Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Koan is the Kaon, Zen and Zeno (part II)

Zen and Zeno (part II)

Philosophy Review  (The Koan is the Kaon)

L. Edgar Otto   22 January, 2013

While we do not necessarily present a monism as mediated by an 'airy" spirit or any unified view of the stances of dualism without such a spirit, a third way is suggested in such ways out or resolution of the philosophy as being or interpretation.  Yet, a generalization as if a unity by a nonnecesity is a stance that in the concrete form allows both cases of space that is the total structure of a given geometry representation in physic or one that depends upon the distinction of matter within space.

In this sense the spirit in the form of nonnecessity (thus its contexts of exceptions) is an abstract mediator that is at once the existental syntax and the semantics.  If we associate the pattern or pictoral nature of the script of chinese and have a good sense of its development with sufficient data, the semantic structure of the language itself is capable of being analysized and applies to a sentient being if they choose to so analyze in the so called Chinese room. 

The uncertainty in equivalent relations defined in different translations of what is the Zeno invariant or interval where beyond the zero point we add the restictions of geometry that takes time or add to it as if action at a distance- in general a suggestion of the three geometries, we find both the action at a distance and the focus to a coordinate the key to the source problem regarding particle or photons and the field (as well as questions of information sinks). But the reality is in the evolving as distinct and a matter of computation of degree, of probabilities in sufficient or necessary representations, half mirrors of not considered or seen unknowns in experience or perception to which our purposes or uses if the development have a span of relavance of which we may decide within a formal theory. This is suspected much more interrelated when we consider the possible worlds beyond our  reasoning as physics in the new idea of the replete realm of dark matter.

In the analysis of the universe as physic, again, in the problems of Zeno where we imagine the resolution as that of limits or constant distances (that question of if we really do understand the foundations of distance in the first place) our ideas may be as limited as the Chinese room thought experiment wherein the unification of the two physics- even if not in terms of the unification of forces to include gravity, preposes from time to time a minimum (or maximum, saddle or so on) idea of minimum distance or as if in a simple classical way by division by c, a minimum duration, when in the spirit of it all it is not necessary that simple nor the simplicity (parsimony) of a theory a foundationally sound principle as scientific method including the vague area where we may questions, as seems done lately, the isotropy of the laws assumed in the universe.

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