Relevance is the heart of physics! If God is an impossibility that entails everything, If there is everything (a theory of, or universe) this entail the necessary truth of the being of the God. The premise and what follows from it we then need that these have a certain relevancy. But one cannot just say that a theory is relevant or not on some level and hope to have a more certain understanding of that area where logic might be greater than our mathematics and its symbol system. - Thus we encounter the saying which attracts the cleaver or those in position who do not always know more than logic fails if we state it is not he case that... "The theory is not even wrong" or it is "right but not relevant." Does that not make those who use it and make it a premise not the case for a relevant logic? On which end of parallel ideas of implication is your theory of everything?
If we are to be stuck in reasoning in various trilemmas, would it not make sense to at least acknowledge a three way physics? We already know that two of them, the Qlassical and Quantum may have a sense of truth and though contradictory are coexisting complementary on various scales of emphasis. I am not ready to abandon the idea of a Quasic physics which in recent reading seems simpler and more fundamental than what we not have as standard, but which seemed much too complicated to describe nature to me at the time.
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On the other hand when I think about Newton's law of cooling, a logarithmic curve, I think also of the half-life of radioactive decay. So, some observations may be part of the big picture but are they relevant? Lubos, from his viewpoint and coherent and consistent system has a point on the role of the natural base e. For are these not used in say hyperbolic trigonometry to describe such geometries? I mean from a continuous view of things it may so that the radioactive decay varies as discussed with Pitkanens last post- but much as time and space change and yet seem to be unified in a higher deterministic system as spacetime, this change can be an illusion of sorts- even if the phenomenon is one of some sort of new vitalism as the basis for what seems emergence in physics. Can those who from one view seem to share the same view nevertheless miss each others point? Can there be a truth of sorts and yet two views are absolutely and relatively not relevant?
Still, in the question really of origins as exist or not, and of things evolving or not- are there not ideas where on certain levels of physics particles for example exist but we suspect are invisible in the short range, velocity or acceleration for all practical purposes irrelevant? The connection as if a differentiation does not seem so directly connected even if we can imagine a more unified state of things where there are parallels and relevancy. Was this not the anguish of Einstein over the "greatest mistake of his career"?
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Note: on facebook notes on my profile I added part five of the short story You Were No Angel called Buddy Which has parallels to its themes and metaphors and some hints of physics and metaphysics discussed yesterday in its long post.
You Were No Angel 5 ( Buddy )
We can look back at the events of our life and what else may we conclude but that our individual experience is unique and at least relatively of great importance and purpose as reality. So it is that at some place in our lives, if we have the leasure and stability to look back on things, if we have reached a decent distance from the intensity of being there at the inception of such reality and not being there emotionally in the looking back, that we may survive the recalled feelings of thinking and writing about them. Not that we bury the past to see what was its depths and trivialities in the raw truth of things, nor as if ghosts morn for the other times and place, perhaps the simpler view. Some caught up in their past at the moment, thirst, desire to write about their situation, better than the events that befell them and traps them into a loop of the role of victim. then some have felt the rhythm of life, sensitive to its abundance and glory too strong to fall into almost any trap for their core and soul, by which adversity rolls of their back like water on a duck.
Only time itself can freeze their small ponds of experience and trap them in the ice if they waited too soon for the migration, and forgot too much to heed their higher intuitions with clear eyes.
For while we may say, in some sense of the accounting of time, that we have lived a thousand times, even if by some reckoning we escaped the cycles of day into the unknown- it was also true that little Buddy in the dreams of his father Sleepy, died a thousand times.
I recall the fist snow in December out the window of the old house on Derby Road and what should have been a joyful season became a vision of sorry. For I knew that by spring my brother Buddy will be taken from us, and there was nothing I could do about it, not even change my place in the scheme of things, of fate, I stuck having to take up the cup of circumstance by any of a thousand choices as if I responsible, aware as if hypnotized in mechanical motion although forewarned.
So, when he came into my room, wanting to play with the windup toy called The Farmer in the Dell I graciously gave it too him and told Bungle it was his now- let us not fight over it anymore and by then he did not care much for it any more than I did. I did not mind the constant winding it up for him nor the thousandth time we heard the tinny music box metallic music. I had resolved looking out the window that I would speand the whole day with Buddy, do whatever he wanted to do. And I did.
What is life that for some of us from the beginning we can see the events to happen in our time on this world and make sense of some of it- and what are we that in looking back we can see such things in the past- and from far enough into the future fancy we can change it all, that in some ways the past is not a fixed thing anymore than how at times so fixed seems our future?
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Buddy, a blue baby, would have been the first to get the operation at the Naval hospital- but it was delayed because of a recurrent bout of pneumonia. When spring came and we walked out of the school instead of walking home or father was there in uniform. He said nothing to us but Bungle and Cagey and me began to cry.
