things- is there not place beyond the memoranda becoming truth that we can have a privacy of dreams?
[Sultan Ratrout]
godo question
... this liar thing is at the heart of my issues today with how we apply logic and philosophy to our current debates of cosmology- you are suggesting a sort of loop or recursion in the implementation of lies
[Sultan Ratrout]
yeah :):)
Eject: - The liar will get a punch on the face for the lie he mentioned.
Still, who is making the judgement?
[Sultan Ratrout]
thats a fundamental question
ones who knows the truth
does God punishing in the here as well the hearafter?
[Sultan Ratrout]
sobhan allah my funny stuff on lying helped you then :):)
Irrationalism tries to prove with the rational, but can the transcendent world be judged by mere mortals?
It does help but I should finish my thought and post them before I discuss them
on top of that this is a very important internet linguistic issue and good research for you to undertake
[Sultan Ratrout]
yeah :):)
we cannot determine for example if your set of notions on the lie, is technically judged as a lie itself- or proven perhaps a truth- but it does seem to read consistently. That recursive question is high logic to which I see the depths of your thinking and analysis.
[Sultan Ratrout]
thansk alot )
I did mean it objectively, it reflects on me that I can see thru the language and translate or judge the depth of your presented enquiry- so that is reassuring. I also think that it is a good thing you accre so many responses as comments as a measure of who thinks about your words.
And I did mean it as a positive comment
[Sultan Ratrout]
I like to write something deep :):)
even all the jokes posted to the status are ethically oriented :):)
There is so much on the foggy frontiers and so hard to see what is true or a lie or maybe some world in between.
So, as in my status, you are also writing a philosophical novel :-):-)
[Sultan Ratrout]
excellent status
...in any case my post today will be a very wide stretch and definitely speculatiive
well, it may be one that gets no response- some of them from the young girl is there because she enjoys trying to figure out what the heck I said :-):-)
Still, it is good to be recognized as deep and natural, even if one other obscure soul in the great overpowering sea of the internet.
[Sultan Ratrout]
Still, it is good to be recognized as deep and natural, even if one other obscure soul in the great overpowering sea of the internet.
[Sultan Ratrout]
soemtimes we cant simply our thoughts
hhh we express them as deep
But we stand naked- when we submit the truth of our ideas to others and the fact that I did not get the depth right away of someones theory who were much wiser than I.
[Sultan Ratrout]
Well, part of it is one's attitude. Sometimes we do things great and not know how nor why we do it or even that we do it.
[Sultan Ratrout]
onwhat basis can u tell x is a liar or not?
a difficult question
(I am going to call the post Otto-Motl Statistics also to make this point- but I am not trying to put words into the kids mouth.
[Sultan Ratrout]
That is name something after myself and him hehe a pun on Bose-Einstein statistics, and show how he proved the very thing that is different in how I prove things.
So is your question on lies a logical question?
it is not clear that we have to exclude the middle-
[Sultan Ratrout]
we need to address this question be it logical or not
brb [lz
But I did tie this into the linguistic insight- a lot depends on Bloomfield-sapihir or Chomsky's view of well the logical space and truth of classes or set of words. You are doing frontier linguistics indeed.
Russel should not have concluded that his program of logicism was wrong, too soon.
so for us now for a hundred years we have had to face this general question of what is math and logic and how they relate.
the truth of some idea if we can measure it may depend on how we resolve this
Consistency and Intelligibility- yet how to keep the emotional components and truth in tact that here or hereafter our souls do not vanish
... I also wonder that there may be a change of some sort in our collective notions across the world- that overwhelming spreading of information and culture may actually affect the development of our childrens brains (and I mean this in a mysterious way also- but that is beyond the scope of todays post)
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Links explored that seem relevant after posting today:
What sort of interesting concepts are involved here as if molecules have such connections as if in the abstract we consider two superimposed atoms as molecules- and in the analogy to love why would we not think in cold reductionist terms that love between two or one to an other is not the same vector description?
From Hoyle's view, considering the exchanges of photons, the time it takes from the core of the sun seems equal to the light now reaching us from the so-called big bang. So from this notion of equivalent scales over an interval of time could we not be asking the same question of these mechanisms for the sun and for the cosmos? It may be our conception of the stellar engine is a little more sophisticated than we believe just as once we thought it a chemical fire of sorts.
and an interesting one more new agey (the possible non-issue of what is mind or matter, artificial or not, and so on-stating among other things that consciousness does not exist)perhaps to analyze its content and what it means we imagine such things or think they new things: How in particular can we decide if the last statement in the section above as to our collective notions contains shared entertainment or some evidence for a needed explanation for collective effects and beliefs, this from a google ad on science daily:
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I would also like to comment on this excerpt from Matti Pitakin:
7.2 Mersenne primes and Gaussian Mersennes are special
7.2.1 Mersenne primes
One can also consider the milder requirement that the exponent = 2 L0 represents trivial scaling
represented by unit in good approximation for some p-adic topology. Not surprisingly, this is the
case for L0 = mpk since by Fermat's theorem ap mod p = 1 for any integer a, in particular a = 2.
