Lampions II : Music of the Multiverse
Before I begin I note that both Lubos and Matti Pitkanen have interesting articles worthy of my comment. I will be back shortly. The Lampions for today will be most general and were not inspired from reading nor dreams, at least directly. These are abstract or even metaphysical observations and questions that seem to me in the background of our debates. Does the cosmology determine the physics or the physics of say particles the cosmology- I have a view of both and from a philosophical viewpoint call it dork-stork space to answer some general questions. (forgive the terminology I use for now, the stork part come from Conway's birthing order from the Null. We simply have to come to grips with the general application of what in our day are digital and analog considerations applied to many sides of an issue.
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Lampion 12-20-10A
The Law of Omnium - (Potential) Infinity x zero = One. Or any unity has finite and infinite aspects. This core inductive law once considered too metaphysical a basis for the calculus.
Lampion 12-20-10B
Null is in some sense identical to Infinity; one in some sense is identical to one; zero to one likewise identical to infinity to one.
Lampion 12-20-10C
Zero and a successor is a direction (dork dimension) for counting, when it is absolute zero (ultimate infinite omega) this is the principle of abstraction which may in some contexts be considered in both mental and physical senses, a metaphysical
principle. In the deeper abstraction of null as a void (double zero) the hyper-surreal calculus may see even the transcendentals and transfinites as rational.
Lampion 12-20-10D The dorkiness or storkiness of some general space may interchange the curves or flatness of geometries before and after unity to some remote direction, as well interchange the sense of what is continuous or discrete.
Lampion 12-20-10E When unity is equivalent to unity there exists a difference between a singularity and the classical shell of some spatial region or matter complex in which we can distinguish different quasi-fundamental new "forces". This structure applies both dorkily and storkily to a general dorkstork space.
Lampion 12-20-10F In dork space each point can be a naked singularity at any point in the space and time continua. On such a point (Conway) we can erect a whole linear continuum)
Lampion 12-20-10G In stork space we can have a fractal like recursive and iterative abstract space (my quasic space) which varies the scale both linearly and non-linearly where the uniqueness of the universe is intelligible by dimensionless constants in measure and dimension free topologies in general.
Lampion 12-20-10H Such a quasicontinuum organization of space, real and abstract, is hyper-recondite (that is based on the different powers of two in some state region or scale, recondite systems theory named after Fermats remark on the lowest level of these numeber theoretical mysteries)
Lampion 12-20-10I I can imagine two points or singularities in such a space or spaces wherein we can measure the distance between them (the symbol being a script Q^n and as there is no essential difference in the oddness and evenness of dimensionless structures -Q^n or iQ^n are conceivable too.
Lampion 12-20-10J In hyper-recondite numbers we can adjust the measure of quasic pixel regions in bits to interpretations as if 5/2 or 2and1/2 "wobble hypothesis" codon bases.
Lampion 12-20-10K Q^n also applies to states of mind, especially over time- for example the recent data that suggests in older people there is more emotional sensitivity to others.
While we debate our emotional stances on if the universe can be determined by an overriding cosmology down or some sort theory up (Lampion 12-20-10L Without proper contexts of distinguishing the abstract shape or structure of the physics system any theory that precludes a top down or bottom up stance will not be logical, as most likely both ideas apply within a unified system.)
Lampion II Commentary and Origin of these thoughts:
As in the illustration above- if the universe can be reduced to a total randomness in its ultimate physics and space- how do we explain fundamentally and directly the fact that there does seem to be structural restraints- that is that in a world of widest variations of dorkstork space- how, beyond ideas of decoherence, do we explain the observed complexity in the world- in fact that between the remote universals and existential we experience a total centering with variability that seems to persist and only obeys laws mostly somewhere between totally free and totally determined?
You Were No Angel (Sleepy and Bluegrass on the Radio at Night)
I go to at the open mike at the mouse trap bar. I am in the agreed box from where the band stands to give us the music and the lights to which the people drink and dance and sing along. They start with Silent Night- a song so familiar the musician in me can see the errors and appreciate their trying the song, see the differences in the styles of say the woodwind harmonica and the percussion against the body of the electric base- how each individual in this play works his individual path and style.
But I am struck by the mandolin player. All of reality comes down to an atom in one of its strings. All the city around me, all the people I've known, over time too as the masseuse I knew once in the coffee shop now has short hair and a new beau that looks angry at me while she says hello. For awhile my vision is blurred as the strings are double strings and they resonate in a duet with each other, love bigger than both of them.
I do not know how it will turn out- but each point in time and each life to which things can be described so complexly, so wastefully it seems of nature and her reproductions, so uncanny that we can take the time to dream, to play, to hope that what we do has at least a purpose for today- or drunk try to enjoy it while the music plays.