Days later after my folks could face coming home again, and Neal the St. Bernard a week in the house with his big bag of dog food confined in the kitchen- he glad to see us but afraid he would be scolded as he had to go into the house- but not for long. We cleaned things up and I said
"Dad, why do you believe there is a heaven?"
"Well, son, it is just a nice thing to believe."
Eve, our mother, was so upset but seem calm now after her recovering from the bottle of pills and her stomach pumped. We went together thru the house and when we came to my parents bedroom where Buddy slept with them on the corner, the bed was made with hospital corners all tight and neat and where he slept it was turned down seemingly just for him. "Who made the bed?" Cagey asked but not one answered her. Sleepy walked over and bent down and seem to be caressing the air as if Little Buddy's head. None of us were afraid to sleep in the house that night.
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It seems Sultan_Ratrout brought out the philosopher in me again...
So, do I understand the year begins at the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere?
You meant day off from the university?
[Sultan Ratrout]
national holiday in Jordan
It does seem to have a unique history.
[Sultan Ratrout]
want to put this as a status
When I write most creatively,be informed
that I've reached the threshold of suffering.
or pain
probably u didnt see my current status
Hard to put it in a particular context- while suffering may be a key say for Islamic life lessons I am not sure it has any real bearing for that concern in Buddhism. One can escape the cycles but to where? All really offered is a mystery and no answers.
I just got on really, on and off
[Sultan Ratrout]
posted more on pesblog and yesterdays installment on notes #5 which sounds dark and yet I think it is optimistic in the end as to what we are as humans and individuals
there may be some explanations for what I observed, but it was not embellished, more fact than fiction
... still, relating pain to creativity in your status is a great search for the connections
A heart hacked with a virus never leads to a healthy relationship! is what I now see for your status
[Sultan Ratrout]
yeah do u like this current status/
to post- of course- and that one of my themes too in the note- how we deal with fate even knowing we have to go thru it forewarned
[Sultan Ratrout]
great insight
the creative soul seems to overcome the pain and the pain of looking back, and the absurdity of suffering that still touches us as we recall how things were
we simply have to learn from suffering or it impedes our creativity and leaves us in a dull and pointless place- where it is hard to be aware- and yes to deeply feel and appreciate those we take fore granted in our innocence
... I suppose it is not what we say but how we say it and who can benefit and understand it
Do you think most people transcend it all in the end or that most are lost?
What seems lost may not be so or seen so one day
[Sultan Ratrout]
to me i transcend it
perhaps, we all do
perhaps, it can be too late for some things
[Sultan Ratrout]
and that brings us back to the most noble profession of teaching :-):-)
[Sultan Ratrout]
yep you are right ;);)
I read on new scientist that sleep can make depression worse contrary to the usual belief- lack of sleep can make us happier and healthier
[Sultan Ratrout]
thats right
because depressed guys like to escape from reality
News today says that there is an epidemic of teens who imagine they are deeply depressed and more suicides than usual
[Sultan Ratrout]
some days more sleep clears my head
but then my dreams are less creative!
[Sultan Ratrout]
really, but who knows what to believe anymore on the news
social support helps us too, during the Berlin airlift that isolated city had more suicides
when the economy is down, or after a war there are more
[Sultan Ratrout]
brb plz
one suggested reason we do not survive the flu epidemic ( even measles was survivable when the west coast indians cared for the sick) is that otherwise healthy people in the prime over react to inflammation. (one of the recent science articles)
ooos brb ok
---- funny stuff (all by me- interesting comment)
(you know, Sultan, some of the things I say do not seem like deep insights) I did think my note story post might not be well received for in your term "too great" perhaps too intense for writing- and yes I though the them may be too depressing to the reader if they read it wrong. But I did get comments even not tagging-
brb also
L. Edgar Otto And reaching the top of such a mountain we find we can have wings.
Sultan Ratrout thanks all for liking this status
otto, your comment is impressive
Löwe Al-jundi i dont think so!!!
burning place gives nothing except dark smoke!!!
loooooooooool what a comment on my status
see thsi guys comment i dont think so!!!
burning place gives nothing except dark smoke!!!
hehe some see a volcano- obviously a place to sacrifice our virginity :-):-)
[Sultan Ratrout]
speaking of volcanoes!
that is where a lot of this started- that and a vision here and there- Hira for example
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Some interesting science daily links- I think these have promise and I get the feeling I am reading hard science. The cosmological thing never computed my data for some reason.
This merging of photos reminds me of the Pear Inc. software that seemed to be influenced by some sort of mental voodoo as to what picture the merger resolved to. So, are we to keep in mind such possible mental views?
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