This is also the case for L0 = mk such that 2k mod p = 1 for p prime. This occurs if 2k �� 1 is
Mersenne prime: in this case one has 2L0 = 1 modulo p so that the sizes of the fractal sub-algebras
are exponentially larger than the sizes of L0 / pn algebras. Note that all scalings aL0 are near to
7.2 Mersenne primes and Gaussian Mersennes are special 71
unity for L0 = pn whereas now only a = 2 gives scalings near unity for Mersenne primes. Perhaps
this extended fractality provides the fundamental explanation for the special importance of Mersenne
In this case integrated scalings 2L0 leave the states almost invariant so that even a stronger form
of the breaking of the exact conformal invariance would be in question in the super-symplectic case.
The representation would be de ned by the generators for which conformal weights are odd multiples
of n (Mn = 2n �� 1) and L��kn, k > 0 would generate zero norm states only in order O(1=Mn).
Especially interesting is the hierarchy of primes de ned by the so called Combinatorial Hierarchy
resulting from TGD based model for abstraction process. The primes are given by 2; 3; 7 = 23��1; 127 =
27 �� 1; 2127 �� 1,..: L0 = n 127 would correspond to M127-adicity crucial for the memetic code.
7.2.2 Gaussian Mersennes are also special
If one allows also Gaussian primes then the notion of Mersenne prime generalizes: Gaussian Mersennes
are of form (1 i)n��1. In this case one could replace the scaling operations by scaling combined with
a twist of =4 around some symmetry axis: 1 + i =
2exp(i =4) and generalized p-adic fractality
would mean that for certain values of n the exponentiated operation consisting of n basic operations
would be very near to unity. [and so on...]
For one thing I am in close agreement having reached the spirit of this independently as to the importance first of all of Fermat and ultimately number theory (including but going a little beyond topology and gaussian grossman etc primes). In viewing this writing from the beginning discussing for example older theories of the continents and growing radius of the earth as a possibility (as a notion if not a concrete concept- I mean I imagined not such a smooth geometry but one where even the elements in a sense could evolve in real time on the earth)I find his writings a long evolution of deep thought with ideas hard to say stand out in relation to some sort of progressive evolving time line- but in any case it is clear the ideas have grown complexly even if on some level some may not be ready to experience them. Certainly I feel it has outgrown some of the more familiar terminology like the applications to biology as if some sort of just quantum effects. But this limit of our expansion of notions is not an end to great speculation but a beginning for a sounder foundation, foreseen by such physicist-philosophers which record our personal and collective possibilities of thought and experiment. You will note also some of these ideas on number theory on which I agree (but perhaps involve more general Fermat ideas of numbers) are recent realizations Pittiken had long ago- or in the general idea of Fermat's study of recondite properties of numbers and the last theorem and so on- as if this mathematician be dared called any sort of amateur- I saw this at least in 1974. But we have shared knowledge in some senses.
Still, how can anyone fail to see that in the scheme of things- in our analogies of the whole of spacetime to the seas of the earth our first home- that these issues of great speculation are close to the mainstream and grow nearer to the hoped for reasonable certainty of a theory of everything?
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I came back briefly, bored in the late afternoon, walking to the coffee shop in the first sticking snow. I posted another facebook status which was one of the themes for the novel I thought of last night- the lotuses of the sea of memory, perhaps to gather them in my direction as all want to do as they ponder their life and wonder how to shield children from the fact of their mortality without stifling them. The other great theme is as I said a time of idols- I also imagined parts of a song of which the status quotes part of a line- pressed flowers, lost pages, lost hours. But somehow this tells us something deep about our private and shared experiences.
From Chat with Sebastian:
OK, I put up a cartoon for now- even though the state can be abusive to children too.
[Sebastian Otto]
haha whats a shmoo
It was from an old Little Abner panel in the 50's
The were good to eat in the dogpatch, I liked the simplicity of one
Dont know why I thought of it
[Sebastian Otto]
very retro
you remember sonic the hedgehog right?
I found some old pics in my mail. and it had those doll things someone made for justin sarah ivory and Me with hat. and Ingaborg I think one of them is doug or arian, not sure
Of course! I remember him. Heck we may still have some broken parts of one somewhere. One thing we did was get you guys a lot of toys
[Sebastian Otto]
yeah you did
...so that short story a couple more of paragraphs was me (Eugene) in Norfolk around 4 or 5 and George (from Gorgeous George the famous wrestler) was my grandma
Eugene and the snowflakes in my notes
[Sebastian Otto]
My brother Robert Edward, Bob, we called Bungle from a pop son... Bingle Bangle Bungle we dont want to leave the jungle no no nono no no.
And cagey (later flange) because she was always in the crib
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L. Edgar Otto facebook :I will try to capture those people...like trying to find winter flakes of snow... like not seeing the beauty at the time but having pressed flowers in lost pages and lost hours- yet there was beauty at the time. Such is love- and even our lost books of Love.
Yet, from some viewpoint the experience, for ill or good, achieves a certain sense of permanence and reality that seems to transcend time. Again, snow is a cold crystalline and almost Gothic thing in its material starkness- and yet a source of joy. We are cradled sometimes in memory, sometimes forgetfulness, as if we are children who play in the snow, a day off of school, and for a generation it seems they expect Christmas to come sooner. But what is the need for gifts that without them and the sacrifice for them if possible but another source of sorrow? Children enjoy the same story over and over again, it take long before the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner blurs as one worn out memory- or after working in a convenience store and hearing the hundredth copy of Little Drummer Boy one secretly wants the Little Match Girl to freeze! Humbug until the ghosts of Christmas, too late for this world for Scrooge, perhaps- brings us the truth if not promise of the Christmas spirit. But did I not love you a thousand times and never grew tired of you?
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