Algebraic Nuclear Physics L. Edgar Otto Earth Day April 20, 2010
The inspiration for this general idea posted today from some years back and from an evolutionary perspective, was the concept that plants develop flowers and other observations of design in nature. The egg in general for birds and reptiles; things with yokes; and mammal's that keep their young within while gestation. Of course the nucleus of a cell itself. This general shape I styled Odo or Odocell which because it has come to be generally known from Startrek as the shape shifter a more physics treatment would be hard to sort out from references on the internet. Of course stars and planets have onion like cores and our models of an atom are long known to have a nucleus.
From and algebraic sense of group theories and combinatorial considerations, the description of an atomic nucleus proposed here is a throw back to the nucleon as having a parton structure rather than just a quark formalism. The organic cell nucleus and the expression of the genome also in part represent a combinatorial throw back to say the inherent five fold ennumeration of codons in Gammow's speculation which in a sense is a dual or inverse of today's model and is more of an applied geometric- albeit abstract- and even non-linear morphogenesis like field.
Why are there nuclei in the first place and why in "four dimensional" matter can we imagine in three space, see it as nature seems to, a volume centered tesseract cube within a cube?
My intuition was the limit of atomic number Z=120 elements for the electron configuration and thus for the nucleus there should be the 600 cell polytope dual involved some way with the isotopes as part of this "Great Grand" symmetry (to use Conway's terminology). Such enumeration I feel goes a long way to explain what mass as such is- certainly Rowlands identification of it with charge seems correct.
Clearly the spinor-tensor matrix notations do describe some of the generation question especially the shifting between them of particles. When we consider the electromagnetic only, the comprehensive group is eight dimensional, octonians. But for the nucleus we need the tripling of this into the 24 dimensions (that is the 24 cell of group 1152) for the nine natural dimensions of which we see only three, virtually and logically, all present with motion rules of degrees of freedom. We could develop an algebra of greater symmetry not to be confused with lesser "super" symmetries, based on the roots of zero or one with a little wider and unexpected generalization.
If 240 + 8 (time-like dimensions) is the group involved maximally and as quaternion then there is more than the 480 ways to describe string theories involved. Another 120 will equal the 600 and even here five foldness can be extended 5! to 6! .
There can follow interpretative analogs to the physicality suggested by quantum quaternion physics - each generation of its own "filled vacuum" may be reduced to a privileged three sphere with its symmetry and conservation laws. This is also true of the expression and reading of arbitrarily privileged organic structures in the gene code when life reaches the inevitable threshold and dialectics of information handling in such spaces that more than simple physical properties may decohere and yet globally emerge.
Clearly the idea on such levels of symmetry breaking is a little more complicated than currently envisioned and when we consider that duality of projection between lines and circles, chirality in general, more is going on than meets the eye. Also, beyond four dimensions in an integrated intelligible universe we might imagine natural dimensional structures not so restricted nor irregular in the design nor as isolated real or virtual thermodynamically as our several systems and mathematics applied prove in their systems the case. The role of stars and black holes as the source or sink of things and beyond that relationship are parallel ideas that drive the entropy and creation of the universe extensive with its laws of physics.
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Last night outside looking at the city lights like stars I thought of the theme of the above post- here I would place W's picture of Chicago if I had the permission but it more or less put the tall buildings (I saw when there last month) in a globe that reminded me of an event horizon with part of the picture outside of that. I also came close to a good poem based on it and these physics thoughts called City Light Event Horizons:
City Light Event Horizon
That same old paradox
why the starlight is not blinding
as it fills the night, space contained
I gaze toward the city lights
a lone candle in the cabin's window
deep in the darksome forest, blind
Does it matter, so alien the fixed and moving
beacons, lampposts and constellations
solid or broken reflections on the wavy river?
The well lit empty hallways do not protect from crime
darkness and my curtains drawn more safe in sleep
the lights a solid wall, strangers to outsiders
We merged our darkness long before our light
Love paints the sky by the checky numbers, we chalk and color box.
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While the inductive statistical approach is useful and part of the picture, and a beautiful picture it is the balance of forces in the standard model or the world held together against gravity by its electric forces and so on, in terms of the understanding of thermodynamics when certain experts claim they work a measure of ignorance perhaps their job is a measure of their ignorance of foundational physics as arrogance seems to assert and thus confirm by the claim against the wisdom of equals and others. This to some extent is true for how we see the dynamics of living things. Linford!
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