Walking Through Time
The last few days there has really been nothing deep on my mind in physics. It is as if reaching a certain level of understanding the physics as well as the philosophy comes to a halt. But this can be rather like the calm before a storm or being in the eye of a moving hurricane. I finished the book The Drift Fence by Zane Gray and begin even more of this exercise in reading for writing from books checked out of the library. It is too bad I have long ago grown out of that library in relation to the books available there. I find it interesting also that to the extent I have thought deeply as much as I have done the last few years as when I was a longtime member of the philosophy dalnet channel and SOP (now those channels around the sciencechatforum have me banned for over a year without explanation nor appeal) that this does change my understanding and relationship to my fellow man and certainly the social needs such as where we all fit in together growing or finding our pair bonding.
So in the back of my mind, perhaps the frontier of my abilities, I think I might take on the general idea of time as to how it applies to the greater schemes of things. By this I do not mean our trivial ideas of the calculus of motion and change. But after the few articles that have come out recently, including one today cited by Lubos on the reference frame blog and his last one commenting on the super ordinals from an article on new scientist- that and the generalization of my last post, indeed, what sort of idea would a particle been that has the view of inflation theory in the extreme? What is the infinite symmetry to perhaps appropriate a phrase and misuse it for something that restrains the excesses of string theory even if it is less general than those theories and ideas of space unified at 32, be it high or low energy physics in relation to those theories?
Yet on the higher level of grasping some issue I find myself seeing others more clearly and indeed almost intuitively their own lives- that is I am not afraid of some people I once was who were designated mentally ill or convicts- for I have seen where these are sometimes political things. Yes the world is a scary place sometimes and often times and it does not make sense even in some bonds of love over a certain interval and so on... But if I do not match some lover any more because they feel more shut in or socially feel unequal or defective it is not my fault that they are single for they have not learned their worth and the precious bettering of their bodies and soul. One does not have to give up love - although that can be a distraction- to breakthrough and find something new in the experience and structure of this world. Nor does one have to vote for people and laws which from the eyes of understanding the issues it is no longer confusing but a bottleneck of stupidity for both. If we surpass the present state of things it does not mean we shall find emptiness, nor some vague idea of self that submits to the power of will- nor of the self that finds itself in sacrifice to others. This sort of religious idea goes way beyond the quaint religions of our day. And if we enlighten the believers we do so at the peril of those who bend us to the general will and not the depth and beauty and goodness of our God given souls.
The state of the world cannot long endure as it is- socially or technically- yet it is doubtful we can meaningfully shore up our evolution and be aware of it to make much of a difference for the future. To deny our children the widest climate of enquiry is to undermine what we are and what prospects and achievements we have inherited.
Let you who want to bring up the past or keep the present model imposed or balanced with others in the state of the world to become the new order, know the futility of it, that is if you awaken long enough to know it. Fear not to surpass what you know for that is the beginning of a concrete awakening, not the sacrifice of your life and soul. In all the complexity of our paths in time, where time matters here in the mundane and simple dust, we are jugglers who can be adroit in the motions, in time, and yet we need not stumble or miss a heartbeat of what endures as well as changes- of what is driven with passion as much as our doldrums of boredom and saturation. Let us not discover x-rays of our souls when standing up and assume there is an error if we do not understand the gravity of the situation.
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Later this day:
An interesting article on sciencechatforum suggests the handedness of organic molecules on earth were caused by the effects on nitrogen in supernovas. It seems then that we come closer to the intelligent design creation field concept of Fred Hoyle that the origin of life is extra-terrestrial, (see his Andromeda strain fiction). I wonder since Nitrogen 14 is also a fusion-able element...? I suppose it is OK in the short range at least, far from the initial conditions and so called centers of time in the big bang and inflation theories, that we strive to build such an elaborate explanation for things by the detailed work of the dust and that reductionist view. Lincoln has a post cautious as ever questioning the idea of multidimensions and explicitly stating the micro leads to the micro. I myself agree with Witten (through Lubos of the reference frame blogspot) that ideas like gravity in relation to "twistor" theory of Penrose are important and very useful although I do not find the bottom up structure of things very useful or the full picture even if some on sciencechatforum hold Penrose in low regard as theoretician. Then again what were we looking for if upon a deeper understanding of the philosophy of science the work we have done seems to vanish in its galaxy exploding brief nova light? I mean here just beyond the checky shores what more can we say about the ocean unless deep down the illusion or dream of that first explosion set our chiral properties?
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Oh, there are still so many places to learn things, find new things, and even with a bird's-eye view become alert and aware to their significance. Ramsey theory... and that restraint in the topology of nature upon which into infinity we may still touch the bottom before we learn to swim- or before the rip tides take us in panic out further to the sea.
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