Somewhere the music jumps between the memories of my mind. I am a child on US 1 going to Miami. The AM radio makes its cacophony of bells and whistles, dots and dashes, squeals and squeaks. My Dad tunes the channel after one fades away while we went under the bridge. He is looking for country music but finds Blue Grass. He says he cannot stand it but I find it refreshing to the tears in the bottom falling out of the beer glass of his life of blues and cheating hearts. And for a brief few moments I hear the mandolin- and the same atom of metal I hear now- somewhere still resonating with the few persisting and half life of the carbon atoms we are now and still are if we can only grasp it- then.
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comment on Matti's blog post today:
Ulla, I would like to see those diagrams.
We have not really talked theory. But around 2003 I did conclude the concept of dark matter and black holes essential for understanding some aspects of biology. In some ways string theory applies too. I was meditating for hours at night in hopes to help a friend with brain cancer.
I am not sure there is a need for a space to be seen as non-linear nor that the quantum theory is the best level to understand such things.
I have not understood your multi-sheeted geometry in a picture- are these embedded in each other or float around generally in some sort of biological field? I mean of course we can describe it one way as magnetic (but what are dark photons but still a metaphor?)
And perhaps Matti will address further remarks here: (Ulla spam me any time!)
I wonder if this is simply n-ply Riemann regions with complex jumps? I mean there has to be more, especially in a pure 4x4 topological space- I am not sure even as infinite dimensional spinor like geometry the physics of this is so close to the general system of things- is this not a membrane like idea also? Again, what limits the dimensions to low levels? What really determines the interval of lifetimes and could this not still exist in a dimensionless and measureless flatland of general geometries. Are we discussing quasics after all? Do we really understand the idea of dark matter? What of the light a 1000 time dimmer the ATP puts out? How do we address someone who would claim this sounds like Kyrillian photography? And why cannot the geniuses around us see how these ideas relate to biology (including those biological aspects of conscious?)
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If we accept separating the imaginary and real parts of some equations- then of course we can conclude that black holes have the properties as if thermodynamic heat transfer objects.
Are you saying that black holes have a certain higher or hidden mass than we can observe at the Planck scale?
If our hearts are not in this universe and we should leave it- are you saying that perhaps there is a multiverse after all
maybe one less conservative and in the creation of god fer sure atoms we have to explain it by finding a hotter place. :-)
The Pe Sla
Well, it was a long and informative article but I found little new in it that backed up the claims. If string theory as the only reality and game in town somehow is shown out of experimental reach or forever so- the philosopher in me must ask why this is the case of things. Clearly, even in current science theories something very fundamental is missing.
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Today's facebook status:
Each of us has a center naked singularity in space and time and the distance between us fixed and free- as objects in the here and now the void vanishes its hidden creation energy with which we dream.
... So, Lubos, what really stops the mini black holes or even the Higgs from in a sense vanishing in the phenomenal world? Why in theory can it not be emptied? Perhaps we confuse the empty and filled vacua- as perhaps nature herself does.
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And a final note to Ulla today:
The water drop is a most excellent illustration for the general trend of your blog.
The geometric view we skirt around in many ways can act as if broken super symmetries and hidden higher dimensions.
Matti has always replied and posted my meager questions. I wonder if all of us hope for a new era of theory after all? (Evidently even Lubos)
I wish we all were younger. I am impressed that perhaps the future of Physics is in Finland after all :-)
Let us not regret living in interesting times- not that long ago DNA and photosynthesis I recall were mysteries.
Quantum is just a term really, eternity in an instant, none of us needs to throw out the Cheshire quantum cat with the Dark waters.
We are what we are, something like a superconductive, supercomputer, super-collider at room temperature with some sense of life measured in barns and barney- I am sure those who come after us will wonder and admire our brains- in these matters our children's futures are very bright.
Thanks for the blog.
The PeSla
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From one of the blogs I follow they pointed this out:
which searched books from 1800 to 2000 to find some words.
I tried it for:
solid geometry
metaphysics and
solid geometry
quantum mechanics
Now, clearly when the abstract concept octonion was high the publication and interest in metaphysics and solid geometry was low (in fact not taught by the universities for awhile- I should have tried linguistics too)
and interestingly at the hight of solid geometry both relativity and the quantum theory was in a valley low- also the word uranium was more prevelant over the abstract (that chart not posted). But these charts are new to me and I know you can have multiple words on the same chart.
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Ah, you don't know what you say :) I can be very hard and keep you busy :) It is with great struggle with myself I can keep that low pace.
ReplyDeleteSaw you did meditation over a cancer. Warning, you can speed it up if you give it energy. Deplete it of everything in your thoughts. (Remember the Matti- medicine :))
ReplyDeleteI am not clear what the dispute or concern with you and TGD - but we do try to be open and objective for the science's sake. On the other hand today my thoughts were drawn to Buddhist philosophic schools as I recalled reading a passage on whole and parts that may have influenced my first lampion dream here.
