Discrete Quasilocality and Natural Dimensions
I just played around with the viral compass idea last night but did not come up with anything significant, as if it was a form of pointless mathematical recreations that seemed to lead nowhere- not anything worth sharing. But in the boredom and since there were no great movies on the television I took a look again at the foundational physics ideas of Rowlands in the early chapters. I agree pretty much with the origin of his nilpotent ideas and things like second quantization is part of the foundations and the shared view that Conway's abstract birthing process is part of the philosophy of physics- and so on. Not that I find points of disagreement as after all we have to make some assertions of connection to how it fits in the world and his goes much further than the debates and theses of many in the field who seem to have clear philosophy but take things with a little skepticism as the natural world seems so messy. Nevertheless such underlying physics of a sort of parametric or holonic, even like quasic, view is that which may ground our real physics say in computation where we imagine such physics the hardware and quantum theory the software. Still, I disagree with Rowlands on the depth of integer numbers even if they are more complicated than the surface structure that meets the eye- in the same way as the cube is not the final structure of what makes its depth, That is the idea of three dimensionality can be seen as a relaxed and very relative foundation that leads to the varieties of Diracian formalism as well that to dimensionality.
The idea some things having only local effects from the continuous view and however we break down the potency may be too narrow a picture. My intuitive principle as an insight that we are in a sea of singularities, and the zero is idempotent in a sense it would be uniformly spread out, its roots as differential operators and so forth, I another way to say we have a deeper ground as nilpotency. Where I differ with Rowlands is that there is a deeper level still, indeed deeper than zero point ideas of the quantum world, as a shifting double zero or null. It follows that where there are flat topological defects at the boundaries, the boundaries are also a sea of everywhere. In a sense in the discrete quasic at least we can have communication between the local and the nonlocal effects, the inside and outside, as a quasi-isolated thus quasilocal phenomena can exist. That we have intrinsic second quantization for me is the fact of the information reduction symmetries of the eight and four dimensions as quaterions into octonians. It is a matter of view also.
What then is there to push against to imagine utilizing the zero point energy when there is no fifth thing around such as mass to push against the nipotency (Rowlands fermion making its own vacuum as that virtually other as not fermion)? In this relaxed world where treatment of dimensionality implies a fifth dimension involved and thus all the five fold ideas visible in the compound Platonic solid shadows- my casual exploring the viral compass suggests we can have an action-reaction, vireal, situation in the reading at least of physical effects of a cosmic code- that is where we find a difference in quasic and cyclic group space. But beyond this is the wisp of an idea that since the combination's may have the same colors it is not clear which dimensionality a give codon is in, that is it can act as if a lower dimension. This would explain a continuous path where a particle can shift into or return to a different virtual generation.
In what I called the Snowplex (that is in my attempt to make a game of my compass thus SNOW,O for the East as in the Netherlands, and that same term for disc in a game called bloopers with eight slots to join making crystal like things and trees) I imagined sometimes in natural dimensional space the quasic cyclic order and the cyclic order can be the same coordinate ambiguously. Now if two such sequences of a compass meet, as if two strands of it as codons, a fundamental decision can be made as to which direction in the separate active time dimension to follow paths. As far as the initial colors in a chain sequence the first of course tends to bunch in a higher frequency per color as if it is indeed the case trivially that nipotency is more fundamental than integer counting, yet this sort of nulpotency thinking is even more trivially fundamental- perhaps vanishing in significance.
If in a sense the null can push against itself (as in some quantum effects of solid helium) this would intrinsically explain the expansion rather than a shrinking or conserved state of the natural dimensional space.
Clearly, if in a sense of a three parton string the partons (quarks) do not know in linear space which is the center one, then in the 2 to the 2 or four formalism we have a wider ambiguity of what is accentuated and privileged as centers of four quarks in a tetrastring or tetra particle. In a sense where there is discrete mass and dimensionality implied as the 3 +1 , 2+2, and 2 to the 2, formalism these can mix in the models and have to be clearly sorted out as to their contributions.
I also vaguely think there are other patterns as for any given selection of 16 codon bases of the 64 that if read as four infomationally on the first level or color half of them will contain things 3+1 or 2+2 and half will not since 8+8= 16 but is this just a trivial result of numbers presupposed in the counting space? I am not quite sure the results of these thoughts and if it means I have just given myself and you something that seems a SNOW job, but then again in the recovery of natural dimensions as a ubiquitous yet familiar view at least the world is explained a little as foundational yet not perfect and crystalline from a quasic view geometrically and messy and rather random like complex- hence the term Snowplex.

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About 9:30 that night I looked at a link on New Scientist concerning miRNA and found this on wikipedia:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_nucleolar_RNA_SNORD73 on snoRNA

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