Quasicity and Primes A search for certainty of topological position along the diagonal vector (also the higher space symmetries of maximum quasication) that at certain layers between the statistical and semi-certain distribution (quite aside from issues of complex ideas of primes and perhaps ideas of a more fixed view of modular numbers for say atomic structure)
Sometimes, in this rather simple first guess as a quasically ordered and computable structure the working with some problem especially with an unclear hope of results as the problem is easy to imagine but exceedingly hard we can find satisfaction in the frustration of the mechanical exploration of listed labeled possibilities- in any case it suggests two things- one my lack of learning having not been told earlier of key concepts needed to make progress as in number theory or the methods and reason for the being of systems of proof- there there may be something to find even in my own areas of exploration, and that further hypotheses on the hinted possibilities more of a philosophic nature may be within empirical reach.
In any case the explorations can at times lead to solid results for other directions in mathematics and are a mental exercise of endurance (although any brute work in number theory in general without results puts me in a restraining and ill mood.) Nevertheless, there is some satisfaction especially for those whose preference for solving puzzles is the act of doing it in itself (not me as I am aware how much such pursuits may cost bound to projects that waste our life.) The negative in science is perhaps not as sweet as positive results.
Interestingly, with the sense of higher symmetry breaking, the physicists are scrambling to explain, by some existing theories like zero point or Feynman diagrams how such evidence lends support to be speculated upon and interpreted and explained. In a sense for a picture quasics simplifies things and gives us a more compact language to see how the algebra and geometry interact in complicated spaces but my casual and overly simple work of last night of which only this morning did it lead to some general speculation on local influences of prime numbers (that is we imagine a formula that may generate them decisively, or at least some of them without a decoherence of some formula or theory- thus my search for the quasic field as calculator.) So, philosophically at least and pointing way beyond this simple choice of labeling certain primes I thought something worthy to post today even if simple and philosophical. There are seemingly limitless things to explore for those who want to dabble with the ideas here- especially if shifts are programmed. Who knows if in the possible universes the primes are fixed values after all? Is there a fundamental theorem of quasic arithmetic and can it be proved with a sense of intelligible certainty? In any case I too feel strongly that in the raw fact of primes existentially we find a powerful idea which many think is important, more so than I feel we may imagine and from both an abstract analogical reductionism and empiricism. Given the clarity of space in the quasic plane and other planes that hint as some prime patterns can any of you dear readers find such a pattern many feel is there deep in the narrow and linear emergence of contained spontaneous irreducibility close to the foundations of physics?

Clearly, the diagonals of this empirical holon division as if tetrahedra (and of course those mirrored of tets embedded in tets whose deeper information and symmetry are more complex than this holonic labeling- in short the cube is not fundamental as a harmonic system but neither is the harmonic system the foundational level either in the formalism we now imagine it. There is even more to chiral symmetry breaking than this first hint of things beyond the standard theory and the emergence and asymmetry of life of which clearly it is not enough to be excited beyond our age that we have found the final theory of reality.
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