So I ask my roommate, a Buddhist, how can something so much a philosophy and what seems more of a science these days as something we treat as if a religion?
He says the Dali Lama spoke at the university and said science and faith are not incompatable.
And that in the philosophy he called it the "science" of mind.
How can we not include consciousness in some aspect of a theory of everything? How can we ignore ideas of the Qi or seemingly life force and say it is not science?
The Buddhist tenets certainly seem close to quantum physics- btw your advice on meditation upon cancer: In the contemplation of emptiness we become a "superior" philosopher- and that 500 years or so before the Christ.
The PeSla
Science and faith are not incompatible, but this is something only wise people understand. To understand that we must debunk God from his throne made of ignorant humans, and let him live among us in our everyday life :)
ReplyDeleteScience as religion is a dead thought, because science look for errors, and tries to falsify things. It has only temporarily showed its face.
Consciousness is something very essential, but usually we think of it as something that arise in the mind. We don't realize consciousness is there always, as an 'inherent information' of everything. We usually mess up with awareness, that really arise in the minds. And intelligence that is the most compressed (decoherenced) and the least conscious thing, more like a distillate, a very small part of the whole.
What is emptiness? My guess - present time. All the burdens will fall and our minds are clear and free.
On quantum physics and buddhism:
ReplyDeleteBohm’s Implicate Order, Wheeler’s Participatory Universe, Stapp’s
Mindful Universe, Zurek’s Quantum Darwinism and the Buddhist
Mind-Only Ground Consciousness
Graham Smetham 1048-1069
ReplyDeleteThank you for the references.
Especially the well written article by Pitkanen as at last I can see into his system and followed it in almost total agreement until the last few parts I do not know enough about.
Our systems are very close, a matter of terms. In my posts however I am not necessarily talking about consciousness as quantum theory per se- but as Matti does hints at new physics.
Let us discuss these things if you want in a separate section I will now post as:
TGD Dialogs as there was so much to comment on while reading the article.
Maybe after the holidays.
The PeSla
His article will be my X-mas gift :) As a housewife I have no time now, busy, busy, busy...
ReplyDeleteTomorrow I will cook and spend time with my grandchildren. And I got a flu, yesterday I was in fewer. Sick!
I don't know what you want me to do? Comment your comments or the article? I feel you pick in too much philosophy I don't know so much about. And I cannot say I really know everything he writes of :)
I got another X-mas gift too, from a very clever young man, but it is for review only. Interesting.
Merry Christmas to you.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what we should do- maybe when I put up art blogs or science forums or something- anything to have a free but careful enquiry.
The area TGD addresses has to be addressed but it is not on the vague philosophic level of some things I address. That work has to be done and why are established physicists so against it? Matti's contribution should be promoted.
You post on methylation (a concern of mine since 93 or so) shows your careful work and study. If nothing else keep in touch and feel free to say anything if you see my errors.
I have not claimed I have an education or degrees for whatever reason- but get better for in the game of life in the real world beyond the PhD of motherhood- you have several advanced degrees in progress.
If nothing else Christmas is for the kids :-)
The Pesla to you and yours!
Why are established physicists so against TGD, is a question I have asked too, and when I have asked others I usually get no answers. I guess it is an old custom only. One big stumblestone seems to be the hierarchy of Planck constants, but also his consciousness- and biological parts are not common. Still we cannot assume we already knows everything worth knowing, and the consciousness and biology are an absolute requirement for a TOE, and also the ones leading us on the right paths. Living matter is REAL, for God's sake.
ReplyDeleteI try very much to promote TGD, in my own way. But Matti himself dislike metaphysical contexts, and although I would like to see more of it, I try to follow his will. But I can draw an analogy, because ordinary people still 'understand' the metaphysics better than real physics. On these terms I can collaborate, but I will not collaborate in making his theory to a metaphysical mess.
My question was not about any educational level. Only if you belonged to the group of people thinking they doesn't have to read books to learn facts. All knowledge is there for free, and you only have to access it in your subconsciousness. Be aware that the window can be narrow, and the extracted knowledge depends very much on yourself. I thought of as instance the famous Mr. Leadbeater.
Let me look at it and I'll see what I can do. Afterall it is time to kick 'the boy' in the ass, out into the world.
There are others promoting TGD too, as instance Mark Williams, www.stealthskater.com and Lian Sidorovs www.emergentmind.org/, what has meant much for Matti.
About Lubos; I think he would sell his own mother if it could be beneficial in some ways. He is highly partial (in favour of MSSM). He don't like me, of course :)/Ulla.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure how this works on blogspot- can we continue replies here indefinitely?
Perhaps let us go to a blog post Dialog with Ulla, to break it up a bit. (or we could sort it thru e-mail or something like that)
I reply further there to this comment.
The PeSla