Zebra (Zbra) or Piano (pi-ano) Dice
But lets get back to a little more theory and science instead of politics. The chat rooms and blogs are after all subject to rants of personal encounters where we are not as mechanical as the internet when knowing has to have an essential emotional element.
Last night I looked at my zebra dice again but without the reference manuscript from when I made them. In fact, it has been another 4 years after ten years of not accessing my manuscripts in storage and 5000 forum pages later and this blog. So instead of the way I derived them in binary I will just give the gist of the colloquial sketches here which tends to show the principles involved, including how this may relate to our vague notions of dimensions and generalizations of string like theories in relation to particle generations. Here I am just describing a variation on translations and rotations of the 48 square surfaces of the 8 cubes in a four dimensional hypercube but the theory can go to higher dimensions.
We are so earthbound in our view of higher spaces and cling to them, as Lubos points out, near the lower dimensions and generations.
In the structures in nature that transfer energy, the feathers and trees and discs and spheres and spirals and helices, the warps are not clear- we should take literally somewhere the Riemann spirals on a disc- that is, we should expect in a vortex based on differences of electricity and heat not only the tornado but the quasic fact it is composed of smaller internal tornadoes. This is not just a matter
of complex space formalism as a basis of heat transfer. Nor as henriette had concerns on the sciencechatforum about the boundaries of what some asked was just a question of contour calculus- these have a quasic as well as fractal aspect much along the lines of drops of ink in clear water that reaching turbulence or chaos breaks down into smaller tori.
The inside and outside of the "flanged" aspect of a quasic space is after all like the brain and the other brain of glia cells for there are two ways to view space as natural and as quasic- seven and one is the model of this fourspace hypercuble and if there are virtual particles these may but do not only exist from some beginning or center or aspect of time in the remote past or future, but are creatively present in the now. It is not enough to suggest space and violations of the various symmetries CPT and so on is the origin of our reality over the nothingness for it does not answer yet if ever the reason for our being- no statistics can. That can only go to the beginning as a principle that organizes our stance against an Intelligent Designer concept anymore than design itself ultimately.
We are not sure even of the energy or the entropy seeking virtual particles as real philosophically, these may not be shadows in the twists and turns and rotations much as a tornado in the space looking inward that like a tree that falls in the forest and no one there to hear it we cannot measure the F strength of tornadoes if it has not left physical evidence- not accurately, anyway. Perhaps, and I am not sure of this, we have to generalize the div and curl aspects to include quasic ideas.
Flangelation is after all a subtle way to see the shadows in normal and not autistic space of which ideas of compactification no matter how elaborate in the application of string theory where we cannot deal with the non-linear world of flatness of particles that are self dual, is but another keeping our feet on the bottom at a seashore before we dare to swim- that or get caught in the rip currents.
The differentiation and organization of our minds, also full of higher dimensional shadows, the base or not of calculating such as 60 or so, needs not be so fixed as to organize itself in rigid global models although as with shadows and vacua we can have diverse spaces that describe diverse views of a theory applied to perception and our minds.
As far as a fourth generation (that is a quasic view of what such generations are) we may say that even if there are in theory n-generations- these are properties of the quasic algebra and deeper reason not just a description of the why of three space. Our minds are relativistic, quantum, and quasic in design unto its genes. It is conceivable that a so called fourth or fifth generation particle exists in a sense that it is the extension (even more paranormal like beyond its isolation or entanglement with other spaces and particles) only as a background covering of what may be contained within it- and it is also intelligible in the mathematics and labeling. In any case it is a simple matter to extend the quasic theories and these dice into n-dimensions but apparently we need a little more to pin down how this alternative theory deals with ideas such as mass value and gravity on a more fundamental level.
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Later today: I got a nice reply from Lubos (see my last post)
and I want to make it clear the reason I am looking at the zbra dice again is to try to express the relation to the idea of particle generations apparently embedded in higher natural dimensions. I offer as a conceptual exercise the expressing of zbra dice generalized to the next level of dimensions, say, find the analog where other subcell components are contiguous and how many is in that group (how many dimensions would be the equivalent dynamical space with such translations.) The face so to speak would have three general forms rotated as the two in the accompanying illustration in four space. I may look at this some more and post something on it. It must involve octonians in sixteen dimensions I imagine and maybe the 384 hypercube rotations become intelligible there in the 4098 cells- then again maybe we need a sort of quasic volume representation or relationship. But it is more complicated than at first meets the eye- the third generation natural quasic dimension would be only 8 dimensional? If there are particles along these lines they are certainly a lot stranger than we imagine with supersymmetry string theories- thus these concepts as abstract as they are are exciting and treat generations as more complicated than some large number of them in string possibilities.
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Much Later as the coffee shop is closing:

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