Friday, October 15, 2010

INSEI: Is this Language Project Possible?

INSEI: Is this Language Project Possible?


[before posting my thoughts this morning and last night part of them came up in dialog with Sultan Ratrout]

plz check my post on religion :)

took a minute to kick in


windows does not seem to get along with facebook on this computer


first impression is that this is a sort of language with high order logic (well it is computer program based) and some sort of super-verbs

before we move, I saved a conv from #philosophy on dalnet
wait plz i want to ask u about something


@The_Oracle> Topic: How does philosophy differ from science?
science make real progress to our understanding of stuff, philosophy doesnt
that was an easy one
i wanan sk about this
On the quantum level, even, you can't really distinguish philosophy and science. <---what does this mean plz
iam not sure i have got it well

I think it is more of a Buddhist thing- a philosophy or science to answer the excesses of Hindu heap of philosophy and religion
to see the universe as Poe as a sort of general model which deep down represents a quantum flux of uncertainty yet is deterministic and evolving
... so the question is what was on my mind this morning and a little while last night- of which I was going to post forth segment INSEI- that is the claims of reductionism independent from vague ideas like emotions and faith
INSEI *k Is a unique auxillary language possible?

To be honest the degree of possibility is low
due to the factors taht we discussed earlier
i liked to share this with u
plz reade Sekharpal's reply

10:16am conclusion is that there is already such a possibility but it is in the form of our mechanisms of organic chemistry thus how we think independently or not also

this is how Muslim theologists debate
yes, its complicated ,a complicated thing

very very complicated- and yes, even Hawking has to cope with it. But, that things can come or appear to come from nothingness is really not a problem from the Creationist view- be that one of religious or scientific models
how they debate?

in the same way
read his reply

In the article "First, we are reminded of the theory of evolution. We have no difficulty in reconciling our belief in God as creator with evolution in which myriads of tiny chances, inevitably filtered by fitness to survive, develop into higher forms of life."

tow superbeings cant exist

for me is not a very good question- or a rather simple one.
two may exist at one point perhaps- the good and the evil aspects of a model

ok but those are humans
a superbeing differs
if a superbeing is like us then why not see him
if he is like us then he will be limited in terms of itme and space
if x isnt in or outside the space, then its not a nomral being

You see, "The drive of Hawking’s approach is that the theory, or rather the family of theories, he espouses leads to the possibility of 10 to the power of 500 different universes (try that on your calculator and watch it explode). Thus the extraordinary fine-tuning required for a universe " is a very small part of physics and not that narrow- the theory needs philosophy to free it from its defects.

christians think that christ is god ,this is wrong
how can u be two things at the same time , a superbeing and a human being

some think Buddha is god or we make legends of minor figures

do down plz

so I ask: If Mohammed is a messenger and does not claim to be a god- and messenger is the meaning of angel- Is Mohammed an angel?


acts as a human as an angel? Certainly angels exist?

A humanbeing like a prophet is privileged by producing a miracle
he acts as a human

well, this is theology I guess

if he were a god, he wouldnt have died :)
my friend is a theologist

But linguistically the same logic is a problem
not all christians see Christ as part of a godhead
Jefferson for example, or Unity church, or Jehovas

there is big mind in Jordan, one called saeed foudeh, his major is engineering (architectural)
he is too strong in theology, physics, maths,religion, philosophy and logic
he writes in arabic
his problem is that he doenst write in english

so what is his idea for a new archetecture our understanding of souls?

if he comes to the usa, he will be too famous

My albanian friend speaks of such a one- the link is not near, sorry
again, how do we insure the translations?

give me a 1 min plz

Today I realized any assignment of symbols could be arbritary, cultural and not an intrinsic code or system, a sceientific one. Much like the DNA code is non-degenerate (if I understand that word right). It is just these sorts of string theory that try to explain things in a world where the supernatural is not a needed part of the theory (they think)
But the spirit of such a system merely rides on the system no matter what the nature of the spoken language and symbols.

see this is teh nature of language arbitary cultural

Consciousness perhaps, intelligience perhaps, there is no quantum gravity as such - and language would then be ineffeciently a matter also of inheritence or genetics- thus quantum is acceptible as not "Jew Science" or say the relativities- but in general it is anti- semitic languages
Jew science comes from the Nazi era yet some of the ideas they used in their weapons

yes thats right

Well, I did not set out to post politics nor even think about it although it did come up as a reference from the other blogger. Lubos. It is a very very hard problem. Should I post this


well, setting up pesla now If I can recall the sequence of ideas *k OK Lee Smolin discussed a lot on sciencechatforum
baby universes
anthropic principle being ineffective


Life will arise even if not in the detail. No culture is stable nor language stable for long as they evolve even if not to a totally new direction
But some things again seem permament in the process.

* * *


*k Sometimes it is what happens in the fissures of the fabric of the terain of being that is the important or essential consideration about the unity of physics.
There is no reason, other than by agreement, for us to assign certain signs or sounds in a language model. Indeed, there are vastly more models perhaps than in our narrow ideas of topology and string theories- at least up to a truly one universe as a concept we may state without the greater part a vagueness, ever. If this where not true in our era then life would not have arisen as an independent and non-degernerate model- for in the abstract life also may evolve as possible with this cultural and biological diversity. Here the model if not the content around the skeleton of a reduced physics or mathematics is the expression of a deeper language or code than perhaps what we have discovered in our discovery and evolving of speech and writing.

Thus, just as we can show a natural or evolved human language is easier to learn than an artificial one no mater how effecient or not either is- we may deduce that part of language is this aspect of organic inheritence. In fact, this idea occurs to me after saying to Sultan that I really needed to get down to the nuts and bolts of such a language. In considering this, the cvcvc codes, it occurs to me for those familiar with the arguments of this blog that the "compass of the chain code of the 64 codons acts as if such a language and a string theory of our prefered assignment of the functions of that code as to artistic accentuation or description of context. For example four letter ptsk pvpvp or any such group may be assigned some spatial or other function in human level or chemical language. In one model we have the v being aeio say, in which case 16 symbols (but these can be in an abstract model of 24 or 25 as I first planned for a simple model) Yet, from certain reductionist physics algebras we can see the case would be 44444 or 64 x 16.

The result of these thoughts is that from a language project (one we have to ask if it is possible somehow in this world between the fissures and fabric of space and time and consciousness- of many and the best such project- and not one to fossilize human progress or creativity or knowledge, to restrain but permit the widest freedom and freedom of enquiry) Is that unforeseen I have come again to the physics and chemistry themes of this blog with the side trip into the nature of language.

The Sultan has links in the above dialog where we look at some ideas or operations with the computer languges as a model of things I feel are like super verbs. Certainly our human language is freely high level, vulnerable and not some sort of reductionist and indistinguishible assembly code. I might ask if there are better source codes grounding such languages even if we may not know what it is when we use it. Is it as simple in the vastly complex world of the various connections and reading of the genomes that a word may be the energy and the miRNA and the immunity and so on? Between the freedoms (and degree of freedom and asymptopic freedoms and so on) we come again to the great questions and acid tests of philosophy as to what is free will and what determinism- maybe somewhere in between where pragmatically where we should decide or not to get along think about the foundations toward a draft where for now there are really no necessary realities- paradoxically.

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