Ottonian Synergetic Structural Arts L. Otto April 2, 2010
This morning on the porch in the spring breeze with the geese mating my thoughts turned to that of practical construction. I am wondering after seeing my sons project at his school in the detail of traditional building that an old general principle I used for easily assembled tables for candle fair displays, and also for connection toys, clothes lines, and green houses. But the construction is conceptual in the sense of what we may expect from dimensions and their idea of movement even on the micro scale even if these are in the background of our right angled world. Oddly, ready to post this after todays illustration I find some interesting ideas in the Chyduk blogspot I follow synchronously using similiar concepts. In some ways the ideas of space are only in the background of what materials and arrangement we use- a sort of idealized geometry wherein we can take irregular branches of trees and upon the ideal model make say, a tee-pee.
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rrushian Strings and Synessence L. Otto April 2, 2010
The science chat forum had a debate on non-conservation of parity for the stong force which as a fundamental philosophic principle has been my position all along as a model. In the philosophy chat forum the metaphysics of rrushius seems to apply as a model much along the lines of sting theory and quantum theory especially if we consider such things as does Hawking of finite real space and infinite imaginary time. Interestingly, insofaras I have considered these things for a modeling of our psychology the machine as newscientist mentions drew a picture of Hawkings- yet I cannot see this addresses the question of those art forms where humans do it- or cannot after some critical age- I mean some humans capture form and motion already by such conceptual methods.
Drawing on the the cave wall, the perceptual shell that limits if not bounds our idea of a centered self and mind, like the little tetrahedra structures discussed above these linear things can unfold into a higher space representation. Initially I thought this teleoscoping principle could be done linearly with the contained information and in some ways it can although the plane and successive states seems to work well, the plane being n-dimensional and more. Perhaps the gravity of this is a principle that it cannot be done without loops in the information that on one hand in the string theory suggests gravity and on the other hand some difference of mass.
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